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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.gearpump.integrationtest.checklist
import org.apache.gearpump.cluster.MasterToAppMaster
import org.apache.gearpump.integrationtest.{Util, TestSpecBase}
* The test spec checks the command-line usage
class CommandLineSpec extends TestSpecBase {
"use `gear info` to list applications" should {
"retrieve 0 application after cluster just started" in {
// exercise
getRunningAppCount shouldEqual 0
"retrieve 1 application after the first application submission" in {
// setup
val appId = expectSubmitAppSuccess(wordCountJar)
expectAppIsRunningByParsingOutput(appId, wordCountName)
// exercise
getRunningAppCount shouldEqual 1
"use `gear app` to submit application" should {
"find a running application after submission" in {
// exercise
val appId = expectSubmitAppSuccess(wordCountJar)
expectAppIsRunningByParsingOutput(appId, wordCountName)
"reject a repeated submission request while the application is running" in {
// setup
val appId = expectSubmitAppSuccess(wordCountJar)
expectAppIsRunningByParsingOutput(appId, wordCountName)
// exercise
val actualAppId = commandLineClient.submitApp(wordCountJar)
actualAppId shouldEqual -1
"reject an invalid submission (the jar file path is incorrect)" in {
// exercise
val actualAppId = commandLineClient.submitApp(wordCountJar + ".missing")
actualAppId shouldEqual -1
"use `gear kill` to kill application" should {
"a running application should be killed" in {
// setup
val appId = expectSubmitAppSuccess(wordCountJar)
// exercise
val success = commandLineClient.killApp(appId)
success shouldBe true
"should fail when attempting to kill a stopped application" in {
// setup
val appId = expectSubmitAppSuccess(wordCountJar)
var success = commandLineClient.killApp(appId)
success shouldBe true
// exercise
success = commandLineClient.killApp(appId)
success shouldBe false
"the EmbeddedCluster can be used as embedded cluster in process" in {
// setup
val args = "-debug true -sleep 10"
val appId = expectSubmitAppSuccess(wordCountJar, args)
var success = commandLineClient.killApp(appId)
success shouldBe true
"should fail when attempting to kill a non-exist application" in {
// setup
val freeAppId = getNextAvailableAppId
// exercise
val success = commandLineClient.killApp(freeAppId)
success shouldBe false
"use `gear replay` to replay the application from current min clock" should {
"todo: description" in {
// todo: test code
private def getRunningAppCount: Int = {
private def getNextAvailableAppId: Int = {
commandLineClient.listApps().length + 1
private def expectSubmitAppSuccess(jar: String, args: String = ""): Int = {
val appId = commandLineClient.submitApp(jar)
appId should not equal -1
private def expectAppIsRunningByParsingOutput(appId: Int, expectedName: String): Unit = {
Util.retryUntil(() => {
val actual = commandLineClient.queryApp(appId)
actual.contains(s"application: $appId, ") &&
actual.contains(s"name: $expectedName, ") &&
actual.contains(s"status: ${MasterToAppMaster.AppMasterActive}")
}, "application is running")