blob: 11dea76c0db05478626dc4739b8ee19e19132e78 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.mrql;
import org.apache.mrql.gen.*;
import java.util.*;
/** the type inference/checker for MRQL expressions and algebraic forms */
public class TypeInference extends Translator {
private static Tree make_tuple ( Trees pl ) {
if (pl.length() == 1)
return pl.head();
return #<tuple(>;
public static Tree make_persistent_type ( Tree tp ) {
match tp {
case `f(
Trees bs = #[];
for ( Tree a: al )
bs = bs.append(make_persistent_type(a));
String g = persistent_collection(f);
return #<`g(>;
return tp;
private static String max_collection ( String x, String y ) {
boolean is_bag = x.equals("Bag") || y.equals("Bag") || x.equals("bag") || y.equals("bag");
boolean is_persistent = x.equals("Bag") || y.equals("Bag") || x.equals("List") || y.equals("List");
return (is_bag) ? ((is_persistent) ? "Bag" : "bag") : ((is_persistent) ? "List" : "list");
private static boolean numerical ( String tp ) {
return #[short,int,long,float,double].member(#<`tp>);
static void type_error ( Tree e, String msg ) {
System.err.println("*** Type error (line: "+e.line+", position: "+e.position+")");
if (Config.trace && type_env.iterator().hasNext()) {
msg += "\nVariable Types:";
for ( String var: type_env )
msg += "\n "+var + ": " + print_type(type_env.lookup(var));
System.err.println("*** "+msg);
throw new Error("Type Error");
/** given that pattern has type tp, bind the pattern variables to types */
private static Trees bind_pattern_type ( Tree pattern, Tree tp ) {
Trees args = #[];
match pattern {
case tuple(
match tp {
case tuple(
if (tl.length() != pl.length())
type_error(pattern,"Tuple pattern "+print_query(pattern)+" must have exactly "
+tl.length()+" components");
int i = 0;
for ( Tree p: pl )
args = args.append(bind_pattern_type(p,tl.nth(i++)));
case `etp: type_error(pattern,"Wrong pattern: found "+print_query(pattern)
+" but expected a pattern that matches the type "+print_type(etp));
case record(
Trees attrs = #[];
match tp {
case record(
for ( Tree b: bl )
match b {
case bind(`n,`p):
boolean found = false;
if (attrs.member(n))
type_error(pattern,"Duplicate record attribute name: "+n
+" in pattern "+print_query(pattern));
attrs = attrs.append(n);
for ( Tree t: tl )
match t {
case bind(`nt,`pt):
if (!nt.equals(n))
found = true;
args = args.append(bind_pattern_type(p,pt));
if (!found)
type_error(pattern,"Wrong record component: "+n
+" in pattern "+print_query(pattern)
+" (expected one from "+print_type(tp)+")");
case `etp: type_error(pattern,"Wrong pattern: found "+print_query(pattern)
+" but expected a pattern that matches the type "+print_type(etp));
case typed(`p,`t):
if (subtype(t,tp))
args = bind_pattern_type(p,t);
else type_error(pattern,"Type "+print_type(t)+" in pattern "+print_query(pattern)
+" does not match the expected type "+print_type(tp));
case list(
match tp {
case list(`etp):
for ( Tree p: pl )
args = args.append(bind_pattern_type(p,etp));
case `stp: type_error(pattern,"List pattern "+print_query(pattern)
+" can only be used for lists (found "+print_type(tp)+")");
case call(`c,...s):
Tree ci = data_constructors.lookup(c.toString());
if (ci == null)
type_error(pattern,"Undefined data constructor "+c+" in pattern "+print_query(pattern));
match ci {
case `dname(`n,`dtp):
if (!subtype(tp,expand(#<`dname>)))
type_error(pattern,"Cannot use the data constructor "+print_query(pattern)
+" in a pattern that expects type "+print_type(tp));
args = args.append(bind_pattern_type(s.length() == 1 ? s.head() : #<tuple(...s)>,
case any: ;
case `v:
if (v.is_variable()) {
args = args.append(v);
} else if (!subtype(type_inference2(v),tp))
type_error(pattern,"The constant "+v+" in pattern "
+print_query(pattern)+" is not of type "+print_type(tp));
return args;
private static short needs_coerce ( Tree x, Tree y ) {
if (x.is_variable() && numerical(x.toString())
&& y.is_variable() && numerical(y.toString())) {
short cx = MRContainer.type_code(x.toString());
short cy = MRContainer.type_code(y.toString());
return (cx == cy) ? -1 : (cx > cy) ? cx : cy;
return -1;
/** type equality in MRQL is structured equality, not named equality */
public static boolean equal_types ( Tree tx, Tree ty ) {
tx = expand(tx);
ty = expand(ty);
if (tx.equals(ty))
return true;
match tx {
case `f(...xs):
match ty {
case `g(...ys):
if (f.equals(g) && xs.length() == ys.length()) {
for ( ; !ys.is_empty(); xs = xs.tail(), ys = ys.tail() )
if (!equal_types(xs.head(),ys.head()))
return false;
return true;
return false;
/** is the collection type name S a subtype of that of T?
List \lt Bag \lt bag and List \lt list \lt bag
public static boolean subtype ( String S, String T ) {
return S.equals(T)
|| (S.equals("List") && T.equals("list"))
|| (S.equals("List") && T.equals("Bag"))
|| (S.equals("list") && T.equals("bag"))
|| (S.equals("Bag") && T.equals("bag"));
/** is the type tx a subtype of type ty? */
public static boolean subtype ( Tree tx, Tree ty ) {
tx = expand(tx);
ty = expand(ty);
if (ty.equals(#<any>))
return true;
if (equal_types(tx,ty))
return true;
if (tx.is_variable() && numerical(tx.toString())
&& ty.is_variable() && numerical(ty.toString()))
return MRContainer.type_code(tx.toString()) <= MRContainer.type_code(ty.toString());
match tx {
case `T(`tex):
if (!is_collection(T))
match ty {
case `S(`tey):
if (is_collection(S))
return subtype(T,S) && subtype(tex,tey);
else fail
case union(...):
if (ty.equals(#<union>)) // used for XML functions
return true;
else fail
case `f(...xs):
match ty {
case `g(...ys):
if (f.equals(g))
return subtype(xs,ys);
return false;
public static boolean subtype ( Trees ts1, Trees ts2 ) {
if (ts1.length() != ts2.length())
return false;
for ( Trees s1 = ts1, s2 = ts2; !s1.is_empty(); s1=s1.tail(), s2=s2.tail() )
if (!subtype(s1.head(),s2.head()))
return false;
return true;
public static int compare_types ( Tree t1, Tree t2 ) {
if (t1.equals(#<any>) && t2.equals(#<any>))
return 0;
else if (t2.equals(#<any>))
return -1;
else if (t1.equals(#<any>))
return 1;
else if (t1 instanceof VariableLeaf && t2 instanceof VariableLeaf)
return MRContainer.type_code(((VariableLeaf)t1).value())
else if (t1 instanceof VariableLeaf)
return -1;
else return 1;
/** if the expression at loc.head has type tx that is a subtype of ty, coerce it to ty
* NOTE: it destructively changes the expression at loc
private static void coerce ( Tree tx, Tree ty, Trees loc ) {
tx = expand(tx);
ty = expand(ty);
if (ty.equals(#<any>) || equal_types(tx,ty))
if (tx.is_variable() && numerical(tx.toString())
&& ty.is_variable() && numerical(ty.toString())) {
loc.head = #<call(coerce,`(loc.head), // destructive
match tx {
case `T(`tex):
if (!is_collection(T))
match ty {
case `S(`tey):
if (!is_collection(S))
if (is_persistent_collection(T) && !is_persistent_collection(S))
loc.head = #<Collect(`(loc.head))>; // destructive
if (subtype(tex,tey) && unify(tex,tey) == null) {
Tree nv = new_var();
Tree b = #<bag(`nv)>;
loc.head = #<cmap(lambda(`nv,`b),`(loc.head))>; // destructive
case tuple(...xs):
match ty {
case tuple(...ys):
Tree nv = new_var();
Trees nt = #[];
int i = 0;
for ( Trees xl = xs, yl = ys; xl != #[] && yl != #[]; xl = xl.tail, yl = yl.tail ) {
Trees dest = #[nth(`nv,`(i++))];
nt = nt.append(dest);
loc.head = #<let(`nv,`(loc.head),tuple(...nt))>; // destructive
case record(...xs):
match ty {
case record(...ys):
Tree nv = new_var();
Trees nt = #[];
for ( Tree x: xs )
match x {
case bind(`ax,`tex):
for ( Tree y: ys )
match y {
case bind(`ay,`tey):
if (equal_types(ax,ay)) {
Tree b = #<bind(`ax,project(`nv,`ax))>;
nt = nt.append(b);
loc.head = #<let(`nv,`(loc.head),record(...nt))>; // destructive
/** poor-man's type-unification (the any type unifies with everything) */
private static Trees unify ( Trees ts1, Trees ts2 ) {
Trees s = #[];
if (ts1.length() != ts2.length())
return null;
for ( Trees s1 = ts1, s2 = ts2; !s1.is_empty(); s1=s1.tail(), s2=s2.tail() ) {
Tree t = unify(s1.head(),s2.head());
if (t == null)
return null;
else s = s.append(t);
return s;
/** poor-man's type-unification (the any type unifies with everything) */
public static Tree unify ( Tree t1, Tree t2 ) {
t1 = expand(t1);
t2 = expand(t2);
if (t1.equals(#<any>))
return t2;
if (t2.equals(#<any>) || equal_types(t1,t2))
return t1;
match t1 {
case `T(`t):
match t2 {
case `S(`s):
if (!T.equals(S))
if (!is_collection(T))
Tree ts = unify(t,s);
if (ts != null)
return #<`T(`ts)>;
case `f(...ts1):
match t2 {
case `g(...ts2):
Trees s = unify(ts1,ts2);
if (f.equals(g) && s != null)
return #<`f(...s)>;
return null;
/** similar to unify, but it returns the second type instantiated */
private static Trees subtype_unify ( Trees ts1, Trees ts2 ) {
Trees s = #[];
if (ts1.length() != ts2.length())
return null;
for ( Trees s1 = ts1, s2 = ts2; !s1.is_empty(); s1=s1.tail(), s2=s2.tail() ) {
Tree t = subtype_unify(s1.head(),s2.head());
if (t == null)
return null;
else s = s.append(t);
return s;
/** similar to unify, but it returns the second type instantiated */
public static Tree subtype_unify ( Tree t1, Tree t2 ) {
t1 = expand(t1);
t2 = expand(t2);
if (t1.equals(#<any>))
return t2;
if (t2.equals(#<any>) || equal_types(t1,t2))
return t1;
match t1 {
case `T(`t):
match t2 {
case `S(`s):
if (!is_collection(T))
Tree ts = subtype_unify(t,s);
if (ts != null)
return #<`T(`ts)>;
case `f(...ts1):
match t2 {
case `g(...ts2):
Trees s = subtype_unify(ts1,ts2);
if (f.equals(g) && s != null)
return #<`f(...s)>;
return null;
/** if the types tx and ty do not unify, try to coerce them */
static Tree unify ( Tree tx, Tree ty, Trees destx, Trees desty ) {
Tree tp = unify(tx,ty);
if (tp != null)
return tp;
else if (subtype(tx,ty)) {
return subtype_unify(tx,ty);
} else if (subtype(ty,tx)) {
return subtype_unify(ty,tx);
} else return null;
/** find a type from the list of types ts that is the supertype of all other types */
private static Tree maximum_type ( Trees ts ) {
Tree maxt = ts.head;
for ( Tree t: ts.tail )
if (subtype(maxt,t) || maxt.equals(#<any>))
maxt = t;
return maxt;
/** if the type tp is a named type, expand it using its definition */
public static Tree expand ( Tree tp ) {
if (!tp.is_variable())
return tp;
Tree rt = global_datatype_env.lookup(tp.toString());
if (rt != null)
return expand(rt);
rt = type_names.lookup(tp.toString());
if (rt == null)
return tp;
else return expand(rt);
/** infer the type of an expression and expand it if necessary
* @param e the expression
* @return the type of e
public static Tree type_inference2 ( Tree e ) {
return expand(type_inference(e));
/** infer the type of an expression
* @param e the expression
* @return the type of e
public static Tree type_inference ( Tree e ) {
match e {
case select(`opt_dist,`u,from(,where(`c),groupby(,orderby(...os)):
Trees dvs = #[];
String max_type = "list";
for ( Tree b: bl )
match b {
case bind(`p,`d):
match type_inference2(d) {
case `T(`tp):
if (!is_collection(T))
dvs = dvs.append(bind_pattern_type(p,tp));
max_type = max_collection(T,max_type);
case `ftp:
type_error(e,"The from-binding domain "+print_query(d)+" in "
+print_query(e)+" must be a collection (found "
Tree ctp = type_inference2(c);
if (unify(ctp,#<bool>) == null)
type_error(e,"The predicate "+print_query(c)+" in "+print_query(e)
+" must be a boolean (found "+print_type(ctp)+")");
match #<groupby(> {
case groupby(`h,
Trees pvs = #[];
for ( Tree g: gl )
match g {
case bind(`gp,`gd):
pvs = pvs.append(pattern_variables(gp));
// find the type of the partition variable
Trees partl = #[];
for ( Tree dv: pattern_variables(#<tuple(...dvs)>) )
partl = partl.append(#<bind(`dv,`(type_env.lookup(dv.toString())))>);
// lift domain variables to bags
for ( Tree dv: dvs )
if (!pvs.member(dv))
Tree htp = type_inference2(h);
if (unify(htp,#<bool>) == null)
type_error(e,"The group-by predicate "+print_query(h)+" in "+print_query(e)
+" must be a boolean (found "+print_type(htp)+")");
match #<orderby(...os)> {
case orderby(`l,...ol):
if (!l.equals(#<none>)) {
Tree ltp = type_inference2(l);
if (unify(ltp,#<int>) == null)
type_error(e,"The limit "+print_query(l)+" in "+print_query(e)
+" must be an int (found "+print_type(ltp)+")");
for ( Tree o: ol)
Tree rtp = type_inference2(u);
return (is_persistent_collection(max_type)) ? #<List(`rtp)> : #<list(`rtp)>;
Tree rtp = type_inference2(u);
return (is_persistent_collection(max_type)) ? #<Bag(`rtp)> : #<bag(`rtp)>;
case select(`u,from(,where(`c)):
String max_type = "list";
for ( Tree b: bl )
match b {
case bind(`v,`d):
match type_inference2(d) {
case `T(`tp):
if (!is_collection(T))
max_type = max_collection(T,max_type);
case _: type_error(e,"Expected a collection: "+print_query(d)
+" in "+print_query(e));
if (unify(type_inference2(c),#<bool>) != null) {
Tree tp = type_inference(u);
return (is_persistent_collection(max_type)) ? #<Bag(`tp)> : #<bag(`tp)>;
} else type_error(e,"The select predicate must be boolean: "+print_query(e));
case let_bind(`p,`u,`b):
Tree tp = type_inference2(b);
return tp;
case let(`p,`u,`b):
return type_inference2(b);
case case(`u,...cs):
Tree tp = type_inference2(u);
Trees ts = #[];
for ( Tree c: cs )
match c {
case case(`p,`b):
ts = ts.append(type_inference2(b));
Tree maxt = maximum_type(ts);
for ( ; cs != #[] && ts != #[]; cs = cs.tail, ts = ts.tail )
match cs.head {
case case(`p,`b):
if (subtype(ts.head,maxt))
else type_error(cs.head,"Mismatched case output: "+b);
return maxt;
case lambda(`v,`b):
if (type_env.lookup(v.toString()) == null)
return #<arrow(`(type_env.lookup(v.toString())),`(type_inference(b)))>;
case function(tuple(...params),`outp,`body):
Trees as = #[];
for ( Tree param: params )
match param {
case `bind(`v,`tp):
as = as.append(tp);
Tree btp = type_inference(body);
if (!subtype(btp,outp))
type_error(e,"The type of the function body "+print_type(btp)
+" does not match the expected type "+print_type(outp)+"\n"+e);
if (unify(btp,outp) == null) { // the body needs coercion
Trees b = #[`body];
body = b.head;
return #<arrow(tuple(,`outp)>;
case call(source,binary,`f,`tp):
return tp;
case call(source,binary,`f):
if (!f.is_string())
type_error(e,"The source file must be a constant string: "+print_query(f));
Tree tp = null;
if (Config.hadoop_mode)
tp = Evaluator.evaluator.get_type(f.stringValue());
else tp = MapReduceAlgebra.get_type(f.stringValue());
if (tp == null)
type_error(e,"Cannot find the type of file "+f);
((Node)e).children = ((Node)e).children.append(tp); // destructive
return tp;
case call(source,`parser,`f,...args):
if (!parser.is_variable())
type_error(e,"The parser must be a constant name: "+print_query(parser));
if (unify(type_inference(f),#<string>) == null)
type_error(e,"The source file must be a string: "+print_query(f));
try {
Class<? extends Parser> pc = DataSource.parserDirectory.get(parser.toString());
if (pc == null)
type_error(e,"Unrecognized parser: "+parser);
Parser p = pc.newInstance();
return #<Bag(`(p.type()))>;
} catch (Exception x) {
type_error(e,"Unrecognized parser type: "+parser);
case typed(null,`tp):
return tp;
case typed(`f(...),`tp):
if (f.equals("tagged_union") || f.equals("union_value"))
return tp;
else fail
case typed(`x,`tp):
if (tp.is_variable() && !tp.equals(#<string>)
&& MRContainer.type_code(tp.toString()) >= 0) {
Tree tx = type_inference(x);
if (tx.is_variable() && !tx.equals(#<string>)
&& MRContainer.type_code(tx.toString()) >= 0)
return tp;
else type_error(e,"Expression "+print_query(x)+" of type "+print_type(tx)
+" cannot be coerced to type "+tp);
Tree tx = type_inference(x);
if (!subtype(tx,tp))
type_error(e,"Expression "+print_query(x)+" of type "+print_type(tx)
+" cannot be coerced to type "+print_type(tp));
if (unify(tx,tp) == null) // need to coerce x
return tp;
case tuple(...el):
Trees s = #[];
for ( Tree a: el )
s = s.append(type_inference(a));
return #<tuple(...s)>;
case call(coerce,`x,`n):
return #<`(MRContainer.type_names[(int)n.longValue()])>;
case record(...el):
Trees s = #[];
Trees attrs = #[];
for ( Tree a: el )
match a {
case bind(`v,`b):
s = s.append(#<bind(`v,`(type_inference(b)))>);
if (attrs.member(v))
type_error(e,"Duplicate record attribute name: "+v+" in "+print_query(e));
attrs = attrs.append(v);
return #<record(...s)>;
case union_tag(`x):
return #<int>;
case `T(...el):
if (!is_collection(T))
if (el.is_empty())
return #<`T(any)>;
Trees ts = #[];
for ( Tree t: el )
ts = ts.append(type_inference(t));
Tree maxt = maximum_type(ts);
for ( ; el != #[] && ts != #[]; el = el.tail, ts = ts.tail )
if (subtype(ts.head,maxt))
else type_error(e,"Incompatible values in "+T+" construction: "+print_query(e));
return #<`T(`maxt)>;
case nth(`a,`n):
if (!n.is_long())
type_error(e,"Tuple index must be an integer: "+print_query(e));
int i = (int)n.longValue();
match type_inference2(a) {
case tuple(...ts):
if (i < 0 || i >= ts.length())
type_error(e,"Tuple index outside bounds: "+print_query(e));
return ts.nth(i);
case `S(tuple(...ts)):
if (!is_collection(S))
if (i < 0 || i >= ts.length())
type_error(e,"Tuple index outside bounds: "+print_query(e));
return #<`S(`(ts.nth(i)))>;
case `tp:
type_error(e,"Tuple index must be applied to a tuple: "
+print_query(a)+" of type: "+print_type(tp)+" in "+print_query(e));
case project(`a,`v): // highly overloaded
Tree ta = type_inference(a);
match ta {
case XML:
return #<list(XML)>;
case `S(`tp):
if (is_collection(S) && (tp.equals(#<XML>) || tp.equals(TopLevel.xml_type)))
return #<`S(XML)>;
if (ta.equals(TopLevel.xml_type))
return #<list(XML)>;
match expand(ta) {
case record(...ts):
for ( Tree t: ts )
match t {
case bind(`w,`tp):
if (equal_types(w,v))
return tp;
type_error(e,"Record "+print_query(a)+" does not have a component "+v);
case union(
Trees s = #[];
for ( Tree t: tl )
match t {
case `c(record(...ts)):
for ( Tree tn: ts )
match tn {
case bind(`w,`tp):
if (equal_types(w,v))
s = s.append(tp);
case `c(bag(tuple(string,`tv))):
s = s.append(tv);
if (s.length() == 0)
type_error(e,"Wrong record projection "+print_query(e)
+ " over the union "+print_type(ta));
else if (s.length() > 1)
type_error(e,"Ambiguous record projection "+print_query(e)
+ " over the union "+print_type(ta));
return s.head();
case `S(`ttp):
if (!is_collection(S))
match expand(ttp) {
case record(...ts):
for ( Tree t: ts )
match t {
case bind(`w,`tp):
if (equal_types(w,v))
return #<`S(`tp)>;
type_error(e,"The record collection "+print_query(a)
+" does not have a component "+v);
case tuple(string,`tv):
return tv;
case union(
Trees s = #[];
for ( Tree t: tl )
match t {
case `c(record(...ts)):
for ( Tree tn: ts )
match tn {
case bind(`w,`tp):
if (equal_types(w,v))
s = s.append(tp);
case `c(bag(tuple(string,`tv))):
s = s.append(tv);
if (s.length() == 0)
type_error(e,"Wrong record projection "+print_query(e)
+ " over the union "+print_type(ta));
else if (s.length() > 1)
type_error(e,"Ambiguous record projection "+print_query(e)
+ " over the union "+print_type(ta));
return #<`S(...s)>;
case `t:
type_error(e,"The record projection "+print_query(e)
+ " cannot apply to the type "+print_type(t));
case index(`a,`i):
Tree ti = type_inference2(i);
match type_inference2(a) {
case bag(tuple(`tk,`tv)):
if (subtype(ti,tk)) {
return tv;
} else fail
case Bag(tuple(`tk,`tv)):
if (subtype(ti,tk)) {
return tv;
} else fail
case list(`tp):
if (unify(ti,#<int>) != null)
return tp;
else type_error(e,"List index must be an integer: "+print_query(e));
case List(`tp):
if (unify(ti,#<int>) != null)
return tp;
else type_error(e,"List index must be an integer: "+print_query(e));
case union(
Trees s = #[];
for ( Tree t: tl )
match expand(t) {
case `c(bag(tuple(`tk,`tv))):
if (unify(ti,tk) != null)
s = s.append(tv);
else fail
case `c(list(`tp)):
if (unify(ti,#<int>) != null)
s = s.append(tp);
else fail
if (s.length() == 0)
type_error(e,"Wrong indexing "+print_query(e)
+ " in union "+print_type(#<union(>));
else if (s.length() > 1)
type_error(e,"Ambiguous indexing "+print_query(e)
+ " in union "+print_type(#<union(>));
return s.head();
case `tp: type_error(e,"Indexing is not allowed for type "+print_type(tp)
+" with index "+print_type(ti)+" in "+print_query(e));
case range(`u,`i,`j):
if (unify(type_inference2(i),#<int>) == null
|| unify(type_inference2(j),#<int>) == null)
type_error(e,"Range indexes must be integer expressions: "+print_query(e));
match type_inference2(u) {
case list(`a): return #<list(`a)>;
case List(`a): return #<list(`a)>;
type_error(e,"Range indexing must be applied to a list: "+print_query(e));
case range(`min,`max):
Tree tmin = type_inference(min);
Tree tmax = type_inference(max);
if (!subtype(tmin,#<long>))
type_error(e,"Expected a long integer for min: "+print_query(min));
else if (unify(tmin,#<long>) == null) // coerce
if (!subtype(tmax,#<long>))
type_error(e,"Expected a long integer for max: "+print_query(max));
else if (unify(tmax,#<long>) == null) // coerce
return #<list(long)>;
case call(gen,`min,`max,`size):
return type_inference(#<gen(`min,`max,`size)>);
case gen(`min,`max,`size):
Tree tmin = type_inference(min);
Tree tmax = type_inference(max);
Tree tsize = type_inference(size);
if (!subtype(tmin,#<long>))
type_error(e,"Expected a long integer for min: "+print_query(min));
else if (unify(tmin,#<long>) == null) // coerce
if (!subtype(tmax,#<long>))
type_error(e,"Expected a long integer for max: "+print_query(max));
else if (unify(tmax,#<long>) == null) // coerce
if (!subtype(tsize,#<long>))
type_error(e,"Expected a long integer for size: "+print_query(size));
else if (unify(tsize,#<long>) == null) // coerce
return #<Bag(long)>;
case dataset_size(`x):
return #<long>;
case groupBy(`u):
Tree tp = type_inference2(u);
match tp {
case `T(tuple(`k,`v)):
if (is_collection(T))
return (is_persistent_collection(T))
? #<Bag(tuple(`k,list(`v)))>
: #<bag(tuple(`k,list(`v)))>;
type_error(e,"Wrong groupBy: "+print_query(e)+" of type "+print_type(tp));
case orderBy(`u):
Tree tp = type_inference2(u);
match tp {
case `T(tuple(`k,`v)):
if (is_collection(T))
return (is_persistent_collection(T))
? #<List(tuple(`k,list(`v)))>
: #<list(tuple(`k,list(`v)))>;
type_error(e,"Wrong orderBy: "+print_query(e)+" of type "+print_type(tp));
case cmap(lambda(`v,`body),`s):
match type_inference2(s) {
case `T(`a):
if (!is_collection(T))
match type_inference2(body) {
case `S(`tp):
if (!is_collection(S))
return #<`T(`tp)>;
case _: type_error(e,"cmap must return a collection: "+print_query(e));
case `t: type_error(e,"cmap must be over a collection: "+print_query(e)
+" (found type "+print_type(t)+")");
type_error(e,"Wrong cmap: "+print_query(e));
case fold(lambda(`v,`body),`n,`s):
match type_inference2(s) {
case `T(`a):
if (!is_collection(T))
Tree tp = type_inference(n);
if (unify(type_inference2(body),tp) == null)
type_error(e,"Wrong types in fold: "+print_query(e));
return tp;
case join(lambda(`v1,`b1),lambda(`v2,`b2),lambda(`vr,`br),`x,`y):
match type_inference2(x) {
case `T(`a):
if (!is_collection(T))
match type_inference2(y) {
case `S(`b):
if (!is_collection(S))
T = transient_collection(T);
S = transient_collection(S);
if (unify(type_inference2(b1),type_inference2(b2)) == null)
type_error(e,"Incompatible keys in join ("+type_inference2(b1)
+" and "+type_inference2(b2)+"): "+print_query(e));
match type_inference(br) {
case `S3(`ntp):
if (!is_collection(S3))
S3 = persistent_collection(S3);
return #<`S3(`ntp)>;
type_error(e,"The join reducer must return a collection: "+print_query(br));
case _: type_error(e,"The right join input is not a collection: "+print_query(y));
case _: type_error(e,"The left join input is not a collection: "+print_query(x));
case crossProduct(lambda(`v1,`b1),lambda(`v2,`b2),lambda(`vr,`br),`x,`y):
match type_inference2(x) {
case `T(`a):
if (!is_collection(T))
match type_inference2(y) {
case `S(`b):
if (!is_collection(S))
match type_inference2(b1) {
case `S1(`w1):
if (!is_collection(S1))
match type_inference2(b2) {
case `S2(`w2):
if (!is_collection(S2))
match type_inference(br) {
case `S3(`ntp):
if (!is_collection(S3))
S3 = persistent_collection(S3);
return #<`S3(`ntp)>;
type_error(e,"The cross product reducer must return a collection: "+print_query(br));
case _: type_error(e,"Wrong right mapper in a cross product: "+print_query(b2));
case _: type_error(e,"Wrong left mapper in a cross product: "+print_query(b1));
case _: type_error(e,"The right cross product input is not a collection: "+print_query(y));
case _: type_error(e,"The left cross product input is not a collection: "+print_query(x));
case mapReduce(lambda(`vm,`bm),lambda(`vr,`br),`X,_):
match type_inference2(X) {
case `T(`a):
if (!is_collection(T))
match type_inference2(bm) {
case `S(tuple(`k,`b)):
if (!is_collection(S))
match type_inference(br) {
case `S3(`ntp):
if (!is_collection(S3))
if (is_persistent_collection(T))
S3 = persistent_collection(S3);
return #<`S3(`ntp)>;
type_error(e,"The MapReduce reducer must return a collection: "+print_query(br));
case _: type_error(e,"Wrong mapper in mapReduce: "+print_query(bm));
type_error(e,"The MapReduce input is not a collection: "+print_query(X));
case mapReduce2(lambda(`v1,`b1),lambda(`v2,`b2),lambda(`vr,`br),`X,`Y,_):
match type_inference2(X) {
case `T(`a):
if (!is_collection(T))
match type_inference2(Y) {
case `S(`b):
if (!is_collection(S))
match type_inference2(b1) {
case `S1(tuple(`k1,`w1)):
if (!is_collection(S1))
match type_inference2(b2) {
case `S2(tuple(`k2,`w2)):
if (!is_collection(S2))
if (unify(k1,k2) == null)
type_error(e,"incompatible keys in mapReduce2: "+print_query(e));
S1 = transient_collection(S1);
S2 = transient_collection(S2);
match type_inference(br) {
case `S3(`ntp):
if (!is_collection(S3))
if (is_persistent_collection(T) && is_persistent_collection(S))
S3 = persistent_collection(S3);
return #<`S3(`ntp)>;
type_error(e,"The MapReduce2 reducer must return a collection: "+print_query(br));
case _: type_error(e,"Wrong right mapper in mapReduce2: "+print_query(b2));
case _: type_error(e,"Wrong left mapper in mapReduce2: "+print_query(b1));
case _: type_error(e,"The right MapReduce2 input is not a collection: "+print_query(Y));
case _: type_error(e,"The left MapReduce2 input is not a collection: "+print_query(X));
case Collect(`x):
match type_inference2(x) {
case Bag(`tp): return #<bag(`tp)>;
case List(`tp): return #<list(`tp)>;
type_error(e,"You can only cache persistent collections: "+e);
case aggregate(lambda(`v,`b),`z,`X):
match type_inference2(X) {
case `T(`a):
if (!is_collection(T))
Tree ztp = type_inference2(z);
if (!subtype(ztp,type_inference2(b)))
type_error(e,"Wrong accumulator: "+print_query(e));
return ztp;
type_error(e,"Aggregation input is not a collection: "+print_query(e));
case repeat(lambda(`p,`b),`s,...ns):
if (!ns.is_empty() && unify(type_inference2(ns.head()),#<int>) == null)
type_error(e,"The maximum number of steps in repeat must be an integer: "
Tree tp = type_inference2(s);
match tp {
case `T(`a):
if (!is_collection(T))
match type_inference2(b) {
case `S(`c): // transitive closure
if (!is_collection(S))
if (unify(a,c) == null)
((Node)e).name = #<closure>.toString(); // destructive
return #<`T(`a)>;
case `S(tuple(`w,`c)):
if (!is_collection(S))
if (unify(c,#<bool>) == null)
if (unify(a,w) == null)
return #<`T(`a)>;
case `t: type_error(e,"The repeat body must return a collection of type "
+print_type(tp)+" or "+print_type(#<`T(tuple(`a,bool))>)
+" (Found type: "+print_type(t)+")");
type_error(e,"The repeat source must return a bag: "+print_query(e));
case closure(lambda(`v,`b),`s,...ns):
if (!ns.is_empty() && unify(type_inference2(ns.head()),#<int>) == null)
type_error(e,"The maximum number of steps in closure must be an integer: "
match type_inference2(s) {
case `T(`a):
if (!is_collection(T))
match type_inference2(b) {
case `S(`tp):
if (!is_collection(S))
if (unify(a,tp) == null)
return #<`T(`a)>;
case `tp: type_error(e,"The closure body must return a collection of type "
+print_type(#<`T(`a)>)+" or "+print_type(#<`T(tuple(`a,bool))>)
+" (Found type: "+print_type(tp)+")");
type_error(e,"The closure source must return a bag: "+print_query(e));
case loop(lambda(`p,`b),`s,`n):
if (unify(type_inference2(n),#<int>) == null)
type_error(e,"The number of steps in loop must be an integer: "+print_query(n));
Tree tp = type_inference2(s);
Tree btp = type_inference2(b);
if (unify(tp,btp) == null)
type_error(e,"The type of the repeat body ("+print_type(btp)
+ ") and the type of the initial value ("+print_type(tp)+") do not match");
return tp;
case step(`x): // used in QueryPlan for repeat
match type_inference(x) {
case `T(`tp): return #<`T(tuple(`tp,bool))>;
case cstep(`x): // used in QueryPlan for closure
return type_inference(x);
case if(`p,`x,`y):
if (unify(type_inference2(p),#<bool>) == null)
type_error(e,"Expected a boolean predicate in if-then-else: "+print_query(p));
Tree tx = type_inference2(x);
Tree ty = type_inference2(y);
Tree rt = unify(tx,ty,((Node)e).children.tail,((Node)e).children.tail.tail);
if (rt == null)
type_error(e,"Incompatible types in if-then-else: "+print_query(e));
return rt;
case call(inv,`x):
return type_inference(x);
case call(plus,`x,`y):
Tree tx = type_inference2(x);
Tree ty = type_inference2(y);
match tx {
case `T(`xt):
if (!is_collection(T))
match ty {
case `S(`yt):
if (!is_collection(S))
Tree rt = unify(tx,ty,((Node)e).children.tail,((Node)e).children.tail.tail);
if (rt == null)
type_error(e,"Incompatible types in union/append: "+print_type(tx)+" and "+print_type(ty));
return rt;
case `f(`x,`y):
if (! #[union,intersect,except].member(#<`f>))
Tree tx = type_inference2(x);
Tree ty = type_inference2(y);
match tx {
case `T(`t1):
if (!is_collection(T))
Tree t = unify(tx,ty,((Node)e).children,((Node)e).children.tail);
if (t != null)
return t;
type_error(e,"Incompatible types in "+f+": "+print_type(tx)+" and "+print_type(ty));
case call(member,`x,`y):
Tree tx = type_inference2(x);
Tree ty = type_inference2(y);
match ty {
case `T(`t1):
if (!is_collection(T))
if (!subtype(tx,t1))
type_error(e,"Incompatible types in member: "+print_type(tx)+" and "+print_type(ty));
return #<bool>;
case call(`f,`x,`y):
if (! #[eq,neq,lt,leq,gt,geq].member(f))
Tree tx = type_inference2(x);
Tree ty = type_inference2(y);
if (!subtype(tx,ty) && !subtype(ty,tx))
type_error(e,"Incompatible types in comparison "+f+": "
+print_type(tx)+" and "+print_type(ty));
if (unify(tx,ty) != null)
return #<bool>;
if (subtype(tx,ty))
else if (subtype(ty,tx))
return #<bool>;
case call(`f,`s):
for ( Tree monoid: monoids )
match monoid {
case `aggr(`mtp,`plus,`zero,`unit):
if (!aggr.equals(f.toString()))
match type_inference2(s) {
case `T(`tp):
if (!is_collection(T))
type_error(e,"Aggregation must be over collections: "+s);
if (unify(mtp,tp) == null)
Tree nv = new_var();
Tree t = type_inference2(#<apply(`unit,`nv)>);
Tree tz = type_inference2(zero);
if (unify(t,tz) != null)
return t;
case call(avg,`s):
return type_inference(#<call(div,typed(call(sum,`s),double),call(count,`s))>);
case trace(`msg,`t,`x):
if (unify(type_inference2(msg),#<string>) == null)
type_error(e,"Expected a string in the trace message");
Tree tp = type_inference2(x);
match tp {
case `T(_):
if (Config.bsp_mode && is_persistent_collection(T))
type_error(e,"Cannot trace expressions of persistent type in BSP mode: "+x);
if (t.equals(#<none>))
((Node)e).children.tail.head = tp; // destructive
return tp;
case apply(lambda(`v,`b),`arg):
Tree tp = type_inference(b);
return tp;
case call(`f,
Tree macro = global_macros.lookup(f.toString());
if (macro == null)
match macro {
case macro(params(,`body):
Tree b = body;
if (pl.length() != al.length())
for ( ; !pl.is_empty(); pl = pl.tail(), al = al.tail() )
b = subst(pl.head(),al.head(),b);
return type_inference2(b);
case call(`f,...el):
if (!f.is_variable() || global_vars.lookup(f.toString()) != null)
Tree ret = data_constructors.lookup(f.toString());
if (ret != null)
match ret {
case `v(`n,`tp):
if (unify(type_inference(make_tuple(el)),tp) != null)
return #<`v>;
else type_error(e,"Wrong data construction: "+print_query(e));
ret = type_env.lookup(f.toString());
if (ret == null)
ret = global_type_env.lookup(f.toString());
if (ret != null)
match ret {
case arrow(`s,`d):
Tree tp = type_inference(#<tuple(...el)>);
if (!subtype(tp,s))
type_error(e,"The domain of the anonymous function "+print_type(s)+" in "+print_query(e)
+" does not match the argument types "+print_type(tp));
if (unify(tp,s) == null) // coerce args
match #<tuple(`tp,`s)> {
case tuple(tuple(...txs),tuple(...tys)):
for ( ; txs != #[]; txs = txs.tail, tys = tys.tail, el = el.tail )
return d;
case _: type_error(e,"Expected a functional type for "+f+" (found "+print_type(ret)+")");
Trees tps = #[];
for ( Tree a: el )
tps = tps.append(type_inference(a));
for ( Tree fnc: functions )
match fnc {
case `fn(`otp,
if (!fn.equals(f.toString()) || !subtype(tps,tl))
if (f.equals(#<XMLchildren>))
return #<list(XML)>;
else if (f.equals(#<XMLattributes>))
return #<list(string)>;
else if (f.equals(#<XMLattribute>) && collection_type(otp))
return #<list(string)>;
else return otp;
type_error(e,"Undefined function "+f+" over arguments of type "+print_type(#<tuple(...tps)>));
case apply(`f,`u):
match type_inference2(f) {
case arrow(`s,`d):
Tree tp = type_inference(u);
if (!subtype(tp,s))
type_error(e,"The domain of the anonymous function "+print_type(s)+" in "+print_query(e)
+" does not match the argument types "+print_type(tp));
if (unify(tp,s) == null) // coerce args
return d;
case `tp: type_error(e,"Expected a functional type for "+f+" (found "+print_type(tp)+")");
case callM(`f,_,...el):
return type_inference(#<call(`f,...el)>);
case true: return #<bool>;
case false: return #<bool>;
case null: return #<any>;
case `v:
if (!v.is_variable())
Tree ret1 = type_env.lookup(v.toString());
Tree ret2 = global_type_env.lookup(v.toString());
if (ret1 == null)
if (ret2 == null) {
Tree ret = global_vars.lookup(v.toString());
if (ret == null) {
String msg = "";
if (!Config.trace && type_env.iterator().hasNext()) {
msg += "\nVariable Types:";
for ( String var: type_env )
msg += "\n "+var + ": " + print_type(type_env.lookup(var));
type_error(e,"Undefined variable: "+v+msg);
} else if (!v.equals(ret))
return type_inference(ret);
} else return ret2;
else return ret1;
case `n:
if (n.is_long())
return #<int>;
else if (n.is_double())
return #<double>;
else if (n.is_string())
return #<string>;
type_error(e,"Wrong expression: "+print_query(e));
throw new Error();
/** check the type for inconsistencies and fix the transient/persistent components */
public static Tree normalize_type ( Tree type ) {
match type {
case record(
Trees as = #[];
Trees vs = #[];
for ( Tree b: bs )
match b {
case bind(`v,`tp):
if (v.is_variable())
if (vs.member(v))
type_error(type,"Duplicate record attributes: "+print_type(type));
else {
vs = vs.append(v);
as = as.append(#<bind(`v,`(normalize_type(tp)))>);
else type_error(type,"Expected an attribute name: "+v);
case _: type_error(type,"Ill-formed record type: "+print_type(type));
return #<record(>;
case tuple(...ts):
Trees as = #[];
for ( Tree t: ts )
as = as.append(normalize_type(t));
return #<tuple(>;
case union(
Trees as = #[];
for ( Tree b: bs )
match b {
case `c(`tp):
as = as.append(#<`c(`(normalize_type(tp)))>);
case _: type_error(type,"Ill-formed union type: "+print_type(type));
return #<union(>;
case persistent(bag(`tp)):
Tree ntp = normalize_type(tp);
return #<Bag(`ntp)>;
case persistent(list(`tp)):
Tree ntp = normalize_type(tp);
return #<List(`ntp)>;
case `T(`tp):
if (is_collection(T))
return #<`T(`(normalize_type(tp)))>;
else fail
case `tp:
if (!tp.is_variable())
if (#[bool,byte,short,int,long,float,double,string].member(tp))
return tp;
Tree rt = global_datatype_env.lookup(tp.toString());
if (rt != null)
return tp;
rt = type_names.lookup(tp.toString());
if (rt != null)
return tp;
type_error(type,"Unrecognized type: "+print_type(type));
return type;