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package org.apache.edgent.streamscope;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
* A registry for Stream "oscilloscope" {@link StreamScope} instances.
* <P>
* The registry contains a collection of StreamScope instances
* that are registered by one or more names.
* </P><P>
* The names are: by a TStream {@link org.apache.edgent.topology.TStream#alias(String) alias} or
* by a stream's (output port's) unique identifier.
* Static methods are provided for composing these names and extracting
* the alias/identifier from generated names.
* </P>
* See {@code org.apache.edgent.providers.development.DevelopmentProvider}
public class StreamScopeRegistry {
private final Map<String, StreamScope<?>> byNameMap = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<StreamScope<?>, List<String>> byStreamScopeMap = new HashMap<>();
private static final String JOB_OPLET_FMT = "j[%s].op[%s]";
private static final String STREAMID_FMT = JOB_OPLET_FMT+".o[%d]";
private static final String ID_PREFIX = "id.";
private static final String ALIAS_PREFIX = "alias.";
public StreamScopeRegistry() {
* Make a streamId for the specified stream.
* @param jobId the job id (e.g., "JOB_0")
* @param opletId the oplet id (e.g., "OP_2")
* @param oport the oplet output port index (0-based)
* @return the streamId
public static String mkStreamId(String jobId, String opletId, int oport) {
Objects.requireNonNull(jobId, "jobId");
Objects.requireNonNull(opletId, "opletId");
if (oport < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("oport");
return String.format(STREAMID_FMT, jobId, opletId, oport);
/** create a prefix of a streamId based name
* @param jobId the job id (e.g., "JOB_0")
* @param opletId the oplet id (e.g., "OP_2")
* @return the value
static String mkStreamIdNamePrefix(String jobId, String opletId) {
return String.format(ID_PREFIX+JOB_OPLET_FMT, jobId, opletId);
/** create a registration name for a stream alias
* @param alias the alias
* @return the value
public static String nameForStreamAlias(String alias) {
Objects.requireNonNull(alias, "alias");
return ALIAS_PREFIX+alias;
/** Create a registration name for a stream id.
* @param streamId the stream id
* @return the value
* @see #mkStreamId(String, String, int)
public static String nameForStreamId(String streamId) {
Objects.requireNonNull(streamId, "id");
return ID_PREFIX+streamId;
/** Extract the stream alias from a name
* @param name the name
* @return null if {@code name} is not from nameByStreamAlias()
public static String streamAliasFromName(String name) {
Objects.requireNonNull(name, "name");
if (!name.startsWith(ALIAS_PREFIX))
return null;
return name.substring(ALIAS_PREFIX.length());
/** Extract the streamId from the name.
* @param name the name
* @return null if {@code name} is not from nameByStreamId()
public static String streamIdFromName(String name) {
Objects.requireNonNull(name, "name");
if (!name.startsWith(ID_PREFIX))
return null;
return name.substring(ID_PREFIX.length());
/** Register a StreamScope by {@code name}
* <P>
* A single StreamScope can be registered with multiple names.
* </P>
* @param name name to register with
* @param streamScope the StreamScope
* @throws IllegalStateException if a registration already exists for {@code name}
* @see #nameForStreamId(String)
* @see #nameForStreamAlias(String)
public synchronized void register(String name, StreamScope<?> streamScope) {
if (byNameMap.containsKey(name))
throw new IllegalStateException("StreamScope already registered by name "+name);
byNameMap.put(name, streamScope);
List<String> names = byStreamScopeMap.get(streamScope);
if (names == null) {
names = new ArrayList<>(2);
byStreamScopeMap.put(streamScope, names);
* Lookup a StreamScope
* @param name a StreamScope is registration name
* @return the StreamScope. null if name is not registered.
* @see #nameForStreamId(String)
* @see #nameForStreamAlias(String)
public synchronized StreamScope<?> lookup(String name) {
return byNameMap.get(name);
* Get the registered names.
* @return unmodifiable collection of the name.
* The set is backed by the registry so the set may change.
public synchronized Set<String> getNames() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(byNameMap.keySet());
/** Get registered StreamScopes and the name(s) each is registered with.
* The map is backed by the registry so its contents may change.
* @return the map
public synchronized Map<StreamScope<?>, List<String>> getStreamScopes() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(byStreamScopeMap);
/** remove the specific name registration. Other registration of the same StreamScope may still exist.
* no-op if name is not registered.
* @param name the name to unregister
* @see #unregister(StreamScope)
public synchronized void unregister(String name) {
StreamScope<?> streamScope = byNameMap.remove(name);
if (streamScope == null)
List<String> names = byStreamScopeMap.get(streamScope);
if (names.isEmpty())
/** remove all name registrations of the StreamScope.
* no-op if no registrations for the StreamScope
* @param streamScope the StreamScope to unregister
public synchronized void unregister(StreamScope<?> streamScope) {
List<String> names = byStreamScopeMap.get(streamScope);
if (names == null)
names = new ArrayList<>(names);
for (String name : names)
/** remove all name registrations of the StreamScopes for the specified oplet.
* no-op if no registrations for the oplet
* @param jobId the job id (e.g., "JOB_0")
* @param opletId the oplet id (e.g., "OP_2")
synchronized void unregister(String jobId, String opletId) {
String prefix = mkStreamIdNamePrefix(jobId, opletId);
List<StreamScope<?>> toUnregister = new ArrayList<>();
for (String name : getNames()) {
if (name.startsWith(prefix)) {
for (StreamScope<?> streamScope : toUnregister) {