blob: 7393c122af1ceaab9316e5652ac870b35aa6d51e [file] [log] [blame]
1. Mature yarn integration, integrate the gearpump UI into yarn. (#735)
2. Better metrics UI, better charts, application clock visualization, task level skew analysis (#662)
3. add a storm connector to allow user to run arbitrary storm jar(#676)
4. Add a kafka-hbase pipeline example (#400)
5. Better Client API. user can now write application like this: (#716)
val partitioner = new HashPartitioner()
val split = Processor[Split](splitNum)
val sum = Processor[Sum](sumNum)
val app = StreamApplication("wordCount", Graph[Processor[_ <: Task], Partitioner](split ~ partitioner ~> sum), UserConfig.empty)
val context = ClientContext()
val appId = context.submit(application(config))
6. Add HBase sink.(#701)
7. support a experiment DSL (#28)
val context = ClientContext()
val app = new StreamApp("dsl", context)
val data = "This is a good start, bingo!! bingo!!"
// word => (word, count)
flatMap(line => line.split("[\\s]+")).map((_, 1)).
// (word, count1), (word, count2) => (word, count1 + count2)
groupBy(kv => kv._1).reduce((left, right) => (left._1, left._2 + right._2)).
// print the word count in log files
val appId = context.submit(app)
8. Support an unmanaged message handle, allow to query any task for in memory state (#680)
9. add UI for stock crawler example(#666)
Change List:
- #716, Refine the user interface. improve the user interface, like Application, Processor
- #755, fix Build breakage,
- #729, remove argument '-master' in command line option, use gear.conf instead.
- #713, provide an option to read from beginning of a topic
- #746, support state clock for task so that we can retrieve the state timestamp
- #744: fix several metrics issues
- #638, Use Subscription to link two processor
- #662, [UI] added processor details tab
- #735, [yarn]Launch UI in the same container of Yarn AppMaster container.
- #732: [UI]add more charts and add more metrics to dag
- #731 rename TaskDescription to ProcessorDescription
- #708, fix storm connector config classpath
- #722: [UI]use different color and opacity for edges
- #708, allow user to pass in a customized storm config
- #709: [UI]npe when streaming dag is not initialized
- #704, DAG processor name is "undefined" if "description` field of TaskDescription is not defined
- #706, Remove example jars from gearpump built-in classpath.
- #701 add a HBase sink
- #28, add an experiment module to support a very basic flatmap dsl
- #666, add UI for stock crawler example
- #691: [UI] fix metrics
- #680, add a service in appmaster to support query of task actorRef
- #210, allow easier remote debugging executor process
- #666, add a stock index crawler example,
- #658 make config of Gearpump on Yarn configurable
- #676, add a storm connector to allow user to run arbitrary storm jar
- #657, remove unnecessary yarn deps
- #672, extend Task to support unmanaged messages so that every task can serve as full functional service
- #670, fix yarn application path and log path
- #665, Add scheduleOnce interface in TaskContext