blob: 8a067b575210df2896330352a5a9604bfc25150f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.gearpump.cluster
import org.apache.gearpump.cluster.worker.{WorkerId, WorkerSummary}
import scala.util.Try
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import org.apache.gearpump.Time.MilliSeconds
import org.apache.gearpump.cluster.appmaster.WorkerInfo
import org.apache.gearpump.cluster.master.MasterSummary
import org.apache.gearpump.cluster.scheduler.{Resource, ResourceAllocation, ResourceRequest}
import org.apache.gearpump.metrics.Metrics.MetricType
object ClientToMaster {
case object AddMaster
case class AddWorker(count: Int)
case class RemoveMaster(masterContainerId: String)
case class RemoveWorker(workerContainerId: String)
/** Command result of AddMaster, RemoveMaster, and etc... */
case class CommandResult(success: Boolean, exception: String = null) {
override def toString: String = {
val tag = getClass.getSimpleName
if (success) {
} else {
s"$tag(failure, $exception)"
/** Submit an application to master */
case class SubmitApplication(
appDescription: AppDescription, appJar: Option[AppJar],
username: String = System.getProperty(""))
case class RestartApplication(appId: Int)
case class ShutdownApplication(appId: Int)
/** Client send ResolveAppId to Master to resolves AppMaster actor path by providing appId */
case class ResolveAppId(appId: Int)
/** Client send ResolveWorkerId to master to get the Actor path of worker. */
case class ResolveWorkerId(workerId: WorkerId)
/** Get an active Jar store to upload job jars, like wordcount.jar */
case object GetJarStoreServer
/** Service address of JarStore */
case class JarStoreServerAddress(url: String)
/** Query AppMaster config by providing appId */
case class QueryAppMasterConfig(appId: Int)
/** Query worker config */
case class QueryWorkerConfig(workerId: WorkerId)
/** Query master config */
case object QueryMasterConfig
/** Options for read the metrics from the cluster */
object ReadOption {
type ReadOption = String
val Key: String = "readOption"
/** Read the latest record of the metrics, only return 1 record for one metric name (id) */
val ReadLatest: ReadOption = "readLatest"
/** Read recent metrics from cluster, typically it contains metrics in 5 minutes */
val ReadRecent = "readRecent"
* Read the history metrics, typically it contains metrics for 48 hours
* NOTE: Each hour only contain one or two data points.
val ReadHistory = "readHistory"
/** Query history metrics from master or app master. */
case class QueryHistoryMetrics(
path: String, readOption: ReadOption.ReadOption = ReadOption.ReadLatest,
aggregatorClazz: String = "", options: Map[String, String] = Map.empty[String, String])
* If there are message loss, the clock would pause for a while. This message is used to
* pin-point which task has stalling clock value, and usually it means something wrong on
* that machine.
case object GetStallingTasks
* Request app master for a short list of cluster app that administrators should be aware of.
case class GetLastFailure(appId: Int)
* Register a client to wait application's result
case class RegisterAppResultListener(appId: Int)
object MasterToClient {
/** Result of SubmitApplication */
// TODO: Merge with SubmitApplicationResultValue and change this to (appId: Option, ex: Exception)
case class SubmitApplicationResult(appId: Try[Int])
case class SubmitApplicationResultValue(appId: Int)
case class ShutdownApplicationResult(appId: Try[Int])
case class ReplayApplicationResult(appId: Try[Int])
/** Return Actor ref of app master */
case class ResolveAppIdResult(appMaster: Try[ActorRef])
/** Return Actor ref of worker */
case class ResolveWorkerIdResult(worker: Try[ActorRef])
case class AppMasterConfig(config: Config)
case class WorkerConfig(config: Config)
case class MasterConfig(config: Config)
case class HistoryMetricsItem(time: MilliSeconds, value: MetricType)
* History metrics returned from master, worker, or app master.
* All metric items are organized like a tree, path is used to navigate through the tree.
* For example, when querying with path == "executor0.task1.throughput*", the metrics
* provider picks metrics whose source matches the path.
* @param path The path client provided. The returned metrics are the result query of this path.
* @param metrics The detailed metrics.
case class HistoryMetrics(path: String, metrics: List[HistoryMetricsItem])
/** Return the last error of this streaming application job */
case class LastFailure(time: MilliSeconds, error: String)
sealed trait ApplicationResult
case class ApplicationSucceeded(appId: Int) extends ApplicationResult
case class ApplicationFailed(appId: Int, error: Throwable) extends ApplicationResult
object AppMasterToMaster {
* Register an AppMaster by providing a ActorRef, and workerInfo which is running on
case class RegisterAppMaster(appId: Int, appMaster: ActorRef, workerInfo: WorkerInfo)
case class InvalidAppMaster(appId: Int, appMaster: String, reason: Throwable)
case class RequestResource(appId: Int, request: ResourceRequest)
* Each application job can save some data in the distributed cluster storage on master nodes.
* @param appId App Id of the client application who send the request.
* @param key Key name
* @param value Value to store on distributed cluster storage on master nodes
case class SaveAppData(appId: Int, key: String, value: Any)
/** The application specific data is successfully stored */
case object AppDataSaved
/** Fail to store the application data */
case object SaveAppDataFailed
/** Fetch the application specific data that stored previously */
case class GetAppData(appId: Int, key: String)
/** The KV data returned for query GetAppData */
case class GetAppDataResult(key: String, value: Any)
* AppMasterSummary returned to REST API query. Streaming and Non-streaming
* have very different application info. AppMasterSummary is the common interface.
trait AppMasterSummary {
def appType: String
def appId: Int
def appName: String
def actorPath: String
def status: ApplicationStatus
def startTime: MilliSeconds
def uptime: MilliSeconds
def user: String
/** Represents a generic application that is not a streaming job */
case class GeneralAppMasterSummary(
appId: Int,
appType: String = "general",
appName: String = null,
actorPath: String = null,
status: ApplicationStatus = ApplicationStatus.ACTIVE,
startTime: MilliSeconds = 0L,
uptime: MilliSeconds = 0L,
user: String = null)
extends AppMasterSummary
/** Fetches the list of workers from Master */
case object GetAllWorkers
/** Get worker data of workerId */
case class GetWorkerData(workerId: WorkerId)
/** Response to GetWorkerData */
case class WorkerData(workerDescription: WorkerSummary)
/** Get Master data */
case object GetMasterData
/** Response to GetMasterData */
case class MasterData(masterDescription: MasterSummary)
* Denotes the application state change of an app.
case class ApplicationStatusChanged(appId: Int, newStatus: ApplicationStatus,
timeStamp: MilliSeconds, error: Throwable)
object MasterToAppMaster {
/** Resource allocated for application xx */
case class ResourceAllocated(allocations: Array[ResourceAllocation])
/** Master confirm reception of RegisterAppMaster message */
case class AppMasterRegistered(appId: Int)
/** Master confirm reception of ActivateAppMaster message */
case class AppMasterActivated(appId: Int)
/** Shutdown the application job */
case object ShutdownAppMaster
sealed trait StreamingType
case class AppMasterData(status: ApplicationStatus, appId: Int = 0, appName: String = null,
appMasterPath: String = null, workerPath: String = null, submissionTime: MilliSeconds = 0,
startTime: MilliSeconds = 0, finishTime: MilliSeconds = 0, user: String = null)
case class AppMasterDataRequest(appId: Int, detail: Boolean = false)
case class AppMastersData(appMasters: List[AppMasterData])
case object AppMastersDataRequest
case class AppMasterDataDetailRequest(appId: Int)
case class AppMasterMetricsRequest(appId: Int) extends StreamingType
case class ReplayFromTimestampWindowTrailingEdge(appId: Int)
case class WorkerList(workers: List[WorkerId])
object AppMasterToWorker {
case class LaunchExecutor(
appId: Int, executorId: Int, resource: Resource, executorJvmConfig: ExecutorJVMConfig)
case class ShutdownExecutor(appId: Int, executorId: Int, reason: String)
case class ChangeExecutorResource(appId: Int, executorId: Int, resource: Resource)
object WorkerToAppMaster {
case class ExecutorLaunchRejected(reason: String = null, ex: Throwable = null)
case class ShutdownExecutorSucceed(appId: Int, executorId: Int)
case class ShutdownExecutorFailed(reason: String = null, ex: Throwable = null)