blob: 2ea17313b18647112f63602b7f8fcb23a579732f [file] [log] [blame]
This is our first release as **Apache Incubator**.
## Highlights
- **0.8.1 breaks binary compatibility** as we changed our package name to "org.apache.gearpump" after incubating.
- The `DataSource` API was also refactored to be more Java friendly and configurable.
- Previously the shaded library had been hosted elsewhere and shaded with maven-shade plugin. Now it's in the Gearpump repo and shaded with sbt-assembly plugin. Note `sbt assembly` is required for Gearpump to compile.
## Change log:
- GEARPUMP-186 Create 0.8.1 release
- GEARPUMP-184 Create 0.8.1-RC5 release
- GEARPUMP-183 missing licenses headers and files
- GEARPUMP-182 Correct references required for source release in LICENSE file
- GEARPUMP-181 Create 0.8.1-RC4 release
- GEARPUMP-180 Add DISCLAIMER to release artifacts
- GEARPUMP-178 Create 0.8.1-RC3 release
- GEARPUMP-177 Documentation build errors when trying to generate documentation
- GEARPUMP-176 Create 0.8.1-RC2 release
- GEARPUMP-174 update shaded akka-kryo version to 0.4.1
- GEARPUMP-173 Create 0.8.1-RC1 release
- GEARPUMP-170 Create 0.8.1 release
- GEARPUMP-169 upgrade sbt-assembly and shade
- GEARPUMP-166 Rename sumByValue to sumByKey
- GEARPUMP-165 RestServiceSpec failed
- GEARPUMP-164 Let the user that connects to HBase (HBaseSink) be configurable
- GEARPUMP-161 application logs are located in wrong place on Yarn
- GEARPUMP-160 add KafkaDSL examples and fix docs
- GEARPUMP-159 Prep for first release
- GEARPUMP-156 Replace logo in site, GitHub, Travis, etc
- GEARPUMP-155 integration test failure
- GEARPUMP-153 throw exception on main class load failure
- GEARPUMP-150 the file structure of integration test is wrong
- GEARPUMP-148 Document how to use HDFS HA for JarStore
- GEARPUMP-143 Document `worker.executor-share-same-jvm-as-worker` config parameter
- GEARPUMP-141 Remove useless method
- GEARPUMP-139 Change package name to org.apache.gearpump of shaded libraries
- GEARPUMP-124 SinkTask fails to start after change parallelism
- GEARPUMP-123 Metrics about workers is not accurate in UI
- GEARPUMP-122 KafkaSource Stuck
- GEARPUMP-121 DataSourceProcessor and DataSinkProcessor default parallelism
- GEARPUMP-120 -> fork me on github goes to "old" github repo
- GEARPUMP-118 Change package name to org.apache.gearpump
- GEARPUMP-117 Script for managing cluster
- GEARPUMP-114 Dead loop in graph with cycles
- GEARPUMP-113 Default admin user removal
- GEARPUMP-109 Add Java example for WordCount in document.
- GEARPUMP-108 Setup travis CI for Gearpump's apache repository
- GEARPUMP-102 Randomly see AskTimeoutException while querying app status
- GEARPUMP-83 show application pending on worker down
- GEARPUMP-82 Rename package from io.gearpump to org.apache.gearpump
- GEARPUMP-64 Fail to launch Dashboard when setting HDFS as jarStore
- GEARPUMP-61 Impove code coverage to >70%
- GEARPUMP-57 Couldn't load conf/gear.conf
- GERAPUMP-55 Add kmeans example
- GERAPUMP-54 Composing dag from dashboard, user can not specify the application name
- GEARPUMP-41 property akka.scheduler.tick-duration will be override and potentially go wrong on Windows
- GEARPUMP-36 docs/ failed to execute on Mac 10.11 El Capitan
- GEARPUMP-35 Worker's JVM metrics is not shown in the dashboard
- GEARPUMP-34 Improve CONTRIBUTING guide for contributors and committers
- GEARPUMP-30 Track call for papers submissions, talks and upcoming CFP's somewhere
- GEARPUMP-29 Testing App with GearPump Dependencies
- GEARPUMP-28 Transit the website to Apache
- GEARPUMP-26 Doc: 0.8.0 Release does not include scala 2.10 build
- GEARPUMP-25 Integration test failed: MessageDeliverySpec message count mismatch
- GEARPUMP-24 refactor DataSource API
- GEARPUMP-18 Enable publishing gearpump artifacts to
- GEARPUMP-17 KafkaStorage looks for the wrong offset on replay
- GEARPUMP-11 Fix code styles by following practice of other projects
- GEARPUMP-7 Master members are not updated if a master is shutdown