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import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair;
import org.apache.edgent.function.BiFunction;
import org.apache.edgent.function.ToDoubleFunction;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.TStream;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.TWindow;
* Apache Common Math analytics for streams with JSON tuples.
* @see Aggregations
public class JsonAnalytics {
* Aggregate against a single {@code Numeric} variable contained in an JSON object.
* The returned stream contains a tuple for each execution performed against a window partition.
* The tuple is a {@code JsonObject} containing:
* <UL>
* <LI> Partition key of type {@code K} as a property with key {@code resultPartitionProperty}. </LI>
* <LI> Aggregation results as a {@code JsonObject} as a property with key {@code valueProperty}.
* This results object contains the results of all aggregations defined by {@code aggregates} against
* {@code double} property with key {@code valueProperty}.
* <BR>
* Each {@link JsonUnivariateAggregate} declares how it represents its aggregation in this result
* object.
* </LI>
* </UL>
* <P>
* For example if the window contains these three tuples (pseudo JSON) for
* partition 3:
* <BR>
* <code>{id=3,reading=2.0}, {id=3,reading=2.6}, {id=3,reading=1.8}</code>
* <BR>
* the resulting aggregation for the stream returned by:
* <BR>
* {@code aggregate(window, "id", "reading", Statistic.MIN, Statistic.MAX)}
* <BR>
* would contain this tuple with the maximum and minimum values in the {@code reading}
* JSON object:
* <BR>
* <code>{id=3, reading={MIN=1.8, MAX=1.8}}</code>
* </P>
* @param <K> Partition type
* @param window Window to aggregate over.
* @param resultPartitionProperty Property to store the partition key in tuples on the returned stream.
* @param valueProperty JSON property containing the value to aggregate.
* @param aggregates Which aggregations to be performed.
* @return Stream that will contain aggregations.
public static <K extends JsonElement> TStream<JsonObject> aggregate(
TWindow<JsonObject, K> window,
String resultPartitionProperty,
String valueProperty,
JsonUnivariateAggregate... aggregates) {
return aggregate(window, resultPartitionProperty, valueProperty, j -> j.get(valueProperty).getAsDouble(), aggregates);
* Aggregate against a single {@code Numeric} variable contained in an JSON object.
* The returned stream contains a tuple for each execution performed against a window partition.
* The tuple is a {@code JsonObject} containing:
* <UL>
* <LI> Partition key of type {@code K} as a property with key {@code resultPartitionProperty}. </LI>
* <LI> Aggregation results as a {@code JsonObject} as a property with key {@code resultProperty}.
* This results object contains the results of all aggregations defined by {@code aggregates} against
* value returned by {@code valueGetter}.
* <BR>
* Each {@link JsonUnivariateAggregate} declares how it represents its aggregation in this result
* object.
* </LI>
* </UL>
* @param <K> Partition type
* @param window Window to aggregate over.
* @param resultPartitionProperty Property to store the partition key in tuples on the returned stream.
* @param resultProperty Property to store the aggregations in tuples on the returned stream.
* @param valueGetter How to obtain the single variable from input tuples.
* @param aggregates Which aggregations to be performed.
* @return Stream that will contain aggregations.
public static <K extends JsonElement> TStream<JsonObject> aggregate(
TWindow<JsonObject, K> window,
String resultPartitionProperty,
String resultProperty,
ToDoubleFunction<JsonObject> valueGetter,
JsonUnivariateAggregate... aggregates) {
return window.aggregate(aggregateList(
* Create a Function that aggregates against a single {@code Numeric}
* variable contained in an JSON object.
* Calling {@code apply(List<JsonObject>)} on the returned {@code BiFunction}
* returns a {@link JsonObject} containing:
* <UL>
* <LI> Partition key of type {@code K} as a property with key {@code resultPartitionProperty}. </LI>
* <LI> Aggregation results as a {@code JsonObject} as a property with key {@code valueProperty}.
* This results object contains the results of all aggregations defined by {@code aggregates}
* against the value returned by {@code valueGetter}.
* <BR>
* Each {@link JsonUnivariateAggregate} declares how it represents its aggregation in this result
* object.
* </LI>
* </UL>
* <P>
* For example if the list contains these three tuples (pseudo JSON) for
* partition 3:
* <BR>
* <code>{id=3,reading=2.0}, {id=3,reading=2.6}, {id=3,reading=1.8}</code>
* <BR>
* the resulting aggregation for the JsonObject returned by:
* <BR>
* {@code aggregateList("id", "reading", Statistic.MIN, Statistic.MAX).apply(list, 3)}
* <BR>
* would be this tuple with the maximum and minimum values in the {@code reading}
* JSON object:
* <BR>
* <code>{id=3, reading={MIN=1.8, MAX=1.8}}</code>
* </P>
* @param <K> Partition type
* @param resultPartitionProperty Property to store the partition key in tuples on the returned stream.
* @param resultProperty Property to store the aggregations in the returned JsonObject.
* @param valueGetter How to obtain the single variable from input tuples.
* @param aggregates Which aggregations to be performed.
* @return Function that performs the aggregations.
public static <K extends JsonElement>
BiFunction<List<JsonObject>, K, JsonObject> aggregateList(
String resultPartitionProperty,
String resultProperty,
ToDoubleFunction<JsonObject> valueGetter,
JsonUnivariateAggregate... aggregates) {
BiFunction<List<JsonObject>, K, JsonObject> function = (tuples, partition) -> {
final JsonUnivariateAggregator[] aggregators = new JsonUnivariateAggregator[aggregates.length];
for (int i = 0; i < aggregates.length; i++) {
aggregators[i] = aggregates[i].get();
final JsonObject result = new JsonObject();
result.add(resultPartitionProperty, partition);
JsonObject aggregateResults = new JsonObject();
result.add(resultProperty, aggregateResults);
final int n = tuples.size();
aggregateResults.addProperty(JsonUnivariateAggregate.N, n);
if (n != 0) {
for (JsonUnivariateAggregator agg : aggregators) {
agg.clear(partition, n);
for (JsonObject tuple : tuples) {
double v = valueGetter.applyAsDouble(tuple);
for (JsonUnivariateAggregator agg : aggregators) {
for (JsonUnivariateAggregator agg : aggregators) {
agg.result(partition, aggregateResults);
return result;
return function;
* Aggregate against multiple {@code Numeric} variables contained in an JSON object.
* <P>
* This is a multi-variable analog of {@link #aggregate(TWindow, String, String, JsonUnivariateAggregate...) aggregate()}
* </P>
* <P>
* See {@link #mvAggregateList(String, String, List) mvAggregateList()} for
* a description of the aggregation processing and result stream.
* </P>
* <P>
* Sample use:
* <pre>{@code
* // Ingest the data. The JsonObject tuples have properties:
* // "id" - the partitionKey
* // "tx" - a numeric data variable
* // "rx" - a numeric data variable
* TStream<JsonObject> ingestData = ...
* // Define the tuple variables and their aggregations to compute
* List<Pair<String, JsonUnivariateAggregate[]>> aggSpecs = new ArrayList<>();
* aggSpecs.add(mkAggregationSpec("tx", Statistics.MIN, Statistics.MAX));
* aggSpecs.add(mkAggregationSpec("rx", Statistics.MEAN));
* // Create the window over which to aggregate
* TWindow<JsonObject, JsonElement> window =
* ingestData.last(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, jo -> jo.get("id"));
* // Create a stream with the aggregations. The result tuples have properties:
* // "id" - the partitionKey
* // "aggResults" - the aggregation results
* TStream<JsonObject> aggResults =
* mvAggregate(window, "id", "aggResults", aggSpecs);
* // Create a stream of JsonObject tuples with just the average "rx"
* TStream<JsonObject> avgRx =
* jo -> {
* JsonObject result = new JsonObject();
* result.add("id", jo.get("id"))
* result.add("avgRx", getMvAggregate(jo, "aggResults", "Rx", Statistic.MEAN);
* return result;
* });
* }</pre>
* @param window the window to compute aggregations over
* @param resultPartitionKeyProperty name of the partition key property in the result
* @param resultProperty name of the aggregation results property in the result
* @param aggregateSpecs see {@link #mkAggregationSpec(String, JsonUnivariateAggregate...) mkAggregationSpec()}
* @return TStream&lt;JsonObject&gt; with aggregation results
* @see #mvAggregateList(String, String, List) mvAggregateList()
* @see #mkAggregationSpec(String, JsonUnivariateAggregate...) mkAggregationSpec()
* @see #getMvAggregate(JsonObject, String, String, JsonUnivariateAggregate) getMvAggregate()
public static <K extends JsonElement> TStream<JsonObject> mvAggregate(
TWindow<JsonObject, K> window,
String resultPartitionKeyProperty,
String resultProperty,
List<Pair<String, JsonUnivariateAggregate[]>> aggregateSpecs) {
return window.aggregate(mvAggregateList(
* Create an aggregation specification.
* <P>
* The aggregation specification specifies a variable name and
* the aggregates to compute on it.
* </P>
* <P>
* The specification can be use with {@link #mvAggregateList(String, String, List) mkAggregateList()}
* @param variableName the name of a {@code Numeric} data variable in a JSON object
* @param aggregates the aggregates to compute for the variable
* @return the aggregation specification
public static Pair<String, JsonUnivariateAggregate[]>
mkAggregationSpec(String variableName, JsonUnivariateAggregate... aggregates) {
return new Pair<String, JsonUnivariateAggregate[]>(variableName, aggregates);
* Create a Function that aggregates multiple {@code Numeric}
* variables contained in an JSON object.
* <P>
* This is a multi-variable analog of {@link JsonAnalytics#aggregateList(String, String, org.apache.edgent.function.ToDoubleFunction, JsonUnivariateAggregate...) aggregateList()}
* <P>
* The overall multi-variable aggregation result is a JSON object
* with properties:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code resultPartionKeyProperty} whose value is the tuple's partition key
* <li>{@code resultProperty} whose value is a JSON object containing
* a property for each variable aggregation. The property names
* correspond to the variable names from the {@code aggregateSpecs}
* and the values are the aggregation results for the variable.
* The aggregation results for a variable are a JSON object
* having a property for each aggregation name and its value.</li>
* </ul>
* <P>
* For example if the list contains these three tuples (pseudo JSON) for
* partition 3:
* <BR>
* <code>{id=3,tx=2.0,rx=1.0,...}, {id=3,tx=2.6,rx=2.0,...}, {id=3,tx=1.8,rx=3.0,...}</code>
* <BR>
* the resulting aggregation JsonObject returned is:
* <BR>
* <code>{id=3, aggData={tx={MIN=1.8, MAX=2.6}, rx={MEAN=2.0}}}</code>
* <BR>
* for the invocation:
* <BR>
* <code>mvAggregateList("id", "aggData", aggSpecs).apply(list, 3))</code>
* <BR>
* where {@code aggSpecs} is:
* <BR>
* {@code
* aggSpecs.add(mkAggregationSpec("tx", Statistics.MIN, Statistics.MAX));
* aggSpecs.add(mkAggregationSpec("rx", Statistics.MEAN));
* }
* </P>
* <P>
* {@link #getMvAggregate(JsonObject, String, String, JsonUnivariateAggregate) getMvAggregate()}
* can be used to extract individual aggregate values from the result.
* </P>
* @param <K> Partition Key as a JsonElement
* @param resultPartitionKeyProperty name of the partition key property in the result
* @param resultProperty name of the aggregation results property in the result
* @param aggregateSpecs see {@link #mkAggregationSpec(String, JsonUnivariateAggregate...) mkAggregationSpec()}
* @return Function that performs the aggregations.
* @see #mkAggregationSpec(String, JsonUnivariateAggregate...) mkAggregationSpec()
* @see #getMvAggregate(JsonObject, String, String, JsonUnivariateAggregate) getMvAggregate()
public static <K extends JsonElement>
BiFunction<List<JsonObject>, K, JsonObject> mvAggregateList(
String resultPartitionKeyProperty, String resultProperty,
List<Pair<String, JsonUnivariateAggregate[]>> aggregateSpecs) {
BiFunction<List<JsonObject>, K, JsonObject> function =
(joList, partition) -> {
JsonObject joResult = new JsonObject();
joResult.add(resultPartitionKeyProperty, partition);
JsonObject aggregateResults = new JsonObject();
joResult.add(resultProperty, aggregateResults);
for (Pair<String, JsonUnivariateAggregate[]> p : aggregateSpecs) {
String variableName = p.getFirst();
JsonUnivariateAggregate[] aggregates = p.getSecond();
// Compute the aggregates for the variable
JsonObject jo2 = JsonAnalytics.aggregateList(resultPartitionKeyProperty,
resultProperty, jo -> jo.get(variableName).getAsDouble(),
aggregates).apply(joList, partition);
// Add the variable's aggregates result to the result
aggregateResults.add(variableName, jo2.get(resultProperty).getAsJsonObject());
return joResult;
return function;
* Get the value of an aggregate computed by a multi-variable aggregation.
* <P>
* This convenience method can be used to extract information from a JSON object
* created by {@link #mvAggregateList(String, String, List) mvAggregationList()}
* or {@link #mvAggregate(TWindow, String, String, List) mvAggregate()}
* </P>
* <P>
* Sample use:
* <pre>{@code
* ...
* TStream<JsonObject> aggData = mvAggregate(window, "id", "aggResults", aggSpecs);
* // Create a stream of JsonObject tuples with just the average "tx"
* TStream<JsonObject> avgTx =
* jo -> {
* JsonObject result = new JsonObject();
* result.add(partitionKeyName, jo.get(partitionKeyName))
* result.add("avgTx", getMvAggregate(jo, "aggResults", "tx", Statistic.MEAN);
* return result;
* });
* }</pre>
* @param jo a JSON object created by {@code mvAggregationList}
* @param resultProperty the corresponding value passed to {@code mvAggragateList}
* @param variableName the data variable of interest in the multivariable aggregates
* @param aggregate the variable's aggregate of interest
* @return the variable's aggregate's value as a JsonElement
* @throws RuntimeException if the aggregate isn't present in the result
* @see #hasMvAggregate(JsonObject, String, String, JsonUnivariateAggregate) hasAggregate()
* @see #mvAggregate(TWindow, String, String, List) mvAggregate()
* @see #mvAggregateList(String, String, List) mvAggregateList()
public static JsonElement getMvAggregate(JsonObject jo, String resultProperty, String variableName, JsonUnivariateAggregate aggregate) {
return jo.get(resultProperty).getAsJsonObject()
* Check if an aggregation result from a multi-variable aggregation
* is present.
* @param jo a JSON object created by {@code mvAggregationList}
* @param resultProperty the corresponding value passed to {@code mvAggragateList}
* @param variableName the data variable of interest in the multivariable aggregates
* @param aggregate the variable's aggregate of interest
* @return true if the specified aggregate is present in the jo, false otherwise.
* @see #getMvAggregate(JsonObject, String, String, JsonUnivariateAggregate) getMvAggregate()
public static boolean hasMvAggregate(JsonObject jo, String resultProperty, String variableName, JsonUnivariateAggregate aggregate) {
JsonElement je = jo.get(resultProperty);
if (je != null && je.isJsonObject()) {
JsonObject jo2 = je.getAsJsonObject();
je = jo2.get(variableName);
if (je != null && je.isJsonObject()) {
jo2 = je.getAsJsonObject();
je = jo2.get(;
if (je != null)
return true;
return false;