blob: fa02ca2b384bdf7c64c5315f07121dc92a66614e [file] [log] [blame]
Change list
- #729 remove argument '-master' in YARN service and documents.
- #759, fix storm connector bug due to unstable topology sort of DAG
- #775, fix netty config
- #778, log improvements
- #781 when launching lots of tasks, the application failed to transfer message across hosts
- #782, a) add wildcard match to return metrics(support glob char . and *), b) add diagnosis message if the clock stop advancing
- #786, Read user config from classpath, the appmaster/executor wil use the dynamic user config
- #773: skew chart will show relative skew
- #790, 1) return detail task data in appmaster REST. 2) bind executor id with executor system id
- #795 TaskScheduleImpl'bug when executor failed
- #799 Getting 2.10 cross build working
- #802 add process id and host name in executor log file
- #803: (1) websocket is by default not preferred (2) throughput should be added as sum not mean (3) changed input/output message to sink/source processor receive/send throughput
- #805, metrics rest service should return latest metrics received
- #684 - setting -Xmx for master and worker when running on Yarn This will prevent JVMs from growing above limits and get killed by Yarn
- #796: (1) added executor info (2) fixed skew chart issue for the first node
- #801, add config service for master and worker.
- #741 add a example transport use case
- #814, expose TaskActor.minClock through TaskContext
- #741 refine example
- #817 split examples jar into multiple jars
- #824, allow to use default partitioner when defining a DAG
- #829, add some handy operator like groupByKey, sum, for KV Stream
- #831: uses pagination control to speedup table rendering
- #816: use multi-select control to select tasks
- #840: task charts data were incorrect
- #844, expose upstream minclock
- #204, page rank demo code
- #846, support more anyVals in user config
- #843, Can't put custom user config in application.conf
- #849, set default hostname to in UT
- #851, JVM not exited when there is exception due to akka create non-daemon threads
- #854, fix storm connector performance
- #856, Service launch failed
- #853, fix resource leak(thread not closed, process not killed in UT. Also increase the PermGen size to avoid Permgen OOM.
- #859, random UT fail due to akka bug, "akka cluster deadlock when initializing"
- #865, Change the default timeout setting in akka test expectMsg
- #871, Add explicit error log for kryo serialization exception
- #877: source node and sink node were not calculated correctly.
- #874, [TaskActor] task onStart should be called after the network transport layer is ready
- #879: split metrics into different views and changed tooltip control
- #881: diverse issues of skew charts and made tooltip nice
- #876: clock is updated every second-
- #885: wrong application clock in some case
- #53, rest interface to submit a dag by JSON representation
- #887, add a rest to get stalling tasks
- #801: added download links for configurations-
- #742 add a rest to get Gearpump version
- #898, Downgrade akka version from 2.3.9 to 2.3.6
- #900, Use gearpump.hostname by default=
- #719 add Kafka Source and HBase Sink for dsl
- #905: Upgrade sbt-pack from 0.6.8 to 0.6.9
- #602: dashboard will freeze when server is unreachable
- #907: calculate application clock update frequency for a 30 second time frame
- #919: vis.js's version was not updated