blob: cbe6aeb07f7495c2d722baf54922959a9c4cc25d [file] [log] [blame]
- Expose codahale metrics by rest service
- New dashboard with dynamic DAG (reflect latency, throughput on DAG)
- Fix several big issues in AppMaster and Executor failover. (AppMaster failed to recover and executor restart infinitely when executor crash)
- Add an example job to distribute and provision a service in the gearpump cluster.
- More complete rest service
Change List:
- #591, (1) added metrics to application detail page (2) periodically update page contents without pressing refresh (3) replaced angular-dashboard-framework with bootstrap + angular
- #600, Config API should return all config under section "gearpump"
- #597, by default, app wil run for ever except you kill it explicitly.
- #595, use smaller metrics interval
- #417, update READ.ME and refactor DistributedShell
- #388, catch netty channel close exception and warn
- #589, change applicationData's timestamp to 24-h format
- #417, deploy a service across the cluster
- #568, enable history metrics service
- #584, KafkaOffsetManager should only stores one offset per timestamp
- #562 fix AppMaster and Executor restart infinitely
- #576, Add processor level for REST returned DAG, so that the UI can render the DAG correctly.
- #568, [REST] add history metrics service in backend
- #571 AppMaster failed to recover
- #569, dag cannot be rendered
- #566, a) add rest service to shutdown an application b) add a rest service to provide app configuration
- #564, REST should return more data for Application information
- #561, add more task metrics
- #558, [REST]Add missing "name" field for metric Histogram
- #556, Use "Processor" to replace taskGroup in source code
- #555, DAG data returned should contains processor Id
- #544, (1) dashboard will now request appmaster details only once 2) visdag is no longer a widget of adf (3) reduced animation of visdag
- #526, Kafka tests are failing in master branch
- #467, Expose codahale metrics by rest service
- #526, temporary disabled kafka examples to make build pass
- #513, Several remain UI issues in new dashboard, like version tag in dashboard
- #516, Travis failed to deploy the binary to github release