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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#pragma once
* A tree of Expression objects represents the abstract syntax tree that comprises part of a
* PEG (Parsing Expression Grammar). Each grammar consists of one or more named rules, each
* of which has an expression tree associated with it. The format of the grammars is described
* in the following paper:
* "Parsing Expression Grammars: A Recognition-Based Syntactic Foundation".
* Bryan Ford, POPL, January 2004.
* An Expression can be used by a code generator to produce the code for a parser, or alternatively,
* used directly to implement an interpreter to produce a parse tree based on the rules of the
* grammar.
* The types are as follows:
* ChoiceExpr - matches exactly one of the child expressions against the input. Each expression
* is tested in order, until a match is found, with the result being that of the child parse.
* Evaluation succeeds if one of the children matched.
* SequenceExpr - matches each of the child expressions, in order, following consecutively in the
* input. Evaluation succeeds if all children matched.
* AndExpr - Positive lookahead assertion. The single child expression is tested against the input,
* and evaluation succeeds if there is a match. Afterwards, the current position moved back to the
* location in the input where the lookahead test began.
* NotExpr - Negative lookahead assertion. The single child expression is tested against the input,
* and evaluation succeeds if the child *fails* to match. Afterwards, the current position moved
* back to the location in the input where the lookahead test began.
* OptExpr - The input is consumed if it matches, otherwise the position is left unchanged. In
* either case, the evaluation succeeds.
* StarExpr - The child expression is repeatedly evaluated against the input until no more matches
* occur. The evaluation always suceeds. The result is a list of 1 or more nodes.
* PlusExpr - The child expression is repeatedly evaluated against the input until no more matches
* occur. The evaluation always suceeds if at least one match was made. The result is a list of
* 1 or more nodes.
* IdentExpr - Reference to another rule defined in the grammar. Always has a value, representing
* the name of the rule, and when the grammar resolution algorithm (not yet implemented) is run,
* will have a single child pointing to the expression associated with the referenced rule.
* LitExpr - Literal match against a sequence of characters. Always has a value, representing
* the string to be matched, and has no child nodes.
* Class - Character class expression. Matches against any characters given in the children,
* all of which are range expressions.
* RangeExpr - Matches again a character that is between a specified minimum and maximum. Evaluation
* succeeds if the next input character c is such that start <= c < end.
typedef enum {
} ExprKind;
typedef struct Expression Expression;
Expression *ExpressionNewChoice(int count, Expression **children);
Expression *ExpressionNewSequence(int count, Expression **children);
Expression *ExpressionNewAnd(Expression *child);
Expression *ExpressionNewNot(Expression *child);
Expression *ExpressionNewOpt(Expression *child);
Expression *ExpressionNewStar(Expression *child);
Expression *ExpressionNewPlus(Expression *child);
Expression *ExpressionNewIdent(const char *ident);
Expression *ExpressionNewLit(const char *value);
Expression *ExpressionNewClass(int count, Expression **children);
Expression *ExpressionNewDot(void);
Expression *ExpressionNewRange(int lo, int hi);
void ExpressionFree(Expression *expr);
void ExpressionPrint(Expression *expr, int highestPrecedence, const char *indent);
ExprKind ExpressionKind(Expression *expr);
int ExpressionCount(Expression *expr);
Expression *ExpressionChildAt(Expression *expr, int index);
// Choice
int ExprChoiceCount(Expression *expr);
Expression *ExprChoiceChildAt(Expression *expr, int index);
// Sequence
int ExprSequenceCount(Expression *expr);
Expression *ExprSequenceChildAt(Expression *expr, int index);
// And, Not, Opt, Star, Plus
Expression *ExprAndChild(Expression *expr);
Expression *ExprNotChild(Expression *expr);
Expression *ExprOptChild(Expression *expr);
Expression *ExprStarChild(Expression *expr);
Expression *ExprPlusChild(Expression *expr);
// Ident, Lit
const char *ExprIdentValue(Expression *expr);
Expression *ExprIdentTarget(Expression *expr);
void ExprIdentSetTarget(Expression *expr, Expression *target);
const char *ExprLitValue(Expression *expr);
// Class
int ExprClassCount(Expression *expr);
Expression *ExprClassChildAt(Expression *expr, int index);
// Range
int ExprRangeStart(Expression *expr);
int ExprRangeEnd(Expression *expr);