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package org.apache.edgent.window;
import static org.apache.edgent.window.Policies.alwaysInsert;
import static org.apache.edgent.window.Policies.countContentsPolicy;
import static org.apache.edgent.window.Policies.evictOldest;
import static org.apache.edgent.window.Policies.processOnInsert;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.edgent.function.BiConsumer;
import org.apache.edgent.function.BiFunction;
import org.apache.edgent.function.Consumer;
import org.apache.edgent.function.Function;
import org.apache.edgent.function.Supplier;
* Factory to create {@code Window} implementations.
public class Windows {
* Create a window using the passed in policies.
* @param <T> Tuple type.
* @param <K> Key type.
* @param <L> List type.
* @param insertionPolicy Policy indicating if a tuple should be inserted
* into the window.
* @param contentsPolicy Contents policy called prior to insertion of a tuple.
* @param evictDeterminer Policy that determines action to take when
* {@link Partition#evict()} is called.
* @param triggerPolicy Trigger policy that is invoked after the insertion
* of a tuple into a partition.
* @param keyFunction Function that gets the partition key from a tuple.
* @param listSupplier Supplier function for the {@code List} that holds
* tuples within a partition.
* @return Window using the passed in policies.
public static <T, K, L extends List<T>> Window<T, K, L> window(
BiFunction<Partition<T, K, L>, T, Boolean> insertionPolicy,
BiConsumer<Partition<T, K, L>, T> contentsPolicy,
Consumer<Partition<T, K, L> > evictDeterminer,
BiConsumer<Partition<T, K, L>, T> triggerPolicy,
Function<T, K> keyFunction,
Supplier<L> listSupplier){
return new WindowImpl<>(insertionPolicy, contentsPolicy, evictDeterminer, triggerPolicy, keyFunction, listSupplier);
* Return a window that maintains the last {@code count} tuples inserted
* with processing triggered on every insert. This provides
* a continuous processing, where processing is invoked every
* time the window changes. Since insertion drives eviction
* there is no need to process on eviction, thus once the window
* has reached {@code count} tuples, each insertion results in an
* eviction followed by processing of {@code count} tuples
* including the tuple just inserted, which is the definition of
* the window.
* @param <T> Tuple type.
* @param <K> Key type.
* @param count Number of tuple to maintain per partition
* @param keyFunction Tuple partitioning key function
* @return window that maintains the last {@code count} tuples on a stream
public static <T, K> Window<T, K, LinkedList<T>> lastNProcessOnInsert(final int count,
Function<T, K> keyFunction) {
Window<T, K, LinkedList<T>> window = Windows.window(
() -> new LinkedList<T>());
return window;