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package org.apache.edgent.connectors.mqtt.iot;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.edgent.connectors.iot.IotDevice;
import org.apache.edgent.connectors.mqtt.MqttConfig;
import org.apache.edgent.connectors.mqtt.MqttStreams;
import org.apache.edgent.function.Function;
import org.apache.edgent.function.UnaryOperator;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.TSink;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.TStream;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.Topology;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.json.JsonFunctions;
* An MQTT based Edgent {@link IotDevice} connector.
* <p>
* The MQTT {@code IotDevice} is an abstraction on top of
* the {@link MqttStreams} connector.
* <p>
* The connector doesn't presume a particular pattern for
* Device MQTT "event" and "command" topics though default
* patterns are provided.
* <p>
* The MQTT message content for device events and device commands must be JSON.
* The contents of the JSON are under the control of the collaborating MQTT clients.
* Typically a device to defines its event and command schemas
* and the other clients to adapt accordingly.
* See {@link #commands(String...)} and {@link #events(TStream, String, int) events()}
* for a description of how MQTT messages are converted to and from stream tuples.
* <p>
* Connector configuration Properties fall into two categories:
* <ul>
* <li>MQTT Device abstraction properties</li>
* <li>Base MQTT connector properties - see {@link MqttConfig#fromProperties(Properties)}
* </ul>
* <h3>Device properties</h3>
* <ul>
* <li> - Required. An identifier that uniquely identifies
* the device in the device event and device command MQTT topic namespaces.
* </li>
* <li>mqttDevice.topic.prefix - A optional prefix that by default is used when
* composing device event and command MQTT topics, and the client's MQTT
* clientId. The default is no prefix.</li>
* <li>mqttDevice.event.topic.pattern - Optional. The topic pattern used
* for MQTT device event topics.
* Defaults to {@code {mqttDevice.topic.prefix}id/{}/evt/{EVENTID}/fmt/json}
* The pattern must include {EVENTID} and must end with "/fmt/json".
* </li>
* <li>mqttDevice.command.topic.pattern - Optional. The topic pattern used
* for MQTT device command topics.
* Defaults to {@code {mqttDevice.topic.prefix}id/{}/cmd/{COMMAND}/fmt/json}
* The pattern must include {COMMAND} and must end with "/fmt/json".
* </li>
* <li>mqttDevice.command.qos - An optional MQTT QoS value for commands. Defaults to 0.</li>
* <li> - Optional MQTT "retain" behavior for published events. Defaults to false.</li>
* <li>mqttDevice.mqtt.clientId - Optional value to use for the MQTT clientId.
* Defaults to {mqttDevice.topic.prefix}id/{}.</li>
* </ul>
* Sample use:
* <pre>{@code
* // assuming a properties file containing at least:
* //
* // mqtt.serverURLs=tcp://myMqttBrokerHost:1883
* String propsPath = <path to properties file>;
* Properties properties = new Properties();
* properties.load(Files.newBufferedReader(new File(propsPath).toPath()));
* Topology t = new DirectProvider();
* MqttDevice mqttDevice = new MqttDevice(t, properties);
* // publish JSON "status" device event tuples every hour
* TStream<JsonObject> myStatusEvents = t.poll(myGetStatusAsJson(), 1, TimeUnit.HOURS);
*, "status", QoS.FIRE_AND_FORGET);
* // handle a device command. In this example the payload is expected
* // to be JSON and have a "value" property containing the new threshold.
* mqttDevice.command("setSensorThreshold")
* .sink(json -> setSensorThreshold(json.get(CMD_PAYLOAD).getAsJsonObject().get("value").getAsString());
* }</pre>
public class MqttDevice implements IotDevice {
private final Topology topology;
private final String deviceId;
private String topicPrefix = "";
private String clientId = "{mqttDevice.topic.prefix}id/{}";
private String evtTopic = "{mqttDevice.topic.prefix}id/{}/evt/{EVENTID}/fmt/json";
private String cmdTopic = "{mqttDevice.topic.prefix}id/{}/cmd/{COMMAND}/fmt/json";
private int commandQoS = 0;
private boolean retainEvents = false;
private final MqttConfig mqttConfig;
private final MqttStreams connector;
private TStream<JsonObject> commandStream;
* Create an MqttDevice connector.
* <p>
* All configuration information comes from {@code properties}.
* @param topology topology to add the connector to.
* @param properties connector properties.
public MqttDevice(Topology topology, Properties properties) {
this(topology, properties, null);
* Create an MqttDevice connector.
* <p>
* Uses {@code mattConfig} for the base MQTT connector configuration
* and uses {@code properties} only for MQTT Device properties.
* @param topology topology to add the connector to.
* @param properties connector properties. Properties beyond those
* noted in the Device properties section above are ignored.
* @param mqttConfig base MQTT configuration. may be null.
public MqttDevice(Topology topology, Properties properties, MqttConfig mqttConfig) {
this.topology = topology;
this.deviceId = properties.getProperty("");
if (deviceId == null || deviceId.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("");
String cqos = properties.getProperty("mqttDevice.command.qos", Integer.valueOf(commandQoS).toString());
commandQoS = Integer.valueOf(cqos);
String eretain = properties.getProperty("", Boolean.valueOf(retainEvents).toString());
retainEvents = Boolean.valueOf(eretain);
topicPrefix = properties.getProperty("mqttDevice.topic.prefix", topicPrefix);
clientId = properties.getProperty("mqttDevice.mqtt.clientId", clientId);
evtTopic = properties.getProperty("mqttDevice.event.topic.pattern", evtTopic);
if (!evtTopic.endsWith("/fmt/json"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mqttDevice.event.topic.pattern");
cmdTopic = properties.getProperty("mqttDevice.command.topic.pattern", cmdTopic);
if (!cmdTopic.endsWith("/fmt/json"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mqttDevice.command.topic.pattern");
if (mqttConfig == null) {
mqttConfig = MqttConfig.fromProperties(properties);
this.mqttConfig = mqttConfig;
this.connector = new MqttStreams(topology, () -> this.mqttConfig);
private void initVars() {
clientId = clientId
.replace("{mqttDevice.topic.prefix}", topicPrefix)
.replace("{}", deviceId);
evtTopic = evtTopic
.replace("{mqttDevice.topic.prefix}", topicPrefix)
.replace("{}", deviceId);
cmdTopic = cmdTopic
.replace("{mqttDevice.topic.prefix}", topicPrefix)
.replace("{}", deviceId);
* Get the MQTT topic for an device event.
* @param eventId the event id.
* if null, returns a topic filter for all of the device's events.
* @return the topic
public String eventTopic(String eventId) {
if (eventId == null) {
eventId = "+"; // retain the trailing fmt/json
return evtTopic.replace("{EVENTID}", eventId);
* Get the MQTT topic for a command.
* @param command the command id.
* if null, returns a topic filter for all of the device's commands.
* @return the topic
public String commandTopic(String command) {
if (command == null) {
command = "+"; // retain the trailing fmt/json
return cmdTopic.replace("{COMMAND}", command);
* Get the device's {@link MqttConfig}
* @return the config
public MqttConfig getMqttConfig() {
return mqttConfig;
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>The event is published to the configured MQTT {@code mqttDevice.event.topic.pattern},
* as described in the above class documentation, substituting the value returned
* by the {@code eventId} function for "{EVENTID}" in the pattern.
* The MQTT message's payload is the JSON representation
* of the JsonObject stream tuple.
public TSink<JsonObject> events(TStream<JsonObject> stream, Function<JsonObject, String> eventId,
UnaryOperator<JsonObject> payload, Function<JsonObject, Integer> qos) {
Function<JsonObject, String> topic = jo -> eventTopic(eventId.apply(jo));
Function<JsonObject,byte[]> payloadFn =
jo -> JsonFunctions.asBytes().apply(payload.apply(jo));
return connector.publish(stream, topic, payloadFn, qos, jo -> retainEvents);
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>The event is published to the configured MQTT {@code mqttDevice.event.topic.pattern},
* as described in the above class documentation, substituting the {@code eventId} for
* "{EVENTID}" in the pattern.
* The MQTT message's payload is the JSON representation
* of the JsonObject stream tuple.
public TSink<JsonObject> events(TStream<JsonObject> stream, String eventId, int qos) {
return events(stream, jo -> eventId, jo -> jo, jo -> qos);
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>
* Subscribes to the configured MQTT {@code mqttDevice.command.topic.pattern}
* as described in the above class documentation.
* The received MQTT message's payload is required to be JSON.
* The message's JSON payload is converted to a JsonObject and
* set as the {@code payload} key's value in the stream tuple JsonObject.
public TStream<JsonObject> commands(String... commands) {
TStream<JsonObject> all = allCommands();
if (commands.length != 0) {
Set<String> uniqueCommands = new HashSet<>();
all = all.filter(jo -> uniqueCommands.contains(jo.get(CMD_ID).getAsString()));
return all;
private TStream<JsonObject> allCommands() {
if (commandStream == null) {
String topicFilter = commandTopic(null);
commandStream = connector.subscribe(topicFilter, commandQoS,
(topic, payload) -> {
JsonObject jo = new JsonObject();
jo.addProperty(CMD_DEVICE, deviceId);
jo.addProperty(CMD_ID, extractCmd(topic));
jo.addProperty(CMD_TS, System.currentTimeMillis());
String fmt = extractCmdFmt(topic);
jo.addProperty(CMD_FORMAT, fmt);
if ("json".equals(fmt)) {
jo.add(CMD_PAYLOAD, JsonFunctions.fromBytes().apply(payload));
else {
jo.addProperty(CMD_PAYLOAD, new String(payload, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
return jo;
return commandStream;
private String extractCmd(String topic) {
String prefix = cmdTopic.substring(0, cmdTopic.indexOf("{COMMAND}"));
String cmd = topic.substring(prefix.length());
int endCmd = cmd.indexOf('/');
if (endCmd != -1)
cmd = cmd.substring(0, endCmd);
return cmd;
private String extractCmdFmt(String cmdTopic) {
return cmdTopic.endsWith("/fmt/json") ? "json" : "string";
public Topology topology() {
return topology;
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>
* This connector does not support the notion of a device-type
* as part of its device id model. An empty string is returned.
public String getDeviceType() {
// not part of this connector's device identifier model
return "";
public String getDeviceId() {
return deviceId;