blob: d355c8d9ba70293a5425436de2c90b3e2e286258 [file] [log] [blame]
# Highlights:
1. Better YARN support, and error handling.
2. UI allow user to submit a application directly
3. Split framework lib with application lib, to reduce class path pollution(ongoing). (#1017)
4. Exactly once message processing API (#6).
5. Improved Data Connector with Kafka, and Hbase. (#1012)
6. Dynamic DAG(#101). Which allow user to replace a computation processor(e.g. Change the parallelism, or change to upgraded implementation Task class)
# Change logs:
- #1154: UI, allow user to submit application jar in UI
- #1162: UI Backend, Rest backend cannot resume connection with master after master restart
- #1159: memory leak in worker thread pool.
- #1157: refactor rest interface and UT
- #1151: reduce the memory footprint when there are thousands of tasks
- #1149: Shell tools printed too much detail on console
- #1146: actor hungry when worker use block-io to wait response from FileServer.
- #1088: move hbase code to external/
- #1140: pass app name to task
- #1017: Split daemon dependencies with core dependencies
- #1144: fix out of memory when trying to scale gearpump to 2000 task on a 2 core machine
- #995: Command line parser should be able to fall back to MAIN-CLASS definition in MANIFEST.IN when mainClass is not specified in command line options.
- #1136: fix a dead-lock when shutting down actor system.
- #101: feature dynamic dag, which allows user to change the running topology in the fly.
- #1115: design better interface for kafka module
- #1123: UI, able to restart a running application via dashboard
- #1037: When user create daemon logs like ui.log in the running, we should be able to recreate a new log file.
- #1106: cache opensource webfont lato (831kb in total) locally so that there is no error when no internet access
- #1097: appdag should adapt to window size automatically.
- #1096: (1) echart would not response resizing (2) metric selector did not work due to angularjs 1.4 breaking change (3) tested and updated other js libraries
- #1094: service unreachable message will be shown when health check fails
- #1066: AppSubmitter should not return 0 when error occurred
- #1056: fix yarn client, to be able to submit applications to master when running in YARN
- #1083: fix KafkaWordCount example
- #1080: [UI] uses moving average 1 minute instead of mean rate. As the meanrate changes much slower.
- #1017, split the lib directory into daemon, and lib. So that user application can have less dependencies.
- #1067. [YARN]Changing visibility of yarn resources
- #1064: UI. edge data was not constructed correctly
- #1060: Add default kafka message decoder
- #1012, add Source and Sink API
- #1044 print worker hostname in master log when registering
- #922: UI. get version by rest api
- #1025: master is binding to incorrect port when deployed on Yarn
- #964: #966. Use FSM to manage state in YarnApplicationMaster. Adding missing UT.
- #1010, Simplify the travis build so that it take less time.