Add sample list to samples/, couple of other doc cleanup
diff --git a/ b/
index ceea313..48f5f15 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 and used.
 If you want to use Eclipse to clone your fork, use the Eclipse Git Team Provider plugin
 1. From the *File* menu, select *Import...*
 2. From the *Git* folder, select *Projects from Git* and click *Next*
 3. Select *Clone URI* to clone the remote repository. Click *Next*.
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@
 Once you have cloned the Git repository to your machine or are working from an unpacked samples source release bundle, import the Maven projects into your workspace
 1. From the *File* menu, select *Import...*
 2. From the *Maven* folder, select *Existing Maven Projects* and click *Next*
   + browse to the `samples` directory in the clone or source release directory and select it.  A hierarchy of samples projects / pom.xml files will be listed and all selected. 
@@ -74,5 +76,52 @@
 Once the samples projects have been imported you can run them as any Eclipse application.
 1. open the `` sample
 2. click on *Run*, *Run As*, then *Java application*.  `HelloEdgent` runs and prints to the Console view.
+#Samples Summary
+HelloEdgent          Basic mechanics of declaring a topology and executing
+                     it. Prints Hello Edgent! to standard output.
+PeriodicSource       Create a stream by polling a random number generator
+                     for a new value every second and then prints out the
+                     raw tuple value and a filtered and transformed stream.
+SensorAggregates     Demonstrates partitioned window aggregation and 
+                     filtering of simulated sensors that are bursty in
+                     nature, so that only intermittently is the data output
+                     to standard output.
+File                 Use the File stream connector to write a stream of
+                     tuples to files. Also watch a directory for new files
+                     and create a stream of tuples from the file contents.
+Iotp                 Use the IBM Watson IoT Platform connector to send
+                     simulated sensor readings to an IBM Watson IoT Platform
+                     instance as device events. Receive device commands.
+JDBC                 Use the JDBC stream connector to write a stream of
+                     tuples to an Apache Derby database table. Create a
+                     stream of tuples by reading a table.
+Kafka                Use the Kafka stream connector to publish a stream of
+                     tuples to a Kafka topic. Create a stream of tuples by
+                     subscribing to a topic and receiving messages from it.
+MQTT                 Use the MQTT stream connector to publish a stream of
+                     tuples to a MQTT topic. Create a stream of tuples by
+                     subscribing to a topic and receiving messages from it.
+SensorAnalytics      Demonstrates a more complex sample that includes 
+                     configuration control, a device of one or more sensors
+                     and some typical analytics, use of MQTT for publishing
+                     results and receiving commands, local results logging,
+                     conditional stream tracing.
+Other samples are provided but have not yet been fully documented.
+Feel free to explore.