blob: 165df62ab82c237b23788aae49a51572e05e274e [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.gearpump.streaming.examples.complexdag
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.apache.gearpump.cluster.UserConfig
import org.apache.gearpump.cluster.client.ClientContext
import org.apache.gearpump.cluster.main.{ArgumentsParser, CLIOption, ParseResult}
import org.apache.gearpump.streaming.partitioner.HashPartitioner
import org.apache.gearpump.streaming.task.TaskContext
import org.apache.gearpump.streaming.{Processor, StreamApplication}
import org.apache.gearpump.util.Graph.{Node => GraphNode}
import org.apache.gearpump.util.{AkkaApp, Graph, LogUtil}
case class Source_0(_context: TaskContext, _conf: UserConfig) extends Source(_context, _conf)
case class Source_1(_context: TaskContext, _conf: UserConfig) extends Source(_context, _conf)
case class Node_0(_context: TaskContext, _conf: UserConfig) extends Node(_context, _conf)
case class Node_1(_context: TaskContext, _conf: UserConfig) extends Node(_context, _conf)
case class Node_2(_context: TaskContext, _conf: UserConfig) extends Node(_context, _conf)
case class Node_3(_context: TaskContext, _conf: UserConfig) extends Node(_context, _conf)
case class Node_4(_context: TaskContext, _conf: UserConfig) extends Node(_context, _conf)
case class Sink_0(_context: TaskContext, _conf: UserConfig) extends Sink(_context, _conf)
case class Sink_1(_context: TaskContext, _conf: UserConfig) extends Sink(_context, _conf)
case class Sink_2(_context: TaskContext, _conf: UserConfig) extends Sink(_context, _conf)
case class Sink_3(_context: TaskContext, _conf: UserConfig) extends Sink(_context, _conf)
case class Sink_4(_context: TaskContext, _conf: UserConfig) extends Sink(_context, _conf)
* digraph flow {
* Source_0 -> Sink_0;
* Source_0 -> Sink_1;
* Source_0 -> Sink_2;
* Source_0 -> Node_1;
* Source_1 -> Node_0;
* Node_0 -> Sink_3;
* Node_1 -> Sink_3;
* Node_1 -> Sink_4;
* Node_1 -> Node_4;
* Node_2 -> Node_3;
* Node_1 -> Node_3;
* Source_0 -> Node_2;
* Source_0 -> Node_3;
* Node_3 -> Sink_3;
* Node_4 -> Sink_3;
* Source_1 -> Sink_4;
* }
object Dag extends AkkaApp with ArgumentsParser {
private val LOG: Logger = LogUtil.getLogger(getClass)
val RUN_FOR_EVER = -1
override val options: Array[(String, CLIOption[Any])] = Array.empty
def application(config: ParseResult): StreamApplication = {
val source_0 = Processor[Source_0](1)
val source_1 = Processor[Source_1](1)
val node_0 = Processor[Node_0](1)
val node_1 = Processor[Node_1](1)
val node_2 = Processor[Node_2](1)
val node_3 = Processor[Node_3](1)
val node_4 = Processor[Node_4](1)
val sink_0 = Processor[Sink_0](1)
val sink_1 = Processor[Sink_1](1)
val sink_2 = Processor[Sink_2](1)
val sink_3 = Processor[Sink_3](1)
val sink_4 = Processor[Sink_4](1)
val partitioner = new HashPartitioner
val app = StreamApplication("dag", Graph(
source_0 ~ partitioner ~> sink_1,
source_0 ~ partitioner ~> sink_2,
source_0 ~ partitioner ~> node_2,
source_0 ~ partitioner ~> node_3,
source_0 ~ partitioner ~> node_1,
source_0 ~ partitioner ~> sink_0,
node_2 ~ partitioner ~> node_3,
node_1 ~ partitioner ~> node_3,
node_1 ~ partitioner ~> sink_3,
node_1 ~ partitioner ~> node_4,
source_1 ~ partitioner ~> sink_4,
source_1 ~ partitioner ~> node_0,
node_3 ~ partitioner ~> sink_3,
node_4 ~ partitioner ~> sink_3,
node_0 ~ partitioner ~> sink_3
), UserConfig.empty)
override def main(akkaConf: Config, args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val userConf = parse(args)
val context = ClientContext(akkaConf)
val appId = context.submit(application(userConf))