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package org.apache.edgent.connectors.mqtt;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.edgent.function.Consumer;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.json.JsonFunctions;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttClientPersistence;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttConnectOptions;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttMessage;
* MQTT broker connector configuration.
public class MqttConfig {
private MqttConnectOptions options = new MqttConnectOptions();
private String clientId;
private MqttClientPersistence persistence;
private long actionTimeToWaitMillis = -1;
private int idleTimeout;
private int subscriberIdleReconnectIntervalSec = 60;
* Create a new configuration from {@link Properties}.
* <p>
* There is a property corresponding to each {@code MqttConfig.set<name>()}
* method. Unless otherwise stated, the property's value is a string
* of the corresponding method's argument type.
* Properties not specified yield a configuration value as
* described by and their corresponding {@code set<name>()}.
* <p>
* Properties other than those noted are ignored.
* <h3>MQTT connector properties</h3>
* <ul>
* <li>mqtt.actionTimeToWaitMillis</li>
* <li>mqtt.cleanSession</li>
* <li>mqtt.clientId</li>
* <li>mqtt.connectionTimeoutSec</li>
* <li>mqtt.idleTimeoutSec</li>
* <li>mqtt.keepAliveSec</li>
* <li>mqtt.keyStore - optional. Only used with "ssl:" serverURL when the
* server is configured for client auth.
* Path to key store file in JKS format.
* The first key in the store is used. The key must have the same
* password as the store if any.
* If not set, the standard JRE and system properties
* control the SSL behavior.</li>
* <li>mqtt.keyStorePassword - required if mqtt.keyStore is set.</li>
* <li>mqtt.password</li>
* <li>mqtt.persistence</li>
* <li>mqtt.serverURLs - csv list of MQTT URLs of the form:
* {@code tcp://<host>:<port>} or
* {@code ssl://<host>:<port>}
* </li>
* <li>mqtt.subscriberIdleReconnectIntervalSec</li>
* <li>mqtt.trustStore - optional. Only used with "ssl:" serverURL.
* Path to trust store file in JKS format.
* If not set, the standard JRE and system properties
* control the SSL behavior.
* Generally not required if server has a CA-signed certificate.</li>
* <li>mqtt.trustStorePassword - required if mqtt.trustStore is set</li>
* <li>mqtt.userName</li>
* <li>mqtt.will - JSON for with the following properties:
* <ul>
* <li>topic - string</li>
* <li>payload - string for byte[] in UTF8</li>
* <li>qos - integer</li>
* <li>retained - boolean</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* @param properties properties specifying the configuration.
* @return the configuration
* @throws IllegalArgumentException for illegal values
public static MqttConfig fromProperties(Properties properties) {
MqttConfig config = new MqttConfig();
Properties p = properties;
setConfig(p, "mqtt.actionTimeToWaitMillis",
val -> config.setActionTimeToWaitMillis(Long.valueOf(val)));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.cleanSession",
val -> config.setCleanSession(Boolean.valueOf(val)));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.clientId",
val -> config.setClientId(val));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.connectionTimeoutSec",
val -> config.setConnectionTimeout(Integer.valueOf(val)));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.idleTimeoutSec",
val -> config.setIdleTimeout(Integer.valueOf(val)));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.keepAliveSec",
val -> config.setKeepAliveInterval(Integer.valueOf(val)));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.keyStore",
val -> config.setKeyStore(val));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.keyStorePassword",
val -> config.setKeyStorePassword(val.toCharArray()));
// paho MqttConnectOptions.setSslProperties() doesn't support this control
// setConfig(p, "mqtt.keyPassword",
// val -> config.setKeyPassword(val.toCharArray()));
// setConfig(p, "mqtt.keyCertificateAlias",
// val -> config.setKeyCertificateAlias(val));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.password",
val -> config.setPassword(val.toCharArray()));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.persistence",
val -> config.setPersistence(newPersistenceProvider(val)));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.serverURLs",
val -> config.setServerURLs(val.trim().split(",")));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.subscriberIdleReconnectIntervalSec",
val -> config.setSubscriberIdleReconnectInterval(Integer.valueOf(val)));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.trustStore",
val -> config.setTrustStore(val));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.trustStorePassword",
val -> config.setTrustStorePassword(val.toCharArray()));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.userName",
val -> config.setUserName(val));
setConfig(p, "mqtt.will", val -> {
JsonObject jo = JsonFunctions.fromString().apply(val);
String topic = jo.get("topic").getAsString();
byte[] payload = jo.get("payload").getAsString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
int qos = jo.get("qos").getAsInt();
boolean retained = jo.get("retained").getAsBoolean();
config.setWill(topic, payload, qos, retained);
return config;
private static void setConfig(Properties p, String name, Consumer<String> setter) {
try {
String value = p.getProperty(name);
if (value != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(name, e);
private static MqttClientPersistence newPersistenceProvider(String className) {
Class<?> clazz = null;
try {
clazz = Class.forName(className);
return (MqttClientPersistence) clazz.newInstance();
catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
* Create a new configuration.
public MqttConfig() { }
* Create a new configuration.
* @param serverURL the MQTT broker's URL
* @param clientId the MQTT client's id. Auto-generated if null.
public MqttConfig(String serverURL, String clientId) {
options.setServerURIs(new String[] {serverURL});
this.clientId = clientId;
* Get the connection Client Id.
* @return the value
public String getClientId() {
return clientId;
* Get the maximum time to wait for an action (e.g., publish message) to complete.
* @return the value
public long getActionTimeToWaitMillis() {
return actionTimeToWaitMillis;
* Get the QoS 1 and 2 in-flight message persistence handler.
* @return the value
public MqttClientPersistence getPersistence() {
return persistence;
* Get the connection timeout.
* @return the value
public int getConnectionTimeout() {
return options.getConnectionTimeout();
* Get the idle connection timeout.
* @return the value
public int getIdleTimeout() {
return idleTimeout;
* Get the subscriber idle reconnect interval.
* @return the value
public int getSubscriberIdleReconnectInterval() {
return subscriberIdleReconnectIntervalSec;
* Get the connection Keep alive interval.
* @return the value
public int getKeepAliveInterval() {
return options.getKeepAliveInterval();
* Get the MQTT Server URLs
* @return the value
public String[] getServerURLs() {
return options.getServerURIs();
* Get a Last Will and Testament message's destination topic.
* @return the value. may be null.
public String getWillDestination() {
return options.getWillDestination();
* Get a Last Will and Testament message's payload.
* @return the value. may be null.
public byte[] getWillPayload() {
MqttMessage msg = options.getWillMessage();
return msg==null ? null : msg.getPayload();
* Get a Last Will and Testament message's QOS.
* @return the value.
public int getWillQOS() {
MqttMessage msg = options.getWillMessage();
return msg==null ? 0 : msg.getQos();
* Get a Last Will and Testament message's "retained" setting.
* @return the value.
public boolean getWillRetained() {
MqttMessage msg = options.getWillMessage();
return msg==null ? false : msg.isRetained();
* Get the clean session setting.
* @return the value
public boolean isCleanSession() {
return options.isCleanSession();
* Get the the password to use for authentication with the server.
* @return the value
public char[] getPassword() {
return options.getPassword();
* Get the username to use for authentication with the server.
* @return the value
public String getUserName() {
return options.getUserName();
* Connection Client Id.
* <p>
* Optional. default null: a clientId is auto-generated.
* @param clientId the client id
public void setClientId(String clientId) {
this.clientId = clientId;
* Maximum time to wait for an action (e.g., publish message) to complete.
* <p>
* Optional. default: -1 no timeout. 0 also means no timeout.
* @param actionTimeToWaitMillis the time to wait in milliseconds
public void setActionTimeToWaitMillis(long actionTimeToWaitMillis) {
this.actionTimeToWaitMillis = actionTimeToWaitMillis;
* QoS 1 and 2 in-flight message persistence.
* <p>
* optional. default: use memory persistence.
* @param persistence the persistence implementation
public void setPersistence(MqttClientPersistence persistence) {
this.persistence = persistence;
* Clean Session.
* <p>
* Qptional. default: true.
* @param cleanSession the clean session value
public void setCleanSession(boolean cleanSession) {
* Connection timeout.
* Optional. 0 disables the timeout / blocks until connected. default: 30 seconds.
* @param connectionTimeoutSec the timeout in seconds
public void setConnectionTimeout(int connectionTimeoutSec) {
* Idle connection timeout.
* Optional. 0 disables idle connection disconnect. default: 0 seconds (disabled).
* <p>
* Following an idle disconnect, the connector will automatically
* reconnect when it receives a new tuple to publish.
* If the connector is subscribing to topics, it will also reconnect
* as per {@link #setSubscriberIdleReconnectInterval(int)}.
* <p>
* @param idleTimeoutSec the timeout in seconds
* @see #setSubscriberIdleReconnectInterval(int)
public void setIdleTimeout(int idleTimeoutSec) {
if (idleTimeoutSec < 0)
idleTimeoutSec = 0;
this.idleTimeout = idleTimeoutSec;
* Subscriber idle reconnect interval.
* <p>
* Following an idle disconnect, if the connector is subscribing to topics,
* it will reconnect after the specified interval.
* Optional. default: 60 seconds.
* @param seconds the interval in seconds
public void setSubscriberIdleReconnectInterval(int seconds) {
if (seconds < 0)
seconds = 0;
subscriberIdleReconnectIntervalSec = seconds;
* Connection Keep alive.
* <p>
* Optional. 0 disables keepalive processing. default: 60 seconds.
* @param keepAliveSec the interval in seconds
public void setKeepAliveInterval(int keepAliveSec) {
* MQTT Server URLs
* <p>
* Required. Must be an array of one or more MQTT server URLs.
* When connecting, the first URL that successfully connects is used.
* @param serverUrls the URLs
public void setServerURLs(String[] serverUrls) {
* Last Will and Testament.
* <p>
* optional. default: no last-will-and-testament.
* @param topic topic to publish to
* @param payload the last-will-and-testament message value
* @param qos the quality of service to use to publish the message
* @param retained true to retain the message across connections
public void setWill(String topic, byte[] payload, int qos, boolean retained) {
options.setWill(topic, payload, qos, retained);
* Set the password to use for authentication with the server.
* Optional. default: null.
* @param password the password
public void setPassword(char[] password) {
* Set the username to use for authentication with the server.
* Optional. default: null.
* @param userName the user name
public void setUserName(String userName) {
* @param name option name
* @param value option value. null to unset.
private void setSslOption(String name, String value) {
Properties props = options.getSSLProperties();
if (props == null)
props = new Properties();
if (value == null)
props.setProperty(name, value);
* @param name option name
* @return option's value. null if not set.
private String getSslOption(String name) {
Properties props = options.getSSLProperties();
return props == null ? null : props.getProperty(name);
* Set the SSL trust store path.
* <p>
* Only used with "ssl:" serverURL.
* Path to trust store file in JKS format.
* If not set, the standard JRE and system properties
* control the SSL behavior.
* Generally not required if server has a CA-signed certificate.
* @param path the path. null to unset.
public void setTrustStore(String path) {
setSslOption("", path);
* Get the SSL trust store path.
* @return the path. null if not set.
public String getTrustStore() {
return getSslOption("");
* Set the SSL trust store password.
* <p>
* Required if the trust store path is set.
* @param password the password
public void setTrustStorePassword(char[] password) {
setSslOption("", new String(password));
* Get the SSL trust store path password.
* @return the password. null if not set.
public char[] getTrustStorePassword() {
String s = getSslOption("");
return s == null ? null : s.toCharArray();
* Set the SSL key store path.
* <p>
* Only used with "ssl:" serverURL when the server is configured for
* client auth.
* Path to trust store file in JKS format.
* If not set, the standard JRE and system properties
* control the SSL behavior.
* @param path the path. null to unset.
public void setKeyStore(String path) {
setSslOption("", path);
* Get the SSL trust store path.
* @return the path. null if not set.
public String getKeyStore() {
return getSslOption("");
* Set the SSL key store password.
* <p>
* Required if the key store path is set.
* @param password the password. null to unset.
public void setKeyStorePassword(char[] password) {
setSslOption("", new String(password));
* Get the SSL key store path password.
* @return the password. null if not set.
public char[] getKeyStorePassword() {
String s = getSslOption("");
return s == null ? null : s.toCharArray();
// paho MqttConnectOptions.setSslProperties() doesn't support this control
// /**
// * Set the SSL key password.
// * <p>
// * Defaults to using the key store password if not set.
// *
// * @param password the password. null to unset.
// */
// public void setKeyPassword(char[] password) {
// setSslOption("", new String(password));
// }
// public char[] getKeyPassword() {
// String s = getSslOption("");
// return s == null ? null : s.toCharArray();
// }
// paho MqttConnectOptions.setSslProperties() doesn't support this control
// /**
// * Set the SSL key certificate alias.
// * <p>
// * Defaults to using "default" if not set.
// * @param alias the alias. null to unset.
// */
// public void setKeyCertificateAlias(String alias) {
// setSslOption("", alias);
// }
// public String getKeyCertificateAlias() {
// return getSslOption("");
// }
* @return object
public Object options() {
return options;