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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
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#include <QString>
#include <QRect>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QTextStream>
* \file JSInterface.h
* C++ interface to the JavaScript editor library
* All of the core editing operations for Corinthia are implemented in the Editor library, which is
* written in JavaScript. This library can be used either from within a web browser, or, in the case
* of the Qt application, from an embedded web view. For this app, we use a QWebView instance which
* maintains the in-memory DOM tree of the document, and has injected into it all of the javascript
* code that is part of the editor library.
* The source code of the Editor library lives in (repository-root)/Editor/src. During build of the
* Qt app, all the javascript files are copied into (build-dir)/share/corinthia/js. If you wish to
* make changes to the javascript code, you should modify the files in the former location, as the
* latter files will be overwritten on every build.
* The purpose of JSInterface.h and JSInterface.cpp is to provide a C++ wrapper over this. All of
* the methods defined in the classes below (with the exception of callbacks) ultimately result in a
* call to QWebFrame's evaluateJavaScript() method. See the documentation for JSInterface.cpp for
* details.
* The editor library is divided into *modules*, each of which implements a specific aspect of
* editing functionality. For example, the Cursor module contains methods for moving the cursor
* around the document, and inserting or deleting text at the current cursor position. Similarly,
* the Tables module contains methods for inserting, deleting, and modifying tables. A separate C++
* class is defined for each module, and an instance of each class is maintained by the "container"
* class, JSInterface. When using the code here, you should do so via a JSInterface instance.
#define JS_MODULE_COMMON(className) \
Q_DISABLE_COPY(className) \
public: \
className(JSEvaluator *evaluator) : JSModule(evaluator) {}
QTextStream& qStdOut();
QString QRectString(QRect rect);
* Callback interface
* While the module classes are for making calls from C++ to JavaScript, the JSCallbacks abstract
* class is for responding to requests from JavaScript to invoke C++ code. This is declared here as
* an abstract class (that is, with all methods virtual and no implementations provided) to avoid
* dependencies between the code in this file and other parts of the application. The
* EditorJSCallbacks class in Editor.cpp provides a concrete implementation of this, which is where
* the actual callback functions are implemented.
* Callbacks are always invoked *after* the execution of a particular editor library API function,
* not during. The reason for this design design in the library was to enable support for web view
* classes that did not provide native support for callbacks (as was the case for iOS, at least at
* the time the library was originally written).
* The way that callbacks are invoked is that after each editor API call, a query is performed for a
* list of pending callback messages. The evaluation logic iterates through these and invokes the
* appropriate callback method for each. For this reason, callbacks method are all 'void' - they
* never return a value. Callbacks are for notification purposes only - typically telling the
* application to update the UI in some manner.
class JSCallbacks
virtual ~JSCallbacks() {}
virtual void debug(const QString &message) = 0;
virtual void addOutlineItem(const QString &itemId, const QString &type, const QString &title) = 0;
virtual void updateOutlineItem(const QString &itemId, const QString &title) = 0;
virtual void removeOutlineItem(const QString &itemId) = 0;
virtual void outlineUpdated() = 0;
virtual void setCursor(int x, int y, int width, int height) = 0;
virtual void setSelectionHandles(int x1, int y1, int height1, int x2, int y2, int height2) = 0;
virtual void setTableSelection(int x, int y, int width, int height) = 0;
virtual void setSelectionBounds(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) = 0;
virtual void clearSelectionHandlesAndCursor() = 0;
virtual void updateAutoCorrect() = 0;
virtual void error(const QString &message, const QString &operation) = 0;
* The JSEvaluator abstract class provides an evaluate() method which is called (indirectly) by all
* of the individual module methods. As with JSCallbacks, it is defined as abstract to avoid a
* dependency on the code outside of this file. The EditorJSEvaluator class in Editor.cpp provides a
* concrete implementation of this; its evaluate() method simply calls through to the
* evaluateJavaScript() method of QWebView.
* JSEvaluator also has a callbacks() method, which must return an instance of JSCallbacks. This
* makes JSEvaluator the "central point of contact" between the JavaScript interface and the rest of
* the application, in that it provides the necessary access to call *in* to javascript, and to
* respond (via callbacks) to calls *out* of javascript. Upon initialisation of a document window,
* concrete implementations of both JSCallbacks and JSEvaluator are created, the latter maintaining
* a reference to the former. See EditorPrivate::EditorPrivate() for where ths is actually done.
class JSEvaluator
virtual ~JSEvaluator() {}
virtual QString evaluate(const QString &script) = 0;
virtual JSCallbacks *callbacks() = 0;
class JSAutoCorrect;
class JSChangeTracking;
class JSClipboard;
class JSCursor;
class JSEquations;
class JSFigures;
class JSFormatting;
class JSInput;
class JSLists;
class JSMain;
class JSMetadata;
class JSOutline;
class JSPreview;
class JSScan;
class JSSelection;
class JSStyles;
class JSTables;
class JSUndoManager;
class JSViewport;
class EDScanParagraph;
class JSError
const QString &type() { return _type; }
const QString &message() { return _message; }
const QString &operation() { return _operation; }
const QString &html() { return _html; }
QString _type;
QString _message;
QString _operation;
QString _html;
class JSModule
JSModule(JSEvaluator *evaluator) : _evaluator(evaluator) {};
JSEvaluator *_evaluator;
// Functions implemented in AutoCorrect.js
class JSAutoCorrect : public JSModule
void correctPrecedingWord(int numChars, const QString &replacement, bool confirmed);
QJsonObject getCorrection();
QJsonObject getCorrectionCoords();
void acceptCorrection();
void replaceCorrection(const QString &replacement);
// Functions implemented in ChangeTracking.js
class JSChangeTracking : public JSModule
bool showChanges();
bool trackChanges();
void setShowChanges(bool showChanges);
void setTrackChanges(bool trackChanges);
// Functions implemented in Clipboard.js
class JSClipboard : public JSModule
QJsonObject clipboardCut();
QJsonObject clipboardCopy();
void pasteHTML(const QString &html);
void pasteText(const QString &text);
// Functions implemented in Cursor.js
class JSCursor : public JSModule
QString positionCursor(int x, int y, bool wordBoundary);
QRect getCursorPosition();
void moveLeft();
void moveRight();
void moveToStartOfDocument();
void moveToEndOfDocument();
void insertReference(const QString &itemId);
void insertLink(const QString &text, const QString &url);
void insertCharacter(unsigned short character, bool allowInvalidPos);
void deleteCharacter();
void enterPressed();
QString getPrecedingWord();
QJsonObject getLinkProperties();
void setLinkProperties(QJsonObject properties);
void setReferenceTarget(const QString &itemId);
void insertFootnote(const QString &content);
void insertEndnote(const QString &content);
// Functions implemented in Equations.js
class JSEquations : public JSModule
void insertEquation();
// Functions implemented in Figures.js
class JSFigures : public JSModule
void insertFigure(const QString &filename, const QString &width,
bool numbered, const QString &caption);
QString getSelectedFigureId();
QJsonObject getProperties(const QString &itemId);
void setProperties(const QString &itemId, const QString &width, const QString &src);
QJsonObject getGeometry(const QString &itemId);
// Functions implemented in Formatting.js
class JSFormatting : public JSModule
QJsonObject getFormatting();
void applyFormattingChanges(const QString &style, QJsonObject properties);
// Functions implemented in Input.js
class JSInput : public JSModule
void removePosition(int posId);
QString textInRange(int startId, int startAdjust, int endId, int endAdjust);
void replaceRange(int startId, int endId, const QString &text);
QJsonObject selectedTextRange();
void setSelectedTextRange(int startId, int endId);
QJsonObject markedTextRange();
void setMarkedText(const QString &text, int startOffset, int endOffset);
void unmarkText();
bool forwardSelectionAffinity();
void setForwardSelectionAffinity(bool forwardSelectionAffinity);
int positionFromPositionOffset(int posId, int offset);
int positionFromPositionInDirectionOffset(int posId, const QString &direction, int offset);
int comparePositionToPosition(int positionId, int otherId);
int offsetFromPositionToPosition(int fromPosition, int toPosition);
int positionWithinRangeFarthestInDirection(int startId, int endId, const QString &direction);
QJsonObject characterRangeByExtendingPositionInDirection(int positionId, const QString &direction);
QJsonObject firstRectForRange(int startId, int endId);
QJsonObject caretRectForPosition(int posId);
int closestPositionToPoint(int x, int y);
int closestPositionToPointWithinRange(int x, int y, int startId, int endId);
QJsonObject characterRangeAtPoint(int x, int y);
int positionWithinRangeAtCharacterOffset(int startId, int endId, int offset);
int characterOffsetOfPositionWithinRange(int positionId, int startId, int endId);
bool isPositionAtBoundaryGranularityInDirection(int posId, const QString &granularity,
const QString &direction);
bool isPositionWithinTextUnitInDirection(int posId, const QString &granularity,
const QString &direction);
int positionFromPositionToBoundaryInDirection(int posId, const QString &granularity,
const QString &direction);
QJsonObject rangeEnclosingPositionWithGranularityInDirection(int posId,
const QString &granularity,
const QString &direction);
// Functions implemented in Lists.js
class JSLists : public JSModule
void increaseIndent();
void decreaseIndent();
void clearList();
void setUnorderedList();
void setOrderedList();
// Functions implemented in Main.js
class JSMain : public JSModule
QString getLanguage();
void setLanguage(const QString &language);
QString setGenerator(const QString &generator);
bool prepareForSave();
QString getHTML();
bool isEmptyDocument();
// Functions implemented in Metadata.js
class JSMetadata : public JSModule
QJsonObject getMetadata();
void setMetadata(const QJsonObject &metadata);
// Functions implemented in Outline.js
class JSOutline : public JSModule
QJsonObject getOutline();
void moveSection(const QString &sectionId, const QString &parentId, const QString &nextId);
void deleteItem(const QString &itemId);
void goToItem(const QString &itemId);
void scheduleUpdateStructure();
void setNumbered(const QString &itemId, bool numbered);
void setTitle(const QString &itemId, const QString &title);
void insertTableOfContents();
void insertListOfFigures();
void insertListOfTables();
void setPrintMode(bool printMode);
QJsonObject examinePrintLayout(int pageHeight);
bool detectSectionNumbering();
QJsonObject findUsedStyles();
// Functions implemented in Preview.js
class JSPreview : public JSModule
void showForStyle(const QString &styleId, const QString &uiName, const QString &title);
// Functions implemented in Scan.js
class JSScan : public JSModule
void reset();
EDScanParagraph *next();
int addMatch(int start, int end);
void showMatch(int matchId);
void replaceMatch(int matchId, const QString &text);
void removeMatch(int matchId);
void goToMatch(int matchId);
// Functions implemented in Selection.js
class JSSelection : public JSModule
void update();
void selectAll();
void selectParagraph();
void selectWordAtCursor();
QString dragSelectionBegin(int x, int y, bool selectWord);
QString dragSelectionUpdate(int x, int y, bool selectWord);
QString moveStartLeft();
QString moveStartRight();
QString moveEndLeft();
QString moveEndRight();
void setSelectionStartAtCoords(int x, int y);
void setSelectionEndAtCoords(int x, int y);
void setTableSelectionEdgeAtCoords(const QString &edge, int x, int y);
void print();
// Functions implemented in Styles.js
class JSStyles : public JSModule
QString getCSSText();
void setCSSText(const QString &cssText, const QJsonObject &rules);
QString paragraphClass();
void setParagraphClass(const QString &paragraphClass);
// Functions implemented in Tables.js
class JSTables : public JSModule
void insertTable(int rows, int cols, const QString &width, bool numbered,
const QString &caption, const QString &className);
void addAdjacentRow();
void addAdjacentColumn();
void removeAdjacentRow();
void removeAdjacentColumn();
void clearCells();
void mergeCells();
void splitSelection();
QString getSelectedTableId();
QJsonObject getProperties(const QString &itemId);
void setProperties(const QString &itemId, const QString &width);
void setColWidths(const QString &itemId, const QJsonArray &colWidths);
QJsonObject getGeometry(const QString &itemId);
// Functions implemented in UndoManager.js
class JSUndoManager : public JSModule
int getLength();
int getIndex();
void setIndex(int index);
void undo();
void redo();
void newGroup(const QString &name);
QString groupType();
// Functions implemented in Viewport.js
class JSViewport : public JSModule
void setViewportWidth(int width);
void setTextScale(int textScale);
// All modules
class JSInterface
JSInterface(JSEvaluator *evaluator);
JSAutoCorrect autoCorrect;
JSChangeTracking changeTracking;
JSClipboard clipboard;
JSCursor cursor;
JSEquations equations;
JSFigures figures;
JSFormatting formatting;
JSInput input;
JSLists lists;
JSMain main;
JSMetadata metadata;
JSOutline outline;
JSPreview preview;
JSScan scan;
JSSelection selection;
JSStyles styles;
JSTables tables;
JSUndoManager undoManager;
JSViewport viewport;
void processCallbacks(JSEvaluator *evaluator);