Author: manuzhang <owenzhang1990@gmail.com>

Closes #172 from manuzhang/remove_changelog.
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f2522ac..0000000
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,946 +0,0 @@
-Apache Gearpump 0.8.2
-Change log:
-- GEARPUMP-241 Update CHANGELOG.md to reflect all JIRA's 
-- GEARPUMP-240 Correct licenses
-- GEARPUMP-239 Correct binary and source licenses subdirectory
-- GEARPUMP-238 Correct release naming and packaging
-- GEARPUMP-237 do not manually download sbt launcher jar on travis
-- GEARPUMP-234 Update LICENSE and related files for 0.8.2-incubating binary release
-- GEARPUMP-230 Removed unused code from AppMasterService
-- GEARPUMP-227 remove unneeded license files
-- GEARPUMP-226 refactor build files
-- GEARPUMP-225 move partitioner from gearpump-core to module gearpump-streaming
-- GEARPUMP-224 Merge gearpump-daemon to gearpump-core
-- GEARPUMP-222 DFSJarStore is loaded even when local file path is configured
-- GEARPUMP-218 add shaded library as transitive dependencies
-- GEARPUMP-215 Gearpump Redis Integration - RedisStorage
-- GEARPUMP-213 build docs with MkDocs
-- GEARPUMP-212 Make Gearpump's shaded artifacts publishable
-- GEARPUMP-208 Demo site goes down a lot. Also references gearpump.io when connection is refused
-- GEARPUMP-207 remove hadoop dependency out of application path from dashboard
-- GEARPUMP-205 remove hdfs dependency from command gear's classpath
-- GEARPUMP-204 Add unit test for external_hbase module
-- GEARPUMP-203 Use DataSourceTask / DataSinkTask for DSL
-- GEARPUMP-201 integration test failure
-- GEARPUMP-197 Busy loop in FetchThread when incoming queue is full
-- GEARPUMP-189 Update project/Build.scala to enable publishing releases to https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/releases/org/apache/gearpump/
-- GEARPUMP-188 use java.time.Instant for Task start time
-- GEARPUMP-185 Yarn kills Apache Gearpump's worker if the memory usage is too high
-- GEARPUMP-171 Fix some typos
-- GEARPUMP-48 Improve Java interoperability
-- GEARPUMP-37 Sometimes application clock is "not started" when the data stream is very slow
-- GEARPUMP-32 Minimum clock of source Tasks maybe inaccurate
-- GEARPUMP-23 add window DSL
-- GEARPUMP-15 Define initial Apache branded home website
-Apache Gearpump 0.8.1
-Change log:
-- GEARPUMP-186 Create 0.8.1 release
-- GEARPUMP-184 Create 0.8.1-RC5 release
-- GEARPUMP-183 missing licenses headers and files
-- GEARPUMP-182 Correct references required for source release in LICENSE file
-- GEARPUMP-181 Create 0.8.1-RC4 release
-- GEARPUMP-180 Add DISCLAIMER to release artifacts
-- GEARPUMP-178 Create 0.8.1-RC3 release
-- GEARPUMP-177 Documentation build errors when trying to generate documentation
-- GEARPUMP-176 Create 0.8.1-RC2 release
-- GEARPUMP-174 update shaded akka-kryo version to 0.4.1
-- GEARPUMP-173 Create 0.8.1-RC1 release
-- GEARPUMP-170 Create 0.8.1 release
-- GEARPUMP-169 upgrade sbt-assembly and shade
-- GEARPUMP-166 Rename sumByValue to sumByKey
-- GEARPUMP-165 RestServiceSpec failed
-- GEARPUMP-164 Let the user that connects to HBase (HBaseSink) be configurable
-- GEARPUMP-161 application logs are located in wrong place on Yarn
-- GEARPUMP-160 add KafkaDSL examples and fix docs
-- GEARPUMP-159 Prep for first release
-- GEARPUMP-156 Replace logo in site, GitHub, Travis, etc
-- GEARPUMP-155 integration test failure
-- GEARPUMP-153 throw exception on main class load failure
-- GEARPUMP-150 the file structure of integration test is wrong
-- GEARPUMP-148 Document how to use HDFS HA for JarStore
-- GEARPUMP-143 Document `worker.executor-share-same-jvm-as-worker` config parameter
-- GEARPUMP-141 Remove useless method
-- GEARPUMP-139 Change package name to org.apache.gearpump of shaded libraries
-- GEARPUMP-124 SinkTask fails to start after change parallelism
-- GEARPUMP-123 Metrics about workers is not accurate in UI
-- GEARPUMP-122 KafkaSource Stuck
-- GEARPUMP-121 DataSourceProcessor and DataSinkProcessor default parallelism
-- GEARPUMP-120 gearpump.apache.org -> fork me on github goes to "old" github repo
-- GEARPUMP-118 Change package name to org.apache.gearpump
-- GEARPUMP-117 Script for managing cluster
-- GEARPUMP-114 Dead loop in graph with cycles
-- GEARPUMP-113 Default admin user removal
-- GEARPUMP-109 Add Java example for WordCount in document.
-- GEARPUMP-108 Setup travis CI for Gearpump's apache repository
-- GEARPUMP-102 Randomly see AskTimeoutException while querying app status
-- GEARPUMP-83 show application pending on worker down
-- GEARPUMP-82 Rename package from io.gearpump to org.apache.gearpump
-- GEARPUMP-64 Fail to launch Dashboard when setting HDFS as jarStore
-- GEARPUMP-61 Impove code coverage to >70%
-- GEARPUMP-57 Couldn't load conf/gear.conf
-- GERAPUMP-55 Add kmeans example
-- GERAPUMP-54 Composing dag from dashboard, user can not specify the application name
-- GEARPUMP-41 property akka.scheduler.tick-duration will be override and potentially go wrong on Windows
-- GEARPUMP-36 docs/build_doc.sh failed to execute on Mac 10.11 El Capitan
-- GEARPUMP-35 Worker's JVM metrics is not shown in the dashboard
-- GEARPUMP-34 Improve CONTRIBUTING guide for contributors and committers
-- GEARPUMP-30 Track call for papers submissions, talks and upcoming CFP's somewhere
-- GEARPUMP-29 Testing App with GearPump Dependencies
-- GEARPUMP-28 Transit the website to Apache
-- GEARPUMP-26 Doc: 0.8.0 Release does not include scala 2.10 build
-- GEARPUMP-25 Integration test failed: MessageDeliverySpec message count mismatch
-- GEARPUMP-24 refactor DataSource API
-- GEARPUMP-18 Enable publishing gearpump artifacts to repository.apache.org
-- GEARPUMP-17 KafkaStorage looks for the wrong offset on replay
-- GEARPUMP-11 Fix code styles by following practice of other projects
-- GEARPUMP-7 Master members are not updated if a master is shutdown
-Apache Gearpump 0.8.0
-Apache Incubation:
-Apache Gearpump enters Apache incubation. Now, we are working on importing the source code to Apache Git (INFRA-11435), and
- a bunch of other tasks (GEARPUMP-1).
-Apache Gearpump Jira: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GEARPUMP
-Mail list:
-* Subscribe link to User list: user-subscribe@gearpump.incubator.apache.org
-* Subscribe link to Dev list: dev-subscribe@gearpump.incubator.apache.org
-* Subscribe link to Private list: private-subscribe@gearpump.incubator.apache.org
-* Subscribe link to commits list: commits-subscribe@gearpump.incubator.apache.org
-What are the changes for the process for Apache Incubation?
-The code importing to Apache Git is still in process. During this transition time,
-We will follow these procedures:
- 1. For new issue, we should no longer open issue in Github issues. Instead, we
-   need to open an issue at Apache Jira: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GEARPUMP
- 2. Pull Requests are still submitted to http://github.com/gearpump/gearpump for review.
- 3. We should cross post the link of PR to Jira site, and Jira link to Pull Request context.
- 4. Code will still be commited to https://github.com/gearpump/gearpump
- 5. During this transition time, document change doesn't require a +1 if it comes from committers.
- 6. The release tag requires a consensus in project discussion like sync-meeting. But it doesn't
-   additional "+1" on code commit.
-   For example, we will ask around that whether it is OK to trigger a tag; if every one agrees,
-   then the assignee can tag the build and change the release doc directly without a written "+1" on the commit.
-After the transition period, the proposed process is like this:
- 1. The official repo will be at git://git.apache.org/gearpump.git, all other repos will be
-    mirror of this repo.
- 2. We will disable "write" in github issues, and switch to Apache Jira.
- 3. We will enable Apache Github integration, which allow us to mirror official Git repo in Github.
- 4. When the user submit a PR, there should be at least one +1 before doing merge.
- 5. For all commits, the commit should commit the path manually to official repo
-   git://git.apache.org/gearpump.git, "Github merge" will be disabled.
- 6. For document change, we can have further discussion on whether it should requires a +1.
-Before completing importing source code to Apache Git, we will still use
-Why we make a tag release now, but not wait until Apache importing complete?
-There are quite a lot of open task at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GEARPUMP-1, which
-would take a significant time. For example, we still don't have the new maven artifact yet.
-Making incremental releases like this one allow us to be more prepared to make a full Apache release.
-1. Update Akka to Akka 2.4.2 (#1988). Now we only support Java 8 and Scala 2.11, Java7, Scala 2.10 support is dropped
-   (Be compatible with Akka 2.4.2). The performance of Gearpump 0.8.0 is as good at Gearpump 0.76.
-2. Fix Min clock slow-advancing issue (#1318) when some graph edge (Possibly means networking between two hosts) don't
-   have enough traffic.
-3. Add OAuth2 social login for UI server.
-Akka-stream DSL module is temporary disabled, as Akka-Stream 2.4.2 has big API change compared with Akka-Stream 1.0. We'd
-like to add the full functional module back in next release.
-Change log:
-From now on, new issues should be submitted to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GEARPUMP
-- GEARPUMP-10, Downgrade netty from Netty 4 to Netty 3.8 cause the OAuth2 authentication failure
-- GEARPUMP-9, Clean and fix integration test
-- GEARPUMP-8, fix "two machines can possibly have same worker id for single-master cluster"
-- GEARPUMP-6: show add/remove worker buttons for admin
-- GEARPUMP-5, Add additional authorization check like checking user-organization for cloudfoundry OAuth2 Authenticator.
-- GEARPUMP-3, Define REST API to add/remove worker instances, which allow us to scale out in YARN.
-- GEARPUMP-2, Define REST API to submit job jar
-- #1988, upgrade akka to akka 2.4.2
-- #2015, do not send AckRequest or LatencyProbe when no pending messages
-- #1943 allow user to config how many executors to use in an application
-- #1641, add exactly-once it
-- #1318, fix MinClock not updated fast enough for slow stream
-- #1981, Support OAuth2 Social login
-- #2007, add Java DSL
-- #2002, add akka stream examples
-- #1996, EmbeddedCluster requires master configuration like ClusterActorRefProvider.
-- #1989: add confirmation dialog for kill app and restart app
-- #1983, fix KafkaUtilSpec failure
-- #1975,  fix storm integration test
-- #1972, backoff retry kafka consuming on exception
-- #1966 make Partitioner API Java compatible
-- #1892: added instruction text to operate network graph (2) minor tweaks of context menu
-- #1963, rename CommitGuideline.md to CONTRIBUTING.md
-- #1958: better test report organizing
-- #1906: some visual glitches found in mobile view
-Gearpump 0.7.6
-1. #1648 Support submit storm jar via dashboard
-2. Support StreamCQL over Gearpump
-Change log:
-- #1924, fix storm test spec failure
-- #1926, fix client side configuration does not work in CGroup
-- #1648, support submit storm jar via rest interface
-- #1933, Fixes some of the documentation typos, adds SBT configuration
-- #1936, allow user to config kafka source start offset time
-- #1777, Dynamic DAG failed after changing parallelism for many times
-- #1932, Fix client config overwrites critical system config
-- #1895, make GearpumpNimbus a standalone service
-- #1910, enlarge timeout in MasterClient
-- #1952, document how to use StreamCQL over Gearpump
-Gearpump 0.7.5
-1. #1723, Add an experimental cgroup module for CPU isolation.
-2. #1767, Add docs and implementation to support storm 0.10.
-3. Make UI mobile phone friendly. 
-Change log:
-- #1919, fix AppMasterSpec
-- #1723 add an experiment module to do cgroup CPU isolation.
-- #1913, add warning for detected loop in DAG.
-- #1896, move storm examples under integration test
-- #1897, increase akka logger start up timeout for unit test
-- #1843 Add a Rest service to launch a new worker
-- #1904, fixed "DAG canvas context menu cannot be displayed."
-- #1898: in integration test, there need a retry attempting for login
-- #1882: extract the tool tip string to externalized file
-- #1837, Use java.net.preferIPv4Stack to force IPv4
-- #1885, Shorten the table view when disabled in mobile.
-- #1883,URL redirection error when accessing index.html
-- #1874, Format the login failure message to more readable format.
-- #1876, Shell command yarnclient should use 1 as the the default count for "addWorker"
-- #1877, Fix several navigation issues on Mobile phone
-- #1830: removed cluster side menu and tuned main navbar
-- #1681: show application last error in overview page
-- #1866, use geardefault.conf to replace reference.conf to avoid confusion
-- #1767, Add docs and implementation to support storm 0.10
-- #1868: show correct data points when switch historical view and recent view.
-- #1864, Add robots.txt to disable search engine crawling
-- #1860, add licenses for included source and binary libraries.
-- #1804, fix UI authentication document page format
-Gearpump 0.7.4
-Change log:
-- #1247, add authentication for UI
-- #1855: when service is unavailable, do not query models without waiting.
-- #1833 update performance related doc
-- #1831, Services exits on bind failure
-- #1779: show critical path latency for application 
-- #1733 dynamic dag fall back to last dag version in case of Master HA
-- #1804, fix navbar on mobile
-- #1713 regression on HBaseSink
-- #1838 YARN failure trying to contact YarnAppMaster when launched in YARN
-Gearpump 0.7.3
-Change logs:
-- #1816: Akka GC problem. After fixing, performance gain 30%
-- #1820, http cache is not effective
-- #1817 Problems launching Gearpump in YARN environment
-Gearpump 0.7.2
-Change logs:
-- #1814: metrics data will not update
-- #1812 add gearpump.verbose-gc in gear.conf
-- #1754, use scala binary version in example jar name
-- #1804, polish documents
-- #1803 fix performance regression
-Gearpump 0.7.1
-1. #1411. new UI experience. now the frontend UI can safely support applications with tens of thousands to tasks.
-2. #1514 Add Akka-stream 1.0 experimental module
-3. #1698, refactor on yarn experiment module, with bug fixes, and enhanced functions, like dynamically adding/removing machines.
-4. #1679, fix dynamic dag bug (fail to transit)
-5. #1547, add a SequenceFileSink
-Change logs:
-- #1761, add more source comments and fix several typo
-- #1799, amend two PROXY typos in files 
-- #1411: new UI to allow to scale to thousands of tasks.
-- #1794, split dispatchers of Task and Netty
-- #1018 transfer Any in Message
-- #1792, fix storm module config conflict
-- #1785, [yarn] UI daemon process cannot be terminated
-- #1789 fix DynamicDagSpec
-- #1784, document the limitation of yarnclient command line.
-- #1778, AppSubmitter "-config" option is not used
-- #1782, add doc to run storm over Gearpump application on yarn
-- #1774, remove MaxPermSize JVM option as JDK8 no longer support it.
-- #1772, When upload application in UI, custom config file is not effective
-- #1770, processor metrics is aggregated in wrong way
-- #1768, TaskFilterAggregator is not working
-- #1763, change all GearPump to Gearpump
-- #1411: metrics charts would not update after 15 seconds
-- #1756, add HistoryMetricsConfig for master info and worker info
-- #1754 standardize archive name
-- #1753 update server channel group name
-- #1747: storm spec failure due to parse application id
-- #1747: updated the way to parse application id in command-line
-- #1743, fixing some typo in the example folder
-- #1744, Separate global config and application specific config, allow to config log level for specific
- class.
-- #1734, handle smoothly when more resources are allocated than required.
-- #1698, refactor on gearpump-yarn experiment module
-- #1716: enable code coverage check for master branch
-- #1720, support automatic integration test
-- #1719 unhandled PutKVSuccess in Master
-- #1714: some navbar visual issues
-- #1499, Aggregate the metrics on server
-- #1711: layout is more responsive on small devices
-- #1679 dynamic dag will fall back when replacing a processor failed
-- #1707, support html test report in integration test
-- #1670, regression, change taskActor back to use stashing.
-- #1703: task metrics in bar chart were empty
-- #1701: wrong dirty check of modify processor and more
-- #1384: rest service url was not set correctly
-- #1682: allow specify a transition time when changing parallelism
-- #1691: dashboard layout and textual changes and update to dashing...
-- #1640 YARN deployment - no easy way of obtaining master address...
-- #1688, Reduce unimportant logs in travis UT console
-- #1671, make default timeout shorter to be more UI responsive.
-- #1685, Should not publish gearpump-integration-test to maven
-- #1683, Allow metrics to be aggregated before sending to UI
-- #1223: will mark application with a warning when stalling task de...
-- #1670, #1653, fix dynamic dag bug
-- #1659 add a rest api to terminate service process
-- #1672: when worker is killed, its detail page will no longer be updated
-- #1660 remove Try block,give debug info to user instead.
-- #1666: will should application details (and load metrics afterwards)
-- #1651, fix change processor's parallelism on dashboard
-- #1536, fix storm at least once support
-- #1655: added a test case for replacing a processor
-- #1653 fix replacing a processor
-- #1639 refine daemon's classpath
-- #1652, submit app with no arguments from dashboard returns warning
-- #1547 add a SequenceFileSink
-- #1424: when application is terminated, related status indicators ...
-- #1645: parse appid in submission response better
-- #1514, add an experimental module to support akka-stream 1.0
-- #1643, fix UI timeout issue when metrics is disabled
-- #1632 Remove duplicate of repository
-- #1630, StormBoltOutputCollector skips reporting on ack disabled
-Gearpump 0.7.0
-1. New end-to-end integration test, better test coverage (#1243 Thanks to contribution by Stanley, Tianlun, Huafeng, Kewei)
-2. Storm binary compatibility. (still has some limitation)
-3. New Document site(#1506).
-4. Secure YARN and secure HBase support(#1458)
-5. spray is replaced by akka-http (#1261)
-6. New serialization implementation(#1445 allow user to custom a serialization framework).
-Change log:
-- #1627, refine on custom serialization doc.
-- #1624, fix the worker report resource timeout settings.
-- #1384: removed wrong page redirection
-- #1243: provide an integration test suite
-- #1607 fix NONE_SESSION when restart tasks
-- #1609, fix storm message timestamp bugs
-- #1579 Additional documentation changes
-- #1536, support storm ack
-- #1581, fix HadoopCheckpointStore
-- #1506 Totally reorganize documentation
-- #1538 fix yarn application classpath
-- #1519 fix performance regression
-- #1485 no more pending messages in ExpressTransport
-- #1458, enable secured HBase
-- #1496, fix StormSerializer Kryo buffer overflow
-- #1478: click on location button will copy text to clipboard
-- #1491, fix ContainerLaunchContextSpec
-- #1489, remove terminated executor from ExecutorManager
-- #1481, improve storm over gearpump perf
-- #1479: add uptime field in service interface
-- #1481, fix storm performance
-- #1482, fix TaskScheduler over schedules when multiple executors down at once
-- #1458 support launching Gearpump in secured Yarn cluster
-- #1476 fix serialization in transport layer
-- #1470: updated a broken dashboard dependency
-- #1463, fix storm config
-- #1465 fix DistributedShell
-- #1462 pass user config to SerializerPool
-- #1453: allows use DEL to remove processor/edge- 
-- #491: Added support for composing DAG from scratch
-- #1449 fix copy file to local in LocalJarStoreService- 
-- #1387 decouple serializer for Message
-- #1445 refactor serialization implementation
-- #1343, support Storm emitDirect and DirectGrouping
-- #809: static resources are now sent to client gzipped
-- #1438: polished modify processor dialog
-- #1423: show full error log in a popup
-- #1423: show error message when uploading is failed and polished the dialog
-- #1430: turn off illegal header warning
-- #1428, add unidoc plugin which allow us to build the scaladoc for the whole project(include all sub-projects)
-- #1228, add data source and data sink for java api
-- #1228, further simplify the java interface
-- #1422: removed if-modified-since header. it is not relevant and is handled very different by different web servers
-- #1228, add java interface for Graph API
-- #1411: chart will always fill data points for 15 minutes
-- #1261, #1127, replace spray with akka-http
-- #1373 add duplicated edge detecting
-- #1412: add 'no-cache' header in ajax responses
-- #1194 add graph cycle detection
-- #491, add a rest api to acquire Gearpump's built-in partitioners
-- #1405: now the number of executors is back
-- #1371: a right way to show historical metrics (2) added committed? 
-- #1402, fix NoneGroupingPartitioner
-- #1399: in application overview page the task count of executor wa...
-- #1397, allow KafkaSink to receive Message of bytes
-- #1395, cross publishSigned
-- #1374 remove jars of yarn in executor's classpath
-- #1266: should exclude dead edges
-- #1238, adds BroadcastPartitioner
-- #1381 test on travis out of memory
-- #1379, support storm tick tuple
-Gearpump 0.6.1
-Highlight: new version UI dashboard.
-Change log:
-- #1369: object path and metrics name are divided by ':' now
-- #1369: fixed data initialization issue of echart
-- #1364, add default value for BYTES_PER_MESSAGE of SOLStreamProducer
-- #1361: able to show multiple tasks in chart (better not select mo?
-- #1358: properties will be updated (2) moved roboto font and echart?  
-Gearpump 0.6
-Highlight: new version UI dashboard.
-Change log:
-- #606: ui v2
-- #1352, return appmaster config
-- #1344 fix Master HA bug
-Gearpump 0.5.0
-1. Rename package name to io.gearpump
-Change log:
-- #1341, Cannot submit application in UI if one master is killed and another master started
-Gearpump 0.4.4
-1. Allow user to change the DAG on the fly by providing a new jar.
-2. Add hadoop storage for Transactional topology
-3. shade environment dependencies jars.
-4. Support scala 2.10 and scala 2.11
-Change log:
-- #1339, metrics typo
-- #1336, verbose log to console
-- #1331, check whether we have duplicate metric before registering.
-- #1330, Worker cannot init when setting HDFS as jarStore
-- #1334, fix Storm LocalCluster dependencies
-- #1324, tag storm tuple with timestamp
-- #1246 isolate processors' classpath
-- #1327, move project state and dsl to under streaming
-- #924, fix storm wordcount example
-- #1319 fix application HA not working
-- #1315, fix clock stalling
-- #1305 remove JarFileContainer, replace it with Path.
-- #1313, fix 2.10 build failure
-- #601, 1. add jvm metrics 2. add master and worker metrics.
-- #1296, enable cross compile and publish
-- #606, add more rest service for new UI(version 2)
-- #1013, track task checkpoint time at ClockService
-- #1301, fix state example tests
-- #339, add Hadoop-compatible CheckpointStore
-- #1278, Optimize the build script for scalajs.
-- #1285, fix travis deploy build script
-- #1241 shade akka-kryo-serialization
-- #1278 split services into 2 projects for scala.js
-- #1290, purify state dependencies
-- #1289, construct HTable at cluster side
-- #1288: upgraded to vis 4.7.0 and optimized redraw
-Change logs:
- - #1217, Remove unnecessary dependencies from project core
- - #1249, separate classpath for different daemon tools
- - #1254, Add error reporting service and UI
- - #1251, refine the build package layout.
- - #1253, Partitioner instance is wrongly shared by multiple tasks
- - #1223: stalling status might not be updated in expected way
- - #1257, return error information when rest api failed.
- - #1258: support filter metrics
- - #1245, Replace processor won't work for data source
- - #1267, print services help into to console
- - #1269: could not specify transit time (2) improved time picker select behavior
- - #1241 shade guava, gs-collections and codahale-metric
- - #1275, fix HealthChecker
- - #1273, refine the metrics UI
- - #1270, add flow control for metrics data
- - #1281, make Processor ReferenceEqual=
- - #1244 simplify Build.scala
-Change logs:
- - #1175 refactor dsl source and sink to remove hbase/kafka dependencies.
- - #1154: allow user to submit app by UI
- - #1165, fix random UT failures, avoid create new process in UT
- - #1166, throw exception when submit application failed. fix #1151, reduce the memory footprint of each Task
- - #1098, decouple KafkaStorage from KafkaSource
- - #1189 remove unnecessary dependency
- - #1192, fix potential message loss exception in ExpressTransport
- - #1191 change Kryo's instantiator strategy, add fallback strategy when serialization fails.
- - #1156: (1) ui supports replace processor (2) network graph would not be destroyed (3) changed dropdown menu look and feel (4) updated js libraries
- - #1208 zookeeper.connect is being overridden to localhost:2181
- - #1210, fix kafka examples
- 1. Better YARN support, and error handling.
- 2. UI allow user to submit a application directly
- 3. Split framework lib with application lib, to reduce class path pollution(ongoing). (#1017)
- 4. Exactly once message processing API (#6).
- 5. Improved Data Connector with Kafka, and Hbase. (#1012)
- 6. Dynamic DAG(#101). Which allow user to replace a computation processor(e.g. Change the parallelism, or change to upgraded implementation Task class)
-Change logs:
- - #1154: UI, allow user to submit application jar in UI
- - #1162: UI Backend, Rest backend cannot resume connection with master after master restart
- - #1159: memory leak in worker thread pool.
- - #1157: refactor rest interface and UT
- - #1151: reduce the memory footprint when there are thousands of tasks
- - #1149: Shell tools printed too much detail on console
- - #1146: actor hungry when worker use block-io to wait response from FileServer.
- - #1088: move hbase code to external/
- - #1140: pass app name to task
- - #1017: Split daemon dependencies with core dependencies
- - #1144: fix out of memory when trying to scale gearpump to 2000 task on a 2 core machine
- - #995: Command line parser should be able to fall back  to MAIN-CLASS definition in MANIFEST.IN when mainClass is not specified in command line options.
- - #1136: fix a dead-lock when shutting down actor system.
- - #101: feature dynamic dag, which allows user to change the running topology in the fly.
- - #1115: design better interface for kafka module 
- - #1123: UI, able to restart a running application via dashboard
-  - #1037: When user create daemon logs like ui.log in the running, we should be able to recreate a new log file.
- - #1106: cache opensource webfont lato (831kb in total) locally so that there is no error when no internet access
- - #1097: appdag should adapt to window size automatically.
- - #1096: (1) echart would not response resizing (2) metric selector did not work due to angularjs 1.4 breaking change (3) tested and updated other js libraries
- - #1094: service unreachable message will be shown when health check fails
- - #1066: AppSubmitter should not return 0 when error occurred
- - #1056: fix yarn client, to be able to submit applications to master when running in YARN
- - #1083: fix KafkaWordCount example
- - #1080: [UI] uses moving average 1 minute instead of mean rate. As the meanrate changes much slower.
- - #1017, split the lib directory into daemon, and lib. So that user application can have less dependencies.
- - #1067. [YARN]Changing visibility of yarn resources
- - #1064: UI. edge data was not constructed correctly
- - #1060: Add default kafka message decoder
- - #1012, add Source and Sink API
- - #1044 print worker hostname in master log when registering
- - #922: UI. get version by rest api
- - #1025: master is binding to incorrect port when deployed on Yarn
- - #964: #966. Use FSM to manage state in YarnApplicationMaster. Adding missing UT.
- - #1010, Simplify the travis build so that it take less time.
-Highlight: experimental transactional support
-Change list
- - #1006, revert the display clock to original version
- - #1004, fix transactional state compile failure
- - #6, add transaction api
- - #902, delete kafka topic on close
- - #826: upgraded to visjs 4.1.0-develop
- - #924, show application name and status on "gear info"
- - #981, add prompt for ClassNotFoundException 
-Change list
- - #977, speedup the UT by avoiding creating multiple sub process JVMs.
- - #974, Remove unnecessary MasterProxy creation in unit test
- - #969 Tests for examples create a test harness per test
- - #968, update Codecov upload method
- - #960, Services Specs do not terminate ClockService 
- - #959, LOG in TimeoutScheduler causes JVM exit 
- - #935 improve the application clock 
- - #659, remove kafka integration test 
- - #947 optimize checkMessage performance in TaskActor
- - #945, [NPE regression] Partitioner is null 
- - #941, allow user to define custom partitioner by REST 
- - #890: add cloudera manager integration support for gearpump 
- - #928 continue to improve the performance of taskActor.allowSendingMoreMessages 
- - #936 bumping up version of sbt-scoverage plugin 
- - #934, allow user to define uid for edge partitioner. 
- - #928 improve the allowSendingMsg performance 
- - #926: previous restcall should be dropped if the page is destroyed
-Change list
- - #729 remove argument '-master' in YARN service and documents.
- - #759, fix storm connector bug due to unstable topology sort of DAG
- - #775, fix netty config
- - #778, log improvements
- - #781 when launching lots of tasks, the application failed to transfer message across hosts 
- - #782, a) add wildcard match to return metrics(support glob char . and *), b) add diagnosis message if the clock stop advancing
- - #786, Read user config from classpath, the appmaster/executor wil use the dynamic user config
- - #773: skew chart will show relative skew
- - #790, 1) return detail task data in appmaster REST. 2) bind executor id with executor system id
- - #795 TaskScheduleImpl'bug when executor failed
- - #799 Getting 2.10 cross build working
- - #802 add process id and host name in executor log file
- - #803: (1) websocket is by default not preferred (2) throughput should be added as sum not mean (3) changed input/output message to sink/source processor receive/send throughput
- - #805, metrics rest service should return latest metrics received
- - #684 - setting -Xmx for master and worker when running on Yarn This will prevent JVMs from growing above limits and get killed by Yarn
- - #796: (1) added executor info (2) fixed skew chart issue for the first node
- - #801, add config service for master and worker.
- - #741 add a example transport use case
- - #814, expose TaskActor.minClock through TaskContext
- - #741 refine example
- - #817 split examples jar into multiple jars
- - #824, allow to use default partitioner when defining a DAG
- - #829, add some handy operator like groupByKey, sum, for KV Stream
- - #831: uses pagination control to speedup table rendering
- - #816: use multi-select control to select tasks
- - #840: task charts data were incorrect
- - #844, expose upstream minclock
- - #204, page rank demo code
- - #846, support more anyVals in user config
- - #843, Can't put custom user config in application.conf
- - #849, set default hostname to in UT
- - #851, JVM not exited when there is exception due to akka create non-daemon threads
- - #854, fix storm connector performance
- - #856, Service launch failed
- - #853, fix resource leak(thread not closed, process not killed in UT. Also increase the PermGen size to avoid Permgen OOM.
- - #859, random UT fail due to akka bug, "akka cluster deadlock when initializing"
- - #865, Change the default timeout setting in akka test expectMsg
- - #871, Add explicit error log for kryo serialization exception
- - #877: source node and sink node were not calculated correctly.
- - #874, [TaskActor] task onStart should be called after the network transport layer is ready
- - #879: split metrics into different views and changed tooltip control
- - #881: diverse issues of skew charts and made tooltip nice
- - #876: clock is updated every second-
- - #885: wrong application clock in some case
- - #53, rest interface to submit a dag by JSON representation
- - #887, add a rest to get stalling tasks
- - #801: added download links for configurations-
- - #742 add a rest to get Gearpump version
- - #898, Downgrade akka version from 2.3.9 to 2.3.6
- - #900, Use gearpump.hostname by default=
- - #719 add Kafka Source and HBase Sink for dsl
- - #905: Upgrade sbt-pack from 0.6.8 to 0.6.9
- - #602: dashboard will freeze when server is unreachable
- - #907: calculate application clock update frequency for a 30 second time frame
- - #919: vis.js's version was not updated 
-Change List:
- - #768, Serious performance degrade of ui server on windows
- - #765, improve the graph type inference so we don't need to set template argument type explicitly
-Change List:
- - #716, Refine the user interface. improve the user interface, like Application, Processor
- - #755, fix Build breakage, 
- - #729, remove argument '-master' in command line option, use gear.conf instead.
- - #713, provide an option to read from beginning of a topic 
- - #746, support state clock for task so that we can retrieve the state timestamp
- - #744: fix several metrics issues
- - #638, Use Subscription to link two processor
- - #662, [UI] added processor  details tab
- - #735, [yarn]Launch UI in the same container of Yarn AppMaster container.
- - #732: [UI]add more charts and add more metrics to dag
- - #731 rename TaskDescription to ProcessorDescription
- - #708, fix storm connector config classpath 
- - #722: [UI]use different color and opacity for edges
- - #708, allow user to pass in a customized storm config
- - #709: [UI]npe when streaming dag is not initialized
- - #704, DAG processor name is "undefined" if "description` field of TaskDescription is not defined
- - #706, Remove example jars from gearpump built-in classpath.
- - #701 add a HBase sink
- - #28, add an experiment module to support a very basic flatmap dsl
- - #666, add UI for stock crawler example
- - #691: [UI] fix metrics
- - #680, add a service in appmaster to support query of task actorRef
- - #210, allow easier remote debugging executor process
- - #666, add a stock index crawler example,
- - #658 make config of Gearpump on Yarn configurable
- - #676, add a storm connector to allow user to run arbitrary storm jar
- - #657, remove unnecessary yarn deps
- - #672, extend Task to support unmanaged messages so that every task can serve as full functional service
- - #670, fix yarn application path and log path
- - #665, Add scheduleOnce interface in TaskContext
-Change List:
- - #654, Use yarn to distribute whole gearpump package instead of jars
- - #631, remove unnecessary storm dependencies
- - #652, log conflict between slf4j and log4j
- - #652, log is muted when running on yarn
- - #650, remove logback classic slf4j binding from classpath
- - #648, yarn unable to start worker
- - #27, Integrate YARN into scheduler
- - #643: metrics tables are now sortable
- - #639, fix parallelism is 0 on GlobalGrouping
- - #636, fix FieldsGroupingPartitioner
- - #629 - query backend for actual websocket address 
- - #634: create websocket can be failed when url is undefined
- - #415, support storm connector
- - #613, Show metrics charts in application's detail page
- - #546 add a rest api to query WebSocket url
- - #624, add description field to TaskDescription
- - #434 add api/v1.0 prefix for all rest services
- - #618 fix no data returned when call Metrics rest
- - #607, bump up kafka version to
- - #615, Incorrect Dag edge width
- - #608 increase the maximum frame size of Akka
- - #611: dag looks more elegant
-Change List:
-- #591, (1) added metrics to application detail page (2) periodically update page contents without pressing refresh (3) replaced angular-dashboard-framework with bootstrap + angular
-- #600, Config API should return all config under section "gearpump"
-- #597, by default, app wil run for ever except you kill it explicitly.
-- #595, use smaller metrics interval
-- #417, update READ.ME and refactor DistributedShell
-- #388, catch netty channel close exception and warn
-- #589, change applicationData's timestamp to 24-h format
-- #417, deploy a service across the cluster
-- #568, enable history metrics service
-- #584, KafkaOffsetManager should only stores one offset per timestamp 
-- #562 fix AppMaster and Executor restart infinitely
-- #576, Add processor level for REST returned DAG, so that the UI can render the DAG correctly.
-- #568, [REST] add history metrics service in backend 
-- #571 AppMaster failed to recover
-- #569, dag cannot be rendered
-- #566, a) add rest service to shutdown an application b) add a rest service to provide app configuration
-- #564, REST should return more data for Application information
-- #561, add more task metrics
-- #558, [REST]Add missing "name" field for metric Histogram
-- #556, Use "Processor" to replace taskGroup in source code
-- #555, DAG data returned should contains processor Id
-- #544, (1) dashboard will now request appmaster details only once 2) visdag is no longer a widget of adf (3) reduced animation of visdag
-- #526, Kafka tests are failing in master branch
-- #467, Expose codahale metrics by rest service
-- #526, temporary disabled kafka examples to make build pass
-- #513, Several remain UI issues in new dashboard, like version tag in dashboard
-- #516, Travis failed to deploy the binary to github release
-Change List:
- - #510, add log directory for UI server
- - #485, retain inactive application history in Master
- - #504, 1) AppMaster return more detailed application runtime information. 2) fix a worker bug when returning executors which run on worker. 
- - #422, [UI] show the number of executors (2) changed layout of application page
- - #417, add a experiment module to distribute a zip file to different machines
- - #502, fix KafkaStorage loading data for async kafka consumer
- - #422, [UI] (1) added home directory in UI (2) removed millis from duration 3) updated dag control height
- - #476, fix worker and master log path format in rest service
- - #498, worker rest data is not updated in UI
- - #397, move distributed shell from experiments to examples folder
- - #493 add implicit sender so that the Task can send itself messages[work around]
- - #427, use new kafka producer in kafka 0.8.2
- - #422, added cluster page to show master and worker information
- - #489, make the worker rest information easier to parse
- - #202, Add a default serializer for all kinds of messages
- - #477, REST Workers should return more information
- - #456, uses webjars to serve visjs 3.10.0
- - #483, upgrade visdag to 3.10 because widget does not repaint correctly when a node is moved
- - #473, Use webjars with spray support instead of bower to serve static resources
- - #477, return more data for rest call workers/
- - #474, fix rest service UT test fail.
- - #479, publish test jar as artifacts
- - #419, Reorder the application log by master startup timestamp
- - #456, Use visdag to render the graph DAG
- - #464, Travis bower integration
- - #394, fix kafka producer hang issue
- - #468, For test code, the ClockService will throw exception when the DAG is not defined
- - #465, fix appname prefix bug
- - #461, AppMasterSpec and WorkServiceSpec UT are failing 
- - #270, Create a force-direct dag 
- - #453, Add rest service to serve master info 
- - #423, refactor task by separating TaskActor and Task
- - #422, add worker rest api
- - #449: avoid load external resource by removing all CDN external links
- - #397 refactor distributed shell by using new Cluster API
- - #441, ui-portal is failed to build because of spray version conflict
- - #430 use application name as unique identifier for an application
- - #440, moved dashboard code from conf to service/dashboard
- - #402, refactor task manager
- - #280, Add websockets to REST api
- - #269, Define UI Dashboard structure
- - #406, custom executor jvm config in gear.conf is not effective.
- - #394, fix ActorSystemBooter process not shut down after application finishes
- - #412, add version.sbt 
- - #410 Add sbt-eclipse plugin and wiki for how to build gearpump on eclipse
- - #408, handle Ctrl+C(sigint) gracefully.
- - #396, bump up kafka version to
- - #398, Expose more metrics info
- - #389, fix kafka fetch thread bug 
- - #386 UT fail due to unclosed sequence file
- - #370, refactor streaming appmaster
- - #358, use uPickle for REST Service
- - #372, fix DAG subgraph build and more Graph UT
- - #377, fix KafkaSource.pull performance due to the List.append is not having good performance
- - #378, construct the serializer explicitly, instead of implicitly via the kryo serializer akka extension
- - #380, set the context class loader as the URL class loader for ActorSystem.
-Change List:
- - #333, KafkaUtilSpec causes out of memory on travis
- - #335, #359, Enable auto-deployment to sonatype
- - #299, Some UT may fail randomly, most because of the expectMsg time out
- - #338, fix kafka leader not available exception
- - #349, scoverage dependencies get into snapshot build binaries.
- - #352, add RollingCountSpec
- - #356, User's application.conf can not be loaded due to empty config.
- - #373, add more restrict checks for warning, deprecation and feature
-Change List:
- - #327 fix 0.2.1 build error
- - #308 add another dag example project
- - #330 Allow user to output the metrics to log file besides graphite
-Change List:
- - #244, add more UT, 
- - #250, refactor kafka implementations
- - #301, fix UserConfig ClassNotFoundException
- - #306, ClassNotFound for customized Application type
- - #299 fix SeqFileStreamProcessorSpec
- - #320 fix dead lock in StreamTestUtil.createEchoTaskActor
- - #317, allow user to customize the akka system config for appmaster
- - #244, add KafkaUtilSpec and kafka integration test
- - Published a tech paper about the design on https://typesafe.com/blog/gearpump-real-time-streaming-engine-using-akka
- - UT coverage rate to 70%
- - Add support for general replay-able data source to support at least once delivery. 
- - More robust streaming. Be resilient to message loss, message duplication, and zombie processes. 
- - Refactor Kafka data source for at least once delivery.
- - Support general applications besides streaming, add an experimental distributedshell application under experiments/.
- - Re-defined the AppMaster, and Task interface, It is much easier to write an application now.
- - Support submitting and distributing large applications jars.
- - Add CI tool, nightly build, code coverage, and defined a formal commit guideline.
-Change list:
- - #274 AppMaster cannot connect to worker if there are multiple interface on one machine 
- - #272 Too many dead log messages in the log
- - #266 Kafka grouper conf is incorrect 
- - #259 fix stream replay api and impl
- - #245 jacoco conflict with codecov
- - #244 Add more unit test for better test coverage
- - #242 Add application submitter username so that we can separate the logs for different user
- - #239 REST AppMasterService test failed
- - #237 Add more information in log line
- - #233 Add TIMEOUT for interactive messages between two parties
- - #230 Executor fails to connect with AppMaster when in a multiple NIC environment
- - #229  Add a default cluster config under conf/
- - #226 return error message to user if not enough slots
- - #225 Gearpump logging application logs to different streams(and to persistent storage)
- - #222 TimeStampFilter implementation is wrong
- - #221 AppMastersDataRequest, AppMasterDataRequest and AppMasterDataDetailRequest should return information about failed appmaster attempts
- - #217 Write a small custom AppMaster example, which can run distributed shell.
- - #216 Support large application jars
- - #215 Improve the API and configs so it more easy to write and submit a new application.
- - #213 Add documents about how we do benchmark
- - #212 when network partition happen there maybe zombie tasks still sending messages for a while
- - #208 Support long-running applications
- - #196 When AppMasterStarter fails to load a class, the whole Gearpump cluster crash
- - #191 Add docs for all examples
- - #184 When packing example to a uber jar, should not include core and streaming jars
- - #176  Fix NPE for REST /appmaster/0?detail=true when no appmasters have launched
- - #169 Convert REST CustomSerializers to extend DefaultJsonProtocol
- - #162 version conflicts between dependencies of sub projects  bug
- - #148 Revert code to be Java 6 compatible
- - #145 Add instructions document for Gearpump commit process
- - #138 Update ReadMe.md project description
- - #135 Add travis build|passing status icon to README.md
- - #130 AppMaster, TaskActor class references should not be explicitly referenced in SubmitApplication and TaskDescription  - messages
- - #127 Document how to run coverage reports, fix sigar exception seen during tests.
- - #117 Fix style and code warnings, use slf4j where appropriate  
- - #116 Add unit tests to gearpump-core
- - #115 Setup travis CI and codecov.io for Gearpump
- - #112 Break up examples into separate projects as prerequisite to #100
- - #110 Netty Java code cleanup
- - #108 Spout and Bolt classes should be renamed
- - #106 Add unit tests for REST api  
- - #104 ActorInitializationException while running wordCount in local mode
- - #103 Build error, unable to resolve akka-data-replication
diff --git a/ReleaseProcess.md b/ReleaseProcess.md
index e1b188a..c79ca5a 100644
--- a/ReleaseProcess.md
+++ b/ReleaseProcess.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 Step1: Pre-release
-1. Modify CHANGELOG.md to add JIRA's for the release
+1. Review release notes in JIRA
 2. Update version in docs/version.yml
 3. Bump the gearpump version in version.sbt 