blob: b85e1d75216b0b745b4066953417941bbdc2935b [file] [log] [blame]
{% capture jbcache %}
- Dynamically set liquid variables for working with URLs/paths
{% if site.JB.setup.provider == "custom" %}
{% include custom/setup %}
{% else %}
{% if and site.JB.BASE_PATH and site.JB.BASE_PATH != '' %}
{% assign BASE_PATH = site.JB.BASE_PATH %}
{% assign HOME_PATH = site.JB.BASE_PATH %}
{% else %}
{% assign BASE_PATH = nil %}
{% assign HOME_PATH = "/" %}
{% endif %}
{% if site.JB.ASSET_PATH %}
{% assign ASSET_PATH = site.JB.ASSET_PATH %}
{% else %}
{% capture ASSET_PATH %}{{ BASE_PATH }}/assets/themes/apache{{ }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endcapture %}{% assign jbcache = nil %}