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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.edgent.function.BiFunction;
import org.apache.edgent.function.Function;
import org.apache.edgent.function.ToIntFunction;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.TStream;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.TopologyProvider;
* Plumbing utilities for {@link TStream}.
* Methods that manipulate the flow of tuples in a streaming,
* but are not part of the logic of the application.
public class PlumbingStreams {
* Insert a blocking delay between tuples.
* Returned stream is the input stream delayed by {@code delay}.
* <p>
* Delays less than 1msec are translated to a 0 delay.
* <p>
* This function always adds the {@code delay} amount after receiving
* a tuple before forwarding it.
* <p>
* Downstream tuple processing delays will affect
* the overall delay of a subsequent tuple.
* <p>
* e.g., the input stream contains two tuples t1 and t2 and
* the delay is 100ms. The forwarding of t1 is delayed by 100ms.
* Then if a downstream processing delay of 80ms occurs, this function
* receives t2 80ms after it forwarded t1 and it will delay another
* 100ms before forwarding t2. Hence the overall delay between forwarding
* t1 and t2 is 180ms.
* See {@link #blockingThrottle(long, TimeUnit) blockingThrottle}.
* @param <T> Tuple type
* @param stream Stream t
* @param delay Amount of time to delay a tuple.
* @param unit Time unit for {@code delay}.
* @return Stream that will be delayed.
public static <T> TStream<T> blockingDelay(TStream<T> stream, long delay, TimeUnit unit) {
return -> {try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} return t;}) ;
* Maintain a constant blocking delay between tuples.
* The returned stream is the input stream throttled by {@code delay}.
* <p>
* Delays less than 1msec are translated to a 0 delay.
* <p>
* Sample use:
* <pre>{@code
* TStream<String> stream ="a", "b, "c");
* // Create a stream with tuples throttled to 1 second intervals.
* TStream<String> throttledStream = blockingThrottle(stream, 1, TimeUnit.SECOND);
* // print out the throttled tuples as they arrive
* throttledStream.peek(t -> System.out.println(new Date() + " - " + t));
* }</pre>
* <p>
* The function adjusts for downstream processing delays.
* The first tuple is not delayed. If {@code delay} has already
* elapsed since the prior tuple was forwarded, the tuple
* is forwarded immediately.
* Otherwise, forwarding the tuple is delayed to achieve
* a {@code delay} amount since forwarding the prior tuple.
* <p>
* e.g., the input stream contains two tuples t1 and t2 and
* the delay is 100ms. The forwarding of t1 is delayed by 100ms.
* Then if a downstream processing delay of 80ms occurs, this function
* receives t2 80ms after it forwarded t1 and it will only delay another
* 20ms (100ms - 80ms) before forwarding t2.
* Hence the overall delay between forwarding t1 and t2 remains 100ms.
* @param <T> tuple type
* @param stream the stream to throttle
* @param delay Amount of time to delay a tuple.
* @param unit Time unit for {@code delay}.
* @return the throttled stream
public static <T> TStream<T> blockingThrottle(TStream<T> stream, long delay, TimeUnit unit) {
return blockingThrottle(delay, unit) );
private static <T> Function<T,T> blockingThrottle(long delay, TimeUnit unit) {
long[] nextTupleTime = { 0 };
return t -> {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (nextTupleTime[0] != 0) {
if (now < nextTupleTime[0]) {
try {
Thread.sleep(nextTupleTime[0] - now);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
now = System.currentTimeMillis();
nextTupleTime[0] = now + unit.toMillis(delay);
return t;
* Insert a blocking delay before forwarding the first tuple and
* no delay for subsequent tuples.
* <p>
* Delays less than 1msec are translated to a 0 delay.
* <p>
* Sample use:
* <pre>{@code
* TStream<String> stream ="a", "b, "c");
* // create a stream where the first tuple is delayed by 5 seconds.
* TStream<String> oneShotDelayedStream =
* blockingOneShotDelay(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS) );
* }</pre>
* @param <T> tuple type
* @param stream input stream
* @param delay Amount of time to delay a tuple.
* @param unit Time unit for {@code delay}.
* @return the delayed stream
public static <T> TStream<T> blockingOneShotDelay(TStream<T> stream, long delay, TimeUnit unit) {
return blockingOneShotDelay(delay, unit) );
private static <T> Function<T,T> blockingOneShotDelay(long delay, TimeUnit unit) {
long[] initialDelay = { unit.toMillis(delay) };
return t -> {
if (initialDelay[0] != -1) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
initialDelay[0] = -1;
return t;
* Relieve pressure on upstream processing by discarding tuples.
* This method ensures that upstream processing is not
* constrained by any delay in downstream processing,
* for example by a connector not being able to connect
* to its external system.
* <P>
* Any downstream processing of the returned stream is isolated
* from {@code stream} so that any slow down does not affect {@code stream}.
* When the downstream processing cannot keep up with rate of
* {@code stream} tuples will be dropped from returned stream.
* <BR>
* Up to {@code count} of the most recent tuples per key from {@code stream}
* are maintained when downstream processing is slow, any older tuples
* that have not been submitted to the returned stream will be discarded.
* <BR>
* Tuple order is maintained within a partition but is not guaranteed to
* be maintained across partitions.
* </P>
* @param stream Stream to be isolated from downstream processing.
* @param keyFunction Function defining the key of each tuple.
* @param count Maximum number of tuples to maintain when downstream processing is backing up.
* @return Stream that is isolated from and thus relieves pressure on {@code stream}.
* @param <T> Tuple type.
* @param <K> Key type.
* @see #isolate(TStream, int) isolate
public static <T,K> TStream<T> pressureReliever(TStream<T> stream, Function<T,K> keyFunction, int count) {
return stream.pipe(new PressureReliever<>(count, keyFunction));
* Isolate upstream processing from downstream processing.
* <BR>
* Implementations may throw {@code OutOfMemoryExceptions}
* if the processing against returned stream cannot keep up
* with the arrival rate of tuples on {@code stream}.
* @param <T> Tuple type
* @param stream Stream to be isolated from downstream processing.
* @param ordered {@code true} to maintain arrival order on the returned stream,
* {@code false} to not guaranteed arrival order.
* @return Stream that is isolated from {@code stream}.
public static <T> TStream<T> isolate(TStream<T> stream, boolean ordered) {
return stream.pipe(
ordered ? new Isolate<T>() : new UnorderedIsolate<T>());
* Isolate upstream processing from downstream processing.
* <P>
* If the processing against the returned stream cannot keep up
* with the arrival rate of tuples on {@code stream}, upstream
* processing will block until there is space in the queue between
* the streams.
* </P><P>
* Processing of tuples occurs in the order they were received.
* </P>
* @param <T> Tuple type
* @param stream Stream to be isolated from downstream processing.
* @param queueCapacity size of the queue between {@code stream} and
* the returned stream.
* @return Stream that is isolated from {@code stream}.
* @see #pressureReliever(TStream, Function, int) pressureReliever
public static <T> TStream<T> isolate(TStream<T> stream, int queueCapacity) {
return stream.pipe(new Isolate<T>(queueCapacity));
* Perform analytics concurrently.
* <P>
* This is a convenience function that calls
* {@link #concurrent(TStream, List, Function)} after
* creating {@code pipeline} and {@code combiner} functions
* from the supplied {@code mappers} and {@code combiner} arguments.
* </P><P>
* That is, it is logically, if not exactly, the same as:
* </P>
* <pre>{@code
* List<Function<TStream<T>,TStream<U>>> pipelines = new ArrayList<>();
* for (Function<T,U> mapper : mappers)
* pipelines.add(s ->;
* concurrent(stream, pipelines, combiner);
* }</pre>
* @param <T> Tuple type on input stream.
* @param <U> Tuple type generated by mappers.
* @param <R> Tuple type of the result.
* @param stream input stream
* @param mappers functions to be run concurrently. Each mapper MUST
* return a non-null result.
* A runtime error will be generated if a null result
* is returned.
* @param combiner function to create a result tuple from the list of
* results from {@code mappers}.
* The input list order is 1:1 with the {@code mappers} list.
* I.e., list entry [0] is the result from mappers[0],
* list entry [1] is the result from mappers[1], etc.
* @return result stream
public static <T,U,R> TStream<R> concurrentMap(TStream<T> stream, List<Function<T,U>> mappers, Function<List<U>,R> combiner) {
Objects.requireNonNull(stream, "stream");
Objects.requireNonNull(mappers, "mappers");
Objects.requireNonNull(combiner, "combiner");
List<Function<TStream<T>,TStream<U>>> pipelines = new ArrayList<>();
for (Function<T,U> mapper : mappers) {
pipelines.add(s ->;
return concurrent(stream, pipelines, combiner);
* Perform analytics concurrently.
* <P>
* Process input tuples one at at time, invoking the specified
* analytics ({@code pipelines}) concurrently, combine the results,
* and then process the next input tuple in the same manner.
* </P><P>
* Logically, instead of doing this:
* </P>
* <pre>{@code
* sensorReadings<T> -> A1 -> A2 -> A3 -> results<R>
* }</pre>
* create a org.apache.edgent.graph that's logically like this:
* <pre>{@code
* -
* |-> A1 ->|
* sensorReadings<T> -> |-> A2 ->| -> results<R>
* |-> A3 ->|
* }</pre>
* more specifically a org.apache.edgent.graph like this:
* <pre>{@code
* -
* |-> isolate(1) -> pipeline1 -> |
* stream -> |-> isolate(1) -> pipeline2 -> |-> barrier(10) -> combiner
* |-> isolate(1) -> pipeline3 -> |
* . . .
* }</pre>
* <P>
* The typical use case for this is when an application has a collection
* of independent analytics to perform on each tuple and the analytics
* are sufficiently long running such that performing them concurrently
* is desired.
* </P><P>
* Note, this is in contrast to "parallel" stream processing,
* which in Java8 Streams and other contexts means processing multiple
* tuples in parallel, each on a replicated processing pipeline.
* </P><P>
* Threadsafety - one of the following must be true:
* </P>
* <ul>
* <li>the tuples from {@code stream} are threadsafe</li>
* <li>the {@code pipelines} do not modify the input tuples</li>
* <li>the {@code pipelines} provide their own synchronization controls
* to protect concurrent modifications of the input tuples</li>
* </ul>
* <P>
* Logically, a thread is allocated for each of the {@code pipelines}.
* The actual degree of concurrency may be {@link TopologyProvider} dependent.
* </P>
* @param <T> Tuple type on input stream.
* @param <U> Tuple type generated by pipelines.
* @param <R> Tuple type of the result.
* @param stream input stream
* @param pipelines a list of functions to add a pipeline to the
* Each {@code pipeline.apply()} is called with {@code stream}
* as the input, yielding the pipeline's result stream.
* For each input tuple, a pipeline MUST create exactly one output tuple.
* Tuple flow into the pipelines will cease if that requirement
* is not met.
* @param combiner function to create a result tuple from the list of
* results from {@code pipelines}.
* The input tuple list's order is 1:1 with the {@code pipelines} list.
* I.e., list entry [0] is the result from pipelines[0],
* list entry [1] is the result from pipelines[1], etc.
* @return result stream
* @see #barrier(List, int) barrier
public static <T,U,R> TStream<R> concurrent(TStream<T> stream, List<Function<TStream<T>,TStream<U>>> pipelines, Function<List<U>,R> combiner) {
Objects.requireNonNull(stream, "stream");
Objects.requireNonNull(pipelines, "pipelines");
Objects.requireNonNull(combiner, "combiner");
int barrierQueueCapacity = 10; // don't preclude pipelines from getting ahead some.
// Add concurrent (isolated) fanouts
List<TStream<T>> fanouts = new ArrayList<>(pipelines.size());
for (int i = 0; i < pipelines.size(); i++)
fanouts.add(isolate(stream, 1).tag("concurrent.isolated-ch"+i));
// Add pipelines
List<TStream<U>> results = new ArrayList<>(pipelines.size());
int ch = 0;
for (Function<TStream<T>,TStream<U>> pipeline : pipelines) {
// Add the barrier
TStream<List<U>> barrier = barrier(results, barrierQueueCapacity).tag("concurrent.barrier");
// Add the combiner
* A tuple synchronization barrier.
* <P>
* Same as {@code barrier(others, 1)}
* </P>
* @param <T> Tuple type
* @param streams input streams
* @return the output stream
* @see #barrier(List, int)
public static <T> TStream<List<T>> barrier(List<TStream<T>> streams) {
return barrier(streams, 1);
* A tuple synchronization barrier.
* <P>
* A barrier has n input streams with tuple type {@code T}
* and one output stream with tuple type {@code List<T>}.
* Once the barrier receives one tuple on each of its input streams,
* it generates an output tuple containing one tuple from each input stream.
* It then waits until it has received another tuple from each input stream.
* </P><P>
* Input stream 0's tuple is in the output tuple's list[0],
* stream 1's tuple in list[1], and so on.
* </P><P>
* The barrier's output stream is isolated from the input streams.
* </P><P>
* The barrier has a queue of size {@code queueCapacity} for each
* input stream. When a tuple for an input stream is received it is
* added to its queue. The stream will block if the queue is full.
* </P>
* @param <T> Type of the tuple.
* @param streams the list of input streams
* @param queueCapacity the size of each input stream's queue
* @return the output stream
* @see Barrier
public static <T> TStream<List<T>> barrier(List<TStream<T>> streams, int queueCapacity) {
List<TStream<T>> others = new ArrayList<>(streams);
TStream<T> s1 = others.remove(0);
return s1.fanin(new Barrier<T>(queueCapacity), others);
* Perform an analytic function on tuples in parallel.
* <P>
* Same as {@code parallel(stream, width, splitter, (s,ch) -> -> mapper.apply(t, ch))}
* </P>
* @param <T> Input stream tuple type
* @param <U> Result stream tuple type
* @param stream input stream
* @param splitter the tuple channel allocation function
* @param mapper analytic function
* @param width number of channels
* @return the unordered result stream
* @see #roundRobinSplitter(int) roundRobinSplitter
* @see #concurrentMap(TStream, List, Function) concurrentMap
public static <T,U> TStream<U> parallelMap(TStream<T> stream, int width, ToIntFunction<T> splitter, BiFunction<T,Integer,U> mapper) {
BiFunction<TStream<T>,Integer,TStream<U>> pipeline = (s,ch) -> -> mapper.apply(t, ch));
return parallel(stream, width, splitter, pipeline);
* Perform an analytic pipeline on tuples in parallel.
* <P>
* Splits {@code stream} into {@code width} parallel processing channels,
* partitioning tuples among the channels using {@code splitter}.
* Each channel runs a copy of {@code pipeline}.
* The resulting stream is isolated from the upstream parallel channels.
* </P><P>
* The ordering of tuples in {@code stream} is not maintained in the
* results from {@code parallel}.
* </P><P>
* {@code pipeline} is not required to yield a result for each input
* tuple.
* </P><P>
* A common splitter function is a {@link #roundRobinSplitter(int) roundRobinSplitter}.
* </P><P>
* The generated org.apache.edgent.graph looks like this:
* </P>
* <pre>{@code
* -
* |-> isolate(10) -> pipeline-ch1 -> |
* stream -> split(width,splitter) -> |-> isolate(10) -> pipeline-ch2 -> |-> union -> isolate(width)
* |-> isolate(10) -> pipeline-ch3 -> |
* . . .
* }</pre>
* @param <T> Input stream tuple type
* @param <R> Result stream tuple type
* @param stream the input stream
* @param width number of parallel processing channels
* @param splitter the tuple channel allocation function
* @param pipeline the pipeline for each channel.
* {@code pipeline.apply(inputStream,channel)}
* is called to generate the pipeline for each channel.
* @return the isolated unordered result from each parallel channel
* @see #roundRobinSplitter(int) roundRobinSplitter
* @see #concurrent(TStream, List, Function) concurrent
public static <T,R> TStream<R> parallel(TStream<T> stream, int width, ToIntFunction<T> splitter, BiFunction<TStream<T>,Integer,TStream<R>> pipeline) {
Objects.requireNonNull(stream, "stream");
if (width < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("width");
Objects.requireNonNull(splitter, "splitter");
Objects.requireNonNull(pipeline, "pipeline");
// Add the splitter
List<TStream<T>> channels = stream.split(width, splitter);
for (int ch = 0; ch < width; ch++)
channels.set(ch, channels.get(ch).tag("parallel.split-ch"+ch));
// Add concurrency (isolation) to the channels
int chBufferSize = 10; // don't immediately block stream if channel is busy
for (int ch = 0; ch < width; ch++)
channels.set(ch, isolate(channels.get(ch), chBufferSize).tag("parallel.isolated-ch"+ch));
// Add pipelines
List<TStream<R>> results = new ArrayList<>(width);
for (int ch = 0; ch < width; ch++) {
results.add(pipeline.apply(channels.get(ch), ch).tag("parallel-ch"+ch));
// Add the Union
TStream<R> result = results.get(0).union(new HashSet<>(results)).tag("parallel.union");
// Add the isolate - keep channel threads to just their pipeline processing
return isolate(result, width);
* Perform an analytic pipeline on tuples in parallel.
* <P>
* Splits {@code stream} into {@code width} parallel processing channels,
* partitioning tuples among the channels in a load balanced fashion.
* Each channel runs a copy of {@code pipeline}.
* The resulting stream is isolated from the upstream parallel channels.
* </P><P>
* The ordering of tuples in {@code stream} is not maintained in the
* results from {@code parallel}.
* </P><P>
* A {@code pipeline} <b>MUST</b> yield a result for each input
* tuple. Failure to do so will result in the channel remaining
* in a busy state and no longer available to process additional tuples.
* </P><P>
* A {@link LoadBalancedSplitter} is used to distribute tuples.
* </P><P>
* The generated org.apache.edgent.graph looks like this:
* </P>
* <pre>{@code
* -
* |-> isolate(1) -> pipeline-ch1 -> peek(splitter.channelDone()) -> |
* stream -> split(width,splitter) -> |-> isolate(1) -> pipeline-ch2 -> peek(splitter.channelDone()) -> |-> union -> isolate(width)
* |-> isolate(1) -> pipeline-ch3 -> peek(splitter.channelDone()) -> |
* . . .
* }</pre>
* <P>
* Note, this implementation requires that the splitter is used from
* only a single JVM. The {@code}
* provider meets this requirement.
* </P>
* @param <T> Input stream tuple type
* @param <R> Result stream tuple type
* @param stream the input stream
* @param width number of parallel processing channels
* @param pipeline the pipeline for each channel.
* {@code pipeline.apply(inputStream,channel)}
* is called to generate the pipeline for each channel.
* @return the isolated unordered result from each parallel channel
* @see #parallel(TStream, int, ToIntFunction, BiFunction)
* @see LoadBalancedSplitter
public static <T,R> TStream<R> parallelBalanced(TStream<T> stream, int width, BiFunction<TStream<T>,Integer,TStream<R>> pipeline) {
Objects.requireNonNull(stream, "stream");
if (width < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("width");
Objects.requireNonNull(pipeline, "pipeline");
LoadBalancedSplitter<T> splitter = new LoadBalancedSplitter<>(width);
// Add the splitter
List<TStream<T>> channels = stream.split(width, splitter);
for (int ch = 0; ch < width; ch++)
channels.set(ch, channels.get(ch).tag("parallel.split-ch"+ch));
// Add concurrency (isolation) to the channels
int chBufferSize = 1; // 1 is enough with load balanced impl
for (int ch = 0; ch < width; ch++)
channels.set(ch, isolate(channels.get(ch), chBufferSize).tag("parallel.isolated-ch"+ch));
// Add pipelines
List<TStream<R>> results = new ArrayList<>(width);
for (int ch = 0; ch < width; ch++) {
final int finalCh = ch;
results.add(pipeline.apply(channels.get(ch), ch)
.peek(tuple -> splitter.channelDone(finalCh)));
// Add the Union
TStream<R> result = results.get(0).union(new HashSet<>(results)).tag("parallel.union");
// Add the isolate - keep channel threads to just their pipeline processing
return isolate(result, width);
* A round-robin splitter ToIntFunction
* <P>
* The splitter function cycles among the {@code width} channels
* on successive calls to {@code roundRobinSplitter.applyAsInt()},
* returning {@code 0, 1, ..., width-1, 0, 1, ..., width-1}.
* </P>
* @param <T> Tuple type
* @param width number of splitter channels
* @return the splitter
* @see TStream#split(int, ToIntFunction) TStream.split
* @see PlumbingStreams#parallel(TStream, int, ToIntFunction, BiFunction) parallel
public static <T> ToIntFunction<T> roundRobinSplitter(int width) {
AtomicInteger cnt = new AtomicInteger();
return tuple -> cnt.getAndIncrement() % width;
* Control the flow of tuples to an output stream.
* <P>
* A {@link Semaphore} is used to control the flow of tuples
* through the {@code gate}.
* The gate acquires a permit from the
* semaphore to pass the tuple through, blocking until a permit is
* acquired (and applying backpressure upstream while blocked).
* Elsewhere, some code calls {@link Semaphore#release(int)}
* to make permits available.
* </P><P>
* If a TopologyProvider is used that can distribute a's
* streams to different JVM's the gate and the code releasing the
* permits must be in the same JVM.
* </P><P>
* Sample use:
* <BR>
* Suppose you wanted to control processing such that concurrent
* pipelines processed each tuple in lock-step.
* I.e., You want all of the pipelines to start processing a tuple
* at the same time and not start a new tuple until the current
* tuple had been fully processed by each of them:
* </P>
* <pre>{@code
* TStream<Integer> readings = ...;
* Semaphore gateControl = new Semaphore(1); // allow the first to pass through
* TStream<Integer> gated = PlumbingStreams.gate(readings, gateControl);
* // Create the concurrent pipeline combiner and have it
* // signal that concurrent processing of the tuple has completed.
* // In this sample the combiner just returns the received list of
* // each pipeline result.
* Function<TStream<List<Integer>>,TStream<List<Integer>>> combiner =
* stream -> -> {
* gateControl.release();
* return list;
* });
* TStream<List<Integer>> results = PlumbingStreams.concurrent(gated, pipelines, combiner);
* }</pre>
* @param <T> Tuple type
* @param stream the input stream
* @param semaphore gate control
* @return gated stream
public static <T> TStream<T> gate(TStream<T> stream, Semaphore semaphore) {
return -> {
try {
return tuple;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("interrupted", e);