blob: 163146f62096f982b88e689e1fb384a5086f0565 [file] [log] [blame]
package controllers;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
import models.*;
import play.libs.Json;
import play.mvc.Controller;
import play.mvc.Result;
import utils.*;
import utils.RESTfulCalls.ResponseType;
import views.html.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
public class ServiceExecutionLogController extends Controller {
final static Form<ServiceExecutionLog> serviceLogForm = Form
public static Result getConfigurationByConfId() {
List<ServiceConfigurationItem> serviceConfigItemList = new ArrayList<ServiceConfigurationItem>();
ServiceExecutionLog serviceLog = new ServiceExecutionLog();
String serviceName = null;
try {
DynamicForm df = DynamicForm.form().bindFromRequest();
String logId = df.field("logId").value();
if (logId == null || logId.isEmpty()) {
return notFound("confId is null or empty");
// Call API
JsonNode response = RESTfulCalls.getAPI(Constants.URL_SERVER + Constants.CMU_BACKEND_PORT + Constants.SERVICE_EXECUTION_LOG + Constants.SERVICE_EXECUTION_LOG_GET + "/" + logId);
System.out.println("Print service response: " + response);
int configurationId = response.get("serviceConfiguration").get("id").asInt();
JsonNode responseConfigItems = RESTfulCalls.getAPI(Constants.URL_SERVER + Constants.CMU_BACKEND_PORT + Constants.CONFIG_ITEM + Constants.GET_CONFIG_ITEMS_BY_CONFIG + "/" + configurationId);
serviceName = response.get("climateService").get("name").asText();
for (int i = 0; i < responseConfigItems.size(); i++) {
JsonNode json = responseConfigItems.path(i);
ServiceConfigurationItem serviceConfigItem = new ServiceConfigurationItem();
System.out.println("Print Parameter Name: " + json.get("parameter").get("name").asText());
System.out.println("Print Parameter Rule: " + json.get("parameter").get("rule").asText());
System.out.println("Print Parameter Purpose: " + json.get("parameter").get("purpose").asText());
System.out.println("Print Parameter Value: " + json.findPath("value").asText());
System.out.println("Print service Name: " + serviceName);
}catch (IllegalStateException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
String body = parseServicePageBody(serviceName, new String("body"));
String script = parseServicePageBody(serviceName, new String("script"));
return ok(serviceDetail.render(body, script, serviceConfigItemList, serviceLog));
public static String parseServicePageBody(String serviceName, String partName) {
String location = "public/html/service" + handleServiceName(serviceName) + ".html";
File htmlFile = new File(location);
String entireHtml = null;
String part = null;
try {
entireHtml = new Scanner(htmlFile).useDelimiter("\\A").next();
if (partName.equals("body")) {
part = entireHtml.substring(entireHtml.indexOf("<body>"), entireHtml.indexOf("</body>")+7);
// Change temp if the html format change
if (partName.equals("script")) {
String temp = entireHtml.substring(entireHtml.indexOf("<script>")+8, entireHtml.indexOf("<!-- Bootstrap -->"));
part = temp.substring(0, temp.indexOf("</script>"));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return part;
public static String handleServiceName(String temp){
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int count = buffer.indexOf("-");
while(count != 0){
int number = buffer.indexOf("-", count);
count = number + 1;
if(number != -1){
char a = buffer.charAt(count);
char b = (char) (a - 32);
buffer.replace(count, count+1, b+"");
temp = buffer.toString().replaceAll("-", "");
temp = temp.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + temp.substring(1);
return temp;
public static Result getServiceLog() {
List<ServiceExecutionLog> serviceLogList = new ArrayList<ServiceExecutionLog>();
JsonNode serviceLogNode = RESTfulCalls.getAPI(Constants.URL_HOST
// if no value is returned or error or is not json array
if (serviceLogNode == null || serviceLogNode.has("error")
|| !serviceLogNode.isArray()) {
return ok(serviceLog.render(serviceLogList, serviceLogForm));
// parse the json string into object
for (int i = 0; i < serviceLogNode.size(); i++) {
JsonNode json = serviceLogNode.path(i);
ServiceExecutionLog newServiceLog = deserializeJsonToServiceLog(json);
return ok(serviceLog.render(serviceLogList, serviceLogForm));
public static Result searchServiceLog() {
return ok(searchServiceLog.render(serviceLogForm));
public static Result getSearchServiceLog() {
Form<ServiceExecutionLog> dc = serviceLogForm.bindFromRequest();
ObjectNode jsonData = Json.newObject();
String dataSource = "";
String variableName = "";
String executionPurpose = "";
String userId = "";
String startTime = "";
String endTime = "";
String dataSetStartTime = "";
String dataSetEndTime = "";
Date executionStartTime = null, executionEndTime= null;
try {
dataSource = dc.field("Data Source").value().replace("/", "_");
//"data "+dataSource);
variableName = dc.field("Variable Name").value();
executionPurpose = dc.field("Execution Purpose").value();
//userId = dc.field("User Id").value().replace(" ", "%20");
//"data "+test);
//startTime = TimeConvert.datetoTimeStamp(dc.field("Start Time").value());
//endTime = TimeConvert.datetoTimeStamp(dc.field("End Time").value());
startTime = dc.field("Execution Start Time").value();
endTime = dc.field("Execution End Time").value();
//startLatitude = dc.field("Start Latitude").value();
//endLatitude = dc.field("End Latitude").value();
dataSetStartTime = dc.field("Dataset Start Time").value();
dataSetEndTime = dc.field("Dataset End Time").value();
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm");
if (!startTime.isEmpty()) {
try {
executionStartTime = simpleDateFormat.parse(startTime);
} catch (ParseException e) {
System.out.println("Wrong Date Format :" + startTime);
return badRequest("Wrong Date Format :" + startTime);
if (!endTime.isEmpty()) {
try {
executionEndTime = simpleDateFormat.parse(endTime);
} catch (ParseException e) {
System.out.println("Wrong Date Format :" + endTime);
return badRequest("Wrong Date Format :" + endTime);
if (variableName.equals("Air Temperature")) {
variableName = "ta";
} else if (variableName.equals("Cloud Ice Water Content")) {
variableName = "cli";
} else if (variableName.equals("Cloud Liquid Water Content")) {
variableName = "clw";
} else if (variableName.equals("Eastward Near-Surface Wind")) {
variableName = "uas";
} else if (variableName.equals("Equivalent Water Height Over Land")) {
variableName = "zl";
} else if (variableName
.equals("Equivalent Water Height Over Ocean")) {
variableName = "zo";
} else if (variableName.equals("Leaf Area Index")) {
variableName = "lai";
} else if (variableName.equals("Near-Surface Air Temperature")) {
variableName = "tas";
} else if (variableName.equals("Near-Surface Relative Humidity")) {
variableName = "hurs";
} else if (variableName.equals("Near-Surface Wind Speed")) {
variableName = "sfcWind";
} else if (variableName.equals("Northward Near-Surface Wind")) {
variableName = "vas";
} else if (variableName
.equals("Ocean Heat Content Anomaly within 2000 m Depth")) {
variableName = "ohc2000";
} else if (variableName
.equals("Ocean Heat Content Anomaly within 700 m Depth")) {
variableName = "ohc700";
} else if (variableName.equals("Ocean Salinity")) {
variableName = "os";
} else if (variableName.equals("Ocean Temperature")) {
variableName = "ot";
} else if (variableName.equals("Precipitation Flux")) {
variableName = "pr";
} else if (variableName.equals("Relative Humidity")) {
variableName = "hur";
} else if (variableName.equals("Sea Surface Height")) {
variableName = "zos";
} else if (variableName.equals("Sea Surface Temperature")) {
variableName = "tos";
} else if (variableName.equals("Specific Humidity")) {
variableName = "hus";
} else if (variableName
.equals("Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation")) {
variableName = "rldscs";
} else if (variableName
.equals("Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation")) {
variableName = "rsdscs";
} else if (variableName
.equals("Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation")) {
variableName = "rlds";
} else if (variableName
.equals("Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation")) {
variableName = "rsds";
} else if (variableName.equals("Surface Temperature")) {
variableName = "ts";
} else if (variableName
.equals("Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation")) {
variableName = "rsuscs";
} else if (variableName
.equals("Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation")) {
variableName = "rlus";
} else if (variableName
.equals("Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation")) {
variableName = "rsus";
} else if (variableName.equals("TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation")) {
variableName = "rsdt";
} else if (variableName
.equals("TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation")) {
variableName = "rlutcs";
} else if (variableName
.equals("TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation")) {
variableName = "rsutcs";
} else if (variableName.equals("TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation")) {
variableName = "rlut";
} else if (variableName.equals("TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation")) {
variableName = "rsut";
} else if (variableName.equals("Total Cloud Fraction")) {
variableName = "clt";
} else if (variableName.equals("Vertical Wind Velocity")) {
variableName = "wap";
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
//Data source and variable names are parameters
Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
parameters.put("model", dataSource);
parameters.put("var", variableName);
parameters.put("start_time", dataSetStartTime);
parameters.put("end_time", dataSetEndTime);
List<ServiceExecutionLog> response = queryServiceExecutionLogs(userId, executionStartTime, executionEndTime, executionPurpose, dataSetStartTime, dataSetEndTime, parameters);
return ok(searchServiceLogResult.render(response));
private static List<ServiceExecutionLog> queryServiceExecutionLogs(
String userId, Date startTime, Date endTime,
String executionPurpose, String dataSetStartTime,
String dataSetEndTime, Map<String, String> parameters) {
List<ServiceExecutionLog> serviceLogList = new ArrayList<ServiceExecutionLog>();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
ObjectNode queryJson = mapper.createObjectNode();
if (userId != null && !userId.isEmpty()) {
queryJson.put("userId", userId);
if (startTime != null ) {
queryJson.put("executionStartTime", startTime.getTime());
if (endTime != null) {
queryJson.put("executionEndTime", endTime.getTime());
if (dataSetStartTime != null) {
queryJson.put("dataSetStartTime", dataSetStartTime);
if (dataSetEndTime != null) {
queryJson.put("dataSetEndTime", dataSetEndTime);
if (executionPurpose != null && !executionPurpose.isEmpty()) {
queryJson.put("purpose", executionPurpose);
if (parameters != null) {
ObjectNode paramsNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
for (String paramName : parameters.keySet()) {
String paramValue = parameters.get(paramName);
if (paramValue != null && !paramValue.isEmpty())
paramsNode.put(paramName, paramValue);
if (paramsNode.size() > 0) {
queryJson.set("parameters", paramsNode);
JsonNode serviceLogNode = RESTfulCalls.postAPI(Constants.URL_HOST
+ Constants.CMU_BACKEND_PORT + Constants.QUERY_SERVICE_LOG, queryJson);
if (serviceLogNode == null || serviceLogNode.has("error")
|| !serviceLogNode.isArray()) {
return serviceLogList;
// parse the json string into object
for (int i = 0; i < serviceLogNode.size(); i++) {
JsonNode json = serviceLogNode.path(i);
ServiceExecutionLog newServiceLog = deserializeJsonToServiceLog(json);
return serviceLogList;
private static ServiceExecutionLog deserializeJsonToServiceLog(JsonNode json) {
ServiceExecutionLog newServiceLog = new ServiceExecutionLog();
String serviceName = json.get("climateService").get("name").asText();
+ " " + json.get("user").get("lastName").asText());
String executionStartTime = json.findPath("executionStartTime").asText();
String executionEndTime = json.findPath("executionEndTime").asText();
String datasetStudyStartTime = json.findPath("datasetStudyStartTime").asText();
String datasetStudyEndTime = json.findPath("datasetStudyEndTime").asText();
Date tmpTime = null;
try {
tmpTime = (new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a")).parse(executionStartTime);
if (tmpTime != null) {
newServiceLog.setExecutionStartTime(new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(tmpTime));
} catch (ParseException e) {
try {
tmpTime = (new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a")).parse(executionEndTime);
if (tmpTime != null) {
newServiceLog.setExecutionEndTime(new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(tmpTime));
} catch (ParseException e) {
try {
tmpTime = (new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a")).parse(datasetStudyStartTime);
if (tmpTime != null) {
newServiceLog.setDataSetStartTime(new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY-MM").format(tmpTime));
} catch (ParseException e){
// e.printStackTrace();
try {
tmpTime = (new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a")).parse(datasetStudyEndTime);
if (tmpTime != null) {
newServiceLog.setDataSetEndTime(new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY-MM").format(tmpTime));
} catch (ParseException e){
// e.printStackTrace();
if(json.get("url") != null) {
String pageUrl = Constants.URL_SERVER
+ Constants.LOCAL_HOST_PORT + "/assets/html/service"
+ serviceName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
+ serviceName.substring(1) + ".html" + json.get("url").asText();
return newServiceLog;