blob: a484f3c37e01c70dfca0eb41e4a4cecf9fb4b976 [file] [log] [blame]
gearpump {
streaming {
## We will timeout the task if it cannot register itself to AppMaster in time.
register-task-timeout-ms = 60000
## ack once after sending ack-once-every-message-count messages.
ack-once-every-message-count = 100
## max pending message per task to task connection. If pending message size is
## over this, then the flow control will not allow further sending.
## This value should be bigger than ack-once-every-message-count
max-pending-message-count-per-connection = 1000
### Flag to enable metrics
metrics {
akka {
### Whitelist for Metrics Aggregator class.
### See class [[MetricsAggregator]] for more information.
metrics-aggregator-class {
"org.apache.gearpump.streaming.metrics.TaskFilterAggregator" = ""
"org.apache.gearpump.streaming.metrics.ProcessorAggregator" = ""
transport.serializer = "org.apache.gearpump.streaming.task.StreamingTransportSerializer"