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package org.apache.edgent.test.topology;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.edgent.function.BiFunction;
import org.apache.edgent.function.Function;
import org.apache.edgent.function.Functions;
import org.apache.edgent.function.ToIntFunction;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.TStream;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.Topology;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.tester.Condition;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
public abstract class PlumbingTest extends TopologyAbstractTest {
public void testBlockingDelay() throws Exception {
// Timing variances on shared machines can cause this test to fail
Topology topology = newTopology();
TStream<String> strings = topology.strings("a", "b", "c", "d");
TStream<Long> starts = -> System.currentTimeMillis());
// delay stream
starts = PlumbingStreams.blockingDelay(starts, 300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// calculate delay
starts = starts.modify(v -> System.currentTimeMillis() - v);
starts = starts.filter(v -> v >= 300);
Condition<Long> tc = topology.getTester().tupleCount(starts, 4);
complete(topology, tc);
assertTrue("valid:" + tc.getResult(), tc.valid());
public void testBlockingThrottle() throws Exception {
// Timing variances on shared machines can cause this test to fail
Topology topology = newTopology();
TStream<String> strings = topology.strings("a", "b", "c", "d");
TStream<Long> emittedDelays = -> 0L);
// throttle stream
long[] lastEmittedTimestamp = { 0 };
emittedDelays = PlumbingStreams.blockingThrottle(emittedDelays, 300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.map(t -> {
// compute the delay since the last emitted tuple
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (lastEmittedTimestamp[0] == 0)
lastEmittedTimestamp[0] = now;
t = now - lastEmittedTimestamp[0];
lastEmittedTimestamp[0] = now;
// System.out.println("### "+t);
return t;
.map(t -> {
// simulate 200ms downstream processing delay
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} return t;
}) ;
// should end up with throttled delays close to 300 (not 500 like
// a blockingDelay() under these same conditions would yield)
emittedDelays = emittedDelays.filter(v -> v <= 320);
Condition<Long> tc = topology.getTester().tupleCount(emittedDelays, 4);
complete(topology, tc);
assertTrue("valid:" + tc.getResult(), tc.valid());
public void testOneShotDelay() throws Exception {
Topology topology = newTopology();
TStream<String> strings = topology.strings("a", "b", "c", "d");
TStream<Long> starts = -> System.currentTimeMillis());
// delay stream
starts = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(starts, 300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// calculate display
starts = starts.modify(v -> System.currentTimeMillis() - v);
// the first tuple shouldn't satisfy the predicate
starts = starts.filter(v -> v < 300);
Condition<Long> tc = topology.getTester().tupleCount(starts, 3);
complete(topology, tc);
assertTrue("valid:" + tc.getResult(), tc.valid());
public static class TimeAndId {
private static AtomicInteger ids = new AtomicInteger();
long ms;
final int id;
public TimeAndId() { = System.currentTimeMillis(); = ids.incrementAndGet();
public TimeAndId(TimeAndId tai) { = System.currentTimeMillis() -; =;
public String toString() {
return "TAI:" + id + "@" + ms;
public void testPressureRelieverDrop() throws Exception {
Topology topology = newTopology();
// Verify the pressureReliever drops and retains the most recent when
// backpressure exists.
// Here, all the tuples hit the reliever at once, the downstream processing (oneShotDelay)
// causes a backup causing the reliever's queue to become full and drop tuples.
// The first tuple should be processed, then the last (most recent) N (N==queue depth).
String[] tuples = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"};
String[] expTuples = {"A", "F", "G", "H"}; // with queue depth of 3
TStream<String> raw = topology.strings(tuples);
TStream<String> pr = PlumbingStreams.pressureReliever(raw, Functions.unpartitioned(), 3);
TStream<String> pr2 = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(pr, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Condition<Long> tcCount = topology.getTester().tupleCount(pr2, expTuples.length);
Condition<List<String>> contents = topology.getTester().streamContents(pr2, expTuples);
complete(topology, tcCount);
public void testPressureRelieverNoDrop() throws Exception {
Topology topology = newTopology();
// Same pipeline config as testPressureRelieverDrop but the reliever queue is
// big enough to avoid drops
String[] tuples = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"};
TStream<String> raw = topology.strings(tuples);
TStream<String> pr = PlumbingStreams.pressureReliever(raw, Functions.unpartitioned(), 100);
TStream<String> pr2 = PlumbingStreams.blockingOneShotDelay(pr, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Condition<Long> tcCount = topology.getTester().tupleCount(pr2, tuples.length);
Condition<List<String>> contents = topology.getTester().streamContents(pr2, tuples);
complete(topology, tcCount);
public void testPressureRelieverContinuous() throws Exception {
// Timing variances on shared machines can cause this test to fail
// Try to verify more continuous reliever behavior instead of just the
// the other pressure reliever tests where the backpressure only exists
// at the beginning.
// Generate @ 100tps, consume @ 5tps.
// With reliever depth=1, roughly should process every 20th tuple, with essentially
// no delay in the queue (certainly less than say 50% of the consumer delay, hence < 0.5 * 200ms)
Topology topology = newTopology();
TStream<TimeAndId> raw = topology.poll(() -> new TimeAndId(), 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
TStream<TimeAndId> pr = PlumbingStreams.pressureReliever(raw, Functions.unpartitioned(), 1);
TStream<TimeAndId> slow = PlumbingStreams.blockingDelay(pr, 200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// calculate the delay (queue time + consumer processing)
TStream<TimeAndId> slowM = slow.modify(v -> new TimeAndId(v));
// Also process raw that should be unaffected by the slow path
TStream<TimeAndId> processed = raw.filter(t -> true);
Condition<Long> tcSlowMCount = topology.getTester().atLeastTupleCount(slowM, 10);
Condition<List<TimeAndId>> tcSlowM = topology.getTester().streamContents(slowM);
Condition<List<TimeAndId>> tcProcessed = topology.getTester().streamContents(processed);
complete(topology, tcSlowMCount);
System.out.println(String.format("testPressureRelieverContinuous() fastCnt:%d slowCnt:%d",
tcProcessed.getResult().size(), tcSlowM.getResult().size()));
System.out.println("slow: "+tcSlowM.getResult());
// No lost tuples in the fast path (successive Ids, starting @ 1)
assertEquals("fastpath tuples dropped",
// No dup tuples in the fast path
Set<TimeAndId> uniqRaw = new HashSet<>(tcProcessed.getResult());
assertEquals("fastpath tuples duplicated", tcProcessed.getResult().size(), uniqRaw.size());
// fastpath count should be roughly 20x the slow delayed/relieved count
assertTrue("rawCnt:"+tcProcessed.getResult().size()+" slowMCnt:"+tcSlowM.getResult().size(),
tcProcessed.getResult().size() >= 15 * +tcSlowM.getResult().size());
// slow should process roughly every 20th tuple... not successive ones
TimeAndId prevId = null;
for (TimeAndId id : tcSlowM.getResult()) {
if (prevId == null) {
// should have processed the 1st tuple
assertEquals("slow firstId", 1,;
else {
// seems like this could be sensitive to host load
assertTrue("slow ids prevId:"+prevId+" id:"+id, >= + 15
&& <= + 25);
prevId = id;
// every slow tuple should be processed near instantaneously - shouldn't wait
// long in the queue.
for (TimeAndId id : tcSlowM.getResult()) {
assertTrue("slow delays prevId:"+prevId+" id:"+id, <= 300); // 200ms consumer processing + up to %50 of that waiting
public void testValveState() throws Exception {
Valve<Integer> valve = new Valve<>();
valve = new Valve<>(true);
valve = new Valve<>(false);
public void testValveInitiallyOpen() throws Exception {
Topology top = newTopology("testValve");
TStream<Integer> values = top.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
Valve<Integer> valve = new Valve<>();
AtomicInteger cnt = new AtomicInteger();
TStream<Integer> filtered = values
.peek(tuple -> {
// reject 4,5,6
int curCnt = cnt.incrementAndGet();
if (curCnt > 6)
else if (curCnt > 3)
Condition<Long> count = top.getTester().tupleCount(filtered, 7);
Condition<List<Integer>> contents = top.getTester().streamContents(filtered, 1,2,3,7,8,9,10 );
complete(top, count);
assertTrue(contents.getResult().toString(), contents.valid());
public void testValveInitiallyClosed() throws Exception {
Topology top = newTopology("testValve");
TStream<Integer> values = top.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
Valve<Integer> valve = new Valve<>(false);
AtomicInteger cnt = new AtomicInteger();
TStream<Integer> filtered = values
.peek(tuple -> {
// reject all but 4,5,6
int curCnt = cnt.incrementAndGet();
if (curCnt > 6)
else if (curCnt > 3)
Condition<Long> count = top.getTester().tupleCount(filtered, 3);
Condition<List<Integer>> contents = top.getTester().streamContents(filtered, 4,5,6 );
complete(top, count);
assertTrue(contents.getResult().toString(), contents.valid());
private Function<Integer,JsonObject> fakeAnalytic(int channel, long period, TimeUnit unit) {
return value -> {
try {
JsonObject jo = new JsonObject();
jo.addProperty("channel", channel);
jo.addProperty("result", value);
return jo;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("channel="+channel+" interrupted", e);
private Function<TStream<Integer>,TStream<JsonObject>> fakePipeline(int channel, long period, TimeUnit unit) {
return stream ->, period, unit)).filter(t->true).tag("pipeline-ch"+channel);
public void testConcurrentMap() throws Exception {
Topology top = newTopology("testConcurrentMap");
int ch = 0;
List<Function<Integer,JsonObject>> mappers = new ArrayList<>();
mappers.add(fakeAnalytic(ch++, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
mappers.add(fakeAnalytic(ch++, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
mappers.add(fakeAnalytic(ch++, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
mappers.add(fakeAnalytic(ch++, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
mappers.add(fakeAnalytic(ch++, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
mappers.add(fakeAnalytic(ch++, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
// a couple much faster just in case something's amiss with queues
mappers.add(fakeAnalytic(ch++, 3, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
mappers.add(fakeAnalytic(ch++, 13, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
Function<List<JsonObject>,Integer> combiner = list -> {
int sum = 0;
int cnt = 0;
System.out.println("combiner: "+list);
for(JsonObject jo : list) {
assertEquals(cnt++, jo.get("channel").getAsInt());
sum += jo.get("result").getAsInt();
return sum;
TStream<Integer> values = top.of(1, 2, 3);
Integer[] resultTuples = new Integer[]{
TStream<Integer> result = PlumbingStreams.concurrentMap(values, mappers, combiner);
Condition<Long> count = top.getTester().tupleCount(result, 3);
Condition<List<Integer>> contents = top.getTester().streamContents(result, resultTuples );
long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
complete(top, count);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertTrue(contents.getResult().toString(), contents.valid());
long actDuration = end - begin;
long expMinSerialDuration = resultTuples.length * mappers.size() * 100;
long expMinDuration = resultTuples.length * 100;
System.out.println(top.getName()+" expMinDuration="+expMinDuration+" actDuration="+actDuration+" expMinSerialDuration="+expMinSerialDuration);
// a gross level performance check w/concurrent channels
if (Boolean.getBoolean(""))
System.err.println(top.getName()+" WARNING skipped performance check on 'ci' system use");
assertTrue("expMinSerialDuration="+expMinSerialDuration+" actDuration="+actDuration,
actDuration < 0.5 * expMinSerialDuration);
public void testConcurrent() throws Exception {
Topology top = newTopology("testConcurrent");
int ch = 0;
List<Function<TStream<Integer>,TStream<JsonObject>>> pipelines = new ArrayList<>();
pipelines.add(fakePipeline(ch++, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
pipelines.add(fakePipeline(ch++, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
pipelines.add(fakePipeline(ch++, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
pipelines.add(fakePipeline(ch++, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
pipelines.add(fakePipeline(ch++, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
Function<List<JsonObject>,Integer> combiner = list -> {
int sum = 0;
int cnt = 0;
System.out.println("combiner: "+list);
for(JsonObject jo : list) {
assertEquals(cnt++, jo.get("channel").getAsInt());
sum += jo.get("result").getAsInt();
return sum;
TStream<Integer> values = top.of(1, 2, 3);
Integer[] resultTuples = new Integer[]{
TStream<Integer> result = PlumbingStreams.concurrent(values, pipelines, combiner).tag("result");
Condition<Long> count = top.getTester().tupleCount(result, 3);
Condition<List<Integer>> contents = top.getTester().streamContents(result, resultTuples );
long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
complete(top, count);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertTrue(contents.getResult().toString(), contents.valid());
long actDuration = end - begin;
long expMinSerialDuration = resultTuples.length * pipelines.size() * 100;
long expMinDuration = resultTuples.length * 100;
System.out.println(top.getName()+" expMinDuration="+expMinDuration+" actDuration="+actDuration+" expMinSerialDuration="+expMinSerialDuration);
// a gross level performance check w/concurrent channels
if (Boolean.getBoolean(""))
System.err.println(top.getName()+" WARNING skipped performance check on 'ci' system use");
assertTrue("expMinSerialDuration="+expMinSerialDuration+" actDuration="+actDuration,
actDuration < 0.5 * expMinSerialDuration);
private BiFunction<Integer,Integer,JsonObject> fakeParallelAnalytic(long period, TimeUnit unit) {
return (value,channel) -> {
try {
Thread.sleep(unit.toMillis(period)); // simulate work for this period
JsonObject jo = new JsonObject();
jo.addProperty("channel", channel);
jo.addProperty("result", value);
return jo;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("channel="+channel+" interrupted", e);
private BiFunction<TStream<Integer>,Integer,TStream<JsonObject>> fakeParallelPipeline(long period, TimeUnit unit) {
return (stream,channel) -> stream
.map(value -> fakeParallelAnalytic(period, unit).apply(value,channel))
private Function<JsonObject,JsonObject> fakeJsonAnalytic(int channel, long period, TimeUnit unit) {
return jo -> {
try {
Thread.sleep(unit.toMillis(period)); // simulate work for this period
return jo;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("channel="+channel+" interrupted", e);
private BiFunction<TStream<JsonObject>,Integer,TStream<JsonObject>> fakeParallelPipelineTiming(long period, TimeUnit unit) {
return (stream,channel) -> stream
.map(jo -> { jo.addProperty("startPipelineMsec", System.currentTimeMillis());
return jo; })
.map(fakeJsonAnalytic(channel, period, unit))
.map(jo -> { jo.addProperty("endPipelineMsec", System.currentTimeMillis());
return jo; })
public void testParallelMap() throws Exception {
Topology top = newTopology("testParallelMap");
BiFunction<Integer,Integer,JsonObject> mapper =
fakeParallelAnalytic(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
int width = 5;
ToIntFunction<Integer> splitter = tuple -> tuple % width;
Integer[] resultTuples = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15};
TStream<Integer> values = top.of(resultTuples);
TStream<JsonObject> result = PlumbingStreams.parallelMap(values, width, splitter, mapper).tag("result");
TStream<Integer> result2 = -> {
int r = jo.get("result").getAsInt();
assertEquals(splitter.applyAsInt(r), jo.get("channel").getAsInt());
return r;
Condition<Long> count = top.getTester().tupleCount(result, resultTuples.length);
Condition<List<Integer>> contents = top.getTester().contentsUnordered(result2, resultTuples);
long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
complete(top, count);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertTrue(contents.getResult().toString(), contents.valid());
long actDuration = end - begin;
long expMinSerialDuration = resultTuples.length * 100;
long expMinDuration = (resultTuples.length / width) * 100;
System.out.println(top.getName()+" expMinDuration="+expMinDuration+" actDuration="+actDuration+" expMinSerialDuration="+expMinSerialDuration);
// a gross level performance check w/parallel channels
if (Boolean.getBoolean(""))
System.err.println(top.getName()+" WARNING skipped performance check on 'ci' system use");
assertTrue("expMinSerialDuration="+expMinSerialDuration+" actDuration="+actDuration,
actDuration < 0.5 * expMinSerialDuration);
public void testParallel() throws Exception {
Topology top = newTopology("testParallel");
BiFunction<TStream<Integer>,Integer,TStream<JsonObject>> pipeline =
fakeParallelPipeline(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
int width = 5;
ToIntFunction<Integer> splitter = tuple -> tuple % width;
Integer[] resultTuples = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15};
TStream<Integer> values = top.of(resultTuples);
TStream<JsonObject> result = PlumbingStreams.parallel(values, width, splitter, pipeline).tag("result");
TStream<Integer> result2 = -> {
int r = jo.get("result").getAsInt();
assertEquals(splitter.applyAsInt(r), jo.get("channel").getAsInt());
return r;
Condition<Long> count = top.getTester().tupleCount(result, resultTuples.length);
Condition<List<Integer>> contents = top.getTester().contentsUnordered(result2, resultTuples);
long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
complete(top, count);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertTrue(contents.getResult().toString(), contents.valid());
long actDuration = end - begin;
long expMinSerialDuration = resultTuples.length * 100;
long expMinDuration = (resultTuples.length / width) * 100;
System.out.println(top.getName()+" expMinDuration="+expMinDuration+" actDuration="+actDuration+" expMinSerialDuration="+expMinSerialDuration);
// a gross level performance check w/parallel channels
if (Boolean.getBoolean(""))
System.err.println(top.getName()+" WARNING skipped performance check on 'ci' system use");
assertTrue("expMinSerialDuration="+expMinSerialDuration+" actDuration="+actDuration,
actDuration < 0.5 * expMinSerialDuration);
public void testParallelBalanced() throws Exception {
Topology top = newTopology("testParallelBalanced");
// arrange for even channels to process ~2x as many as odd channels.
BiFunction<TStream<Integer>,Integer,TStream<JsonObject>> pipeline =
(stream,ch) -> {
long delay = (ch % 2 == 0) ? 10 : 20;
return, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
int width = 4;
int tupCnt = 60;
int expEvenChCnt = 2 * (tupCnt / 3); // even:2/3rds, odd:1/3rd
Integer[] resultTuples = new Integer[tupCnt];
for (int i = 0; i < tupCnt; i++)
resultTuples[i] = i;
AtomicInteger[] chCounts = new AtomicInteger[width];
for (int ch = 0; ch < width; ch++)
chCounts[ch] = new AtomicInteger();
TStream<Integer> values = top.of(resultTuples);
TStream<JsonObject> result = PlumbingStreams.parallelBalanced(values, width, pipeline).tag("result");
TStream<Integer> result2 = -> {
int r = jo.get("result").getAsInt();
int ch = jo.get("channel").getAsInt();
return r;
Condition<Long> count = top.getTester().tupleCount(result, resultTuples.length);
Condition<List<Integer>> contents = top.getTester().contentsUnordered(result2, resultTuples);
long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
complete(top, count);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertTrue(contents.getResult().toString(), contents.valid());
long actDuration = end - begin;
long expMinSerialDuration = resultTuples.length * 20;
long expMinDuration = (resultTuples.length / width) * 20;
System.out.println(top.getName()+" expMinDuration="+expMinDuration+" actDuration="+actDuration+" expMinSerialDuration="+expMinSerialDuration);
System.out.println(top.getName()+" chCounts="+Arrays.asList(chCounts));
// a gross level performance check w/parallel channels
if (Boolean.getBoolean(""))
System.err.println(top.getName()+" WARNING skipped performance check on 'ci' system use");
assertTrue("expMinSerialDuration="+expMinSerialDuration+" actDuration="+actDuration,
actDuration < 0.5 * expMinSerialDuration);
// Verify the balancing seemed to work.
// On loaded systems we've seen eCnt:37 oCnt:23. Settle for expEvenCnt +- 15%
int thresholdCnt = (int) (expEvenChCnt * 0.15);
int evenChCnt = 0;
for (int ch = 0; ch < width; ch++) {
assertTrue("ch:"+ch, chCounts[ch].get() != 0);
if (ch % 2 == 0)
evenChCnt += chCounts[ch].get();
String.format("evenChCnt:%d expEvenChCnt:%d +-:%d", evenChCnt, expEvenChCnt, thresholdCnt),
evenChCnt >= (expEvenChCnt - thresholdCnt)
&& evenChCnt <= (expEvenChCnt + thresholdCnt));
// @Test
// public void testParallelTiming() throws Exception {
// Topology top = newTopology("testParallelTiming");
// BiFunction<TStream<JsonObject>,Integer,TStream<JsonObject>> pipeline =
// fakeParallelPipelineTiming(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// int width = 5;
// // ToIntFunction<Integer> splitter = tuple -> tuple % width;
// ToIntFunction<JsonObject> splitter = jo -> jo.get("result").getAsInt() % width;
// Integer[] resultTuples = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15};
// TStream<Integer> values = top.of(resultTuples);
// TStream<JsonObject> inStream = -> {
// JsonObject jo = new JsonObject();
// jo.addProperty("result", value);
// jo.addProperty("channel", splitter.applyAsInt(jo));
// jo.addProperty("enterParallelMsec", System.currentTimeMillis());
// return jo;
// });
// TStream<JsonObject> result = PlumbingStreams.parallel(inStream, width, splitter, pipeline).tag("result");
// TStream<Integer> result2 = -> {
// jo.addProperty("exitParallelMsec", System.currentTimeMillis());
// System.out.println("ch="+jo.get("channel").getAsInt()
// +" endPipeline-startPipeline="
// +(jo.get("endPipelineMsec").getAsLong()
// - jo.get("startPipelineMsec").getAsLong())
// +" exitParallel-startPipeine="
// +(jo.get("exitParallelMsec").getAsLong()
// - jo.get("startPipelineMsec").getAsLong()));
// int r = jo.get("result").getAsInt();
// assertEquals(splitter.applyAsInt(jo), jo.get("channel").getAsInt());
// return r;
// });
// Condition<Long> count = top.getTester().tupleCount(result, resultTuples.length);
// Condition<List<Integer>> contents = top.getTester().contentsUnordered(result2, resultTuples);
// long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
// complete(top, count);
// long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
// assertTrue(contents.getResult().toString(), contents.valid());
// long actDuration = end - begin;
// long expMinSerialDuration = resultTuples.length * 100;
// long expMinDuration = (resultTuples.length / width) * 100;
// System.out.println(top.getName()+" expMinDuration="+expMinDuration+" actDuration="+actDuration+" expMinSerialDuration="+expMinSerialDuration);
// // a gross level performance check w/parallel channels
// assertTrue("expMinSerialDuration="+expMinSerialDuration+" actDuration="+actDuration,
// actDuration < 0.5 * expMinSerialDuration);
// }
public void testGate() throws Exception {
Topology topology = newTopology("testGate");
TStream<String> raw = topology.strings("a", "b", "c", "d", "e");
Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(1);
raw = PlumbingStreams.gate(raw, semaphore);
ArrayList<Integer> resultAvailablePermits = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Integer> arrayResult = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
raw.sink(t -> {
//Add 0 to list because semaphore.acquire() in sync has occurred
//Add 1 to list because semaphore.release() has executed
Condition<List<String>> contents = topology.getTester()
.streamContents(raw, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e");
complete(topology, contents);
assertTrue("valid:" + contents.getResult(), contents.valid());
assertTrue("valid:" + resultAvailablePermits, resultAvailablePermits.equals(arrayResult));
public void testGateWithLocking() throws Exception {
Topology topology = newTopology("testGateWithLocking");
TStream<String> raw = topology.strings("a", "b", "c", "d", "e");
Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(3);
raw = PlumbingStreams.gate(raw, semaphore);
ArrayList<Integer> resultAvailablePermits = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Integer> arrayResult = new ArrayList<>();
raw.sink(t -> {
//Add number of availablePermits
Condition<List<String>> contents = topology.getTester().streamContents(raw, "a", "b", "c");
complete(topology, contents, 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("valid:" + contents.getResult(), contents.valid());
assertTrue("valid:" + resultAvailablePermits, resultAvailablePermits.equals(arrayResult));