blob: 40c33bff68697443af92d406f7929362185afe5c [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
* [The passive thread: reply to incoming gossip request.]
* This class handles the passive cycle, where this client
* has received an incoming message. For now, this message
* is always the membership list, but if you choose to gossip
* additional information, you will need some logic to determine
* the incoming message.
abstract public class PassiveGossipThread implements Runnable {
/** The socket used for the passive thread of the gossip service. */
private DatagramSocket _server;
private GossipManager _gossipManager;
private AtomicBoolean _keepRunning;
public PassiveGossipThread(GossipManager gossipManager) {
_gossipManager = gossipManager;
// Start the service on the given port number.
try {
_server = new DatagramSocket(_gossipManager.getMyself().getPort());
// The server successfully started on the current port."Gossip service successfully initialized on port " + _gossipManager.getMyself().getPort());
GossipService.debug("I am " + _gossipManager.getMyself());
} catch (SocketException ex) {
// The port is probably already in use.
_server = null;
// Let's communicate this to the user.
GossipService.error("Error while starting the gossip service on port " + _gossipManager.getMyself().getPort() + ": " + ex.getMessage());
_keepRunning = new AtomicBoolean(true);
public void run() {
while(_keepRunning.get()) {
try {
// Create a byte array with the size of the buffer.
byte[] buf = new byte[_server.getReceiveBufferSize()];
DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length);
GossipService.debug("A message has been received from " + p.getAddress() + ":" + p.getPort() + ".");
int packet_length = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int shift = (4 - 1 - i) * 8;
packet_length += (buf[i] & 0x000000FF) << shift;
// Check whether the package is smaller than the maximal packet length.
// A package larger than this would not be possible to be send from a GossipService,
// since this is check before sending the message.
// This could normally only occur when the list of members is very big,
// or when the packet is misformed, and the first 4 bytes is not the right in anymore.
// For this reason we regards the message.
if (packet_length <= GossipManager.MAX_PACKET_SIZE) {
byte[] json_bytes = new byte[packet_length];
for (int i=0; i<packet_length; i++) {
json_bytes[i] = buf[i+4];
// Extract the members out of the packet
String receivedMessage = new String(json_bytes);
GossipService.debug("Received message (" + packet_length + " bytes): " + receivedMessage);
try {
ArrayList<GossipMember> remoteGossipMembers = new ArrayList<GossipMember>();
RemoteGossipMember senderMember = null;
GossipService.debug("Received member list:");
// Convert the received JSON message to a JSON array.
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(receivedMessage);
// The JSON array should contain all members.
// Let's iterate over them.
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject memberJSONObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
// Now the array should contain 3 objects (hostname, port and heartbeat).
if (memberJSONObject.length() == 3) {
// Ok, now let's create the member object.
RemoteGossipMember member = new RemoteGossipMember(memberJSONObject.getString(GossipMember.JSON_HOST), memberJSONObject.getInt(GossipMember.JSON_PORT), memberJSONObject.getInt(GossipMember.JSON_HEARTBEAT));
// This is the first member found, so this should be the member who is communicating with me.
if (i == 0) {
senderMember = member;
} else {
GossipService.error("The received member object does not contain 3 objects:\n" + memberJSONObject.toString());
// Merge our list with the one we just received
mergeLists(_gossipManager, senderMember, remoteGossipMembers);
} catch (JSONException e) {
GossipService.error("The received message is not well-formed JSON. The following message has been dropped:\n" + receivedMessage);
} else {
GossipService.error("The received message is not of the expected size, it has been dropped.");
} catch (IOException e) {
* Abstract method for merging the local and remote list.
* @param gossipManager The GossipManager for retrieving the local members and dead members list.
* @param senderMember The member who is sending this list, this could be used to send a response if the remote list contains out-dated information.
* @param remoteList The list of members known at the remote side.
abstract protected void mergeLists(GossipManager gossipManager, RemoteGossipMember senderMember, ArrayList<GossipMember> remoteList);