blob: e7dc93b08d85cb4ac068e11117f08c2c673efb20 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h> /* for uint64_t, etc. */
* The public API for the HTrace C client.
* HTrace is a tracing framework for distributed systems. The smallest unit of
* tracing in HTrace is the trace span. Trace spans represent intervals during
* which a thread is performing some work. Trace spans are identified by a
* 64-bit ID called the trace span ID. Trace spans can have one or more
* parents. The parent of a trace span is the operation or operations that
* caused it to happen.
* Trace spans are managed by htrace_scope objects. Creating an htrace_scope
* (potentially) starts a trace span. The trace span will be closed once the
* htrace_scope is closed and freed.
* When a span is closed, it is sent to the current "span receiver." Span
* receivers decide what to do with the span data. For example, the "local
* file" span receiver saves the span data to a local file. The "htraced" span
* receiver sends the span data to the htraced daemon.
* Most interesting span receivers will start a background thread to handle
* their workload. This background thread will last until the associated
* htracer is shut down.
* HTrace is based around the concept of sampling. That means that only some
* trace scopes are managing spans-- the rest do nothing. Sampling is managed
* by htrace_sampler objects. The two most important samplers are the
* probability based sampler, and the "always" and "never" samplers.
* The HTrace C client eschews globals. Instead, you are invited to create your
* own htracer (HTrace context) object and use it throughout your program or
* library. The htracer object contains the logging settings and the currently
* configured span receiver. Tracers are thread-safe, so you can use the same
* tracer for all of your threads if you like.
* As already mentioned, the Tracer may contain threads, so please do not call
* htracer_create until you are ready to start threads in your program. For
* example, do not call it prior to daemonizing.
* When modifying this code, please try to avoid breaking binary compatibility.
* Applications compiled against older versions of should continue
* to work when new versions of the library are dropped in.
* Adding new functions is always OK. Modifying the type signature of existing
* functions is not OK. When adding structures, try to avoid including the
* structure definition in this header, so that we can change it later on with
* no harmful effects. Perhaps we may need to break compatibility at some
* point, but let's try to avoid that if we can.
* We aim for POSIX compatibility, although we have not done a lot of testing on
* non-Linux systems. Eventually, we will want to support Windows.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma GCC visibility push(default) // Begin publicly visible symbols
// Configuration keys.
* The path to use for the htrace client log.
* If this is unset, we will log to stderr.
#define HTRACE_LOG_PATH_KEY "log.path"
* The span receiver implementation to use.
* Possible values:
* noop The "no op" span receiver, which discards all spans.
* local.file A receiver which writes spans to local files.
* htraced The htraced span receiver, which sends spans to htraced.
#define HTRACE_SPAN_RECEIVER_KEY "span.receiver"
* The path which the local file span receiver should write spans to.
#define HTRACE_LOCAL_FILE_RCV_PATH_KEY "local.file.path"
* The hostname and port which the htraced span receiver should send its spans
* to. This is in the format "hostname:port".
#define HTRACED_ADDRESS_KEY "htraced.address"
* The maximum length of time to go before flushing spans to the htraced server.
* The TCP write timeout to use when communicating with the htraced server.
* The TCP read timeout to use when communicating with the htraced server.
* The size of the circular buffer to use in the htraced receiver.
#define HTRACED_BUFFER_SIZE_KEY "htraced.buffer.size"
* The fraction of the buffer that needs to be full to trigger the spans to be
* sent from the htraced span receiver.
* The process ID string to use.
* %{ip} will be replaced by an IP address;
* %{pid} will be replaced by the operating system process ID;
* %{tname} will be replaced by the Tracer name.
* Defaults to %{tname}/%{ip}
* The sampler to use.
* Possible values:
* never A sampler which never fires.
* always A sampler which always fires.
* prob A sampler which fires with some probability.
#define HTRACE_SAMPLER_KEY "sampler"
* For the probability sampler, the fraction of the time that we should create a
* new span. This is a floating point number which is between 0.0 and 1.1,
* inclusive. It is _not_ a percentage.
#define HTRACE_PROB_SAMPLER_FRACTION_KEY "prob.sampler.fraction"
// Forward declarations
struct htrace_conf;
struct htracer;
struct htrace_scope;
* Create an HTrace conf object from a string.
* The string should be in the form:
* key1=val1;key2=val2;...
* Entries without an equals sign will set the key to 'true'.
* The configuration object must be later freed with htrace_conf_free.
* @param values The configuration string to parse.
* You may free this string after this function
* returns.
* @return NULL on out-of-memory error; the configuration
* object otherwise.
struct htrace_conf *htrace_conf_from_str(const char *values);
* Free an htrace configuration.
* @param conf The configuration object to free.
void htrace_conf_free(struct htrace_conf *cnf);
* Create a Tracer.
* This function does a few things:
* - Initialize logging (if there are configuration tuples related to
* logging)
* - Initialize trace span receivers, if any are configured.
* This function may start background threads.
* @param tname The name of the tracer to create. Will be
* deep-copied. Must not be null.
* @param conf The configuration to use. You may free this
* configuration object after calling this
* function.
* @return NULL on OOM; the tracer otherwise.
struct htracer *htracer_create(const char *tname,
const struct htrace_conf *cnf);
* Get the Tracer name.
* @param tracer The tracer.
* @return The tracer name. This string is managed by the
* tracer itself and will remain valid until the
* tracer is freed.
const char *htracer_tname(const struct htracer *tracer);
* Free an HTracer.
* Frees the memory and other resources associated with a Tracer.
* Closes the log file if there is one open. Shuts down the span receiver
* if there is one active. Attempt to flush all buffered spans.
* Do not call this function until all the samplers which hold a reference
* to this htracer have been freed. Do not call this function if there is
* currently an active htrace_scope object which holds a reference to this
* tracer.
* @param tracer The tracer to free.
void htracer_free(struct htracer *tracer);
* Create an htrace configuration sample from a configuration.
* Samplers are thread-safe; you may use the same sampler simultaneously
* from multiple threads.
* @param tracer The HTracer to use. The sampler will hold a
* reference to this tracer. Do not free the
* tracer until after the sampler has been freed.
* @param conf The configuration to use. You may free this
* configuration object after calling this
* function.
* @return NULL if we are out of memory.
* NULL if the configuration was invalid.
* NULL if no sampler is configured.
* The sampler otherwise.
* Error conditions will be logged to the htracer log.
struct htrace_sampler *htrace_sampler_create(struct htracer *tracer,
struct htrace_conf *cnf);
* Get the name of an HTrace sampler.
* @param smp The sampler.
* @return The sampler name. This string is managed by the
* sampler itself and will remain valid until the
* sampler is freed.
const char *htrace_sampler_to_str(struct htrace_sampler *smp);
* Free an htrace sampler.
* @param sampler The sampler to free.
void htrace_sampler_free(struct htrace_sampler *smp);
* Start a new trace span if necessary.
* You must call htrace_close_span on the scope object returned by this
* function.
* @param tracer The htracer to use. Must remain valid for the
* duration of the scope.
* @param sampler The sampler to use, or NULL for no sampler.
* If no sampler is used, we will create a new span
* only if there is a current active span.
* @param desc The description of the trace span. Will be deep-copied.
* @return The trace scope. NULL if we ran out of memory, or if we
* are not tracing.
struct htrace_scope* htrace_start_span(struct htracer *tracer,
struct htrace_sampler *sampler, const char *desc);
* Detach the trace span from the given trace scope.
* @param scope The trace scope, or NULL.
* @return NULL if there was no attached trace scope;
* the trace scope otherwise.
struct htrace_span *htrace_scope_detach(struct htrace_scope *scope);
* Create a new scope object with the given span.
* @param tracer The htracer to use.
* @param span The trace span, or NULL.
* @return NULL if there was no trace span;
* the trace scope otherwise.
struct htrace_scope* htrace_restart_span(struct htracer *tracer,
struct htrace_span *span);
* Get the span id of an HTrace scope.
* @param scope The trace scope, or NULL.
* @return The span ID of the trace span, or 0 if there is no trace
* span inside the scope, or if NULL was passed.
uint64_t htrace_scope_get_span_id(const struct htrace_scope *scope);
* Close a trace scope.
* This must be called from the same thread that the trace scope was created
* in.
* @param scope The trace scope to close. You may pass NULL here
* with no harmful effects-- it will be ignored.
* If there is a span associated with the trace scope,
* it will be sent to the relevant span receiver.
* Then the scope and the span will be freed.
void htrace_scope_close(struct htrace_scope *scope);
#pragma GCC visibility pop // End publicly visible symbols
#ifdef __cplusplus
// vim: ts=4:sw=4:et