blob: 3228f20aa677201f27e35e7dc2b888d7ce20a4cc [file] [log] [blame]
## Highlights:
1. New end-to-end integration test, better test coverage (#1243 Thanks to contribution by Stanley, Tianlun, Huafeng, Kewei)
2. Storm binary compatibility. (still has some limitation)
3. [New Document site]( (#1506).
4. Secure YARN and secure HBase support (#1458)
5. spray is replaced by akka-http (#1261)
6. New serialization implementation (#1445 allows user to custom a serialization framework).
## Change log:
- #1627, refine on custom serialization doc.
- #1624, fix the worker report resource timeout settings.
- #1384: removed wrong page redirection
- #1243: provide an integration test suite
- #1607 fix NONE_SESSION when restart tasks
- #1609, fix storm message timestamp bugs
- #1579 Additional documentation changes
- #1536, support storm ack
- #1581, fix HadoopCheckpointStore
- #1506 Totally reorganize documentation
- #1538 fix yarn application classpath
- #1519 fix performance regression
- #1485 no more pending messages in ExpressTransport
- #1458, enable secured HBase
- #1496, fix StormSerializer Kryo buffer overflow
- #1478: click on location button will copy text to clipboard
- #1491, fix ContainerLaunchContextSpec
- #1489, remove terminated executor from ExecutorManager
- #1481, improve storm over gearpump perf
- #1479: add uptime field in service interface
- #1481, fix storm performance
- #1482, fix TaskScheduler over schedules when multiple executors down at once
- #1458 support launching Gearpump in secured Yarn cluster
- #1476 fix serialization in transport layer
- #1470: updated a broken dashboard dependency
- #1463, fix storm config
- #1465 fix DistributedShell
- #1462 pass user config to SerializerPool
- #1453: allows use DEL to remove processor/edge-
- #491: Added support for composing DAG from scratch
- #1449 fix copy file to local in LocalJarStoreService-
- #1387 decouple serializer for Message
- #1445 refactor serialization implementation
- #1343, support Storm emitDirect and DirectGrouping
- #809: static resources are now sent to client gzipped
- #1438: polished modify processor dialog
- #1423: show full error log in a popup
- #1423: show error message when uploading is failed and polished the dialog
- #1430: turn off illegal header warning
- #1428, add unidoc plugin which allow us to build the scaladoc for the whole project(include all sub-projects)
- #1228, add data source and data sink for java api
- #1228, further simplify the java interface
- #1422: removed if-modified-since header. it is not relevant and is handled very different by different web servers
- #1228, add java interface for Graph API
- #1411: chart will always fill data points for 15 minutes
- #1261, #1127, replace spray with akka-http
- #1373 add duplicated edge detecting
- #1412: add 'no-cache' header in ajax responses
- #1194 add graph cycle detection
- #491, add a rest api to acquire Gearpump's built-in partitioners
- #1405: now the number of executors is back
- #1371: a right way to show historical metrics (2) added committed…
- #1402, fix NoneGroupingPartitioner
- #1399: in application overview page the task count of executor wa…
- #1397, allow KafkaSink to receive Message of bytes
- #1395, cross publishSigned
- #1374 remove jars of yarn in executor's classpath
- #1266: should exclude dead edges
- #1238, adds BroadcastPartitioner
- #1381 test on travis out of memory
- #1379, support storm tick tuple