blob: 62fdd5023d13822426b315591f321ca39d3c8fde [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.mrql;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.Math;
/** System functions must be from MRData to MRData */
final public class SystemFunctions {
// used for shortcutting sync in bsp supersteps
final public static Bag bsp_empty_bag = new Bag();
final public static MR_bool bsp_true_value = new MR_bool(true);
final public static MR_bool bsp_false_value = new MR_bool(false);
final static MRData null_value = new Tuple(0);
final static MR_bool true_value = new MR_bool(true);
final static MR_bool false_value = new MR_bool(false);
private static void error ( String s ) {
System.err.println("*** "+s);
throw new Error(s);
static Random random = new Random();
public static MR_bool synchronize ( MR_string peerName, MR_bool mr_exit ) {
return Evaluator.evaluator.synchronize(peerName,mr_exit);
public static Bag distribute ( MR_string peerName, Bag s ) {
return Evaluator.evaluator.distribute(peerName,s);
public static MR_bool lt ( MR_short x, MR_short y ) { return (x.get() < y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool lt ( MR_int x, MR_int y ) { return (x.get() < y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool lt ( MR_long x, MR_long y ) { return (x.get() < y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool lt ( MR_float x, MR_float y ) { return (x.get() < y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool lt ( MR_double x, MR_double y ) { return (x.get() < y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool gt ( MR_short x, MR_short y ) { return (x.get() > y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool gt ( MR_int x, MR_int y ) { return (x.get() > y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool gt ( MR_long x, MR_long y ) { return (x.get() > y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool gt ( MR_float x, MR_float y ) { return (x.get() > y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool gt ( MR_double x, MR_double y ) { return (x.get() > y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool leq ( MR_short x, MR_short y ) { return (x.get() <= y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool leq ( MR_int x, MR_int y ) { return (x.get() <= y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool leq ( MR_long x, MR_long y ) { return (x.get() <= y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool leq ( MR_float x, MR_float y ) { return (x.get() <= y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool leq ( MR_double x, MR_double y ) { return (x.get() <= y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool geq ( MR_short x, MR_short y ) { return (x.get() >= y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool geq ( MR_int x, MR_int y ) { return (x.get() >= y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool geq ( MR_long x, MR_long y ) { return (x.get() >= y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool geq ( MR_float x, MR_float y ) { return (x.get() >= y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool geq ( MR_double x, MR_double y ) { return (x.get() >= y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool eq ( MR_short x, MR_short y ) { return (x.get() == y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool eq ( MR_int x, MR_int y ) { return (x.get() == y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool eq ( MR_long x, MR_long y ) { return (x.get() == y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool eq ( MR_float x, MR_float y ) { return (x.get() == y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool eq ( MR_double x, MR_double y ) { return (x.get() == y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool neq ( MR_short x, MR_short y ) { return (x.get() != y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool neq ( MR_int x, MR_int y ) { return (x.get() != y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool neq ( MR_long x, MR_long y ) { return (x.get() != y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool neq ( MR_float x, MR_float y ) { return (x.get() != y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool neq ( MR_double x, MR_double y ) { return (x.get() != y.get()) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool eq ( MRData x, MRData y ) { return (x.compareTo(y) == 0) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool neq ( MRData x, MRData y ) { return (x.compareTo(y) != 0) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool lt ( MRData x, MRData y ) { return (x.compareTo(y) < 0) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool leq ( MRData x, MRData y ) { return (x.compareTo(y) <= 0) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool gt ( MRData x, MRData y ) { return (x.compareTo(y) > 0) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_bool geq ( MRData x, MRData y ) { return (x.compareTo(y) >= 0) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_string plus ( MR_string x, MR_string y ) { return new MR_string(x.get()+y.get()); }
public static Bag plus ( Bag x, Bag y ) { return x.union(y); }
public static MR_short plus ( MR_short x, MR_short y ) { return new MR_short((short)(x.get()+y.get())); }
public static MR_int plus ( MR_int x, MR_int y ) { return new MR_int(x.get()+y.get()); }
public static MR_long plus ( MR_long x, MR_long y ) { return new MR_long(x.get()+y.get()); }
public static MR_float plus ( MR_float x, MR_float y ) { return new MR_float(x.get()+y.get()); }
public static MR_double plus ( MR_double x, MR_double y ) { return new MR_double(x.get()+y.get()); }
public static MR_short minus ( MR_short x, MR_short y ) { return new MR_short((short)(x.get()-y.get())); }
public static MR_int minus ( MR_int x, MR_int y ) { return new MR_int(x.get()-y.get()); }
public static MR_long minus ( MR_long x, MR_long y ) { return new MR_long(x.get()-y.get()); }
public static MR_float minus ( MR_float x, MR_float y ) { return new MR_float(x.get()-y.get()); }
public static MR_double minus ( MR_double x, MR_double y ) { return new MR_double(x.get()-y.get()); }
public static MR_short times ( MR_short x, MR_short y ) { return new MR_short((short)(x.get()*y.get())); }
public static MR_int times ( MR_int x, MR_int y ) { return new MR_int(x.get()*y.get()); }
public static MR_long times ( MR_long x, MR_long y ) { return new MR_long(x.get()*y.get()); }
public static MR_float times ( MR_float x, MR_float y ) { return new MR_float(x.get()*y.get()); }
public static MR_double times ( MR_double x, MR_double y ) { return new MR_double(x.get()*y.get()); }
public static MR_short div ( MR_short x, MR_short y ) { return new MR_short((short)(x.get()/y.get())); }
public static MR_int div ( MR_int x, MR_int y ) { return new MR_int(x.get()/y.get()); }
public static MR_long div ( MR_long x, MR_long y ) { return new MR_long(x.get()/y.get()); }
public static MR_float div ( MR_float x, MR_float y ) { return new MR_float(x.get()/y.get()); }
public static MR_double div ( MR_double x, MR_double y ) { return new MR_double(x.get()/y.get()); }
public static MR_int mod ( MR_int x, MR_int y ) { return new MR_int(x.get() % y.get()); }
public static MR_long mod ( MR_long x, MR_long y ) { return new MR_long(x.get() % y.get()); }
public static MR_short min ( MR_short x, MR_short y ) { return new MR_short((short)(Math.min(x.get(),y.get()))); }
public static MR_int min ( MR_int x, MR_int y ) { return new MR_int(Math.min(x.get(),y.get())); }
public static MR_long min ( MR_long x, MR_long y ) { return new MR_long(Math.min(x.get(),y.get())); }
public static MR_float min ( MR_float x, MR_float y ) { return new MR_float(Math.min(x.get(),y.get())); }
public static MR_double min ( MR_double x, MR_double y ) { return new MR_double(Math.min(x.get(),y.get())); }
public static MR_short max ( MR_short x, MR_short y ) { return new MR_short((short)(Math.max(x.get(),y.get()))); }
public static MR_int max ( MR_int x, MR_int y ) { return new MR_int(Math.max(x.get(),y.get())); }
public static MR_long max ( MR_long x, MR_long y ) { return new MR_long(Math.max(x.get(),y.get())); }
public static MR_float max ( MR_float x, MR_float y ) { return new MR_float(Math.max(x.get(),y.get())); }
public static MR_double max ( MR_double x, MR_double y ) { return new MR_double(Math.max(x.get(),y.get())); }
public static MR_double sin ( MR_double x ) { return new MR_double(Math.sin(x.get())); }
public static MR_double cos ( MR_double x ) { return new MR_double(Math.cos(x.get())); }
public static MR_double tan ( MR_double x ) { return new MR_double(Math.tan(x.get())); }
public static MR_double asin ( MR_double x ) { return new MR_double(Math.asin(x.get())); }
public static MR_double acos ( MR_double x ) { return new MR_double(Math.acos(x.get())); }
public static MR_double atan ( MR_double x ) { return new MR_double(Math.atan(x.get())); }
public static MR_double pow ( MR_double x, MR_double y ) { return new MR_double(Math.pow(x.get(),y.get())); }
public static MR_double sqrt ( MR_double x ) { return new MR_double(Math.sqrt(x.get())); }
public static MR_double ceil ( MR_double x ) { return new MR_double(Math.ceil(x.get())); }
public static MR_double floor ( MR_double x ) { return new MR_double(Math.floor(x.get())); }
public static MR_double rint ( MR_double x ) { return new MR_double(Math.rint(x.get())); }
public static MR_int round ( MR_float x ) { return new MR_int((int)Math.round(x.get())); }
public static MR_long round ( MR_double x ) { return new MR_long(Math.round(x.get())); }
public static MR_short plus ( MR_short x ) { return x; }
public static MR_int plus ( MR_int x ) { return x; }
public static MR_long plus ( MR_long x ) { return x; }
public static MR_float plus ( MR_float x ) { return x; }
public static MR_double plus ( MR_double x ) { return x; }
public static MR_short minus ( MR_short x ) { return new MR_short((short)-x.get()); }
public static MR_int minus ( MR_int x ) { return new MR_int(-x.get()); }
public static MR_long minus ( MR_long x ) { return new MR_long(-x.get()); }
public static MR_float minus ( MR_float x ) { return new MR_float(-x.get()); }
public static MR_double minus ( MR_double x ) { return new MR_double(-x.get()); }
public static MR_short abs ( MR_short x ) { return new MR_short((short) Math.abs(x.get())); }
public static MR_int abs ( MR_int x ) { return new MR_int(Math.abs(x.get())); }
public static MR_long abs ( MR_long x ) { return new MR_long(Math.abs(x.get())); }
public static MR_float abs ( MR_float x ) { return new MR_float(Math.abs(x.get())); }
public static MR_double abs ( MR_double x ) { return new MR_double(Math.abs(x.get())); }
public static Inv inv ( MRData x ) { return new Inv(x); }
public static MR_bool and ( MR_bool x, MR_bool y ) { return (x.get()) ? y : false_value; }
public static MR_bool or ( MR_bool x, MR_bool y ) { return (x.get()) ? true_value : y; }
public static MR_bool not ( MR_bool x ) { return (x.get()) ? false_value : true_value; }
public static MR_bool toBool ( MR_string s ) { return (s.get().equals("true")) ? true_value : false_value; }
public static MR_short toShort ( MR_string s ) { return new MR_short(Short.parseShort(s.get())); }
public static MR_int toInt ( MR_string s ) { return new MR_int(Integer.parseInt(s.get())); }
public static MR_long toLong ( MR_string s ) { return new MR_long(Long.parseLong(s.get())); }
public static MR_float toFloat ( MR_string s ) { return new MR_float(Float.parseFloat(s.get())); }
public static MR_double toDouble ( MR_string s ) { return new MR_double(Double.parseDouble(s.get())); }
public static MR_int random ( MR_int n ) {
int v = random.nextInt(n.get());
return new MR_int(v);
public static MR_float log ( MR_float n ) { return new MR_float(Math.log(n.get())); }
public static MR_double log ( MR_double n ) { return new MR_double(Math.log(n.get())); }
public static MR_float exp ( MR_float n ) { return new MR_float(Math.exp(n.get())); }
public static MR_double exp ( MR_double n ) { return new MR_double(Math.exp(n.get())); }
public static MR_string string ( MRData x ) { return new MR_string(x.toString()); }
public static MR_bool contains ( MR_string x, MR_string y ) { return new MR_bool(x.get().contains(y.get())); }
public static MR_int length ( MR_string x ) { return new MR_int(x.get().length()); }
public static MR_string substring ( MR_string x, MR_int b, MR_int e ) { return new MR_string(x.get().substring(b.get(),e.get())); }
public static MR_bool exists ( Bag s ) {
return (s.iterator().hasNext()) ? true_value : false_value;
public static MR_bool some ( Bag x ) {
for ( MRData e: x )
if (e instanceof MR_bool)
if (((MR_bool)e).get())
return true_value;
return false_value;
public static MR_bool all ( Bag x ) {
for ( MRData e: x )
if (e instanceof MR_bool)
if (!((MR_bool)e).get())
return false_value;
return true_value;
public static MR_bool member ( MRData e, Bag s ) {
return (s.contains(e)) ? true_value : false_value;
public static MRData elem ( Bag s ) {
Iterator<MRData> it = s.iterator();
if (it.hasNext())
throw new Error("method elem was applied on an empty bag");
public static MR_long count ( Bag s ) {
if (s.materialized())
return new MR_long(s.size());
long i = 0;
for ( MRData e: s )
return new MR_long(i);
public static MR_long hash_code ( MRData x ) {
return new MR_long(x.hashCode());
public static MRData index ( Bag b, MR_int mi ) {
int i = mi.get();
if (i < 0)
throw new Error("wrong index: "+i);
if (b.materialized())
return b.get(i);
int k = 0;
for ( MRData e: b )
if (k++ == i)
return e;
throw new Error("wrong index: "+i);
public static Bag range ( Bag b, MR_int mi, MR_int mj ) {
int i = mi.get();
int j = mj.get();
if (j < i)
throw new Error("wrong range indexes: "+i+","+j);
Bag bag = new Bag(j-i+1);
int k = 0;
for ( MRData e: b ) {
if (k >= i && k <= j)
return bag;
public static Bag union ( Bag x, Bag y ) {
return x.union(y);
public static Bag intersect ( Bag x, Bag y ) {
Bag s = new Bag();
for ( MRData e: y )
if (x.contains(e))
return s;
public static Bag except ( Bag x, Bag y ) {
Bag s = new Bag();
for ( MRData e: x )
if (!y.contains(e))
return s;
public static Bag materialize ( Bag x ) {
return x;
/** coerce a basic type to a new type indicated by the basic type number */
public static MRData coerce ( MRData from, MR_int type ) {
byte tp = (byte)type.get();
if (from instanceof MR_short) {
if (tp == MRContainer.BYTE)
return new MR_byte((byte)((MR_short)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.SHORT)
return from;
else if (tp == MRContainer.INT)
return new MR_int((int)((MR_short)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.LONG)
return new MR_long((long)((MR_short)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.FLOAT)
return new MR_float((float)((MR_short)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.DOUBLE)
return new MR_double((double)((MR_short)from).get());
} else if (from instanceof MR_int) {
if (tp == MRContainer.BYTE)
return new MR_byte((byte)((MR_int)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.SHORT)
return new MR_short((short)((MR_int)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.INT)
return from;
else if (tp == MRContainer.LONG)
return new MR_long((long)((MR_int)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.FLOAT)
return new MR_float((float)((MR_int)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.DOUBLE)
return new MR_double((double)((MR_int)from).get());
} else if (from instanceof MR_long) {
if (tp == MRContainer.BYTE)
return new MR_byte((byte)((MR_long)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.SHORT)
return new MR_short((short)((MR_long)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.INT)
return new MR_int((int)((MR_long)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.LONG)
return from;
else if (tp == MRContainer.FLOAT)
return new MR_float((float)((MR_long)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.DOUBLE)
return new MR_double((double)((MR_long)from).get());
} else if (from instanceof MR_float) {
if (tp == MRContainer.BYTE)
return new MR_byte((byte)((MR_float)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.SHORT)
return new MR_short((short)((MR_float)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.INT)
return new MR_int((int)((MR_float)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.LONG)
return new MR_long((long)((MR_float)from).get());
if (tp == MRContainer.FLOAT)
return from;
else if (tp == MRContainer.DOUBLE)
return new MR_double((double)((MR_float)from).get());
} else if (from instanceof MR_double) {
if (tp == MRContainer.BYTE)
return new MR_byte((byte)((MR_double)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.SHORT)
return new MR_short((short)((MR_double)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.INT)
return new MR_int((int)((MR_double)from).get());
else if (tp == MRContainer.LONG)
return new MR_long((long)((MR_double)from).get());
if (tp == MRContainer.FLOAT)
return new MR_float((float)((MR_double)from).get());
if (tp == MRContainer.DOUBLE)
return from;
error("Cannot up-coerce the numerical value "+from);
return null;
/** used in avg */
public static MR_double avg_value ( MRData value ) {
Tuple t = (Tuple)value;
double sum = 0.0;
if (t.first() instanceof MR_double)
sum = ((MR_double)t.first()).get();
else if (t.first() instanceof MR_int)
sum = ((MR_int)t.first()).get();
else if (t.first() instanceof MR_long)
sum = ((MR_long)t.first()).get();
else if (t.first() instanceof MR_float)
sum = ((MR_float)t.first()).get();
long count = 0;
if (t.second() instanceof MR_long)
count = ((MR_long)t.second()).get();
else if (t.second() instanceof MR_int)
count = ((MR_int)t.second()).get();
return new MR_double(sum/count);
/** used in avg */
public static MRData avg_aggr ( Bag s ) {
double sum = 0.0;
long count = 0;
MRData e = null;
for ( MRData value: s ) {
Tuple t = (Tuple)value;
e = t.first();
if (t.first() instanceof MR_double)
sum += ((MR_double)t.first()).get();
else if (t.first() instanceof MR_int)
sum += ((MR_int)t.first()).get();
else if (t.first() instanceof MR_long)
sum += ((MR_long)t.first()).get();
else if (t.first() instanceof MR_float)
sum += ((MR_float)t.first()).get();
if (t.second() instanceof MR_long)
count += ((MR_long)t.second()).get();
else if (t.second() instanceof MR_int)
count += ((MR_int)t.second()).get();
if (e instanceof MR_double)
e = new MR_double(sum);
else if (e instanceof MR_int)
e = new MR_int((int)sum);
else if (e instanceof MR_long)
e = new MR_long((long)sum);
else if (e instanceof MR_float)
e = new MR_float((float)sum);
return new Tuple(e,new MR_long(count));
/** return the join key from a matching pair in the join reducer */
public static MRData join_key ( Bag xs, Bag ys ) {
for ( MRData x: xs )
return ((Tuple)x).get(0);
for ( MRData y: ys )
return ((Tuple)y).get(0);
return null;
public static MR_string text ( Union node ) {
if (node.tag() == 1)
return (MR_string)(node.value());
Bag b = (Bag)((Tuple)node.value()).get(2);
String s = "";
for ( MRData e: b )
if (((Union)e).tag() == 1)
s += ((MR_string)(((Union)e).value())).get();
return new MR_string(s);
public static MR_string text ( Bag nodes ) {
MR_string b = new MR_string("");
for ( MRData e: nodes )
b = plus(b,text((Union)e));
return b;
public static MR_string tag ( Union node ) {
if (node.tag() == 1)
error("Cannot extract the tagname of a CData: "+node);
return (MR_string)((Tuple) node.value()).get(0);
public static MR_string XMLattribute ( MR_string tagname, Union node ) {
if (node.tag() == 1)
error("Element "+node+" does not have attributes");
Tuple t = (Tuple)node.value();
String tag = tagname.get();
for ( MRData c: (Bag)t.get(1) ) {
Tuple p = (Tuple)c;
if (tag.equals(((MR_string)(p.get(0))).get()))
return new MR_string(((MR_string)p.get(1)).get());
error("Element "+node+" does not have attribute "+tagname);
return null;
public static Bag XMLattributes ( MR_string tagname, Union node ) {
if (node.tag() == 1)
return new Bag();
Tuple t = (Tuple)node.value();
Bag b = new Bag();
String tag = tagname.get();
for ( MRData c: (Bag)t.get(1) ) {
Tuple p = (Tuple)c;
if (tag.equals("*") || tag.equals(((MR_string)(p.get(0))).get()))
return b;
public static Bag XMLattributes ( MR_string tagname, Bag nodes ) {
Bag b = new Bag();
for ( MRData e: nodes )
for (MRData c: XMLattributes(tagname,(Union)e))
return b;
public static Bag XMLattribute ( MR_string tagname, Bag nodes ) {
Bag b = new Bag();
for ( MRData e: nodes )
for (MRData c: XMLattributes(tagname,(Union)e))
return b;
public static Bag XMLchildren ( MR_string tagname, Union node ) {
if (node.tag() == 1)
return new Bag();
Tuple t = (Tuple)node.value();
Bag b = new Bag();
String tag = tagname.get();
for ( MRData c: (Bag)t.get(2) )
if (((Union)c).tag() == 0) {
Tuple s = (Tuple)(((Union)c).value());
if (tag.equals("*") || (((MR_string)(s.get(0))).get()).equals(tag))
return b;
public static Bag XMLchildren ( MR_string tagname, Bag nodes ) {
Bag b = new Bag();
for ( MRData e: nodes )
for (MRData c: XMLchildren(tagname,(Union)e))
return b;
public static MRData fold ( Lambda c, MRData z, Bag s ) {
MRData v = z;
for ( MRData e: s )
z = c.lambda().eval(new Tuple(z,e));
return z;