blob: 4b599e20965dd4e91bcd0ca551704a9129c2e0c3 [file] [log] [blame]
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or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
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defaultTasks 'addJava7TargetDir'
ext.retrolambdaVersion = '2.1.0'
ext.retrolambdaJarName = "retrolambda-${retrolambdaVersion}.jar"
dependencies {
// TODO try the retrolambda gradle plugin!
addProjectExtDependency 'compile', "net.orfjackal.retrolambda:retrolambda:$retrolambdaVersion"
// Avoid creating/staging an empty jar (this is a 'java' subproject)
jar {
// let the existing ant script do some of the work
ant.importBuild('build.xml') { antTargetName ->
'ant_' + antTargetName
}['edgent'] = rootProject.projectDir[''] = target_java8_dir[''] = target_java7_dir['ext.dir'] = target_java8_ext_dir
clean {
dependsOn ant_clean
task preAntTask << {
// recompute/set other inputs to the ant tasks
ant.path(id: 'edgent.classpath') {
fileset(dir: target_java8_ext_dir) {
exclude(name: '**/slf4j-jdk*.jar')
} = ant.references['edgent.classpath']
// make retrolambda available to the ant tooling
copyProjectExtJarsFn2 "$external_jars_dir/tools"['retrolambda.jar'] = "$external_jars_dir/tools/$retrolambdaJarName"
// make android.jar available to the ant tooling
def hwProj = project(':android:hardware')
hwProj.copyProjectExtJarsFn "$external_jars_dir"['android.sdk.platform.jar'] =
"$external_jars_dir/${hwProj.targetRelProjExtDir}/" + mkJarNameFromSpec(hwProj.androidJarSpec)
ant_retro7.doFirst {
println "Performing a longer running ant task (e.g., ~30sec; run with --info to see it all)..."
task addJava7TargetDir {
description = "Assemble distribution artifacts for java7 (from java8 artifacts - run with JAVA_HOME==java8-VM)"
dependsOn ':assemble', clean, preAntTask, ant_retro7
ant_retro7.mustRunAfter = [ clean, ':assemble', preAntTask ]
// unlike the above, this has the benefit(?) of producing the ant output to stdout
// But it requires 'ant' to be in the path and doesn't (can't?) use
// the ant that's embedded with gradle hmm...
//task java7XXX(type: Exec) {
// description = "Assemble distribution artifacts for java7 (from java8 artifacts)"
// dependsOn ':assemble'
// workingDir 'platform/java7'
// commandLine 'ant', 'clean', 'retro7',
// '',
// '',
// '-Dext.dir=../../build/distributions/java8/ext',
// '-Dslf4j.ext.dir=""',
// '-Dgson.ext.dir=""',
// '-Dmetrics.ext.dir=""'
// N.B. for java7 testing, use the test7Compile and test7Run tasks
// <edgentRepo>/gradlew :platform:java7:test7Compile (or just test7Compile) -- run with JAVA_HOME==java8-VM to check the java7 jars
// <edgentRepo>/gradlew test7Run (or <project>:test7Run for individual project) -- run with JAVA_HOME==java7-VM (can run w/j8 to smoketest the process).
task verifyJava7Built {
dependsOn 'ant_verify.java7.built'
task preAntTest7Setup {
description = "Stage the java8 built test classes where ant_test7.setup expects them"
dependsOn filteredSubprojects*.compileTestJava, preAntTask
doLast {
println "N.B. test7Compile must be run after the 'release' task (which creates the 'java7' tree in the targetdir)"
// copy java8 test classes where ant_test7.setup expects them
filteredSubprojects.each { project ->
ant.delete(dir: "$project.projectDir/test.classes")
copy {
from project.sourceSets.test.output.classesDir
into "$project.projectDir/test.classes"
// recompute/set other inputs to the ant tasks
ant.path(id: 'tc.classes') {
dirset(dir: rootProject.projectDir) {
include(name: '**/test.classes')
}['tccp'] = ant.references['tc.classes']
task test7Compile {
description = "Compile the test classes for java7 (run with JAVA_HOME==java8-VM)"
dependsOn preAntTest7Setup, 'ant_test7.setup'
tasks.getByName('ant_test7.setup').mustRunAfter preAntTest7Setup
doLast {
// copy ant_test7.setup generated classes to their project.buildDir/classes/java7Test
filteredSubprojects.each { project ->
ant.delete(dir: project.j7TestClassesDir)
copy {
from "$project.projectDir/test.classes"
into project.j7TestClassesDir
ant.delete(dir: "$project.projectDir/test.classes")