blob: 9a1e8126dc9522c4d94e277d7ffe9a369117da36 [file] [log] [blame]
# Application Configuration properties
# The default topology provider is DirectProvider.
# =========================================================================
# Application stream logging configuration
# Where the app puts its stream logs.
# The directory will be created when the topology
# runs if it doesn't already exist.
# =========================================================================
# Application "ranges" - e.g., for threshold detections
# Specify values generated by Range.toString():
# <lowerBoundType><lowerBound>..<upperBound><upperBoundType>
# where
# lowerBoundType is "[" inclusive or "(" exclusive
# upperBoundType is "]" inclusive or ")" exclusive
# lowerBound or upperBound is "*" for open ranges,
# e.g., [*..50] for "atMost" 50
# =========================================================================
# MQTT Device and Connector configuration info.
# MQTT Device -- See org.apache.edgent.connectors.mqtt.device.MqttDevice for all
# of the properties.
# An optional topic prefix. It can be used to isolate users or applications
# in shared MQTT broker configurations. By default it is incorporated
# into device topics and the MQTT clientId.
# If you use a public MQTT broker you may want to change the topic
# prefix so it is still unique for you but doesn't include the
# user name or application name.
# The device id used for identifying the device's events and commands
# in the MQTT topic namespace.
# By default it also gets incorporated into the MQTT clientId value.
# The MQTT clientId. Only one instance of a MqttDevice can connect
# to the MQTT broker with a given clientId.
# MQTT Connector See org.apache.edgent.connectors.mqtt.MqttConfig.fromProperties()
# The default configuration is for a local MQTT broker.
# See for instructions on downloading a MQTT broker.
# Or use some other MQTT broker available in your environment.
# Alternatively, there are some public MQTT brokers available to experiment with.
# Their availability status isn't guaranteed. If you're unable to connect
# to the broker, it's likely that it isn't up or your firewalls don't
# allow you to connect. DO NOT PUBLISH ANYTHING SENSITIVE - anyone
# can be listing.
# default username is System.getProperty("") value
# =========================================================================
# Patterns for identifying which streams to trace to System.out
# To enable use include.csv and/or includes.regex.
# To exclude an otherwise included file, use excludes.csv and/or excludes.regex
# Some tracing labels
# sensor1.raw1khz,sensor1.j1khz,sensor1.j1hzStats,sensor1.outside1hzMeanRange*,
# sensor1.periodicLastN*