blob: 19301606af64b924f33194b954d120c1b12bebb9 [file] [log] [blame]
## Highlights:
1. #1648 Support submit storm jar via dashboard
2. Support StreamCQL over Gearpump
## Change log:
- #1924, fix storm test spec failure
- #1926, fix client side configuration does not work in CGroup
- #1648, support submit storm jar via rest interface
- #1933, Fixes some of the documentation typos, adds SBT configuration
- #1936, allow user to config kafka source start offset time
- #1777, Dynamic DAG failed after changing parallelism for many times
- #1932, Fix client config overwrites critical system config
- #1895, make GearpumpNimbus a standalone service
- #1910, enlarge timeout in MasterClient
- #1952, document how to use StreamCQL over Gearpump