Add aggregated javadoc info to DEVELOPMENT
diff --git a/ b/
index 03df6cc..f567921 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -349,6 +349,38 @@
 Each modules `<module>/target/site` directory will then contain the generated 
 Module documentation.
+### Aggregated Javadoc
+Javadoc generation is a bit of a mess / problem.  
+Our customized "aggregated javadoc" (as seen on the website) is formed
+by configurations of the `maven-javadoc-plugin`.  As noted in the pom, 
+that configuration has no effect for `mvn javadoc:aggregate`, only `mvn site`.
+Then, as also noted in the pom, a problem was encountered in the release
+processing so the `aggregate reportSet` was commented out.  Hence only
+non-aggregated javadoc is created.
+Until someone figures out how to address this in a reasonable manner, the
+following can be used:
+``` sh
+ # edit pom.xml to uncomment the javadoc plugin config's aggregate reportSet
+./mvnw install -DskipTests  # "package" isn't enough
+./mvnw site  # target/site/apidocs will have the aggregated javadoc
+To generate this javadoc for a release, in the clone you're doing
+the release in, and after the `release:perform`, 
+cd to the release's `target/checkout` directory and to the above cmds
+Or, create a new clone from the release's tag
+(`git clone --branch edgent-<ver> the-https-repo-url tmp-javadoc-clone`)
+and do the cmds there.
+Note, trying to do the above using a source-release tar/zip bundle fails
+because `mvn site` must be run in a git repo.
 ## More Build Tooling Miscellenea
 There is a lot of surface area to the maven build tooling.  The following