blob: fd16084608633676fbfd781805ca16c68fc2e764 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.edgent.test.connectors.wsclient.javax.websocket;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.edgent.connectors.wsclient.WebSocketClient;
import org.apache.edgent.connectors.wsclient.javax.websocket.Jsr356WebSocketClient;
import org.apache.edgent.test.connectors.common.ConnectorTestBase;
import org.apache.edgent.test.connectors.common.TestRepoPath;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.TSink;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.TStream;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.Topology;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.json.JsonFunctions;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.tester.Condition;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Test;
//@Ignore("There seem to be issues with SSL related tests")
public class WebSocketClientTest extends ConnectorTestBase {
private final static int SEC_TMO = 5;
WebSocketServerEcho wsServer;
boolean isExternalServer;// = true;
int wsServerPort = !isExternalServer ? 0 : 49460;
String wsUriPath = "/echo"; // match what WsServerEcho is using
private final static String str1 = "one";
private final static String str2 = "two";
private final static String str3 = "three-post-reconnect";
private final static String str4 = "four";
public String getStr1() {
return str1;
public String getStr2() {
return str2;
public String getStr3() {
return str3;
public String getStr4() {
return str4;
public void cleanup() {
if (wsServer != null)
wsServer = null;
private enum ServerMode { WS, SSL, SSL_CLIENT_AUTH }
private void startEchoer() {
private void startEchoer(ServerMode mode) {
try {
if (!isExternalServer) {
URI uri;
if (mode==ServerMode.WS) {
uri = new URI("ws://localhost:0");
wsServer = new WebSocketServerEcho();
else {
uri = new URI("wss://localhost:0");
wsServer = new WebSocketServerEcho();
wsServer.start(uri, mode==ServerMode.SSL_CLIENT_AUTH);
wsServerPort = wsServer.getPort();
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new RuntimeException("startEchoer",e );
private void restartEchoer(int secDelay) {
Properties getConfig() {
return getWsConfig();
Properties getWsConfig() {
Properties config = new Properties();
config.setProperty("ws.uri", getWsUri());
return config;
Properties getWssConfig() {
Properties config = new Properties();
config.setProperty("ws.uri", getWssUri());
config.setProperty("ws.trustStore", getStorePath("clientTrustStore.jks"));
config.setProperty("ws.trustStorePassword", "passw0rd");
config.setProperty("ws.keyStore", getStorePath("clientKeyStore.jks"));
config.setProperty("ws.keyStorePassword", "passw0rd");
// default: expect key to have the default alias
return config;
String getWsUri() {
int port = wsServerPort==0 ? 8080 : wsServerPort;
return "ws://localhost:"+port+wsUriPath;
String getWssUri() {
int port = wsServerPort==0 ? 443 : wsServerPort;
return "wss://localhost:"+port+wsUriPath;
private String getStorePath(String storeLeaf) {
return TestRepoPath.getPath("keystores/" + storeLeaf);
public void testBasicStaticStuff() {
Topology t = newTopology("testBasicStaticStuff");
Properties config = getConfig();
WebSocketClient wsClient1 = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
TStream<String> s1 = wsClient1.receiveString();
assertNotNull("s1", s1);
TSink<String> sink1 = wsClient1.sendString(t.strings(getStr1(), getStr2()));
assertNotNull("sink1", sink1);
WebSocketClient wsClient2 = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
TStream<String> s2 = wsClient2.receiveString();
assertNotSame("s1 s2", s1, s2);
TSink<String> sink2 = wsClient2.sendString(t.strings(getStr1(), getStr2()));
assertNotSame("sink1 sink2", sink1, sink2);
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testMissingWsUri() {
Topology t = newTopology("testMissingWsUri");
new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, new Properties());
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testMalformedWsUri() {
Topology t = newTopology("testMalformedWsUri");
Properties config = new Properties();
config.setProperty("ws.uri", "localhost"); // missing scheme
new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testNotWsUri() {
Topology t = newTopology("testNotWsUri");
Properties config = new Properties();
config.setProperty("ws.uri", "tcp://localhost");
new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testWssTrustStorePasswordNeg() {
Topology t = newTopology("testWssTrustStorePasswordNeg");
Properties config = new Properties();
config.setProperty("ws.uri", getWssUri());
config.setProperty("ws.trustStore", "xyzzy"); // not checked till runtime
// missing trustStorePassword
new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testWssKeyStorePasswordNeg() {
Topology t = newTopology("testWssKeyStorePasswordNeg");
Properties config = new Properties();
config.setProperty("ws.uri", getWssUri());
config.setProperty("ws.keyStore", "xyzzy"); // not checked till runtime
// missing keyStorePassword
new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
public void testWssConfig() {
Topology t = newTopology("testWssConfig");
Properties config = new Properties();
config.setProperty("ws.uri", getWssUri());
config.setProperty("ws.trustStore", "xyzzy"); // not checked till runtime
config.setProperty("ws.trustStorePassword", "xyzzy"); // not checked till runtime
new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
@Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
public void testTooManySendersNeg() {
Topology t = newTopology("testTooManySendersNeg");
TStream<String> s1 = t.strings(getStr1(), getStr2());
TStream<String> s2 = t.strings(getStr1(), getStr2());
Properties config = getConfig();
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
wsClient.sendString(s2); // should throw
@Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
public void testTooManyReceiversNeg() {
Topology t = newTopology("testTooManyReceiversNeg");
Properties config = getConfig();
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
TStream<String> s1 = wsClient.receiveString();
TStream<String> s2 = wsClient.receiveString(); // should throw
public void testJson() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testJson");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
Properties config = getConfig();
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] {
"{\"id\":\"" + getStr1() + "\",\"value\":27}",
"{\"id\":\"" + getStr2() + "\",\"value\":13}"
TStream<JsonObject> s = t.strings(expected)
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receive()
completeAndValidate("", t, rcvd, SEC_TMO, expected);
public void testString() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testString");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
Properties config = getConfig();
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString();
completeAndValidate("", t, rcvd, SEC_TMO, expected);
public void testBytes() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testBytes");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
Properties config = getConfig();
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2() };
TStream<byte[]> s = t.strings(expected)
.map(tup -> tup.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveBytes()
.map(tup -> new String(tup, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
completeAndValidate("", t, rcvd, SEC_TMO, expected);
public void testReconnect() throws Exception {
* It's becomming apparent that the reconnect series of tests
* aren't reliable so skip them for ci. See jira EDGENT-122 for
* more info.
Topology t = newTopology("testReconnect");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
Properties config = getConfig();
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2(), getStr3(), getStr4() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// send one, two, restart the server to force reconnect, send the next
AtomicInteger numSent = new AtomicInteger();
int restartAfterTupleCnt = 2;
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(restartAfterTupleCnt);
s = s.filter(tuple -> {
if (numSent.getAndIncrement() != restartAfterTupleCnt )
return true;
else {
// to keep validation sane/simple wait till the tuples are rcvd before restarting
try { latch.await(); } catch (Exception e) {};
return true;
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString()
.peek(tuple -> latch.countDown());
completeAndValidate("", t, rcvd, SEC_TMO + 10, expected);
public void testReconnectBytes() throws Exception {
* It's becomming apparent that the reconnect series of tests
* aren't reliable so skip them for ci. See jira EDGENT-122 for
* more info.
Topology t = newTopology("testReconnectBytes");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
Properties config = getConfig();
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2(), getStr3(), getStr4() };
TStream<byte[]> s = t.strings(expected).map(tup -> tup.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// send one, two, restart the server to force reconnect, send the next
AtomicInteger numSent = new AtomicInteger();
int restartAfterTupleCnt = 2;
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(restartAfterTupleCnt);
s = s.filter(tuple -> {
if (numSent.getAndIncrement() != restartAfterTupleCnt )
return true;
else {
// to keep validation sane/simple wait till the tuples are rcvd before restarting
try { latch.await(); } catch (Exception e) {};
return true;
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveBytes()
.peek(tuple -> latch.countDown())
.map(tup -> new String(tup, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
completeAndValidate("", t, rcvd, SEC_TMO + 10, expected);
private class SslSystemPropMgr {
private final Map<String,String> origProps = new HashMap<>();
public void set() {
set("", getStorePath("clientTrustStore.jks"));
set("", "passw0rd");
set("", getStorePath("clientKeyStore.jks"));
set("", "passw0rd");
private void set(String prop, String defaultVal) {
origProps.put(prop, System.setProperty(prop, defaultVal));
public void restore() {
private void restore(String prop) {
String origValue = origProps.get(prop);
if (origValue == null)
System.setProperty(prop, origValue);
public void testSslSystemProperty() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testSslSystemProperty");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(ServerMode.SSL); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
Properties config = getConfig(); // no SSL config stuff
config.setProperty("ws.uri", getWssUri());
SslSystemPropMgr sslProps = new SslSystemPropMgr();
try {
// a trust store that contains the server's cert
// System.setProperty("", "ssl"); // or "all"; "help" for full list
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString();
completeAndValidate("", t, rcvd, SEC_TMO, expected);
finally {
public void testSslClientAuthSystemProperty() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testSslClientAuthSystemProperty");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(ServerMode.SSL_CLIENT_AUTH); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
Properties config = getConfig(); // no SSL config stuff
config.setProperty("ws.uri", getWssUri());
SslSystemPropMgr sslProps = new SslSystemPropMgr();
try {
// a trust store that contains the server's cert
// System.setProperty("", "ssl"); // or "all"; "help" for full list
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString();
completeAndValidate("", t, rcvd, SEC_TMO, expected);
finally {
public void testSsl() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testSsl");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(ServerMode.SSL); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
Properties config = getWssConfig();
// System.setProperty("", "ssl"); // or "all"; "help" for full list
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString();
completeAndValidate("", t, rcvd, SEC_TMO, expected);
public void testSslReconnect() throws Exception {
* It's becomming apparent that the reconnect series of tests
* aren't reliable so skip them for ci. See jira EDGENT-122 for
* more info.
Topology t = newTopology("testSslReconnect");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(ServerMode.SSL); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
Properties config = getWssConfig();
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2(), getStr3(), getStr4() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// send one, two, restart the server to force reconnect, send the next
AtomicInteger numSent = new AtomicInteger();
int restartAfterTupleCnt = 2;
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(restartAfterTupleCnt);
s = s.filter(tuple -> {
if (numSent.getAndIncrement() != restartAfterTupleCnt )
return true;
else {
// to keep validation sane/simple wait till the tuples are rcvd before restarting
try { latch.await(); } catch (Exception e) {};
return true;
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString()
.peek(tuple -> latch.countDown());
completeAndValidate("", t, rcvd, SEC_TMO + 10, expected);
public void testSslNeg() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testSslNeg");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(ServerMode.SSL); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
// since our server uses a self-signed cert, if we don't have
// a truststore setup with it in it, the client will fail to connect
// and ultimately the connect will fail and the test will
// receive nothing.
Properties config = getConfig(); // no SSL config stuff
config.setProperty("ws.uri", getWssUri());
// System.setProperty("", "ssl"); // or "all"; "help" for full list
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString(); // rcv nothing
// in this case there's no useful condition that we can check for
// to validate this is behaving properly other than the connector doesn't
// blow up and that nothing is rcvd, so just wait a short time
// before verifying nothing was rcvd.
// Don't use the complete() TMO for successful termination.
Condition<List<String>> rcvdContent = t.getTester().streamContents(rcvd, new String[0]);
Condition<Object> tc = newWaitTimeCondition(3);
complete(t, tc, SEC_TMO, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertTrue("rcvd: "+rcvdContent.getResult(), rcvdContent.valid());
private Condition<Object> newWaitTimeCondition(int seconds) {
return new Condition<Object>() {
private long startTime = 0;
private long endTime = 0;
private volatile boolean done = false;
public boolean valid() {
if (startTime==0) {
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
endTime = startTime + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(seconds);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
done = now >= endTime;
return done;
public Object getResult() { return done; }
public void testSslClientAuth() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testSslClientAuth");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(ServerMode.SSL_CLIENT_AUTH); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
Properties config = getWssConfig();
// System.setProperty("", "ssl"); // or "all"; "help" for full list
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString();
completeAndValidate("", t, rcvd, SEC_TMO, expected);
public void testSslClientAuthDefault() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testSslClientAuthDefault");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(ServerMode.SSL_CLIENT_AUTH); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
// explicitly specify client's "default" certificate
Properties config = getWssConfig();
config.setProperty("ws.keyCertificateAlias", "default");
// System.setProperty("", "ssl"); // or "all"; "help" for full list
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString();
completeAndValidate("", t, rcvd, SEC_TMO, expected);
public void testSslClientAuthMy2ndCertNeg() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testSslClientAuthMy2ndCertNeg");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(ServerMode.SSL_CLIENT_AUTH); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
// explicitly specify client's "my2ndcert" certificate - unknown to server
Properties config = getWssConfig();
config.setProperty("ws.keyCertificateAlias", "my2ndcert");
// System.setProperty("", "ssl"); // or "all"; "help" for full list
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString(); // rcv nothing
// in this case there's no useful condition that we can check for
// to validate this is behaving properly other than the connector doesn't
// blow up and that nothing is rcvd, so just wait a short time
// before verifying nothing was rcvd.
// Don't use the complete() TMO for successful termination.
Condition<List<String>> rcvdContent = t.getTester().streamContents(rcvd, new String[0]);
Condition<Object> tc = newWaitTimeCondition(3);
complete(t, tc, SEC_TMO, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertTrue("rcvd: "+rcvdContent.getResult(), rcvdContent.valid());
public void testSslClientAuthMy3rdCert() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testSslClientAuthMy3rdCert");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(ServerMode.SSL_CLIENT_AUTH); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
// explicitly specify client's "my3rdcert" certificate
Properties config = getWssConfig();
config.setProperty("ws.keyCertificateAlias", "my3rdcert");
// System.setProperty("", "ssl"); // or "all"; "help" for full list
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString();
completeAndValidate("", t, rcvd, SEC_TMO, expected);
public void testSslClientAuthNeg() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testSslClientAuthNeg");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
startEchoer(ServerMode.SSL_CLIENT_AUTH); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
// since our server will require client auth, if we don't have
// a keystore setup with it in it, the client will fail to connect
// and ultimately the connect will fail and the test will
// receive nothing.
Properties config = getConfig(); // no SSL config stuff
config.setProperty("ws.uri", getWssUri());
// System.setProperty("", "ssl"); // or "all"; "help" for full list
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString(); // rcv nothing
// in this case there's no useful condition that we can check for
// to validate this is behaving properly other than the connector doesn't
// blow up and that nothing is rcvd, so just wait a short time
// before verifying nothing was rcvd.
// Don't use the complete() TMO for successful termination.
Condition<List<String>> rcvdContent = t.getTester().streamContents(rcvd, new String[0]);
Condition<Object> tc = newWaitTimeCondition(3);
complete(t, tc, SEC_TMO, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertTrue("rcvd: "+rcvdContent.getResult(), rcvdContent.valid());
private void skipTestIfCantConnect(Properties config) throws Exception {
String wsUri = config.getProperty("ws.uri");
// Skip tests if the WebSocket server can't be contacted.
try {
URI uri = new URI(wsUri);
int port = uri.getPort();
if (port == -1)
port = uri.getScheme().equals("ws") ? 80 : 443;
Socket s = new Socket();
s.connect(new InetSocketAddress(uri.getHost(), port), 5*1000/*cn-timeout-msec*/);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Unable to connect to WebSocket server "+wsUri+" : "+e.getMessage());
public void testPublicServer() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testPublicServer");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
// startEchoer(); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
Properties config = getConfig();
config.setProperty("ws.uri", "ws://");
// System.setProperty("", "ssl"); // or "all"; "help" for full list
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString();
completeAndValidate("", t, rcvd, SEC_TMO, expected);
public void testSslPublicServer() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testSslPublicServer");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
// startEchoer(); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
// Check operation against a trusted CA signed server certificate.
// this public wss echo server should "just work" if you have
// connectivity. no additional ssl trustStore config is needed
// as the site has a certificate signed by a recognized CA.
Properties config = getConfig();
config.setProperty("ws.uri", "wss://");
// System.setProperty("", "ssl"); // or "all"; "help" for full list
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString();
completeAndValidate("", t, rcvd, SEC_TMO, expected);
public void testSslPublicServerBadTrustStoreSystemPropertyNeg() throws Exception {
Topology t = newTopology("testSslPublicServerBadTrustStoreSystemPropertyNeg");
System.out.println("===== "+t.getName());
// startEchoer(); // before getConfig() so it gets the port
// this public wss echo server should "just work" if you have
// connectivity. no additional ssl trustStore config is needed
// as the site has a certificate signed by a recognized CA.
// Set a trust store that doesn't contain the public server's cert nor CAs
// and ultimately the connect will fail and the test will
// receive nothing.
Properties config = getConfig();
config.setProperty("ws.uri", "wss://");
SslSystemPropMgr sslProps = new SslSystemPropMgr();
try {
// System.setProperty("", "ssl"); // or "all"; "help" for full list
WebSocketClient wsClient = new Jsr356WebSocketClient(t, config);
String[] expected = new String[] { getStr1(), getStr2() };
TStream<String> s = t.strings(expected);
s = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(s, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<String> rcvd = wsClient.receiveString(); // rcv nothing
// in this case there's no useful condition that we can check for
// to validate this is behaving properly other than the connector doesn't
// blow up and that nothing is rcvd, so just wait a short time
// before verifying nothing was rcvd.
// Don't use the complete() TMO for successful termination.
Condition<List<String>> rcvdContent = t.getTester().streamContents(rcvd, new String[0]);
Condition<Object> tc = newWaitTimeCondition(3);
complete(t, tc, SEC_TMO, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertTrue("rcvd: "+rcvdContent.getResult(), rcvdContent.valid());
finally {