blob: d65395270e75980af77d82c9662d597db22ceddc [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// This file comes from the portion of the UX Write editor that
// works on both Apple platforms (that is, it can run on either
// OS X or iOS). It's in the repository for illustrative purposes
// only, to assist with the creation of the framework for the
// Corinthia editor UI. The code does not compile independently in
// its present form.
#import "EDEditor.h"
#import "EDOutline.h"
#import "EDSelectionFormatting.h"
#import "EDTiming.h"
#import "EDObservation.h"
#import "EDJSInterface.h"
#import "EDSaveOperation.h"
#import "EDFileFormat.h"
#import "EDHTMLTidy.h"
#import "EDUtil.h"
#import "EDDocumentSetup.h"
#import <FileClient/FCError.h>
// //
// EDEditorDelegate //
// //
@implementation EDEditor
BOOL _outlineDirty;
int _programmaticChange;
BOOL _formattingDirty;
NSDictionary *_lastReceivedFormatting;
static void formattingPropertiesChanged(void *ctx, void *object, void *data)
EDEditor *editor = (__bridge EDEditor *)ctx;
[editor detectedFormattingChange];
- (EDEditor *)initWithFileFormat:(EDFileFormat *)fileFormat generator:(NSString *)generator tempDir:(NSString *)tempDir
if (!(self = [super init]))
return nil;
_fileFormat = fileFormat;
_fileFormat.editor = self;
_generator = [generator copy];
_tempDir = [tempDir copy];
_outline = [[EDOutline alloc] init];
_styleSheet = CSSSheetNew();
_loadTiming = [[EDTimingInfo alloc] init];
_saveTiming = [[EDTimingInfo alloc] init];
self.formatting = [[EDSelectionFormatting alloc] init];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
self.formatting = nil;
- (void)setFormatting:(EDSelectionFormatting *)newFormatting
if (_formatting != nil) {
DFCallbackRemove(&_formatting.cssProperties->changeCallbacks,formattingPropertiesChanged,(__bridge void *)self);
_formatting = newFormatting;
if (_formatting != nil) {
DFCallbackAdd(&_formatting.cssProperties->changeCallbacks,formattingPropertiesChanged,(__bridge void *)self);
- (void)setParagraphStyleId:(NSString *)paragraphStyleId
_paragraphStyleId = [paragraphStyleId copy];
[self detectedFormattingChange];
- (void)setLocale:(NSString *)newLocale
_locale = [newLocale copy];
[_js.main setLanguage: _locale];
- (void)updateResizeHandles
BOOL vertical = NO;
EDItemGeometry *geometry = nil;
if (_formatting.inFigure) {
NSString *itemId = [_js.figures getSelectedFigureId];
if (itemId != nil) {
NSDictionary *dict = [_js.figures getGeometry: itemId];
if (dict != nil) {
geometry = [EDItemGeometry fromDict: dict];
vertical = YES;
else if (_formatting.inTable) {
NSString *itemId = [_js.tables getSelectedTableId];
if (itemId != nil) {
NSDictionary *dict = [_js.tables getGeometry: itemId];
if (dict != nil) {
geometry = [EDItemGeometry fromDict: dict];
vertical = NO;
if (geometry != nil)
[_delegate editorShowResizeHandles: geometry vertical: vertical];
[_delegate editorHideResizeHandles];
- (void)updateFormatting
if (!_js.jsInitialised)
NSMutableDictionary *modified = [[_js.formatting getFormatting] mutableCopy];
if (modified == nil)
modified = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 0]; // in case of JS exception
NSString *newStyle = [modified objectForKey: @"-uxwrite-paragraph-style"];
[modified removeObjectForKey: @"-uxwrite-paragraph-style"];
if ((newStyle != nil) && (newStyle.length == 0))
newStyle = @"p";
_lastReceivedFormatting = modified;
// FIXME: Receive paragraph style id from javascript as an (element,class) tuple, not a string
self.paragraphStyleId = newStyle;
self.formatting = [[EDSelectionFormatting alloc] initWithProperties: modified];
[self updateResizeHandles];
- (void)applyFormattingChanges
if (!_formattingDirty)
_formattingDirty = false;
if (_js.jsInitialised) {
// If some properties that were previously set have been removed (e.g. font-weight in the
// case where bold has been turned off), set these as null entries in the dictionary we
// pass to applyFormattingChanges(). Otherwise, they won't be considered as properties
// that need changing, and will retain their previous values (e.g. font-weight will
// remain set if there's no explicit instruction to remove it).
DFHashTable *collapsed = CSSCollapseProperties(_formatting.cssProperties);
NSMutableDictionary *changes = [NSDictionaryFromHashTable(collapsed) mutableCopy];
if (_lastReceivedFormatting != nil) {
for (NSString *key in _lastReceivedFormatting) {
if ([changes objectForKey: key] == nil)
[changes setObject: [NSNull null] forKey: key];
// FIXME: Send paragraph style id to javascript as an (element,class) tuple, not a string
[_js.formatting applyFormattingChangesStyle: _paragraphStyleId properties: changes];
[self updateFormatting];
- (void)detectedFormattingChange
if (_programmaticChange == 0) {
_formattingDirty = YES;
// Invoke applyFormattingChanges after the current iteration of the event loop has finished.
// This way, if multiple properties of the formatting object are changed at the same time,
// we will only call the javascript applyFormatting() method once after all the changes
// have been made.
[self performSelector: @selector(applyFormattingChanges) withObject: nil afterDelay: 0];
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object
change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
if (object == _formatting)
[self detectedFormattingChange];
- (void)updateCSS
[_delegate editorDidUpdateCSS];
- (void)retrieveStyles
NSString *cssText = [_js.styles getCSSText];
[_fileFormat setupInitialStyles];
// If any of the built-in styles (e.g. figcaption) are used in the document, but not explicitly
// mentioned in the CSS stylesheet text, then mark them as non-latent. This will cause their
// definitions to be explicitly included in the stylesheet text.
// FIXME: Get these sent from javascript as (element,class) pairs
NSDictionary *usedStyles = [_js.outline findUsedStyles];
if (_js.error == nil) {
for (NSString *rawSelector in usedStyles.allKeys) {
CSSStyle *style = CSSSheetLookupSelector(_styleSheet,rawSelector.UTF8String,NO,NO);
if ((style != nil) && (style->latent))
style->latent = NO;
// updateCSS causes the documentModified flag to be set, because normally it does actually
// represent an actual change to the document. But since this function is only called at load
// time, all we're actually doing here is making sure the HTML document's stylesheet is
// consistent with what we maintain on the Objective C side. So in this particular case we
// don't want it to count as a modification - otherwise simp,ly opening and closing the document
// would cause it to be saved, resulting in an unnecessary upload to the server
BOOL oldModified = _js.documentModified;
[self updateCSS];
_js.documentModified = oldModified;
- (void)makeStyleNonLatent:(const char *)ident
// We must set the add parameter to YES here; otherwise, the latent parameter will be ignored
[self updateCSS];
- (void)updateOutline
if (!_js.jsInitialised)
_outlineDirty = NO;
_outline.json = [_js.outline getOutline];
[_delegate editorDidUpdateOutline];
- (void)setOutlineDirty
if (!_outlineDirty) {
_outlineDirty = YES;
[self performSelector: @selector(updateOutline) withObject: nil afterDelay: 0];
- (void)loadAndInitSucceeded
_jsInitOk = YES;
_js.jsInitialised = YES;
[_fileFormat finishLoad];
[_loadTiming addEntry: @"File format-specific initialisation"];
_origGenerator = [_js.main setGenerator: _generator];
[self retrieveStyles];
[self updateOutline];
NSString *localeOrEmpty = [_js.main getLanguage];
if (localeOrEmpty.length > 0)
_locale = localeOrEmpty;
_locale = nil;
[self updateFormatting];
- (void)dumpHTML
NSString *inputStr = [_js.main getHTML];
NSData *input = [inputStr dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[EDHTMLTidy tidy: input isXHTML: NO editor: self completion:^(NSData *output, NSError *error) {
if (error != nil) {
debug(@"HTMLTidy failed: %@\n",FCErrorDescription(error));
else {
NSString *outputStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: output encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
debug(@"------------------------------------- HTML -------------------------------------\n");
- (void)saveTo:(NSString *)path completion:(EDSaveCompletion)completion
if (!_js.jsInitialised)
if (_activeSave == nil) {
_activeSave = [[EDSaveOperation alloc] initWithEditor: self path: path];
[_activeSave addCompletion: completion];
[_activeSave start];
else {
if (_pendingSave == nil)
_pendingSave = [[EDSaveOperation alloc] initWithEditor: self path: path];
[_pendingSave addCompletion: completion];
[self debugSaveStatus];
- (void)debugSaveStatus
NSMutableString *str = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 0];
[str appendFormat: @"Save status:"];
if (_activeSave != nil)
[str appendFormat: @" activeSave = %p (%d)", _activeSave, (int)_activeSave.completionCount];
[str appendFormat: @" activeSave = nil"];
if (_pendingSave != nil)
[str appendFormat: @", pendingSave = %p (%d)", _pendingSave, (int)_pendingSave.completionCount];
[str appendFormat: @", pendingSave = nil"];
- (void)undo
if (self.js.jsInitialised) {
[self.js.undoManager undo];
[self updateFormatting];
- (void)redo
if (self.js.jsInitialised) {
[self.js.undoManager redo];
[self updateFormatting];
// ResizeDelegate methods
- (void)resizedWidthPct:(CGFloat)widthPct
NSString *widthStr = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d%%", (int)round(widthPct)];
if (_formatting.inFigure) {
NSString *itemId = [_js.figures getSelectedFigureId];
if (itemId == nil)
NSDictionary *properties = [_js.figures getProperties: itemId];
if (properties == nil)
NSString *src = [properties objectForKey: @"src"];
[_js.figures setProperties: itemId width: widthStr src: src];
else if (_formatting.inTable) {
NSString *itemId = [_js.tables getSelectedTableId];
if (itemId == nil)
[_js.tables setProperties: itemId width: widthStr];
[self updateFormatting];
- (void)resizedColumns:(NSArray *)widthPcts
if (_formatting.inTable) {
NSString *itemId = [_js.tables getSelectedTableId];
if (itemId == nil)
NSMutableArray *rounded = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: widthPcts.count];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < widthPcts.count; i++) {
NSNumber *raw = [widthPcts objectAtIndex: i];
[rounded addObject: [NSNumber numberWithDouble: round(raw.doubleValue)]];
[_js.tables set: itemId colWidths: rounded];
[self updateFormatting];