blob: 8817df7cbe75967df41ffc2143b7761042883c60 [file] [log] [blame]
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
import sbtassembly.AssemblyPlugin.autoImport._
object BuildSettings {
import Dependencies.Resolvers._
val ParentProject = "iota"
val Fey = "fey-core"
val Stream = "fey-stream"
val ZMQ = "fey-zmq"
val VirtualSensor = "fey-virtual-sensor"
val Version = "1.0"
val ScalaVersion = "2.11.8"
lazy val rootbuildSettings = Defaults.coreDefaultSettings ++ Seq(
name := ParentProject,
version := Version,
scalaVersion := ScalaVersion,
organization := "org.apache.iota",
description := "Apache iota build",
scalacOptions := Seq("-deprecation", "-unchecked", "-encoding", "utf8", "-Xlint")
lazy val BasicSettings = Seq(
organization := "org.apache.iota",
maxErrors := 5,
ivyScala := ivyScala.value map {
_.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true)
triggeredMessage := Watched.clearWhenTriggered,
resolvers := allResolvers,
fork := true,
connectInput in run := true
lazy val FeybuildSettings = Defaults.coreDefaultSettings ++ Seq(
name := Fey,
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT",
scalaVersion := ScalaVersion,
description := "Framework of the event processing / actions engine for IOTA",
scalacOptions := Seq("-deprecation", "-unchecked", "-encoding", "utf8", "-Xlint"),
mainClass := Some("org.apache.iota.fey.Application"),
assemblyJarName in assembly := "iota-fey-core.jar",
publishTo := {
val nexus = "s3://"
if (isSnapshot.value)
Some("snapshots" at nexus + "snapshots")
Some("releases" at nexus + "releases")
publishMavenStyle := true,
conflictManager := ConflictManager.all,
assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly := {
case PathList("org", "slf4j", xs @ _*) => MergeStrategy.last
case x =>
val oldStrategy = (assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly).value
//All tests on Fey are integrated tests.
//All tests need to be execute sequentially
parallelExecution in Test := false,
testOptions in Test += Tests.Cleanup( () => {
print("\nCLeaning up")
def removeAll(path: String) = {
def getRecursively(f: File): Seq[File] =
f.listFiles.filter(_.isDirectory).flatMap(getRecursively) ++ f.listFiles
getRecursively(new File(path)).foreach{f =>
if (!f.delete()) println(s"could not delete ${f.getAbsolutePath}")}
lazy val StreambuildSettings = Defaults.coreDefaultSettings ++ Seq(
name := Stream,
version := Version,
scalaVersion := ScalaVersion,
description := "Simple Stream Application",
scalacOptions := Seq("-deprecation", "-unchecked", "-encoding", "utf8", "-Xlint"),
mainClass := Some("org.apache.iota.fey.performer.Application")
lazy val ZMQbuildSettings = Defaults.coreDefaultSettings ++ Seq(
name := ZMQ,
version := Version,
scalaVersion := ScalaVersion,
description := "ZMQ Application",
scalacOptions := Seq("-deprecation", "-unchecked", "-encoding", "utf8", "-Xlint"),
mainClass := Some("org.apache.iota.fey.performer.Application")
lazy val VirtualSensorbuildSettings = Defaults.coreDefaultSettings ++ Seq(
name := VirtualSensor,
version := Version,
scalaVersion := ScalaVersion,
description := "Virtual Sensor Application",
scalacOptions := Seq("-deprecation", "-unchecked", "-encoding", "utf8", "-Xlint"),
mainClass := Some("org.apache.iota.fey.performer.Application")