blob: d04c22a612b4cfb16fa8f012a8ec7a19f6da3755 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.gearpump.integrationtest
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
* The class is used to execute Docker commands.
object Docker {
private val LOG = Logger.getLogger(getClass)
* @throws RuntimeException in case retval != 0
private def doExecute(container: String, command: String): String = {
ShellExec.execAndCaptureOutput(s"docker exec $container $command", s"EXEC $container")
private def doExecuteSilently(container: String, command: String): Boolean = {
ShellExec.exec(s"docker exec $container $command", s"EXEC $container")
* @throws RuntimeException in case retval != 0
final def execute(container: String, command: String): String = {
trace(container, s"Execute $command") {
doExecute(container, command)
final def executeSilently(container: String, command: String): Boolean = {
trace(container, s"Execute silently $command") {
doExecuteSilently(container, command)
final def listContainers(): Seq[String] = {
trace("", s"Listing how many containers...") {
ShellExec.execAndCaptureOutput("docker ps -q -a", "LIST")
final def containerIsRunning(name: String): Boolean = {
trace(name, s"Check container running or not...") {
ShellExec.execAndCaptureOutput(s"docker ps -q --filter name=$name", s"FIND $name").nonEmpty
final def getContainerIPAddr(name: String): String = {
trace(name, s"Get Ip Address") {
Docker.inspect(name, "--format={{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}")
final def containerExists(name: String): Boolean = {
trace(name, s"Check container existing or not...") {
ShellExec.execAndCaptureOutput(s"docker ps -q -a --filter name=$name", s"FIND $name").nonEmpty
* @throws RuntimeException in case particular container is created already
final def createAndStartContainer(name: String, image: String, command: String,
environ: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, // key, value
volumes: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, // from, to
knownHosts: Set[String] = Set.empty,
tunnelPorts: Set[Int] = Set.empty): String = {
if (containerExists(name)) {
trace(name, s"Create and start $name ($image)...") {
val optsBuilder = new StringBuilder
optsBuilder.append("-d") // run in background
optsBuilder.append(" -h " + name) // use container name as hostname
optsBuilder.append(" -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro") // synchronize timezone settings
environ.foreach { case (key, value) =>
optsBuilder.append(s" -e $key=$value")
volumes.foreach { case (from, to) =>
optsBuilder.append(s" -v $from:$to")
knownHosts.foreach(host =>
optsBuilder.append(" --link " + host)
tunnelPorts.foreach(port =>
optsBuilder.append(s" -p $port:$port")
createAndStartContainer(name, optsBuilder.toString(), command, image)
* @throws RuntimeException in case particular container is created already
private def createAndStartContainer(
name: String, options: String, command: String, image: String): String = {
ShellExec.execAndCaptureOutput(s"docker run $options " +
s"--name $name $image $command", s"MAKE $name")
final def killAndRemoveContainer(name: String): Boolean = {
trace(name, s"kill and remove container") {
ShellExec.exec(s"docker rm -f $name", s"STOP $name")
final def killAndRemoveContainer(names: Array[String]): Boolean = {
assert(names.length > 0)
val args = names.mkString(" ")
trace(names.mkString(","), s"kill and remove containers") {
ShellExec.exec(s"docker rm -f $args", s"STOP $args.")
private def inspect(container: String, option: String): String = {
ShellExec.execAndCaptureOutput(s"docker inspect $option $container", s"EXEC $container")
final def curl(container: String, url: String, options: Array[String] = Array.empty[String])
: String = {
trace(container, s"curl $url") {
doExecute(container, s"curl -s ${options.mkString(" ")} $url")
final def getHostName(container: String): String = {
trace(container, s"Get hostname of container...") {
doExecute(container, "hostname")
final def getNetworkGateway(container: String): String = {
trace(container, s"Get gateway of container...") {
Docker.inspect(container, "--format={{.NetworkSettings.Gateway}}")
final def killProcess(container: String, pid: Int, signal: String = "SIGKILL"): Boolean = {
trace(container, s"Kill process pid: $pid") {
doExecuteSilently(container, s"kill -$signal $pid")
final def findJars(container: String, folder: String): Array[String] = {
trace(container, s"Find jars under $folder") {
doExecute(container, s"find $folder")
private def trace[T](container: String, msg: String)(fun: => T): T = {
// scalastyle:off println
Console.println() // A empty line to let the output looks better.
// scalastyle:on println
LOG.debug(s"Container $container====>> $msg")
val response = fun
LOG.debug(s"<<====Command END. Container $container, $msg \n")
private val PREVIEW_MAX_LENGTH = 1024
private def brief[T](input: T): String = {
val output = input match {
case true =>
case false =>
case x: Array[Any] =>
"Success: [" + x.mkString(",") + "]"
case x =>
val preview = if (output.length > PREVIEW_MAX_LENGTH) {
output.substring(0, PREVIEW_MAX_LENGTH) + "..."
else {