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package quarks.samples.console;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import com.codahale.metrics.Counter;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import quarks.console.server.HttpServer;
import quarks.metrics.Metrics;
import quarks.providers.development.DevelopmentProvider;
import quarks.topology.TStream;
import quarks.topology.Topology;
* Demonstrates some of the features of the console.
* <P>
* The topology graph in the console currently allows for 3 distinct "views" of the topology:
* <ul>
* <li>Static flow</li>
* <li>Tuple count</li>
* <li>Oplet kind</li>
* </ul>
* </P>
* <P>
* Selecting any of these, with the exception of "Static flow", adds a legend to the topology which
* allows the user to identify elements of the view.
* <P> The "Static flow" view shows the toology in an unchanging state - that is if tuple counts are available the
* lines (connections) representing the edges of the topology are not updated, nor are the circles (representing the vertices) dimensions updated.
* The purpose of this view is to give the user an indication of the topology map of the application.
* <P>
* The "Oplet kind" view colors the oplets or vertices displayed in the topology graph (the circles) by their
* corresponding Oplet kind.
* </P>
* If "Tuple count" is selected the legend reflects ranges of tuple counts measured since the application was started.
* </P>
* <P>
* Note: The DevelopmentProvider class overrides the submit method of the DirectProvider class
* and adds a Metrics counter to the submitted topology.
* If a counter is not added to the topology (or to an individual oplet), the "Tuple count" view selection is not enabled.
* </P>
* <P>
* In the lower half of the quarks console is a chart displaying metrics, if available. In this example metrics
* are available since the DevelopmentProvider class is being used. Note that the DevelopmentProvider class adds a Metrics counter
* to all oplets in the topology, with the exception of certain oplet types. For further information
* about how metrics are added to a topology, see the details in the quarks.metrics.Metrics class and the counter method.
* <br/>
* A counter can be added to an individual oplet, and not the entire topology. For an example of this
* see the quarks.samples.utils.metrics.DevelopmentMetricsSample.
* </P>
* <P>
* The quarks.metric.Metrics class also provides a rate meter. Rate meters must be added to individual oplets and are not currently
* available for the entire topology.
* </P>
* <P>
* The metrics chart displayed is a bar chart by default. If a rate meter is added to an oplet it will be displayed
* as a line chart over the last 20 measures (the interval to refresh the line chart is every 2 1/2 seconds).
* If a counter is added to a single oplet, the tuple count can also be displayed as a line chart.
* </P>
* <P>
* ConsoleWaterDetector scenario:
* A county agency is responsible for ensuring the safety of residents well water. Each well they monitor has four different
* sensor types:
* <ul>
* <li>Temperature</li>
* <li>Acidity</li>
* <li>Ecoli</li>
* <li>Lead</li>
* </ul>
* </P>
* <P>
* This application topology monitors 3 wells:
* <ul>
* <li>
* Each well that is to be measured is added to the topology. The topology polls each sensor for each well as a unit.
* All the sensor readings for a single well are 'unioned' into a single TStream&lt;JsonObject&gt;.
* </li>
* <li>
* Now, each well has a single stream with each of the sensors readings as a property with a name and value in the JsonObject.
* Each well's sensors are then checked to see if their values are in an acceptable range. The filter oplet is used to check each sensor's range.
* If any of the sensor's readings are out of the acceptable range the tuple is passed along. Those that are within an acceptable range
* are discarded.
* </li>
* <li>
* If the tuples in the stream for the well are out of range they are then passed to the split oplet. The split oplet breaks the single
* TStream&lt;JsonObject&gt; into individual streams for each sensor type for the well.
* </li>
* <li>
* Well1 and Well3's temperature sensor streams have rate meters placed on them. This will be used to compare the rate of tuples flowing through these
* streams that are a result of out of range readings for Well1 and Well3 respectively.
* </li>
* <li>
* Each stream that is produced from the split prints out the value for the sensor reading that it is monitoring along with the wellId.
* </li>
* </ul>
* </P>
public class ConsoleWaterDetector {
* Hypothetical values for all the sensor types: temp, acidity, ecoli and Lead
static int TEMP_ALERT_MIN = 49;
static int TEMP_ALERT_MAX = 81;
static int TEMP_RANDOM_LOW = 40;
static int TEMP_RANDOM_HIGH = 90;
static String TEMP_ALERT_TAG = "TEMP out of range";
static int ACIDITY_ALERT_MIN = 4;
static int ACIDITY_ALERT_MAX = 9;
static int ACIDITY_RANDOM_LOW = 1;
static int ACIDITY_RANDOM_HIGH = 11;
static String ACIDITY_ALERT_TAG = "ACIDITY out of range";
static int ECOLI_ALERT = 1;
static int ECOLI_RANDOM_LOW = 0;
static int ECOLI_RANDOM_HIGH = 3;
static String ECOLI_ALERT_TAG = "ECOLI out of range";
static int LEAD_ALERT_MAX = 10;
static int LEAD_RANDOM_LOW = 0;
static int LEAD_RANDOM_HIGH = 15;
static String LEAD_ALERT_TAG = "LEAD out of range";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
DirectProvider dp = new DevelopmentProvider();
try {
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("consoleUrl.txt", "UTF-8");
} catch ( Exception e) {
Topology wellTopology = dp.newTopology("ConsoleWaterDetector");
TStream<JsonObject> well1 = waterDetector(wellTopology, 1);
TStream<JsonObject> well2 = waterDetector(wellTopology, 2);
TStream<JsonObject> well3 = waterDetector(wellTopology, 3);
TStream<JsonObject> filteredReadings1 = alertFilter(well1, 1, false);
TStream<JsonObject> filteredReadings2 = alertFilter(well2, 2, true);
TStream<JsonObject> filteredReadings3 = alertFilter(well3, 3, false);
List<TStream<JsonObject>> individualAlerts1 = splitAlert(filteredReadings1, 1);
// Put a rate meter on well1's temperature sensor output
individualAlerts1.get(0).tag(TEMP_ALERT_TAG, "well1").sink(tuple -> System.out.println("\n" + formatAlertOutput(tuple, "1", "temp")));
individualAlerts1.get(1).tag(ACIDITY_ALERT_TAG, "well1").sink(tuple -> System.out.println(formatAlertOutput(tuple, "1", "acidity")));
individualAlerts1.get(2).tag(ECOLI_ALERT_TAG, "well1").sink(tuple -> System.out.println(formatAlertOutput(tuple, "1", "ecoli")));
individualAlerts1.get(3).tag(LEAD_ALERT_TAG, "well1").sink(tuple -> System.out.println(formatAlertOutput(tuple, "1", "lead")));
List<TStream<JsonObject>> individualAlerts2 = splitAlert(filteredReadings2, 2);
TStream<JsonObject> alert0Well2 = individualAlerts2.get(0);
alert0Well2 = Metrics.counter(alert0Well2);
alert0Well2.tag("well2", "temp");
TStream<JsonObject> alert1Well2 = individualAlerts2.get(1);
alert1Well2 = Metrics.counter(alert1Well2);
alert1Well2.tag("well2", "acidity");
TStream<JsonObject> alert2Well2 = individualAlerts2.get(2);
alert2Well2 = Metrics.counter(alert2Well2);
alert2Well2.tag("well2", "ecoli");
TStream<JsonObject> alert3Well2 = individualAlerts2.get(3);
alert3Well2 = Metrics.counter(alert3Well2);
alert3Well2.tag("well2", "lead");
List<TStream<JsonObject>> individualAlerts3 = splitAlert(filteredReadings3, 3);
// Put a rate meter on well3's temperature sensor output
individualAlerts3.get(0).tag(TEMP_ALERT_TAG, "well3").sink(tuple -> System.out.println(formatAlertOutput(tuple, "3", "temp")));
individualAlerts3.get(1).tag(ACIDITY_ALERT_TAG, "well3").sink(tuple -> System.out.println(formatAlertOutput(tuple, "3", "acidity")));
individualAlerts3.get(2).tag(ECOLI_ALERT_TAG, "well3").sink(tuple -> System.out.println(formatAlertOutput(tuple, "3", "ecoli")));
individualAlerts3.get(3).tag(LEAD_ALERT_TAG, "well3").sink(tuple -> System.out.println(formatAlertOutput(tuple, "3", "lead")));
while (true) {
MetricRegistry metricRegistry = dp.getServices().getService(MetricRegistry.class);
SortedMap<String, Counter> counters = metricRegistry.getCounters();
Set<Entry<String, Counter>> values = counters.entrySet();
for (Entry<String, Counter> e : values) {
if (e.getValue().getCount() == 0) {
System.out.println("Counter Op:" + e.getKey() + " has a tuple count of zero!");
* Creates a TStream&ltJsonObject&gt; for each sensor reading for each well. Unions all the TStream&lt;JsonObject&gt into a
* single one representing all readings on the well.
* @param topology Topology providing the tuples for the sensors
* @param wellId Id of the well sending the measurements
* @return TStream&lt;JsonObject&gt; containing a measurement from each sensor type.
* Creates a single TStream&lt;JsonObject&gt; from polling the four sensor types as TStream&lt;Integer&gt;
public static TStream<JsonObject> waterDetector(Topology topology, int wellId) {
Random rNum = new Random();
TStream<Integer> temp = topology.poll(() -> rNum.nextInt(TEMP_RANDOM_HIGH - TEMP_RANDOM_LOW) + TEMP_RANDOM_LOW, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<Integer> acidity = topology.poll(() -> rNum.nextInt(ACIDITY_RANDOM_HIGH - ACIDITY_RANDOM_LOW) + ACIDITY_RANDOM_LOW, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<Integer> ecoli = topology.poll(() -> rNum.nextInt(ECOLI_RANDOM_HIGH - ECOLI_RANDOM_LOW) + ECOLI_RANDOM_LOW, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<Integer> lead = topology.poll(() -> rNum.nextInt(LEAD_RANDOM_HIGH - LEAD_RANDOM_LOW) + LEAD_RANDOM_LOW, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TStream<Integer> id = topology.poll(() -> wellId, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// add tags to each sensor
temp.tag("temperature", "well" + wellId);
acidity.tag("acidity", "well" + wellId);
ecoli.tag("ecoli", "well" + wellId);
lead.tag("lead", "well" + wellId);
id.tag("well" + wellId);
TStream<JsonObject> tempObj = -> {
JsonObject jObj = new JsonObject();
jObj.addProperty("temp", t);
return jObj;
TStream<JsonObject> acidityObj = -> {
JsonObject jObj = new JsonObject();
jObj.addProperty("acidity", a);
return jObj;
TStream<JsonObject> ecoliObj = -> {
JsonObject jObj = new JsonObject();
jObj.addProperty("ecoli", e);
return jObj;
TStream<JsonObject> leadObj = -> {
JsonObject jObj = new JsonObject();
jObj.addProperty("lead", l);
return jObj;
TStream<JsonObject> idObj = -> {
JsonObject jObj = new JsonObject();
jObj.addProperty("id", i);
return jObj;
// ArrayAsList
HashSet<TStream<JsonObject>> set = new HashSet <TStream<JsonObject>>();
TStream<JsonObject> allReadings = tempObj.union(set);
return allReadings;
* Look through the stream and check to see if any of the measurements cause concern.
* Only a TStream that has one or more of the readings at "alert" level are passed through
* @param readingsDetector The TStream&lt;JsonObject&gt; that represents all of the different sensor readings for the well
* @param wellId The id of the well
* @param simulateNormal Make this stream simulate all readings within the normal range, and therefore will not pass through the filter
* @return TStream&lt;JsonObject&gt; that contain readings that could cause concern. Note: if any reading is out of range the tuple
* will be returned
public static TStream<JsonObject> alertFilter(TStream<JsonObject> readingsDetector, int wellId, boolean simulateNormal) {
readingsDetector = readingsDetector.filter(r -> {
if (simulateNormal == true) {
return false;
JsonElement tempElement = r.get("temp");
if (tempElement != null) {
int temp = tempElement.getAsInt();
return (temp <= TEMP_ALERT_MIN || temp >= TEMP_ALERT_MAX);
JsonElement acidElement = r.get("acidity");
if (acidElement != null) {
int acid = acidElement.getAsInt();
return (acid <= ACIDITY_ALERT_MIN || acid >= ACIDITY_ALERT_MAX);
JsonElement ecoliElement = r.get("ecoli");
if (ecoliElement != null) {
int ecoli = ecoliElement.getAsInt();
return ecoli >= ECOLI_ALERT;
JsonElement leadElement = r.get("lead");
if (leadElement != null) {
int lead = leadElement.getAsInt();
return lead >= LEAD_ALERT_MAX;
return false;
return readingsDetector;
* Splits the incoming TStream&lt;JsonObject&gt; into individual TStreams based on the sensor type
* @param alertStream The TStream&lt;JsonObject&gt; that we know has some out of range condition - it could be temp, acidity, ecoli or lead
* - or all of them
* @param wellId The id of the well that has the out of range readings
* @return List&lt;TStream&lt;JsonObject&gt;&gt; - one for each sensor.
public static List<TStream<JsonObject>> splitAlert(TStream<JsonObject> alertStream, int wellId) {
List<TStream<JsonObject>> allStreams = alertStream.split(5, tuple -> {
if (tuple.get("temp") != null) {
JsonObject tempObj = new JsonObject();
int temp = tuple.get("temp").getAsInt();
if (temp <= TEMP_ALERT_MIN || temp >= TEMP_ALERT_MAX) {
tempObj.addProperty("temp", temp);
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
} else if (tuple.get("acidity") != null){
JsonObject acidObj = new JsonObject();
int acid = tuple.get("acidity").getAsInt();
if (acid <= ACIDITY_ALERT_MIN || acid >= ACIDITY_ALERT_MAX) {
acidObj.addProperty("acidity", acid);
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
} else if (tuple.get("ecoli") != null) {
JsonObject ecoliObj = new JsonObject();
int ecoli = tuple.get("ecoli").getAsInt();
if (ecoli >= ECOLI_ALERT) {
ecoliObj.addProperty("ecoli", ecoli);
return 2;
} else {
return -1;
} else if (tuple.get("lead") != null) {
JsonObject leadObj = new JsonObject();
int lead = tuple.get("lead").getAsInt();
if (lead >= LEAD_ALERT_MAX) {
leadObj.addProperty("lead", lead);
return 3;
} else {
return -1;
} else {
return -1;
return allStreams;
* Formats the output of the alert, containing the well id, sensor type and value of the sensor
* @param alertObj The tuple that contains out of range readings
* @param wellId The id of the well
* @param alertType The type of sensor that has the possible alert on it
* @return String containing the wellId, sensor type and sensor value
public static String formatAlertOutput(JsonObject alertObj, String wellId, String alertType) {
return "Well" + wellId + " alert, " + alertType + " value is " + alertObj.get(alertType).getAsInt();