Revert "HTRACE-51. htraced java REST client (a.k.a java SpanReceiver for htraced) (stack via cmccabe)"
Revert. Not done.

This reverts commit a521b5589e57f8323f8e6d2ab619614f919b1db4.
diff --git a/htrace-core/pom.xml b/htrace-core/pom.xml
index d3b7f1b..5c37dc8 100644
--- a/htrace-core/pom.xml
+++ b/htrace-core/pom.xml
@@ -145,18 +145,20 @@
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
-      <artifactId>jackson-core</artifactId>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
-      <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId>
-    </dependency>
     <!-- core specific deps. -->
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
+      <artifactId>jackson-core</artifactId>
+      <version>2.4.0</version>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
+      <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId>
+      <version>2.4.0</version>
+    </dependency>
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/pom.xml b/htrace-htraced/pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index de0600c..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
-license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
-information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to
-You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
-this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-the License at Unless required
-by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
-OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
-language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -->
-<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
-  <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
-  <artifactId>htrace-htraced</artifactId>
-  <packaging>jar</packaging>
-  <parent>
-    <artifactId>htrace</artifactId>
-    <groupId>org.apache.htrace</groupId>
-    <version>3.1.0-incubating</version>
-    <relativePath>..</relativePath>
-  </parent>
-  <name>htrace-htraced</name>
-  <description>HTraced and HTraced clients</description>
-  <url></url>
-  <properties>
-    <>UTF-8</>
-  </properties>
-  <build>
-    <plugins>
-      <plugin>
-        <!--Make it so assembly:single does nothing in here-->
-        <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
-        <configuration>
-          <skipAssembly>true</skipAssembly>
-        </configuration>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-        <artifactId>maven-source-plugin</artifactId>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-        <artifactId>maven-gpg-plugin</artifactId>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.rat</groupId>
-        <artifactId>apache-rat-plugin</artifactId>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <!-- explicitly define maven-deploy-plugin after other to force exec order -->
-        <artifactId>maven-deploy-plugin</artifactId>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
-        <configuration>
-          <descriptorRefs>
-            <descriptorRef>jar-with-dependencies</descriptorRef>
-          </descriptorRefs>
-        </configuration>
-      </plugin>
-      <!--Move this to top-level. These shade patterns are common across components
-       -->
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-        <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId>
-        <executions>
-          <execution>
-            <phase>package</phase>
-            <configuration>
-              <relocations>
-                <relocation>
-                  <pattern>org.apache.commons.logging</pattern>
-                  <shadedPattern>org.apache.htrace.commons.logging</shadedPattern>
-                </relocation>
-                <relocation>
-                  <pattern>com.fasterxml.jackson</pattern>
-                  <shadedPattern>org.apache.htrace.fasterxml.jackson</shadedPattern>
-                </relocation>
-                <relocation>
-                  <pattern>org.eclipse.jetty</pattern>
-                  <shadedPattern>org.apache.htrace.jetty</shadedPattern>
-                </relocation>
-              </relocations>
-            </configuration>
-            <goals>
-              <goal>shade</goal>
-            </goals>
-          </execution>
-        </executions>
-      </plugin>
-    </plugins>
-  </build>
-  <dependencies>
-    <!-- Module deps. -->
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>org.apache.htrace</groupId>
-      <artifactId>htrace-core</artifactId>
-      <version>${project.version}</version>
-      <scope>provided</scope>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>org.apache.htrace</groupId>
-      <artifactId>htrace-core</artifactId>
-      <version>${project.version}</version>
-      <classifier>tests</classifier>
-      <scope>test</scope>
-    </dependency>
-    <!-- Global deps. -->
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>commons-logging</groupId>
-      <artifactId>commons-logging</artifactId>
-      <scope>provided</scope>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>junit</groupId>
-      <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
-      <scope>test</scope>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
-      <artifactId>jackson-core</artifactId>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
-      <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId>
-    </dependency>
-    <!-- htraced rest client deps. -->
-    <!--Is this too much? Pulls down jetty-http, jetty-server, jetty-io
-     This is new-style jetty client, jetty9 and jdk7 required.
-     It can do async but we will use it synchronously at first.
-     Has nice tutorial:
-     --> 
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>org.eclipse.jetty</groupId>
-      <artifactId>jetty-client</artifactId>
-      <version>9.2.6.v20141205</version>
-    </dependency>
-  </dependencies>
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/main/java/org/apache/htrace/impl/ b/htrace-htraced/src/main/java/org/apache/htrace/impl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 45e433f..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/main/java/org/apache/htrace/impl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.htrace.impl;
-import java.util.Queue;
-import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
-import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
-import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
-import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
-import org.apache.htrace.HTraceConfiguration;
-import org.apache.htrace.Span;
-import org.apache.htrace.SpanReceiver;
-import org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient;
-import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.ContentResponse;
-import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Request;
-import org.eclipse.jetty.client.util.StringContentProvider;
-import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpField;
-import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpHeader;
-import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpMethod;
-import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpStatus;
- * A {@link SpanReceiver} that passes Spans to htraced via REST. Implementation minimizes
- * dependencies and aims for small footprint since this client will be the guest of another,
- * the process traced.
- * 
- * <p>Logs via commons-logging. Uses jetty client. Jetty has its own logging (TODO: connect
- * jetty logging to commons-logging, see
- * and
- *
- * <p>This client depends on the REST defined in <code>rest.go</code> in the htraced REST server.
- * For example, a <code>GET</code> on <code>/serverInfo</code> returns the htraced server info.
- * 
- * <p>Create an instance by doing:
- * <code>SpanReceiver receiver = new HTracedRESTReceiver(conf);</code> where conf is an instance
- * of {@link HTraceConfiguration}. See the public keys defined below for we will look for in the
- * configuration.  For example, {@link #HTRACE_REST_CLIENT_HOSTNAME} and
- * Then call <code>receiver.receiveSpan(Span);</code> to send spans to an htraced instance.
- * This method returns immediately. It sends the spans in background.
- * 
- * <p>TODO: How to be more dependent on rest.go so we break if it changes?
- * TODO: Add tests. Add start/stop htraced.
- * TODO: Shading works?
- * TODO: Add lazy start; don't start background thread till a span gets queued.
- * TODO: Add some metrics; how many times we've run, how many spans and what size we've sent.
- */
-public class HTracedRESTReceiver implements SpanReceiver {
-  private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HTracedRESTReceiver.class);
-  // TODO: Take process name and add this to user agent?  Would help debugging?
-  private final HttpClient httpClient;
-  /**
-   * REST URL to use writing Spans.
-   */
-  private final String writeSpansRESTURL;
-  /**
-   * Runs background task to do the REST PUT.
-   * TODO: Make period configurable. TODO: Make instantiation lazy.
-   */
-  private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler;
-  /**
-   * Keep around reference so can cancel on close any running scheduled task.
-   */
-  private final ScheduledFuture<?> scheduledFuture;
-  /**
-   * Timeout in milliseconds.
-   */
-  public static final String HTRACE_REST_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = "";
-  private static final int HTRACE_REST_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 60000;
-  /**
-   * Port of the remote htraced we are to talk to.
-   */
-  public static final String HTRACE_REST_CLIENT_PORT = "";
-  private static final int HTRACE_REST_CLIENT_PORT_DEFAULT = 9095;
-  /**
-   * Hostname of the remote  htraced we are to talk to.
-   */
-  public static final String HTRACE_REST_CLIENT_HOSTNAME = "";
-  private static final String HTRACE_REST_CLIENT_HOSTNAME_DEFAULT = "localhost";
-  /**
-   * Size of the queue to accumulate spans in.
-   * Cleared by the background thread that does the REST POST to htraced.
-   */
-  public static final String HTRACE_REST_CLIENT_Q_CAPACITY = "";
-  private static final int HTRACE_REST_CLIENT_Q_CAPACITY_DEFAULT = 1000000;
-  /**
-   * Period at which the background thread that does the REST POST to htraced runs at in seconds.
-   */
-  public static final String HTRACE_REST_CLIENT_PERIOD_SECONDS =
-    "htrace.client.reset.period.seconds";
-  private static final int HTRACE_REST_CLIENT_PERIOD_SECONDS_DEFAULT = 1;
-  /**
-   * Maximum spans to post to htraced at a time.
-   */
-  public static final String HTRACE_REST_CLIENT_MAX_AT_A_TIME =
-    "";
-  private static final int HTRACE_REST_CLIENT_MAX_AT_A_TIME_DEFAULT = 1000;
-  /**
-   * Simple bounded queue to hold spans between periodic runs of the httpclient.
-   * TODO: Make size configurable.
-   */
-  private final Queue<Span> queue;
-  /**
-   * Keep last time we logged we were at capacity; used to prevent flooding of logs with
-   * "at capacity" messages.
-   */
-  private volatile long lastAtCapacityWarningLog = 0L;
-  public HTracedRESTReceiver(final HTraceConfiguration conf) throws Exception {
-    this.httpClient = new HttpClient();
-    this.httpClient.setUserAgentField(new HttpField(HttpHeader.USER_AGENT,
-      this.getClass().getSimpleName()));
-    // Use same timeout for connection and idle for now.
-    this.httpClient.setConnectTimeout(timeout);
-    this.httpClient.setIdleTimeout(timeout);
-    int capacity =
-    this.queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Span>(capacity, true);
-    // Build up the writeSpans URL.
-    this.writeSpansRESTURL = "http://" + hostname + ":" + port + "/writeSpans";
-    // Make a scheduler with one thread to run our POST of spans on a period.
-    this.scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
-    // Period at which we run the background thread that does the REST POST to htraced.
-    int periodInSeconds =
-    // Maximum spans to send in one go
-    int maxToSendAtATime =
-    this.scheduledFuture =
-      this.scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new PostSpans(this.queue, maxToSendAtATime),
-        periodInSeconds, periodInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
-    // Start up the httpclient.
-    this.httpClient.start();
-  }
-  /**
-   * POST spans runnable.
-   * Run on a period. Services the passed in queue taking spans and sending them to traced via http.
-   */
-  private class PostSpans implements Runnable {
-    private final Queue<Span> q;
-    // TODO: Make this configurable.
-    private final int maxToSendAtATime;
-    private PostSpans(final Queue<Span> q, final int maxToSendAtATime) {
-      this.q = q;
-      this.maxToSendAtATime = maxToSendAtATime;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void run() {
-      Span span = null;
-      // Cycle until we drain the queue. Seen maxToSendAtATime at a time if more than we can send
-      // in one go.
-      while ((span = this.q.poll()) != null) {
-        // We got a span. Send at least this one span.
-        Request request = httpClient.newRequest(writeSpansRESTURL).method(HttpMethod.POST);
-        request.header(HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");
-        int count = 1;
-        request.content(new StringContentProvider(span.toJson()));
-        // Drain queue of spans if more than just one.
-        while ((span = this.q.poll()) != null) {
-          request.content(new StringContentProvider(span.toJson()));
-          count++;
-          // If we've accumulated sufficient to send, go ahead and send what we have. Can do the
-          // rest in out next go around.
-          if (count > this.maxToSendAtATime) break;
-        }
-        try {
-          ContentResponse response = request.send();
-          if (response.getStatus() == HttpStatus.OK_200) {
-  "POSTED " + count + " spans");
-          } else {
-            LOG.error("Status: " + response.getStatus());
-            LOG.error(response.getHeaders());
-            LOG.error(response.getContentAsString());
-          }
-        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-          LOG.error(e);
-        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
-          LOG.error(e);
-        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
-          LOG.error(e);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  @Override
-  public void close() throws IOException {
-    if (this.scheduledFuture != null) this.scheduledFuture.cancel(true);
-    if (this.scheduler == null) this.scheduler.shutdown();
-    if (this.httpClient != null) {
-      try {
-        this.httpClient.stop();
-      } catch (Exception e) {
-        throw new IOException(e);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  @Override
-  public void receiveSpan(Span span) {
-    if (!this.queue.offer(span)) {
-      long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
-      // Only log every 5 minutes. Any more than this for a guest process is obnoxious
-      if (now - lastAtCapacityWarningLog > 300000) {
-        LOG.warn("At capacity");
-        this.lastAtCapacityWarningLog = now;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Exercise our little span receiver. Presumes a running htraced instance at localhost:9095.
-   * @param args
-   * @throws Exception
-   */
-  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-    HTracedRESTReceiver receiver = new HTracedRESTReceiver(new HTraceConfiguration() {
-      @Override
-      public String get(String key) {
-        return null;
-      }
-      @Override
-      public String get(String key, String defaultValue) {
-        return defaultValue;
-      }
-    });
-    try {
-      // Do basic a GET /server/info against localhost:9095 htraced
-      ContentResponse response = receiver.httpClient.GET("http://localhost:9095/server/info");
-      System.out.println(response.getMediaType());
-      System.out.println(response.getContentAsString());
-      // TODO: Fix MilliSpan. Requires a parentid.  Shouldn't have to have one.
-      for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-        Span span = new MilliSpan.Builder().parents(new long [] {1L}).build();
-        receiver.receiveSpan(span);
-        Thread.sleep(100);
-      }
-    } finally {
-      receiver.close();
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 9b16b44..51db013 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
-    <module>htrace-htraced</module>
@@ -213,16 +212,16 @@
-        <plugin>
-          <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-          <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId>
-          <version>2.1</version>
-        </plugin>
+        <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId>
+        <version>2.1</version>
+      </plugin>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
@@ -310,16 +309,6 @@
-      <dependency>
-        <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
-        <artifactId>jackson-core</artifactId>
-        <version>2.4.0</version>
-      </dependency>
-      <dependency>
-        <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
-        <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId>
-        <version>2.4.0</version>
-      </dependency>