blob: 0c46aca38b7ae66fd81149606a3a8fdc1e8ac92d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.gearpump.cluster
import{Actor, ActorRef, ActorSystem}
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import org.apache.gearpump.cluster.appmaster.WorkerInfo
import org.apache.gearpump.cluster.scheduler.Resource
import org.apache.gearpump.jarstore.FilePath
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* This contains all information to run an application
* @param name The name of this application
* @param appMaster The class name of AppMaster Actor
* @param userConfig user configuration.
* @param clusterConfig User provided cluster config, it overrides gear.conf when starting
* new applications. In most cases, you should not need to change it. If you do
* really need to change it, please use ClusterConfigSource(filePath) to
* construct the object, while filePath points to the .conf file.
case class AppDescription(name: String, appMaster: String, userConfig: UserConfig,
clusterConfig: Config = ConfigFactory.empty())
* Each job, streaming or not streaming, need to provide an Application class.
* The master uses this class to start AppMaster.
trait Application {
/** Name of this application, must be unique in the system */
def name: String
/** Custom user configuration */
def userConfig(implicit system: ActorSystem): UserConfig
* AppMaster class, must have a constructor like this:
* this(appContext: AppMasterContext, app: AppDescription)
def appMaster: Class[_ <: ApplicationMaster]
object Application {
def apply[T <: ApplicationMaster](
name: String, userConfig: UserConfig)(implicit tag: ClassTag[T]): Application = {
new DefaultApplication(name, userConfig,
tag.runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: ApplicationMaster]])
class DefaultApplication(
override val name: String, inputUserConfig: UserConfig,
val appMaster: Class[_ <: ApplicationMaster]) extends Application {
override def userConfig(implicit system: ActorSystem): UserConfig = inputUserConfig
def ApplicationToAppDescription(app: Application)(implicit system: ActorSystem)
: AppDescription = {
val filterJvmReservedKeys = ClusterConfig.filterOutDefaultConfig(system.settings.config)
AppDescription(, app.appMaster.getName, app.userConfig, filterJvmReservedKeys)
* Used for verification. All AppMaster must extend this interface
abstract class ApplicationMaster extends Actor
* This contains context information when starting an AppMaster
* @param appId application instance id assigned, it is unique in the cluster
* @param username The username who submitted this application
* @param resource Resouce allocated to start this AppMaster daemon. AppMaster are allowed to
* request more resource from Master.
* @param appJar application Jar. If the jar is already in classpath, then it can be None.
* @param masterProxy The proxy to master actor, it bridges the messages between appmaster
* and master
case class AppMasterContext(
appId: Int,
username: String,
resource: Resource,
workerInfo: WorkerInfo,
appJar: Option[AppJar],
masterProxy: ActorRef)
* Jar file container in the cluster
* @param name A meaningful name to represent this jar
* @param filePath Where the jar file is stored.
case class AppJar(name: String, filePath: FilePath)
* Serves as the context to start an Executor JVM.
// TODO: ExecutorContext doesn't belong to this package in logic.
case class ExecutorContext(
executorId: Int, worker: WorkerInfo, appId: Int, appName: String,
appMaster: ActorRef, resource: Resource)
* JVM configurations to start an Executor JVM.
* @param classPath When executor is created by a worker JVM, executor automatically inherits
* parent worker's classpath. Sometimes, you still want to add some extra
* classpath, you can do this by specify classPath option.
* @param jvmArguments java arguments like -Dxx=yy
* @param mainClass Executor main class name like org.apache.gearpump.xx.AppMaster
* @param arguments Executor command line arguments
* @param jar application jar
* @param executorAkkaConfig Akka config used to initialize the actor system of this executor.
* It uses org.apache.gearpump.util.Constants.GEARPUMP_CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE
* to pass the config to executor process
// TODO: ExecutorContext doesn't belong to this package in logic.
case class ExecutorJVMConfig(
classPath: Array[String], jvmArguments: Array[String], mainClass: String,
arguments: Array[String], jar: Option[AppJar], username: String,
executorAkkaConfig: Config = ConfigFactory.empty())
sealed abstract class ApplicationStatus(val status: String)
extends Serializable{
override def toString: String = status
def canTransitTo(newStatus: ApplicationStatus): Boolean
sealed abstract class ApplicationTerminalStatus(override val status: String)
extends ApplicationStatus(status) {
override def canTransitTo(newStatus: ApplicationStatus): Boolean = false
object ApplicationStatus {
case object PENDING extends ApplicationStatus("pending") {
override def canTransitTo(newStatus: ApplicationStatus): Boolean = {
case object ACTIVE extends ApplicationStatus("active") {
override def canTransitTo(newStatus: ApplicationStatus): Boolean = {
!newStatus.equals(NONEXIST) && !newStatus.equals(ACTIVE)
case object SUCCEEDED extends ApplicationTerminalStatus("succeeded")
case object FAILED extends ApplicationTerminalStatus("failed")
case object TERMINATED extends ApplicationTerminalStatus("terminated")
case object NONEXIST extends ApplicationStatus("nonexist") {
override def canTransitTo(newStatus: ApplicationStatus): Boolean = false