blob: f12b0dd23e050b0b7f90154f3a1f88ffc300f08a [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2016
package quarks.samples.apps;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import quarks.connectors.file.FileStreams;
import quarks.connectors.file.FileWriterCycleConfig;
import quarks.connectors.file.FileWriterFlushConfig;
import quarks.connectors.file.FileWriterPolicy;
import quarks.connectors.file.FileWriterRetentionConfig;
import quarks.function.Predicate;
import quarks.function.Supplier;
import quarks.topology.TStream;
* Some general purpose application configuration driven utilities.
* <p>
* Utilities include:
* <ul>
* <li>Get a property name for a sensor configuration item</li>
* <li>Get a Range value for a sensor range item</li>
* <li>Log a stream</li>
* <li>Conditionally trace a stream</li>
* </ul>
public class ApplicationUtilities {
private final Properties props;
public ApplicationUtilities(Properties props) {
this.props = props;
private Properties config() {
return props;
* Trace a stream to System.out if the sensor id's "label" has been configured
* to enable tracing.
* <p>
* If tracing has not been enabled in the config, the topology will not
* be augmented to trace the stream.
* @param stream the stream to trace
* @param label some unique label
* @return the input stream
public <T> TStream<T> traceStream(TStream<T> stream, String sensorId, Supplier<String> label) {
return traceStream(stream, () -> sensorId+"."+label.get());
* Trace a stream to System.out if the "label" has been configured
* to enable tracing.
* <p>
* If tracing has not been enabled in the config, the topology will not
* be augmented to trace the stream.
* @param stream the stream to trace
* @param label some unique label
* @return the input stream
public <T> TStream<T> traceStream(TStream<T> stream, Supplier<String> label) {
if (includeTraceStreamOps(label.get())) {
TStream<?> s = stream.filter(traceTuplesFn(label.get())).tag(label.get()+".trace");
s.peek(sample -> System.out.println(String.format("%s: %s", label.get(), sample.toString())));
return stream;
private boolean includeTraceStreamOps(String label) {
String includesCsv = config().getProperty("stream.tracing.includes.csv", "");
String includesRegex = config().getProperty("stream.tracing.includes.regex", "");
String excludesCsv = config().getProperty("stream.tracing.excludes.csv", "");
String excludesRegex = config().getProperty("stream.tracing.excludes.regex", "");
Set<String> includesSet = new HashSet<>();
for (String s : includesCsv.split(","))
Set<String> excludesSet = new HashSet<>();
for (String s : excludesCsv.split(","))
boolean isIncluded = false;
if (includesSet.contains(label) || label.matches(includesRegex))
isIncluded = true;
if (excludesSet.contains(label) || label.matches(excludesRegex))
isIncluded = false;
return isIncluded;
private <T> Predicate<T> traceTuplesFn(String label) {
return tuple -> true; // TODO make dynamic config; affected by "label" value
// check label for match against csv or regex from props
* Get the property name for a sensor's configuration item.
* @param sensorId the sensor's id
* @param label the label for an instance of "kind" (e.g., "tempThreshold")
* @param kind the kind of configuration item (e.g., "range")
* @return the configuration property name
public String getSensorPropertyName(String sensorId, String label, String kind) {
String name = kind + "." + label; // kind.label
if (sensorId!=null && !sensorId.isEmpty())
name = sensorId + "." + name; // sensorId.kind.label
return name;
* Get the Range for a sensor range configuration item.
* @param sensorId the sensor's id
* @param label the range's label
* @param clazz the Range's type (e.g., Integer.class)
* @return the Range<T>
public <T extends Comparable<?>> Range<T> getRange(String sensorId, String label, Class<T> clazz) {
String name = getSensorPropertyName(sensorId, label, "range");
String val = config().getProperty(name);
if (val==null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing configuration property "+name);
return Range.valueOf(val, clazz);
* Log every tuple on the stream using the {@code FileStreams} connector.
* <p>
* The logs are added to the directory as specified
* by the "application.log.dir" property.
* The directory will be created as needed.
* <p>
* The "active" (open / being written) log file name is {@code .<baseName>}.
* <br>
* Completed stable logs have a name of {@code <baseName>_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS}.
* <p>
* The log entry format being used is:
* {@code [<date>] [<eventTag>] <tuple>.toString()}
* <p>
* See {@link FileStreams#textFileWriter(TStream, quarks.function.Supplier, quarks.function.Supplier)}
* @param stream the TStream
* @param baseName the base log name
* @param eventTag a tag that gets added to the log entry
* @return the input stream
public <T> TStream<T> logStream(TStream<T> stream, String eventTag, String baseName) {
// Define the writer policy.
// TODO could make the policy configurable via config()
FileWriterPolicy<String> policy = new FileWriterPolicy<String>(
FileWriterFlushConfig.newTimeBasedConfig(2_000/*msec*/), // flush every 2sec
FileWriterCycleConfig.newFileSizeBasedConfig(10_000), // new file every 10KB
FileWriterRetentionConfig.newFileCountBasedConfig(1) // retain 1 file
// Compose the base file pathname
File dir = new File(config().getProperty("application.log.dir"));
String basePathname = new File(dir, baseName).toString();
// Transform the stream to a TStream<String> of string log entry values
TStream<String> stringEntries = -> String.format("[%s] [%s] %s", new Date().toString(), eventTag, sample.toString()))
// Use the FileStreams connector to write the logs.
// A hack for getting the log directories created at runtime
// TODO add another policy thing... or simply make textFileWriter do it?
() -> { if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs();
return basePathname;
() -> policy);
return stream;