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package org.apache.edgent.window;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import org.apache.edgent.function.BiConsumer;
import org.apache.edgent.function.BiFunction;
import org.apache.edgent.function.Consumer;
import org.apache.edgent.function.Function;
* Partitioned window of tuples.
* Conceptually a window maintains a continuously
* changing subset of tuples on a stream, such as the last ten tuples
* or tuples that have arrived in the last five minutes.
* <P>
* {@code Window} is partitioned by keys obtained
* from tuples using a key function. Each tuple is
* inserted into a partition containing all tuples
* with the same key (using {@code equals()}).
* Each partition independently maintains the subset of
* tuples defined by the windows policies.
* <BR>
* An unpartitioned is created by using a key function that
* returns a constant, to force all tuples to be inserted
* into a single partition. A convenience function
* {@link org.apache.edgent.function.Functions#unpartitioned() unpartitioned()} is
* provided that returns zero as the fixed key.
* </P>
* <P>
* The window's policies are flexible to allow any definition of
* what tuples each partition will contain, and how the
* partition is processed.
* </P>
* @param <T> type of tuples in the window
* @param <K> type of the window's key
* @param <L> type of the list used to contain tuples.
public interface Window<T, K, L extends List<T>>{
* Attempts to insert the tuple into its partition.
* Tuple insertion performs the following actions in order:
* <OL>
* <LI>Call {@code K key = getKeyFunction().apply(tuple)} to obtain the partition key.</LI>
* <LI>Get the partition for {@code key} creating an empty partition if one did not exist for {@code key}. </LI>
* <LI>Apply the insertion policy, calling {@code getInsertionPolicy().apply(partition, tuple)}. If it returns false then return false from this method,
* otherwise continue.</LI>
* <LI>Apply the contents policy, calling {@code getContentsPolicy().apply(partition, tuple)}.
* This is a pre-insertion action that allows any action. Some policies may request room to be made for
* the insertion by calling {@link Partition#evict() evict()} which will result in a call to the evict determiner.</LI>
* <LI>Add {@code tuple} to the contents of the partition.</LI>
* <LI>Apply the trigger policy, calling {@code getTriggerPolicy().apply(partition, tuple)}.
* This is a post-insertion that action allows any action. A typical implementation is to call
* {@link Partition#process() partition.process()} to perform processing of the window.
* </OL>
* @param tuple the tuple to insert
* @return true, if the tuple was successfully inserted. Otherwise, false.
boolean insert(T tuple);
* Register a WindowProcessor.
* @param windowProcessor function to process the window
void registerPartitionProcessor(BiConsumer<List<T>, K> windowProcessor);
* Register a ScheduledExecutorService.
* @param ses the service
void registerScheduledExecutorService(ScheduledExecutorService ses);
* Returns the insertion policy of the window.
* is called
* @return The insertion policy.
BiFunction<Partition<T, K, L>, T, Boolean> getInsertionPolicy();
* Returns the contents policy of the window.
* The contents policy is invoked before a tuple
* is inserted into a partition.
* @return contents policy for this window.
BiConsumer<Partition<T, K, L>, T> getContentsPolicy();
* Returns the window's trigger policy.
* The trigger policy is invoked (triggered) by
* the insertion of a tuple into a partition.
* @return trigger policy for this window.
BiConsumer<Partition<T, K, L>, T> getTriggerPolicy();
* Returns the partition processor associated with the window.
* @return partitionProcessor
BiConsumer<List<T>, K> getPartitionProcessor();
* Returns the ScheduledExecutorService associated with the window.
* @return ScheduledExecutorService
ScheduledExecutorService getScheduledExecutorService();
* Returns the window's eviction determiner.
* The evict determiner is responsible for
* determining which tuples in a window need
* to be evicted.
* <BR>
* Calls to {@link Partition#evict()} result in
* {@code getEvictDeterminer().accept(partition)} being
* called.
* In some cases this may not result in tuples being
* evicted from the partition.
* <P>
* An evict determiner evicts tuples from the partition
* by removing them from the list returned by
* {@link Partition#getContents()}.
* @return evict determiner for this window.
Consumer<Partition<T, K, L>> getEvictDeterminer();
* Returns the keyFunction of the window
* @return The window's keyFunction.
Function<T, K> getKeyFunction();
* Retrieves the partitions in the window. The map of partitions
* is stable when synchronizing on the intrinsic lock of the map,
* for example:
* <br>
* <pre>{@code
* Map<K, Partitions<U, K, ?>> partitions = window.getPartitions();
* synchronized(partitions){
* // operations with partition
* }
* }</pre>
* @return A map of the window's keys and partitions.
Map<K, Partition<T, K, L>> getPartitions();