blob: 672f5f6dfdeb087f4c7768e8e49552e2345863cf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package main
import (
// The Metrics Sink for HTraced.
// The Metrics sink keeps track of metrics for the htraced daemon.
// It is important to have good metrics so that we can properly manager htraced. In particular, we
// need to know what rate we are receiving spans at, the main places spans came from. If spans
// were dropped because of a high sampling rates, we need to know which part of the system dropped
// them so that we can adjust the sampling rate there.
type ServerSpanMetrics struct {
// The total number of spans written to HTraced.
Written uint64
// The total number of spans dropped by the server.
ServerDropped uint64
func (spm *ServerSpanMetrics) Clone() *ServerSpanMetrics {
return &ServerSpanMetrics{
Written: spm.Written,
ServerDropped: spm.ServerDropped,
func (spm *ServerSpanMetrics) String() string {
jbytes, err := json.Marshal(*spm)
if err != nil {
return string(jbytes)
func (spm *ServerSpanMetrics) Add(ospm *ServerSpanMetrics) {
spm.Written += ospm.Written
spm.ServerDropped += ospm.ServerDropped
func (spm *ServerSpanMetrics) Clear() {
spm.Written = 0
spm.ServerDropped = 0
// A map from network address strings to ServerSpanMetrics structures.
type ServerSpanMetricsMap map[string]*ServerSpanMetrics
func (smtxMap ServerSpanMetricsMap) IncrementDropped(addr string, maxMtx int,
lg *common.Logger) {
mtx := smtxMap[addr]
if mtx == nil {
mtx = &ServerSpanMetrics{}
smtxMap[addr] = mtx
smtxMap.Prune(maxMtx, lg)
func (smtxMap ServerSpanMetricsMap) IncrementWritten(addr string, maxMtx int,
lg *common.Logger) {
mtx := smtxMap[addr]
if mtx == nil {
mtx = &ServerSpanMetrics{}
smtxMap[addr] = mtx
smtxMap.Prune(maxMtx, lg)
func (smtxMap ServerSpanMetricsMap) Prune(maxMtx int, lg *common.Logger) {
if len(smtxMap) >= maxMtx {
// Delete a random entry
for k := range smtxMap {
lg.Warnf("Evicting metrics entry for addr %s "+
"because there are more than %d addrs.\n", k, maxMtx)
delete(smtxMap, k)
type AccessReq struct {
mtxMap common.SpanMetricsMap
done chan interface{}
type MetricsSink struct {
// The total span metrics.
smtxMap ServerSpanMetricsMap
// A channel of incoming shard metrics.
// When this is shut down, the MetricsSink will exit.
updateReqs chan ServerSpanMetricsMap
// A channel of incoming requests for shard metrics.
accessReqs chan *AccessReq
// This will be closed when the MetricsSink has exited.
exited chan interface{}
// The logger used by this MetricsSink.
lg *common.Logger
// The maximum number of metrics totals we will maintain.
maxMtx int
// The number of spans which each client has self-reported that it has
// dropped.
clientDroppedMap map[string]uint64
// Lock protecting clientDropped
clientDroppedLock sync.Mutex
func NewMetricsSink(cnf *conf.Config) *MetricsSink {
mcl := MetricsSink{
smtxMap: make(ServerSpanMetricsMap),
updateReqs: make(chan ServerSpanMetricsMap, 128),
accessReqs: make(chan *AccessReq),
exited: make(chan interface{}),
lg: common.NewLogger("metrics", cnf),
clientDroppedMap: make(map[string]uint64),
return &mcl
func (msink *MetricsSink) run() {
lg := msink.lg
defer func() {
lg.Info("MetricsSink: stopping service goroutine.\n")
lg.Tracef("MetricsSink: starting.\n")
for {
select {
case updateReq, open := <-msink.updateReqs:
if !open {
lg.Trace("MetricsSink: shutting down cleanly.\n")
for addr, umtx := range updateReq {
smtx := msink.smtxMap[addr]
if smtx == nil {
smtx = &ServerSpanMetrics{}
msink.smtxMap[addr] = smtx
if lg.TraceEnabled() {
lg.Tracef("MetricsSink: updated %s to %s\n", addr, smtx.String())
msink.smtxMap.Prune(msink.maxMtx, lg)
case accessReq := <-msink.accessReqs:
func (msink *MetricsSink) handleAccessReq(accessReq *AccessReq) {
msink.lg.Debug("MetricsSink: accessing global metrics.\n")
defer func() {
for addr, smtx := range msink.smtxMap {
accessReq.mtxMap[addr] = &common.SpanMetrics{
Written: smtx.Written,
ServerDropped: smtx.ServerDropped,
ClientDropped: msink.clientDroppedMap[addr],
func (msink *MetricsSink) AccessTotals() common.SpanMetricsMap {
accessReq := &AccessReq{
mtxMap: make(common.SpanMetricsMap),
done: make(chan interface{}),
msink.accessReqs <- accessReq
return accessReq.mtxMap
func (msink *MetricsSink) UpdateMetrics(mtxMap ServerSpanMetricsMap) {
msink.updateReqs <- mtxMap
func (msink *MetricsSink) Shutdown() {
func (msink *MetricsSink) UpdateClientDropped(client string, clientDropped uint64) {
defer msink.clientDroppedLock.Unlock()
msink.clientDroppedMap[client] = clientDropped
if len(msink.clientDroppedMap) >= msink.maxMtx {
// Delete a random entry
for k := range msink.clientDroppedMap {
delete(msink.clientDroppedMap, k)