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package quarks.samples.apps;
import java.util.Comparator;
* A range of values and and a way to check for containment.
* <p>
* Useful in filtering in predicates.
* <p>
* Poor mans Guava Range. No analog in Apache Math?
* TODO remove this and directly use Guava Range.
* e.g.
* <pre>{@code
*,4).contains(2); // returns false
* Range.closed(2,4).contains(2); // returns false
* Range.atLeast(2).contains(2); // returns true
* Range.greaterThan(2).contains(2); // returns false
* Range.atMost(2).contains(2); // returns true
* Range.lessThan(2).contains(2); // returns false
* }</pre>
* @param <T> value type
public class Range<T> {
private final T lowerBound;
private final T upperBound;
private final BoundType lbt;
private final BoundType ubt;
private enum BoundType {/** exclusive */ OPEN, /** inclusive */ CLOSED};
private Range(T lowerBound, BoundType lbt, T upperBound, BoundType ubt) {
this.lowerBound = lowerBound;
this.upperBound = upperBound;
this.lbt = lbt;
this.ubt = ubt;
// TODO defer making these public
private static <T> Range<T> range(T lowerBound, BoundType b1, T upperBound, BoundType b2) { return new Range<T>(lowerBound, b1, upperBound, b2); }
// public static <T> Range<T> downTo(T v, BoundType b) { return range(v, b, null, null); }
// public static <T> Range<T> upTo(T v, BoundType b) { return range(null, null, v, b); }
/** (a..b) (both exclusive) */
public static <T> Range<T> open(T lowerBound, T upperBound) { return range(lowerBound, BoundType.OPEN, upperBound, BoundType.OPEN); }
/** [a..b] (both inclusive) */
public static <T> Range<T> closed(T lowerBound, T upperBound) { return range(lowerBound, BoundType.CLOSED, upperBound, BoundType.CLOSED); }
/** (a..b] (exclusive,inclusive) */
public static <T> Range<T> openClosed(T lowerBound, T upperBound) { return range(lowerBound, BoundType.OPEN, upperBound, BoundType.CLOSED); }
/** [a..b) (inclusive,exclusive)*/
public static <T> Range<T> closedOpen(T lowerBound, T upperBound) { return range(lowerBound, BoundType.CLOSED, upperBound, BoundType.OPEN); }
/** (a..+INF) (exclusive) */
public static <T> Range<T> greaterThan(T v) { return range(v, BoundType.OPEN, null, null); }
/** [a..+INF) (inclusive) */
public static <T> Range<T> atLeast(T v) { return range(v, BoundType.CLOSED, null, null); }
/** (-INF..b) (exclusive) */
public static <T> Range<T> lessThan(T v) { return range(null, null, v, BoundType.OPEN); }
/** (-INF..b] (inclusive) */
public static <T> Range<T> atMost(T v) { return range(null, null, v, BoundType.CLOSED); }
public T lowerBound() {
return lowerBound;
public T upperBound() {
return upperBound;
* Determine if the Region contains the value.
* <p>
* For typical numeric types, and String and Character,
* {@code contains(v)} typically sufficies. Though this
* can be useful for unsigned integer comparasons.
* <p>
* @param v the value to check for containment
* @param cmp the Comparator to use
* @return true if the Region contains the value
public boolean contains(T v, Comparator<T> cmp) {
if (lbt==null) {
int r =, upperBound);
return ubt == BoundType.OPEN ? r < 0 : r <= 0;
if (ubt==null) {
int r =, lowerBound);
return lbt == BoundType.OPEN ? r > 0 : r >= 0;
int r =, upperBound);
boolean ok1 = ubt == BoundType.OPEN ? r < 0 : r <= 0;
if (!ok1) return false;
r =, lowerBound);
return lbt == BoundType.OPEN ? r > 0 : r >= 0;
* Determine if the Region contains the value.
* <p>
* For typical numeric types, and String and Character.
* The Comparator used is the default one for the type
* (e.g., {@code Integer#compareTo(Integer)}.
* <p>
* Use {@link #contains(Object, Comparator)} for other
* types or to use a non-default Comparator.
* <p>
* @param v the value to check for containment
* @return true if the Region contains the value
public boolean contains(T v) {
Comparator<T> cmp = getComparator(v);
return contains(v, cmp);
private Comparator<T> getComparator(T v) {
if (v instanceof Double)
return (lowerBound,upperBound) -> ((Double)lowerBound).compareTo((Double)upperBound);
if (v instanceof Float)
return (lowerBound,upperBound) -> ((Float)lowerBound).compareTo((Float)upperBound);
if (v instanceof Long)
return (lowerBound,upperBound) -> ((Long)lowerBound).compareTo((Long)upperBound);
if (v instanceof Integer)
return (lowerBound,upperBound) -> ((Integer)lowerBound).compareTo((Integer)upperBound);
if (v instanceof Short)
return (lowerBound,upperBound) -> ((Short)lowerBound).compareTo((Short)upperBound);
if (v instanceof Byte)
return (lowerBound,upperBound) -> ((Byte)lowerBound).compareTo((Byte)upperBound);
if (v instanceof String)
return (lowerBound,upperBound) -> ((String)lowerBound).compareTo((String)upperBound);
if (v instanceof Character)
return (lowerBound,upperBound) -> ((Character)lowerBound).compareTo((Character)upperBound);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: "+v.getClass());
* Create a Range from a string produced by toString()
* @param s value from toString()
* @param clazz the class of the values in {@code s}
public static <T> Range<T> valueOf(String s, Class<T> clazz) {
char lbm = s.charAt(0);
if (lbm != '[' && lbm != '(')
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s);
char ubm = s.charAt(s.length()-1);
if (ubm != ']' && ubm != ')')
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s);
BoundType lbt = lbm == '[' ? BoundType.CLOSED : BoundType.OPEN;
BoundType ubt = ubm == ']' ? BoundType.CLOSED : BoundType.OPEN;
s = s.substring(1,s.length()-1);
// this parsing is weak - broken for String bounds with embedded ".."
String[] parts = s.split("\\.\\.");
String lbs = parts[0];
String ubs = parts[1];
T lowerBound = lbs.equals("*") ? null : boundValue(lbs, clazz);
T upperBound = ubs.equals("*") ? null : boundValue(ubs, clazz);
return range(lowerBound, lbt, upperBound, ubt);
private static <T> T boundValue(String strVal, Class<T> clazz) {
if (strVal.equals("*"))
return null;
if (clazz.equals(Integer.class))
return (T) Integer.valueOf(strVal);
if (clazz.equals(Long.class))
return (T) Long.valueOf(strVal);
if (clazz.equals(Short.class))
return (T) Short.valueOf(strVal);
if (clazz.equals(Byte.class))
return (T) Byte.valueOf(strVal);
if (clazz.equals(Float.class))
return (T) Float.valueOf(strVal);
if (clazz.equals(Double.class))
return (T) Double.valueOf(strVal);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled type "+clazz);
* Yields {@code <lowerBoundMarker><lowerBound>..<upperBound><upperBoundMarker>}.
* <p>
* Where the lowerBoundMarker is either "[" (inclusive) or "(" (exclusive)
* and the upperBoundMarker is either "]" (inclusive) or ")" (exclusive)
* <p>
* The bound value "*" is used to indicate an infinite value.
* <p>
* .e.g.,
* <pre>
* "[120..156)" // lowerBound=120 inclusive, upperBound=156 exclusive
* "[120..*]" // an "atLeast" 120 range
* </pre>
public String toString() {
String[] parts = { "(", "*", "*", ")" };
if (lowerBound!=null) {
parts[0] = lbt==BoundType.CLOSED ? "[" : "(";
parts[1] = lowerBound.toString();
if (upperBound!=null) {
parts[2] = upperBound.toString();
parts[3] = ubt==BoundType.CLOSED ? "]" : ")";
return parts[0]+parts[1]+".."+parts[2]+parts[3];
private static <T> boolean testContains(Range<T> range, T v, Boolean expected) {
boolean act = range.contains(v);
boolean pass = act==expected;
String passLabel = pass ? "PASS" : "FAIL";
System.out.println(String.format("[%s] test range%s.contains(%s)==%s", passLabel, range.toString(), v.toString(), expected.toString()));
return pass;
private static <T> boolean testToString(Range<T> range, String expected) {
String act = range.toString();
boolean pass = act.equals(expected);
String passLabel = pass ? "PASS" : "FAIL";
System.out.println(String.format("[%s] test Range.toString() actual=\"%s\" expected=\"%s\"", passLabel, range.toString(), expected));
return pass;
private static <T> boolean testValueOf(String str, Class<T> clazz) {
Range<T> range = Range.valueOf(str, clazz);
String s2 = range.toString();
boolean pass = s2.equals(str);
pass &= range.lowerBound() == null || clazz.isInstance(range.lowerBound());
pass &= range.upperBound() == null || clazz.isInstance(range.upperBound());
String passLabel = pass ? "PASS" : "FAIL";
System.out.println(String.format("[%s] test Range.valueOf(\"%s\", %s) yields Range with toString()=>\"%s\"", passLabel, str, clazz.getName(), range.toString()));
return pass;
public static void main(String[] args) {
boolean pass = true;
pass &= testContains(,4), 1, false);
pass &= testContains(,4), 2, false);
pass &= testContains(,4), 3, true);
pass &= testContains(,4), 4, false);
pass &= testContains(,4), 5, false);
pass &= testContains(Range.closed(2,4), 1, false);
pass &= testContains(Range.closed(2,4), 2, true);
pass &= testContains(Range.closed(2,4), 3, true);
pass &= testContains(Range.closed(2,4), 4, true);
pass &= testContains(Range.closed(2,4), 5, false);
pass &= testContains(Range.openClosed(2,4), 1, false);
pass &= testContains(Range.openClosed(2,4), 2, false);
pass &= testContains(Range.openClosed(2,4), 3, true);
pass &= testContains(Range.openClosed(2,4), 4, true);
pass &= testContains(Range.openClosed(2,4), 5, false);
pass &= testContains(Range.closedOpen(2,4), 1, false);
pass &= testContains(Range.closedOpen(2,4), 2, true);
pass &= testContains(Range.closedOpen(2,4), 3, true);
pass &= testContains(Range.closedOpen(2,4), 4, false);
pass &= testContains(Range.closedOpen(2,4), 5, false);
pass &= testContains(Range.greaterThan(2), 1, false);
pass &= testContains(Range.greaterThan(2), 2, false);
pass &= testContains(Range.greaterThan(2), 3, true);
pass &= testContains(Range.atLeast(2), 1, false);
pass &= testContains(Range.atLeast(2), 2, true);
pass &= testContains(Range.atLeast(2), 3, true);
pass &= testContains(Range.lessThan(2), 1, true);
pass &= testContains(Range.lessThan(2), 2, false);
pass &= testContains(Range.lessThan(2), 3, false);
pass &= testContains(Range.atMost(2), 1, true);
pass &= testContains(Range.atMost(2), 2, true);
pass &= testContains(Range.atMost(2), 3, false);
System.out.println("Byte open()");
pass &= testContains(,(byte)4), (byte)1, false);
pass &= testContains(,(byte)4), (byte)2, false);
pass &= testContains(,(byte)4), (byte)3, true);
pass &= testContains(,(byte)4), (byte)4, false);
pass &= testContains(,(byte)4), (byte)5, false);
System.out.println("Short open()");
pass &= testContains(,(short)4), (short)1, false);
pass &= testContains(,(short)4), (short)2, false);
pass &= testContains(,(short)4), (short)3, true);
pass &= testContains(,(short)4), (short)4, false);
pass &= testContains(,(short)4), (short)5, false);
System.out.println("Long open()");
pass &= testContains(,4L), 1L, false);
pass &= testContains(,4L), 2L, false);
pass &= testContains(,4L), 3L, true);
pass &= testContains(,4L), 4L, false);
pass &= testContains(,4L), 5L, false);
System.out.println("Float open()");
pass &= testContains(,4f), 1f, false);
pass &= testContains(,4f), 2f, false);
pass &= testContains(,4f), 2.001f, true);
pass &= testContains(,4f), 3.999f, true);
pass &= testContains(,4f), 4f, false);
pass &= testContains(,4f), 5f, false);
System.out.println("Double open()");
pass &= testContains(,4d), 1d, false);
pass &= testContains(,4d), 2d, false);
pass &= testContains(,4d), 2.001d, true);
pass &= testContains(,4d), 3.999d, true);
pass &= testContains(,4d), 4d, false);
pass &= testContains(,4d), 5d, false);
System.out.println("Character open()");
pass &= testContains('b','d'), 'a', false);
pass &= testContains('b','d'), 'b', false);
pass &= testContains('b','d'), 'c', true);
pass &= testContains('b','d'), 'd', false);
pass &= testContains('b','d'), 'e', false);
System.out.println("String open()");
pass &= testContains("b","d"), "a", false);
pass &= testContains("b","d"), "b", false);
pass &= testContains("b","d"), "bc", true);
pass &= testContains("b","d"), "c", true);
pass &= testContains("b","d"), "cd", true);
pass &= testContains("b","d"), "d", false);
pass &= testContains("b","d"), "de", false);
pass &= testContains("b","d"), "e", false);
pass &= testToString(,4), "(2..4)");
pass &= testToString(Range.closed(2,4), "[2..4]");
pass &= testToString(Range.openClosed(2,4), "(2..4]");
pass &= testToString(Range.closedOpen(2,4), "[2..4)");
pass &= testToString(Range.greaterThan(2), "(2..*)");
pass &= testToString(Range.atLeast(2), "[2..*)");
pass &= testToString(Range.lessThan(2), "(*..2)");
pass &= testToString(Range.atMost(2), "(*..2]");
System.out.println("Integer valueOf()");
pass &= testValueOf("(2..4)", Integer.class);
pass &= testValueOf("[2..4]", Integer.class);
pass &= testValueOf("(2..4]", Integer.class);
pass &= testValueOf("[2..4)", Integer.class);
pass &= testValueOf("(2..*)", Integer.class);
pass &= testValueOf("[2..*)", Integer.class);
pass &= testValueOf("(*..2)", Integer.class);
pass &= testValueOf("(*..2]", Integer.class);
System.out.println("Float valueOf()");
pass &= testValueOf("(2.128..4.25)", Float.class);
System.out.println("Double valueOf()");
pass &= testValueOf("(2.128..4.25)", Double.class);
if (!pass)
throw new IllegalStateException("Tests did not pass");
System.out.println("All passed.");