blob: a769960a2fb50c3210ad6949c60fa698bba23703 [file] [log] [blame]
site_name: Apache Gearpump(incubating)
repo_url: ''
use_directory_urls: false
# files under docs/ are copied to tmp/
# with template variables replaced by mustache
docs_dir: tmp
- Overview: ''
- Introduction:
- 'Submit Your 1st Application': 'introduction/'
- 'Client Command Line': 'introduction/'
- 'Basic Concepts': 'introduction/'
- 'Technical Highlights': 'introduction/'
- 'Reliable Message Delivery': 'introduction/'
- 'Performance': 'introduction/'
- 'Gearpump Internals': 'introduction/'
- Deployment:
- 'Local Mode': 'deployment/'
- 'Standalone Mode': 'deployment/'
- 'YARN Mode': 'deployment/'
- 'Docker Mode': 'deployment/'
- 'UI Authentication': 'deployment/'
- 'High Availability': 'deployment/'
- 'Reliable Message Delivery': 'deployment/'
- 'Configuration': 'deployment/'
- 'Resource Isolation': 'deployment/'
- 'YARN Security Guide': 'deployment/'
- 'How to Get Your Gearpump Distribution': 'deployment/'
- 'Hardware Requirement': 'deployment/'
- Programming Guide:
- 'Write Your 1st App': 'dev/'
- 'Customized Message Passing': 'dev/'
- 'Gearpump Connectors': 'dev/'
- 'Storm Compatibility': 'dev/'
- 'IDE Setup': 'dev/'
- 'Non Streaming Examples': 'dev/'
- 'REST API': 'dev/'
- 'Scala API': 'api/'
- 'Java API': 'api/'
theme: readthedocs
- codehilite:
use_pygments: False
- admonition