blob: cad43f0d0cbc83e801aa681e7e2e06b377ed9082 [file] [log] [blame]
- Published a tech paper about the design on
- UT coverage rate to 70%
- Add support for general replay-able data source for at-least-once message delivery.
- More robust streaming. Be resilient to message loss, message duplication, and zombie processes.
- Refactor Kafka data source for at least once delivery.
- Support general applications besides streaming, add an experimental distrubtedshell application under experiments/.
- Re-defined the AppMaster, and Task interface, It is much easier to write an application now.
- Support submitting and distributing large applications jars.
- Add CI tool, nightly build, code coverage, and defined a formal commit guideline.
Change list:
- #274 AppMaster cannot connect to worker if there are multiple interface on one machine
- #272 Too many dead log messages in the log
- #266 Kafka grouper conf is incorrect
- #259 fix stream replay api and impl
- #245 jacoco conflict with codecov
- #244 Add more unit test for better test coverage
- #242 Add application submitter username so that we can separate the logs for different user
- #239 REST AppMasterService test failed
- #237 Add more information in log line
- #233 Add TIMEOUT for interactive messages between two parties
- #230 Executor fails to connect with AppMaster when in a multiple NIC environment
- #229 Add a default cluster config under conf/
- #226 return error message to user if not enough slots
- #225 Gearpump logging application logs to different streams(and to persistent storage)
- #222 TimeStampFilter implementation is wrong
- #221 AppMastersDataRequest, AppMasterDataRequest and AppMasterDataDetailRequest should return information about failed appmaster attempts
- #217 Write a small custom AppMaster example, which can run distributed shell.
- #216 Support large application jars
- #215 Improve the API and configs so it more easy to write and submit a new application.
- #213 Add documents about how we do benchmark
- #212 when network partition happen there maybe zombie tasks still sending messages for a while
- #208 Support long-running applications
- #196 When AppMasterStarter fails to load a class, the whole Gearpump cluster crash
- #191 Add docs for all examples
- #184 When packing example to a uber jar, should not include core and streaming jars
- #176 Fix NPE for REST /appmaster/0?detail=true when no appmasters have launched
- #169 Convert REST CustomSerializers to extend DefaultJsonProtocol
- #162 version conflicts between dependencies of sub projects bug
- #148 Revert code to be Java 6 compatible
- #145 Add instructions document for Gearpump commit process
- #138 Update project description
- #135 Add travis build|passing status icon to
- #130 AppMaster, TaskActor class references should not be explicitly referenced in SubmitApplication and TaskDescription - messages
- #127 Document how to run coverage reports, fix sigar exception seen during tests.
- #117 Fix style and code warnings, use slf4j where appropriate
- #116 Add unit tests to gearpump-core
- #115 Setup travis CI and for Gearpump
- #112 Break up examples into separate projects as prerequisite to #100
- #110 Netty Java code cleanup
- #108 Spout and Bolt classes should be renamed
- #106 Add unit tests for REST api
- #104 ActorInitializationException while running wordCount in local mode
- #103 Build error, unable to resolve akka-data-replication