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package quarks.samples.apps.sensorAnalytics;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static quarks.samples.apps.JsonTuples.KEY_ID;
import static quarks.samples.apps.JsonTuples.KEY_READING;
import static quarks.samples.apps.JsonTuples.KEY_TS;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair;
import quarks.connectors.iot.QoS;
import quarks.function.Supplier;
import quarks.samples.apps.JsonTuples;
import quarks.samples.apps.Range;
import quarks.samples.utils.sensor.PeriodicRandomSensor;
import quarks.topology.TStream;
import quarks.topology.Topology;
* Analytics for "Sensor1".
* <p>
* This sample demonstrates some common continuous sensor analytic themes.
* <p>
* In this case we have a simulated sensor producing 1000 samples per second
* of an integer type in the range of 0-255.
* <p>
* The processing pipeline created is roughly:
* <ul>
* <li>Batched Data Reduction - reduce the sensor's 1000 samples per second
* down to 1 sample per second simple statistical aggregation of the readings.
* </li>
* <li>Compute historical information - each 1hz sample is augmented
* with a 30 second trailing average of the 1hz readings.
* </li>
* <li>Threshold detection - each 1hz sample's value is compared
* against a target range and outliers are identified.
* </li>
* <li>Local logging - outliers are logged to a local file
* </li>
* <li>Publishing results to a MQTT broker:
* <ul>
* <li>when enabled, invdividual outliers are published.</li>
* <li>Every 30 seconds a list of the last 10 outliers is published.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The sample also demonstrates:
* <ul>
* <li>Dynamic configuration control - subscribe to a MQTT broker
* to receive commands to adjust the threshold detection range value.
* </li>
* <li>Generally, the configuration of the processing is driven via an
* external configuration description.
* </li>
* <li>Conditional stream tracing - configuration controlled inclusion of tracing.
* </li>
* <li>Use of {@link TStream#tag(String...)} to improve information provided by
* the Quarks DevelopmentProvider console.</li>
* </ul>
public class Sensor1 {
private final SensorAnalyticsApplication app;
private final Topology t;
private final String sensorId = "sensor1";
public Sensor1(Topology t, SensorAnalyticsApplication app) {
this.t = t; = app;
* Add the sensor's analytics to the topology.
public void addAnalytics() {
// Need synchronization for set/get of dynamically changeable values.
AtomicReference<Range<Integer>> range = new AtomicReference<>();
AtomicReference<Boolean> isPublish1hzOutsideRange = new AtomicReference<>();
// Initialize the controls
range.set(app.utils().getRange(sensorId, "outside1hzMeanRange", Integer.class));
// Handle the sensor's device commands
.sink(jo -> {
Range<Integer> newRange = Range.valueOf(getCommandValue(jo), Integer.class);
System.out.println("===== Changing range to "+newRange+" ======");
.sink(jo -> {
Boolean b = new Boolean(getCommandValue(jo));
System.out.println("===== Changing isPublish1hzOutsideRange to "+b+" ======");
// Create a raw simulated sensor stream of 1000 tuples/sec.
// Each tuple is Pair<Long timestampMsec, sensor-reading (0..255)>.
PeriodicRandomSensor simulatedSensorFactory = new PeriodicRandomSensor();
TStream<Pair<Long,Integer>> raw1khz =
simulatedSensorFactory.newInteger(t, 1/*periodMsec*/, 255)
traceStream(raw1khz, "raw1khz");
// Wrap the raw sensor reading in a JsonObject for convenience.
TStream<JsonObject> j1khz = JsonTuples.wrap(raw1khz, sensorId)
traceStream(j1khz, "j1khz");
// Data-reduction: reduce 1khz samples down to
// 1hz aggregate statistics samples.
TStream<JsonObject> j1hzStats = j1khz.last(1000, JsonTuples.keyFn())
.batch(JsonTuples.statistics(MIN, MAX, MEAN, STDDEV))
// Create a 30 second sliding window of average trailing Mean values
// and enrich samples with that information.
j1hzStats = j1hzStats.last(30, JsonTuples.keyFn()).aggregate(
(samples, key) -> {
// enrich and return the most recently added tuple
JsonObject jo = samples.get(samples.size()-1);
double meanSum = 0;
for (JsonObject js : samples) {
meanSum += JsonTuples.getStatistic(js, MEAN).getAsDouble();
jo.addProperty("AvgTrailingMean", Math.round(meanSum / samples.size()));
jo.addProperty("AvgTrailingMeanCnt", samples.size());
return jo;
traceStream(j1hzStats, "j1hzStats");
// Detect 1hz samples whose MEAN value are
// outside the configuration specified range.
TStream<JsonObject> outside1hzMeanRange = j1hzStats.filter(
sample -> {
int value = JsonTuples.getStatistic(sample, MEAN).getAsInt();
return !range.get().contains(value);
traceStream(outside1hzMeanRange, () -> "outside1hzMeanRange"+range.get());
// Log every outside1hzMeanRange event
app.utils().logStream(outside1hzMeanRange, "ALERT", "outside1hzMeanRange");
// Conditionally publish every outside1hzMeanRange event.
// Use a pressureReliever to prevent backpressure if the broker
// can't be contacted.
// TODO enhance MqttDevice with configurable reliever.
outside1hzMeanRange.filter(tuple -> isPublish1hzOutsideRange.get())
tuple -> 0, 30).tag("outside1hzMeanRangeEvent.pressureRelieved"),
app.sensorEventId(sensorId, "outside1hzMeanRangeEvent"), QoS.FIRE_AND_FORGET);
// Demonstrate periodic publishing of a sliding window if
// something changed since it was last published.
periodicallyPublishLastNInfo(outside1hzMeanRange, 10, 30,
// TODO histogram: #alerts over the last 8hr
* Periodically publish the lastN on a stream.
* @param stream tuples to
* @param count sliding window size "lastN"
* @param nSec publish frequency
* @param event sensor's publish event label
private void periodicallyPublishLastNInfo(TStream<JsonObject> stream,
int count, int nSec, String event) {
// Demonstrate periodic publishing of a sliding window if
// something changed since it was last published.
// Maintain a sliding window of the last N tuples.
// TODO today, windows don't provide "anytime" access to their collection
// so maintain our own current copy of the collection that we can
// access it when needed.
List<JsonObject> lastN = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
stream.last(count, JsonTuples.keyFn())
.aggregate((samples, key) -> samples)
.sink(samples -> {
// Capture the new list/window.
synchronized(lastN) {
// Publish the lastN (with trimmed down info) every nSec seconds
// if anything changed since the last publish.
TStream<JsonObject> periodicLastN =
t.poll(() -> 1, nSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS).tag(event+".trigger")
.filter(trigger -> !lastN.isEmpty()).tag(event+".changed")
.map(trigger -> {
synchronized(lastN) {
// create a single JsonObject with the list
// of reduced-content samples
JsonObject jo = new JsonObject();
jo.addProperty(KEY_ID, sensorId);
jo.addProperty(KEY_TS, System.currentTimeMillis());
jo.addProperty("window", count);
jo.addProperty("pubFreqSec", nSec);
JsonArray ja = new JsonArray();
jo.add("lastN", ja);
for (JsonObject j : lastN) {
JsonObject jo2 = new JsonObject();
jo2.add(KEY_TS, j.get(KEY_TS));
// reduce size: include only 2 significant digits
jo2.addProperty(KEY_READING, String.format("%.2f",
JsonTuples.getStatistic(j, MEAN).getAsDouble()));
return jo;
traceStream(periodicLastN, event);
// Use a pressureReliever to prevent backpressure if the broker
// can't be contacted.
// TODO enhance MqttDevice with configurable reliever.
PlumbingStreams.pressureReliever(periodicLastN, tuple -> 0, 30)
app.sensorEventId(sensorId, event), QoS.FIRE_AND_FORGET);
private String commandId(String commandId) {
return app.commandId(sensorId, commandId);
private String getCommandValue(JsonObject jo) {
return app.getCommandValueString(jo);
private <T> TStream<T> traceStream(TStream<T> stream, String label) {
return traceStream(stream, () -> label);
private <T> TStream<T> traceStream(TStream<T> stream, Supplier<String> label) {
return app.utils().traceStream(stream, sensorId, label);