[GEARPUMP-324] Fix invalid links on gearpump site
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-layout: global
-tile: Gearpump 0.7.1 Release
-rootDir: ../../..
-## Gearpump 0.7.1 highlights
-### new UI experience
-Now the frontend UI can safely support applications with tens of thousands to tasks.
-### Akka-stream 1.0 experimental module
-We added a experiment module, which use Akka-stream 1.0 DSL to express big data streaming problems.
-### new YARN module
-With new YARN module, user are allowed to add new machines into Gearpump cluster.
\ No newline at end of file
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-    <h1 class="title">0.7.1_release</h1>
-   <h2 id="gearpump-071-highlights">Gearpump 0.7.1 highlights</h2>
-<h3 id="new-ui-experience">new UI experience</h3>
-<p>Now the frontend UI can safely support applications with tens of thousands to tasks.</p>
-<h3 id="akka-stream-10-experimental-module">Akka-stream 1.0 experimental module</h3>
-<p>We added a experiment module, which use Akka-stream 1.0 DSL to express big data streaming problems.</p>
-<h3 id="new-yarn-module">new YARN module</h3>
-<p>With new YARN module, user are allowed to add new machines into Gearpump cluster.</p>
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 <h3 id="relation-with-storm-and-spark-streaming">Relation with Storm and Spark Streaming</h3>
 <p>Storm and Spark Streaming are proven platforms. There are many production deployments. Compared with them, Gearpump is not than proven and there is no production deployment yet. However, there is no single platform that can cover every use case. Gearpump has its own +1 points in some unique use cases. For instance, for the IOT use cases, Gearpump may be considered convenient because the topology can be deployed to edge device with feature of location transparency. For another example, when users want to upgrade the application online without service interruption, Gearpump may be suitable as it can dynamically modify the computation DAG on the fly. To explore more good use cases that are suitable for Gearpump, please check the section <a href="usecases.html">What is a good use case for Gearpump</a>.</p>
+<h2 id="technical-internals">Technical Internals</h2>
 <h3 id="why-not-using-akka-persistence-to-store-the-checkpoint-file">Why not using Akka persistence to store the checkpoint file?</h3>
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 ### Relation with Storm and Spark Streaming
 Storm and Spark Streaming are proven platforms. There are many production deployments. Compared with them, Gearpump is not than proven and there is no production deployment yet. However, there is no single platform that can cover every use case. Gearpump has its own +1 points in some unique use cases. For instance, for the IOT use cases, Gearpump may be considered convenient because the topology can be deployed to edge device with feature of location transparency. For another example, when users want to upgrade the application online without service interruption, Gearpump may be suitable as it can dynamically modify the computation DAG on the fly. To explore more good use cases that are suitable for Gearpump, please check the section [What is a good use case for Gearpump](usecases.html).
+## Technical Internals
 ### Why not using Akka persistence to store the checkpoint file?
 1. We only checkpoint file to disk when necessary, not at record level.