blob: e8adebed16acf3b8e14f7e1645434f217651cdce [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.mrql;
import org.apache.mrql.gen.*;
import java.util.*;
/** Optimize a query plan by constructing a query graph and use a greedy
* graph reduction algorithm to construct the query plan.
* More details at:
final public class QueryPlan {
private static Hashtable<String,Tree> repeat_plans;
private final static class SingleQueryPlan {
static Tree[][] predicate; // the join predicate between two nodes
static double[][] selectivity; // the selectivity of the join predicate
static Tree[] plan; // the node plan
static String[] var; // variable name
static BitSet[] variables; // node variables
static BitSet[] depends; // node dependencies
static int[] depth; // min nesting level of the node
static Tree[] pattern; // the pattern tree associated with the node
static double[] size; // node cardinality
static Tree[] filter; // the filter of a leaf dataset
static Tree header; // the header of the root operator
static Trees query_variables;// all query variables
static SymbolTable header_binds; // the query header variables
static HashMap<String,Integer> depths; // variable depths
static boolean no_grouping; // true if we don't nest the operation results
/** generate a fresh variable */
static Tree new_var () { return Translator.new_var(); }
/** true if the query domain is a collection retrieved from a data source */
static boolean persistent_domain ( Tree e, Trees vars ) {
if (contains_variables(e,vars)) // dependent to a persistent collection
return true;
match TypeInference.type_inference2(e) {
case `T(_):
if (Translator.is_persistent_collection(T)) // persistent collection
return true;
return false;
/** true if the query domain is a collection retrieved from a data source */
static boolean persistent_domain ( Tree e ) {
return persistent_domain(e,query_variables);
/** the query bindings at any nesting level */
static Trees all_binds ( Tree e, Trees vars ) {
match e {
case select(`u,from(,where(`p)):
Trees nl = #[];
Trees vs = vars;
for ( Tree b: bl )
match b {
case bind(`v,`d):
nl = nl.append(all_binds(b,vs));
if (persistent_domain(d,vs)) {
vs = vs.append(v);
nl = nl.append(b);
return nl.append(all_binds(p,vs)).append(all_binds(u,vs));
case `f(
Trees bl = #[];
for ( Tree a: al )
bl = bl.append(all_binds(a,vars));
return bl;
return #[];
static int var_index ( String name ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < var.length; i++ )
if (name.equals(var[i]))
return i;
return -1;
static void find_dependencies ( int i, Tree e ) {
match e {
case `f(
for (Tree a: al)
case `v:
if (!v.is_variable())
String nm = ((VariableLeaf)v).value();
int j = var_index(nm);
if (j >= 0)
static int find_var ( Tree e ) {
match e {
case `f(
int i = -1;
for (Tree a: al) {
int j = find_var(a);
if (j == -2)
return j;
else if (j >= 0)
if (i >= 0 && i != j)
i = -2;
else i = j;
return i;
case `v:
if (!v.is_variable())
String nm = ((VariableLeaf)v).value();
return var_index(nm);
return -1;
static boolean has_select ( Tree e ) {
match e {
case select(...):
return true;
case `f(
for (Tree a: al)
if (has_select(a))
return true;
return false;
static boolean contains_variables ( Tree e, Trees vars ) {
match e {
case `f(
for (Tree a: al)
if (contains_variables(a,vars))
return true;
case _:
if (vars.member(e))
return true;
return false;
static Trees union ( Trees xs, Trees ys ) {
Trees s = xs;
for (Tree y: ys)
if (!s.member(y))
s = s.append(y);
return s;
static Trees difference ( Trees xs, Trees ys ) {
Trees s = #[];
for (Tree x: xs)
if (!ys.member(x))
s = s.append(x);
return s;
static Tree prime_expr ( Trees vars, Tree e ) {
match e {
case lambda(`p,`b):
return #<lambda(`p,`(prime_expr(difference(vars,pattern_variables(p)),b)))>;
case `f(
Trees s = #[];
for (Tree a: al)
s = s.append(prime_expr(vars,a));
return #<`f(...s)>;
case `v:
if (v.is_variable())
if (vars.member(v))
return new VariableLeaf(((VariableLeaf)v).value()+"'");
return e;
static Trees pattern_variables ( Tree pat ) {
match pat {
case `f(
Trees s = #[];
for (Tree a: al)
s = s.append(pattern_variables(a));
return s;
case `v:
if (v.is_variable())
return #[`v];
return #[];
static Tree prime ( Tree pat, Tree e ) {
return prime_expr(pattern_variables(pat),e);
static Tree subst_expr ( Tree var, Tree value, Tree e ) {
match e {
case lambda(`p,`b):
if (pattern_variables(p).member(var))
return e;
else return #<lambda(`p,`(subst_expr(var,value,b)))>;
case `f(
Trees s = #[];
for (Tree a: al)
s = s.append(subst_expr(var,value,a));
return #<`f(...s)>;
case `v:
if (v.is_variable())
if (v.equals(var))
return value;
return e;
static Tree and ( Tree x, Tree y ) {
if (x.equals(#<true>))
return y;
else if (y.equals(#<true>))
return x;
else return #<call(and,`x,`y)>;
static Tree find_predicates ( Tree e, Trees exclude_variables ) {
match e {
case call(and,`x,`y):
return and(find_predicates(x,exclude_variables),
case call(eq,`x,`y):
if (contains_variables(x,exclude_variables)
|| contains_variables(y,exclude_variables))
int i = find_var(x);
int j = find_var(y);
if (i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i != j) {
predicate[i][j] = predicate[j][i]
= (predicate[i][j].equals(#<true>)) ? e : and(e,predicate[i][j]);
selectivity[i][j] = selectivity[j][i] = 0.01;
return #<true>;
} else if (i >= 0 && j == -1) {
filter[i] = (filter[i].equals(#<true>)) ? e : and(e,filter[i]);
plan[i] = #<cmap(lambda(`(var[i]),if(`e,bag(`(var[i])),bag())),`(plan[i]))>;
return #<true>;
} else if (j >= 0 && i == -1) {
filter[j] = (filter[j].equals(#<true>)) ? e : and(e,filter[j]);
plan[j] = #<cmap(lambda(`(var[j]),if(`e,bag(`(var[j])),bag())),`(plan[j]))>;
return #<true>;
case call(`f,`x,`y):
if (! #[ne,gt,geq,lt,leq].member(f))
if (has_select(x) || has_select(y))
if (contains_variables(x,exclude_variables)
|| contains_variables(y,exclude_variables))
int i = find_var(x);
int j = find_var(y);
if (i >= 0 && j < 0) {
filter[i] = (filter[i].equals(#<true>)) ? e : and(e,filter[i]);
plan[i] = #<cmap(lambda(`(var[i]),if(`e,bag(`(var[i])),bag())),`(plan[i]))>;
return #<true>;
} else if (i < 0 && j >= 0) {
filter[j] = (filter[j].equals(#<true>)) ? e : and(e,filter[j]);
plan[j] = #<cmap(lambda(`(var[j]),if(`e,bag(`(var[j])),bag())),`(plan[j]))>;
return #<true>;
return e;
static String tuple_var ( Tree x ) {
match x {
case cmap(_,`z): return tuple_var(z);
String s = x.toString();
if (s.endsWith("'"))
return s.substring(0,s.length()-1);
return s;
/** reorder the tuple components in s based on the expected pattern variables in vars */
static Tree tuple ( Trees s, Trees vars ) {
if (s.length() != vars.length())
throw new Error("Wrong pattern: "+s+" "+vars);
if (s.length() == 1)
return s.head();
Tree[] v = new Tree[s.length()];
for (Tree x: s) {
int i = 0;
for (Tree y: vars) {
if (tuple_var(x).equals(y.toString()))
v[i] = x;
Trees rs = #[];
for ( int i = v.length-1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
if (v[i] == null)
throw new Error("Wrong pattern: "+s+" "+vars);
else rs = rs.cons(v[i]);
return #<tuple(>;
static class Header {
public Tree header;
public Trees pattern;
Header ( Tree h, Trees p ) { header = h; pattern = p; }
public String toString () { return header+" "+pattern; }
static Header build_graph ( Tree e, int level ) {
match e {
case select(`u,from(,where(`p)):
Trees nl = #[];
Tree nv = new_var();
Trees rest = #[];
Trees exclude_variables = #[];
depths.put(nv.toString(),new Integer(level));
for (Tree b: bl)
match b {
case bind(`v,`d):
if (!persistent_domain(d)) {
exclude_variables = exclude_variables.append(v);
rest = rest.append(b);
String name = ((VariableLeaf)v).value();
int i = var_index(name);
Header nd = build_graph(d,level+1);
plan[i] = nd.header;
depth[i] = level;
query_variables = query_variables.append(v);
depths.put(name,new Integer(level+1));
pattern[i] = #<`(nv.toString())(`v)>;
nl = nl.append(v);
if (nl.equals(#[]))
return new Header(e,#[]);
query_variables = query_variables.append(nv);
Header nu = build_graph(u,level+1);
Tree npred = find_predicates(p,exclude_variables);
Header np = build_graph(npred,level+1);
for (Tree b: nu.pattern)
match b {
case bind(`v,_): nl = nl.append(v);
for (Tree b: np.pattern)
match b {
case bind(`v,_): nl = nl.append(v);
Tree t = tuple(nl,nl);
return new Header(#<select(`(nu.header),from(bind(`t,`nv),,where(`(np.header)))>,
case `f(
Trees bl = #[];
Trees nl = #[];
for (Tree a: al) {
Header n = build_graph(a,level);
bl = bl.append(n.header);
nl = nl.append(n.pattern);
return new Header(#<`f(>,nl);
return new Header(e,#[]);
static void dump ( int n ) {
System.out.println("Query graph nodes:");
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
System.out.print(""+i+") "+variables(i)+" depth="+depth[i]+" pattern="+pattern[i]
+" plan="+plan[i]+" size="+size[i]+" depends=(");
for ( int j = 0; j < n; j++ )
if (depends[i].get(j))
System.out.print(""+j+" ");
System.out.println(") "+filter[i]);
System.out.println("Query graph edges (predicates):");
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++ )
if (!predicate[i][j].equals(#<true>))
System.out.println(""+i+" "+j+") "+predicate[i][j]);
static Trees variables ( BitSet bs ) {
Trees bl = #[];
for ( int j = bs.nextSetBit(0); j >= 0; j = bs.nextSetBit(j+1)) {
bl = bl.append(#<`(var[j])>);
return bl;
static Trees variables ( int i ) {
return variables(variables[i]);
static Tree make_key ( Tree pred, BitSet vars ) {
match pred {
case call(and,`x,`y):
return #<tuple(`(make_key(x,vars)),`(make_key(y,vars)))>;
case call(eq,`x,`y):
int i = find_var(x);
if (i >= 0 && vars.get(i))
return x;
else return y;
return pred;
static boolean eq_patterns ( Trees xs, Tree y ) {
Trees ys = (y.is_node()) ? ((Node)y).children() : #[`y];
if (xs.length() != ys.length())
return false;
for (Tree x: xs)
if (!ys.member(x))
return false;
return true;
static String pattern_head ( Tree x ) {
String s = "";
match x {
case `g(...): return g;
return x.toString();
static Tree pattern_head ( Tree x, boolean prime ) {
String s = pattern_head(x);
return #<`(prime ? s+"'" : s)>;
static Trees pattern_children ( Tree x ) {
match x {
case _(...r): return r;
throw new Error("pattern is not a set: "+x);
static Tree pattern ( Tree p, boolean prime ) {
Trees s = #[];
match p {
case `f(...r):
for (Tree x: r)
s = s.append(pattern_head(x,prime));
case _: s = s.append(pattern_head(p,prime));
return (s.length() == 1) ? s.head() : #<tuple(...s)>;
static Trees pattern_children_variables ( Tree p ) {
Trees s = #[];
match p {
case `f(...r):
for (Tree x: r)
s = s.append(pattern_head(x,false));
case _: s = s.append(pattern_head(p,false));
return s;
static boolean contains ( Tree pattern, String var ) {
match pattern {
case `f(...s):
if (f.equals(var))
return true;
for (Tree x: s)
if (contains(x,var))
return true;
return pattern.equals(#<`var>);
static Trees merge_patterns ( Tree x, Trees r ) {
Trees s = #[];
for (Tree y: r)
if (pattern_overlap(x,y))
s = s.append(merge_patterns(x,y));
else s = s.append(y);
if (!pattern_overlap(x,r))
s = s.append(x);
return s;
static Trees merge_patterns ( Trees r1, Trees r2 ) {
Trees s = #[];
for (Tree x: r1)
if (pattern_overlap(x,r2))
s = s.append(merge_patterns(x,r2));
else s = s.append(x);
for (Tree y: r2)
if (!pattern_overlap(y,r1))
s = s.append(y);
return s;
static Tree merge_patterns ( Tree p1, Tree p2 ) {
match p1 {
case `f1(...r1):
match p2 {
case `f2(...r2):
if (no_grouping || depth(f1) == depth(f2))
return #<`f1(...(merge_patterns(r1,r2)))>;
if (depth(f1) < depth(f2))
return #<`f1(...(merge_patterns(p2,r1)))>;
if (depth(f1) > depth(f2))
return #<`f2(...(merge_patterns(p1,r2)))>;
case _: return #<`f1(...(merge_patterns(p2,r1)))>;
case_ :
match p2 {
case `f2(...r2):
return #<`f2(...(merge_patterns(p1,r2)))>;
throw new Error("Cannot merge the pattern "+p1+" with "+p2);
static boolean pattern_overlap ( Tree x, Trees r ) {
for (Tree y: r)
if (pattern_overlap(x,y))
return true;
return false;
static boolean pattern_overlap ( Tree x, Tree y ) {
match x {
case `f1(...r1):
match y {
case `f2(...r2):
if (f1.equals(f2)
|| contains(header_binds.lookup(f1),f2)
|| contains(header_binds.lookup(f2),f1))
return true;
case _: return contains(header_binds.lookup(f1),y.toString());
return x.equals(y);
static Trees join_body ( Tree x, Trees r, Tree pred ) {
Trees s = #[];
if (!pattern_overlap(x,r))
s = s.append((pred.equals(#<true>))
? pattern_head(x,false)
: #<cmap(lambda(`(pattern(x,false)),if(`pred,bag(`(pattern(x,false))),bag())),
for (Tree y: r)
if (pattern_overlap(x,y))
s = s.append(join_body(x,y,#<true>));
else s = s.append(pattern_head(y,true));
return s;
static Trees join_body ( Trees r, Tree y, Tree pred ) {
Trees s = #[];
for (Tree x: r)
if (pattern_overlap(x,y))
s = s.append(join_body(x,y,#<true>));
else s = s.append(pattern_head(x,false));
if (!pattern_overlap(y,r))
s = s.append((pred.equals(#<true>))
? pattern_head(y,true)
: #<cmap(lambda(`(pattern(y,true)),if(`pred,bag(`(pattern(y,true))),bag())),
return s;
static Trees join_body ( Trees r1, Trees r2 ) {
Trees s = #[];
for (Tree x: r1)
if (pattern_overlap(x,r2))
s = s.append(join_body(x,r2,#<true>));
else s = s.append(pattern_head(x,false));
for (Tree y: r2)
if (!pattern_overlap(y,r1))
s = s.append(pattern_head(y,true));
return s;
static int depth ( String n ) {
return depths.get(n).intValue();
static Tree join_body ( Tree p1, Tree p2, Tree pred ) {
Tree pat1 = pattern(p1,false);
Tree pat2 = pattern(p2,true);
Trees vars = pattern_children_variables(merge_patterns(p1,p2));
match p1 {
case `f1(...r1):
match p2 {
case `f2(...r2):
if (no_grouping || depth(f1) == depth(f2)) {
Tree t = tuple(join_body(r1,r2),vars);
Tree body = (pred.equals(#<true>)) ? #<bag(`t)> : #<if(`pred,bag(`t),bag())>;
return #<cmap(lambda(`pat1,cmap(lambda(`pat2,`body),`(f2+"'"))),
} else if (depth(f1) < depth(f2)) {
Tree t = tuple(join_body(r1,p2,pred),vars);
return #<cmap(lambda(`pat1,bag(`t)),`f1)>;
} else if (depth(f1) > depth(f2)) {
Tree t = tuple(join_body(p1,r2,pred),vars);
return #<cmap(lambda(`pat2,bag(`t)),`(f2+"'"))>; // 3/12/11: changed from `f2
throw new Error("wrong join: "+p1+" "+p2);
static Tree make_join ( int i, int j ) {
Tree pi = pattern(pattern[i],false);
Tree pj = pattern(pattern[j],false);
Tree keyi = make_key(predicate[i][j],variables[i]);
Tree keyj = make_key(predicate[i][j],variables[j]);
Tree left = pattern_head(pattern[i],false);
Tree right = pattern_head(pattern[j],true);
Tree body = join_body(pattern[i],pattern[j],#<true>);
if (Config.trace)
System.out.print("join "+pattern[i]+" with "+pattern[j]);
pattern[i] = merge_patterns(pattern[i],pattern[j]);
if (Config.trace)
System.out.println(" to get "+pattern[i]+" with body "+body);
return #<join(lambda(`pi,`keyi),
private static Tree top_pattern_variables ( Tree pat ) {
match pat {
case _(...ts):
Trees ps = #[];
for ( Tree t: ts )
match t {
case `f(...): ps = ps.append(#<`f>);
case _: ps = ps.append(t);
if (ps.length() > 1)
return #<tuple(>;
else return ps.head();
return pat;
static Tree make_unnest ( int i, int j ) {
Tree body = null;
if (Config.trace)
System.out.print("unnest "+pattern[i]+" -> "+pattern[j]);
if (!no_grouping && depth[i] < depth[j]) {
// Changed 6/13/13: must rearrange binding variables in nested queries based on join order
//body = subst_expr(pattern_head(pattern[j],false),plan[j],plan[i]);
body = subst_header(pattern_head(pattern[j],false),top_pattern_variables(pattern[j]),plan[j],plan[i]);
// new pattern[i] is the old pattern[i]
} else {
body = join_body(pattern[j],pattern[i],predicate[i][j]);
body = prime(pattern[i],body);
body = subst_expr(pattern_head(pattern[j],false),plan[j],
pattern[i] = merge_patterns(pattern[j],pattern[i]);
if (Config.trace)
System.out.println(" to get "+pattern[i]+" with body "+body);
return body;
static Tree make_map_join ( int i, int j ) {
Tree body = join_body(pattern[i],pattern[j],predicate[i][j]);
Tree left = pattern_head(pattern[i],false);
Tree right = pattern_head(pattern[j],true);
match body {
case cmap(lambda(`x,cmap(lambda(`y,`b),`xx)),`yy):
if (!xx.equals(right) || !yy.equals(left))
Tree nb = Meta.subst_expr(x,left,Meta.subst_expr(y,right,b));
body = #<crossProduct(lambda(x,bag(x)),
case cmap(lambda(`x,`b),`xx):
if (!xx.equals(left))
body = Meta.subst_expr(x,xx,b);
body = #<groupBy(crossProduct(lambda(x,bag(x)),
case _:
body = prime(pattern[j],body);
body = subst_expr(pattern_head(pattern[j],true),plan[j],
if (Config.trace)
System.out.print("cross product "+pattern[i]+" with "+pattern[j]);
pattern[i] = merge_patterns(pattern[i],pattern[j]);
if (Config.trace)
System.out.println(" to get "+pattern[i]+" with body "+body);
return body;
static Tree make_plan ( int i, int j ) {
if (depends[i].get(j))
return make_unnest(i,j);
else if (predicate[i][j].equals(#<true>))
return make_map_join(i,j);
else return make_join(i,j);
/** node i should not have any join predicate with a node other than j */
static boolean no_neighbors ( int i, int j, int n ) {
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
if (k != i && k != j && !predicate[i][k].equals(#<true>))
return false;
return true;
static boolean eligible ( int i, int j, int n ) {
if (!depends[j].isEmpty()) // j must not have any dependency
return false;
else if (depends[i].isEmpty() // a join between i and j (neither i nor j have any dependency)
|| (depends[i].nextSetBit(0) == j
&& depends[i].nextSetBit(j+1) < 0)) { // i depends only on j
if (no_grouping)
return true;
else if (depth[i] == depth[j])
return true;
else if (depth[i] < depth[j])
return no_neighbors(j,i,n);
else return no_neighbors(i,j,n);
return false;
static Tree subst_header ( Tree var, Tree pat, Tree plan, Tree header ) {
match header {
case bind(`p,`w):
if (w.equals(var))
return #<bind(`pat,`plan)>;
else fail
case `f(
Trees bl = #[];
for (Tree a: al)
bl = bl.append(subst_header(var,pat,plan,a));
return #<`f(>;
return header;
static Tree ordered_tuple ( Trees xs ) {
if (xs.length() == 1)
return xs.head();
Trees res = #[];
for ( Tree v: query_variables )
if (xs.member(v))
res = res.append(v);
return #<tuple(...res)>;
/** group-by the plan so that the flat results in xs are grouped at their proper level */
static Tree final_groupBy ( int level, Trees xs, Tree plan ) {
Trees rest = #[];
Trees group_by_vars = #[];
Trees pvars = #[];
for ( Tree x: xs ) {
String v = pattern_head(x);
pvars = pvars.append(#<`v>);
if (depth(v) == level)
group_by_vars = group_by_vars.cons(#<`v>);
else rest = rest.append(#<`v>);
if (!rest.is_empty()) {
if (pvars.is_empty())
return final_groupBy(level+1,rest,plan);
Tree nv = new_var();
Tree tp = (pvars.length()==1) ? pvars.head() : #<tuple(...pvars)>;
Tree tg = ordered_tuple(group_by_vars);
Tree tr = ordered_tuple(rest);
Tree new_plan = #<groupBy(cmap(lambda(`tp,bag(tuple(`tg,`tr))),`plan))>;
Tree p = final_groupBy(level+1,rest,nv);
return #<cmap(lambda(tuple(`tg,`nv),bag(tuple(`tg,`p))),`new_plan)>;
} else return plan;
static Tree final_groupBy ( Tree plan, Tree pattern ) {
match pattern {
case `f(...r):
return final_groupBy(1,r,plan);
throw new Error("Wrong pattern in final group-by: "+pattern);
/** plan cost */
static double cost ( int i, int j ) {
if (predicate[i][j].equals(#<true>) && depends[i].isEmpty() && depends[j].isEmpty())
return 1.0E30; // make cross products the last option
else return size[i]*size[j]*selectivity[i][j];
public static Tree best_plan ( Tree e ) {
Trees binds = all_binds(e,#[]);
if (binds.equals(#[]))
return e;
int N = binds.length();
if (N==0)
return e;
predicate = new Tree[N][];
selectivity = new double[N][];
plan = new Tree[N];
var = new String[N];
variables = new BitSet[N];
pattern = new Tree[N];
depth = new int[N];
size = new double[N];
depends = new BitSet[N];
filter = new Tree[N];
depths = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
Trees al = binds;
for ( int i = 0; i < N; i++, al = al.tail() ) {
match al.head() {
case bind(`v,`d):
var[i] = ((VariableLeaf) v).value();
variables[i] = new BitSet();
pattern[i] = #<`v>;
filter[i] = #<true>;
predicate[i] = new Tree[N];
selectivity[i] = new double[N];
for ( int j = 0; j < N; j++ ) {
predicate[i][j] = #<true>;
selectivity[i][j] = 1.0;
depends[i] = new BitSet();
header_binds = new SymbolTable();
query_variables = #[];
Header h = build_graph(e,0);
for ( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
if (depends[i].isEmpty())
size[i] = 1000;
else size[i] = 100;
header = h.header;
if (Config.trace) {
System.out.println("Optimizing MRQL query:\n"+e.pretty(0));
System.out.println("Query Header:\n"+header.pretty(0));
System.out.println("Query bindings:");
System.out.print("Variable/nesting: ");
for (String k: depths.keySet())
System.out.print(k+"/"+depths.get(k)+" ");
no_grouping = false;
for ( int n = N; n > 1; n-- ) {
int mi = -1;
int mj = -1;
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
for ( int j = 0; j < n; j++ ) {
if (i != j && eligible(i,j,n)) {
double cost = cost(i,j);
if (Config.trace)
System.out.println("Cost "+i+" "+j+" = "+cost);
if (cost < min) {
min = cost;
mi = i;
mj = j;
if (mi < 0 || mj < 0) {
// irreducible graph;
// from now on, we operate without grouping and we group-by at the end
if (Config.trace)
System.out.println("Switching to flat mode (no grouping during operations)");
no_grouping = true;
if (Config.trace)
System.out.println("Reduce "+mi+" with "+mj+" into "+mi);
// merge node mi with node mj into node mi
plan[mi] = make_plan(mi,mj);
depth[mi] = Math.min(depth[mi],depth[mj]);
size[mi] = size[mi]*size[mj]*selectivity[mi][mj];
filter[mi] = #<true>;
for ( int k = 0; k < n; k++ )
if (k != mi) {
selectivity[mi][k] = selectivity[k][mi] = selectivity[mi][k]*selectivity[mj][k];
predicate[mi][k] = predicate[k][mi] = and(predicate[mi][k],predicate[mj][k]);
if (depends[k].get(mj)) {
// replace node mj with node n-1 (last node)
plan[mj] = plan[n-1];
depth[mj] = depth[n-1];
pattern[mj] = pattern[n-1];
filter[mj] = filter[n-1];
depends[mj] = depends[n-1];
variables[mj] = variables[n-1];
for ( int k = 0; k < n-1; k++ )
if (k != mj) {
selectivity[mj][k] = selectivity[k][mj] = selectivity[n-1][k];
predicate[mj][k] = predicate[k][mj] = predicate[n-1][k];
if (depends[k].get(n-1)) {
size[mj] = size[n-1];
if (Config.trace)
// forced group-by
if (no_grouping) {
plan[0] = final_groupBy(plan[0],pattern[0]);
if (h.pattern.length() == 1)
match h.pattern.head() {
case bind(`v,`p):
return Meta.subst_expr(v,plan[0],h.header);
Tree np = pattern(pattern[0],false);
if (h.pattern.length() == 1)
match h.pattern.head() {
case bind(`v,`p):
return subst_header(v,np,plan[0],h.header);
return e;
private static Tree process_repeat_plan ( Tree e ) {
match e {
case repeat(lambda(`x,`step),`init,...r):
Tree ns = SingleQueryPlan.best_plan(step);
return #<repeat(lambda(`x,step(`x)),`init,...r)>;
case closure(lambda(`x,`step),`init,...r):
Tree ns = SingleQueryPlan.best_plan(step);
return #<closure(lambda(`x,cstep(`x)),`init,...r)>;
case `f(
Trees bl = #[];
for (Tree a: al)
bl = bl.append(process_repeat_plan(a));
return #<`f(>;
return e;
private static Tree process_nested_plan ( Tree e ) {
match e {
case select(`u,from(,where(`p)):
return SingleQueryPlan.best_plan(e);
case `f(
Trees bl = #[];
for (Tree a: al)
bl = bl.append(process_nested_plan(a));
return #<`f(>;
return e;
public static Tree best_plan ( Tree e ) {
repeat_plans = new Hashtable<String,Tree>();
Tree np = process_nested_plan(process_repeat_plan(e));
for ( String s: repeat_plans.keySet() )
np = Meta.subst_expr(#<step(`s)>,repeat_plans.get(s),
return np;