blob: 5b48050c4055d13a6139a10996add989a3d431db [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.gearpump.util
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* Generic mutable Graph libraries.
class Graph[N, E](vertexList: List[N], edgeList: List[(N, E, N)]) extends Serializable {
private val LOG = LogUtil.getLogger(getClass)
private val vertices = mutable.Set.empty[N]
private val edges = mutable.Set.empty[(N, E, N)]
private val outEdges = mutable.Map.empty[N, mutable.Set[(N, E, N)]]
private val inEdges = mutable.Map.empty[N, mutable.Set[(N, E, N)]]
// This is used to ensure the output of this Graph is always stable
// Like method getVertices(), or getEdges()
private var indexs = Map.empty[Any, Int]
private var nextIndex = 0
private def nextId: Int = {
val result = nextIndex
nextIndex += 1
private def init(): Unit = {
Option(edgeList).getOrElse(List.empty[(N, E, N)]).foreach(addEdge)
* Add a vertex
* Current Graph is changed.
def addVertex(vertex: N): Unit = {
val result = vertices.add(vertex)
if (result) {
indexs += vertex -> nextId
* Add an edge
* Current Graph is changed.
def addEdge(edge: (N, E, N)): Unit = {
val result = edges.add(edge)
if (result) {
indexs += edge -> nextId
outEdges += edge._1 -> (outgoingEdgesOf(edge._1) + edge)
inEdges += edge._3 -> (incomingEdgesOf(edge._3) + edge)
* return all vertices.
* The result is stable
def getVertices: List[N] = {
// Sorts the vertex so that we can keep the order for mapVertex
* out degree
def outDegreeOf(node: N): Int = {
* in degree
def inDegreeOf(node: N): Int = {
* out going edges.
def outgoingEdgesOf(node: N): mutable.Set[(N, E, N)] = {
outEdges.getOrElse(node, mutable.Set.empty)
* incoming edges.
def incomingEdgesOf(node: N): mutable.Set[(N, E, N)] = {
inEdges.getOrElse(node, mutable.Set.empty)
* adjacent vertices.
private def adjacentVertices(node: N): List[N] = {
* Remove vertex
* Current Graph is changed.
def removeVertex(node: N): Unit = {
indexs -= node
val toBeRemoved = incomingEdgesOf(node) ++ outgoingEdgesOf(node)
outEdges -= node
inEdges -= node
* Remove edge
* Current Graph is changed.
private def removeEdge(edge: (N, E, N)): Unit = {
indexs -= edge
inEdges.update(edge._3, inEdges(edge._3) - edge)
outEdges.update(edge._1, outEdges(edge._1) - edge)
* add edge
* Current Graph is changed.
def addEdge(node1: N, edge: E, node2: N): Unit = {
addEdge((node1, edge, node2))
* Map a graph to a new graph, with vertex converted to a new type
* Current Graph is not changed.
def mapVertex[NewNode](fun: N => NewNode): Graph[NewNode, E] = {
val newVertices = => (node, fun(node)))
val vertexMap: Map[N, NewNode] = newVertices.toMap
val newEdges = { edge =>
(vertexMap(edge._1), edge._2, vertexMap(edge._3))
new Graph(, newEdges)
* Map a graph to a new graph, with edge converted to new type
* Current graph is not changed.
def mapEdge[NewEdge](fun: (N, E, N) => NewEdge): Graph[N, NewEdge] = {
val newEdges = { edge =>
(edge._1, fun(edge._1, edge._2, edge._3), edge._3)
new Graph(getVertices, newEdges)
* edges connected to node
def edgesOf(node: N): List[(N, E, N)] = {
(incomingEdgesOf(node) ++ outgoingEdgesOf(node)).toList
* all edges
def getEdges: List[(N, E, N)] = {
// Sorts the edges so that we can keep the order for mapEdges
* Add another graph
* Current graph is changed.
def addGraph(other: Graph[N, E]): Graph[N, E] = {
(getVertices ++ other.getVertices).foreach(addVertex)
(getEdges ++ other.getEdges).foreach(edge => addEdge(edge._1, edge._2, edge._3))
* clone the graph
def copy: Graph[N, E] = {
new Graph(getVertices, getEdges)
* check empty
def isEmpty: Boolean = {
val vertexCount = getVertices.size
val edgeCount = getEdges.length
if (vertexCount + edgeCount == 0) {
} else {
* sub-graph which contains current node and all neighbour
* nodes and edges.
def subGraph(node: N): Graph[N, E] = {
val newGraph = Graph.empty[N, E]
for (edge <- edgesOf(node)) {
newGraph.addEdge(edge._1, edge._2, edge._3)
* replace vertex, the current Graph is mutated.
def replaceVertex(node: N, newNode: N): Graph[N, E] = {
for (edge <- incomingEdgesOf(node)) {
addEdge(edge._1, edge._2, newNode)
for (edge <- outgoingEdgesOf(node)) {
addEdge(newNode, edge._2, edge._3)
private def removeZeroInDegree: List[N] = {
val toBeRemoved = getVertices.filter(inDegreeOf(_) == 0)
* Return an iterator of vertex in topological order
* The node returned by Iterator is stable sorted.
def topologicalOrderIterator: Iterator[N] = {
tryTopologicalOrderIterator match {
case Success(iterator) => iterator
case Failure(_) =>
LOG.warn("Please note this graph is cyclic.")
private def tryTopologicalOrderIterator: Try[Iterator[N]] = {
Try {
var indegreeMap = => v -> inDegreeOf(v)).toMap
val verticesWithZeroIndegree = mutable.Queue(indegreeMap.filter(_._2 == 0).keys
.toList.sortBy(indexs(_)): _*)
var output = List.empty[N]
var count = 0
while (verticesWithZeroIndegree.nonEmpty) {
val vertice = verticesWithZeroIndegree.dequeue()
adjacentVertices(vertice).foreach { adjacentV =>
indegreeMap += adjacentV -> (indegreeMap(adjacentV) - 1)
if (indegreeMap(adjacentV) == 0) {
output :+= vertice
count += 1
if (count != getVertices.size) {
throw new Exception("There exists a cycle in the graph")
* Return all circles in graph.
* The reference of this algorithm is:
private def findCircles: mutable.MutableList[mutable.MutableList[N]] = {
val inStack = mutable.Map.empty[N, Boolean]
val stack = mutable.Stack[N]()
val indexMap = mutable.Map.empty[N, Int]
val lowLink = mutable.Map.empty[N, Int]
var index = 0
val circles = mutable.MutableList.empty[mutable.MutableList[N]]
def tarjan(node: N): Unit = {
indexMap(node) = index
lowLink(node) = index
index += 1
inStack(node) = true
outgoingEdgesOf(node).foreach {
edge => {
if (!indexMap.contains(edge._3)) {
if (lowLink(edge._3) < lowLink(node)) {
lowLink(node) = lowLink(edge._3)
} else {
if (inStack(edge._3) && (indexMap(edge._3) < lowLink(node))) {
lowLink(node) = indexMap(edge._3)
if (indexMap(node) == lowLink(node)) {
val circle = mutable.MutableList.empty[N]
var n = node
do {
n = stack.pop()
inStack(n) = false
circle += n
} while (n != node)
circles += circle
getVertices.foreach {
node => {
if (!indexMap.contains(node)) tarjan(node)
* Return an iterator of vertex in topological order of graph with circles
* The node returned by Iterator is stable sorted.
* The reference of this algorithm is:
def topologicalOrderWithCirclesIterator: Iterator[N] = {
val topo = getAcyclicCopy().topologicalOrderIterator
private def getAcyclicCopy(): Graph[mutable.MutableList[N], E] = {
val circles = findCircles
val newGraph = Graph.empty[mutable.MutableList[N], E]
circles.foreach {
circle => {
for (circle1 <- circles; circle2 <- circles; if circle1 != circle2) yield {
for (node1 <- circle1; node2 <- circle2) yield {
var outgoingEdges = outgoingEdgesOf(node1)
for (edge <- outgoingEdges; if edge._3 == node2) yield {
newGraph.addEdge(circle1, edge._2, circle2)
outgoingEdges = outgoingEdgesOf(node2)
for (edge <- outgoingEdges; if edge._3 == node1) yield {
newGraph.addEdge(circle2, edge._2, circle1)
* check whether there is a loop
def hasCycle(): Boolean = {
* Check whether there are two edges connecting two nodes.
def hasDuplicatedEdge(): Boolean = {
getEdges.groupBy(edge => (edge._1, edge._3)).values.exists(_.size > 1)
* Generate a level map for each vertex withholding:
* {{{
* if vertex A -> B, then level(A) -> level(B)
* }}}
def vertexHierarchyLevelMap(): Map[N, Int] = {
val newGraph = getAcyclicCopy()
var output = Map.empty[N, Int]
var level = 0
while (!newGraph.isEmpty) {
val toBeRemovedLists = newGraph.removeZeroInDegree
val maxLength =
for (subGraph <- toBeRemovedLists) {
val sorted = subGraph.sortBy(indexs)
for (i <- sorted.indices) {
output += sorted(i) -> (level + i)
level += maxLength
override def toString: String = {
Map("vertices" -> getVertices.mkString(","),
"edges" -> getEdges.mkString(",")).toString()
object Graph {
* Example:
* {{{
* Graph(1 ~ 2 ~> 4 ~ 5 ~> 7, 8~9~>55, 11)
* Will create a graph with:
* nodes:
* 1, 4, 7, 8, 55, 11
* edge:
* 2: (1->4)
* 5: (4->7)
* 9: (8->55)
* }}}
def apply[N, E](elems: Path[_ <: N, _ <: E]*): Graph[N, E] = {
val graph = empty[N, E]
elems.foreach { path =>
def apply[N, E](vertices: List[N], edges: List[(N, E, N)]): Graph[N, E] = {
new Graph(vertices, edges)
def unapply[N, E](graph: Graph[N, E]): Option[(List[N], List[(N, E, N)])] = {
Some((graph.getVertices, graph.getEdges))
def empty[N, E]: Graph[N, E] = {
new Graph(List.empty[N], List.empty[(N, E, N)])
class Path[N, + E](path: List[Either[N, E]]) {
def ~[Edge >: E](edge: Edge): Path[N, Edge] = {
new Path(path :+ Right(edge))
def ~>[NodeT >: N](node: NodeT): Path[NodeT, E] = {
new Path(path :+ Left(node))
def to[NodeT >: N, EdgeT >: E](node: NodeT, edge: EdgeT): Path[NodeT, EdgeT] = {
this ~ edge ~> node
private[Graph] def updategraph[NodeT >: N, EdgeT >: E](graph: Graph[NodeT, EdgeT]): Unit = {
val nodeEdgePair: Tuple2[Option[N], Option[E]] = (None, None)
path.foldLeft(nodeEdgePair) { (pair, either) =>
val (lastNode, lastEdge) = pair
either match {
case Left(node) =>
if (lastNode.isDefined) {
graph.addEdge(lastNode.get, lastEdge.getOrElse(null.asInstanceOf[EdgeT]), node)
(Some(node), None)
case Right(edge) =>
(lastNode, Some(edge))
object Path {
implicit def anyToPath[N, E](any: N): Path[N, E] = Node(any)
implicit class Node[N, E](self: N) extends Path[N, E](List(Left(self))) {
override def ~[EdgeT](edge: EdgeT): Path[N, EdgeT] = {
new Path(List(Left(self), Right(edge)))
override def ~>[NodeT >: N](node: NodeT): Path[NodeT, E] = {
new NodeList(List(self, node))
override def to[NodeT >: N, EdgeT >: E](node: NodeT, edge: EdgeT): Path[NodeT, EdgeT] = {
this ~ edge ~> node
class NodeList[N, E](nodes: List[N]) extends Path[N, E]( {
override def ~[EdgeT](edge: EdgeT): Path[N, EdgeT] = {
new Path( :+ Right(edge))
override def ~>[NodeT >: N](node: NodeT): Path[NodeT, E] = {
new NodeList(nodes :+ node)
override def to[NodeT >: N, EdgeT >: E](node: NodeT, edge: EdgeT): Path[NodeT, EdgeT] = {
this ~ edge ~> node