blob: e7328802c3c105bfece994b13978103b4b484766 [file] [log] [blame]
//Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
//contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
//this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
//The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
//the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
//Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//limitations under the License.
// Defines the default configuration for Fey
// User can override this configuration by creating a configuration file
// with the same schema and passing it as a argument to Fey.
// If check point is not enabled Fey won't check out the last state
// and will not be able to recovery properly in case of a failure (The json files
// will also not be update to add the extension .processed
// Disabling the checkpoint is recommended during a development phase
// or when the Orchestration will not change frequently
enable-checkpoint = true
// Directory where fey is going to store its checkpoint
// Only the latest running Orchestration JSONs will be saved, no message will be checkpointed.
// It will not be used if "enable-checkpoint" is false
checkpoint-directory = "/tmp/fey/checkpoint"
// Directory that will be watched by Fey in order to get the Orchestration JSON files
// This directory must exist on your computer, Fey will not create it in case it does not
// and a exception will be thrown by the WatchService actor
json-repository = ${HOME}"/feyJSONRepo"
// Defines the file extension that will be processed by Fey.
// Files that does not have this extension will be ignored.
json-extension = ".json"
// Directory where Fey will be loading the Performers from.
// This directory must exist on your computer, as well as all of the
// jars that are being specified in the Orchestration JSON
jar-repository = ${HOME}"/feyJarRepo"
// Configuration for downloading performers jar at runtime
// using the JSON Location property
// Directory where Fey will download the jars that the location is
// specified in the JSON
downloaded-repository = ${HOME}"/.fey/jars"
// If enabled, Fey will clean up the jar-downloaded-repository everytime
// it starts, forcing the jars to be downloaded again
// If false, Fey will only download jars that are not in jar-downloaded-repository
force-pull = false
// Fey Log Level
log-level = "DEBUG"
// Defines where the log will be appended to
// Options:
// FILE -> Appends log the a rolling file at ~/.fey/logs/fey_core.log
// STDOUT -> Appends log to STDOUT
// FILE_STDOUT -> Appends log to STDOUT as well as to FILE
log-appender = "STDOUT"
//Router configuration when using auto scaling
//volume of messages to trigger resize
messages-per-resize = 500
// Holds all the Akka dispatchers configured by the user.
// These dispatchers will be given to Fey ActorSystem and will be available
// to be used by the performers. To do so, just specify the property "dispatcher"
// on the performer json using the path of the dispatcher inside the custom-dispatcher
// No default custom implementations
// Configure monitoring options. If enabled the actors events will be stored
// together with other information, and the user should be able to visualize
// using the rest-api.
// Types:
// COMPLETE: Keeps track of all the events for all of the actors. Backed by a Trie data structure
// SIMPLE: Keeps track only of the latest event for each actor. Backed by HashMap
enable = true,
type = "COMPLETE"
port = 16666
urlPath = ""
// Fey akka configuration. Can not be overwritten by user
akka {
loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
loglevel = "DEBUG"
logging-filter = "akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLoggingFilter"
fey-dispatchers {
control-aware-dispatcher {
mailbox-type = "akka.dispatch.UnboundedControlAwareMailbox"
//Configuration for rest Api .
play.crypto.secret = "apacheiota"
play.crypto.secret = ${?APPLICATION_SECRET}