blob: 4cdff95525768ff9256c8ce8ae8bead4593218d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.gearpump.streaming.state.impl
import scala.util.Success
import org.mockito.Mockito._
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, PropSpec}
import org.apache.gearpump.TimeStamp
import org.apache.gearpump.streaming.state.api.{Monoid, Serializer}
class NonWindowStateSpec extends PropSpec with PropertyChecks with Matchers with MockitoSugar {
val longGen = Gen.chooseNum[Long](100L, System.currentTimeMillis())
property("NonWindowState should recover checkpointed state at given timestamp") {
forAll(longGen) {
(timestamp: TimeStamp) =>
val monoid = mock[Monoid[AnyRef]]
val serializer = mock[Serializer[AnyRef]]
val bytes = Array.empty[Byte]
val checkpoint = mock[AnyRef]
val zero = mock[AnyRef]
when(, zero)
when(, zero)).thenReturn(zero, Nil: _*)
when(, zero)).thenReturn(checkpoint, Nil: _*)
val state = new NonWindowState[AnyRef](monoid, serializer)
state.left shouldBe zero
state.right shouldBe zero
state.get shouldBe Some(zero)
state.recover(timestamp, bytes)
state.left shouldBe checkpoint
state.right shouldBe zero
state.get shouldBe Some(checkpoint)
property("NonWindowState checkpoints state") {
forAll(longGen) {
(checkpointTime: TimeStamp) =>
val monoid = mock[Monoid[AnyRef]]
val serializer = mock[Serializer[AnyRef]]
val left = mock[AnyRef]
val right = mock[AnyRef]
val zero = mock[AnyRef]
val plus = mock[AnyRef]
when(, zero)
when(, zero)).thenReturn(zero, Nil: _*)
val state = new NonWindowState[AnyRef](monoid, serializer)
state.left shouldBe zero
state.right shouldBe zero
state.get shouldBe Some(zero)
state.left = left
state.right = right
when(, Nil: _*)
when(, right)).thenReturn(plus, Nil: _*)
when(, zero)).thenReturn(plus, Nil: _*)
state.left shouldBe plus
state.right shouldBe zero
state.get shouldBe Some(plus)
property("NonWindowState updates state") {
forAll(longGen) {
(checkpointTime: TimeStamp) =>
val monoid = mock[Monoid[AnyRef]]
val serializer = mock[Serializer[AnyRef]]
val left = mock[AnyRef]
val right = mock[AnyRef]
val zero = mock[AnyRef]
val plus = mock[AnyRef]
when(, zero)
when(, zero)).thenReturn(zero, Nil: _*)
val state = new NonWindowState[AnyRef](monoid, serializer)
state.left shouldBe zero
state.right shouldBe zero
state.get shouldBe Some(zero)
when(, left)).thenReturn(left, Nil: _*)
when(, zero)).thenReturn(left, Nil: _*)
state.update(checkpointTime - 1, left)
state.left shouldBe left
state.right shouldBe zero
state.get shouldBe Some(left)
when(, right)).thenReturn(right, Nil: _*)
when(, right)).thenReturn(plus, Nil: _*)
state.update(checkpointTime + 1, right)
state.left shouldBe left
state.right shouldBe right
state.get shouldBe Some(plus)